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pichi i checked my cp today and its gone from low firm and close to medium/high firm and closed.

thanks moochacha, if thats the case then i didnt bed after CD13 so im not feeling that hopeful. But who knows. Will just have to see what happens. I really hope your right though.

thanks ever so much for your help ladies.

thats the same as mine Laura ^__^

not had so many cramps today, just sort of a dull throbbing - ah, fingers crossed
Smiley, it's so tough when someone announces their pregnancy. You want to be so happy for them, but at the same time it just reminds you of what you don't have. We have every single one of us been in that situation before, and it sure doesn't get any easier. Sending hugs your way honey!!!

Laura I agree with what Pichi said about it could still be an implantation dip. Just remember that not all women get an ID and also one random up or down temperature doesn't mean anything. Hormones can be super whacky in the luteal phase, whether or not you're pregnant, so it's really best to look for a trend of rising temps (and ignore a few dips as long as they're above the line). Sticky glue to you!!!

Foxy, hang in there. Your temps are still well above the line. I know you have that feeling that the witch is on the way, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she still won't show. Hugs, PMA, and sticky sticky sticky glue to you!!!

Ablacketer, I'm sorry you didn't get the post o spike you were hoping for today. I can't imagine how frustrating it is with DH being away. :hugs: coming your way.

To the rest of the girls in the 2ww, PMA, baby dust, sticky glue all aimed at you!!!

For those about to ovulate, keep up the BD'ing and catch those eggies if you can.

For those that AF got, extra :hugs: but here's to a nice fresh cycle of charting and trying.
thanks berina hunny. its just soooo hard not knowing it really is. I try to predict everything and its so impossible.
Bernina-I'm wishing you all the best for surgery tomorrow. Can't wait until the renovation is done and your little bean is ready to move in! I hope you have a speedy recovery and we're all looking forward to hearing how it went.

Babyhopes-Every woman is different as far as their temps are concerned. Some are way low and others are way high, but 36.5 sounds like a normal temp for a human, LOL! You'll have to chart a bit more to see what is normal for you, can you add your chart to your signature so we can stalk it better?

Danielle-Just because AF seems like she's looming doesn't mean she is. Early preg and PMS signs are often very similar, don't lose hope yet, temps are still high!

Stacie-Sounds good for IB, not every woman sees an implantation dip, so dont worry if you don't have one.

Fairy-You bounced back! Yay! Any idea when you might test?

Yomo-Yep, temps should rise after O. For some they jump quick and for others (like me) they go up slowly. A sustained rise is all you need to confirm O. Now you have to play the waiting game, welcome to the 2ww!

jopascoe-Dashed lines mean there are conflicting signs of o so ff is less sure. Solid ones mean that it is more sure, but depending on your temps over the next few days, it may change it's mind (just ask Fairy LOL!). You likely did o and BD schedule sounds good. Hope you caught that egg!

Pichi-Sounds like 2nd temp is the better one, and that gives you a BEAUTIFUL dip at 7DPO, FX'd for you!!

Foxy-temps are still looking great this morning! Try to keep that PMA and hope that witch stays far, far away from you. Can't wait to see tomorrow's temps along with a +HPT!!

Laura-With a 17 day LP you could certainly be only implanting now. Most ladies have shorter LPs and so would have to implant earlier, but it sounds like your baby has time to travel. Let's wait to see what happens in the coming days, I hope to see a big jump tomorrow!

Shazza-You're still above the cover line, don't lose hope yet! When do you think AF might be due? I know how you feel with the pregnancy announcements. 2 of my sisters, 2 of my closest co-workers and my best friend from when we were like 3 all announced pregnancies this fall. That's 5 babies due between April and June!! Boy did I have a miserable autumn, even though I love them all and am so happy for them. Keep faith that your time will come!

Moochacha-What's up, girl? I think you may be ovulating! Keep getting it on! Did your goodies show up yet?

Good luck to all you ladies, hope to see some BFPs in the next couple of days!!
thanks mystic hunny, i really really hope your right. Worried myself stupid this morning seeing such a dip.
i don't think you should worry too much hun ^__^ keep that PMA :)

mysticdeliria - how are you? that bean snuggled in nicely? :D
i don't think you should worry too much hun ^__^ keep that PMA :)

mysticdeliria - how are you? that bean snuggled in nicely? :D

Thanks for asking pichi, I`m doing better. Spotting only lasted the one day last Friday, yeast infection is mostly cleared up (and I think Bernina you asked if I could take anything and apparently yes, the over-the-counter treatments are just fine in pregnancy). I`m still a little worried about the scan showing nothing but I have another one scheduled for next Tuesday when I should be 6+3 so I hope I get good news there. Unfortunately, I won`t get results from it until the following Monday, and lab techs are not allowed to share what they see on the screen so I will have to keep my eyes peeled and hope I can see something myself! All the best to all you girls!
thanks pichi hunny, you have really helped me today. xx
Hey SmileyShazza- I am really feeling for you! It is so hard to graciously respond to pregnancy announcements. Well, at first it isn't because you really do feel happy for that person, but the next day is another matter entirely. I had the same exact response when one of my closest friends announced in August.

I live quite far from my high school and college pals, and most of my cousins have already been through their baby stages. I'm one of the few people in my circle of friends here in Tucson, AZ that is trying to get preggers. It is a different sort of tension with them- in some ways I should be grateful that there aren't tons of women falling pregnant around me but in other ways I don't have anyone I can really share the ttc experience with. I hesitate to discuss it with my gal pals out here because I worry that it makes them feel like I'm pulling away because my life is going in a different direction- even though that isn't at all how I feel. Regardless, I'm very grateful to share the experience with all of you. I'm determined to post enough today to be able to put my chart link up :winkwink:

Showers of baby dust on y'all!

~ Jaimie
Oh- and I'm hoping your temps stay up Foxy and that AF does not arrive. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your procedure goes smoothly Bernina!
I just want to say my chart is looking different this month. I got a new thermometer.. It seems my temp is higher.:) This one is way more accurate.
thanks pichi hunny, you have really helped me today. xx

no problem. that's what we're all here for ^__^ x

mysticdeliria said:
Thanks for asking pichi, I`m doing better. Spotting only lasted the one day last Friday, yeast infection is mostly cleared up (and I think Bernina you asked if I could take anything and apparently yes, the over-the-counter treatments are just fine in pregnancy). I`m still a little worried about the scan showing nothing but I have another one scheduled for next Tuesday when I should be 6+3 so I hope I get good news there. Unfortunately, I won`t get results from it until the following Monday, and lab techs are not allowed to share what they see on the screen so I will have to keep my eyes peeled and hope I can see something myself! All the best to all you girls!

ah thats rubbish they wont tell you there and then! i'm sure little bean is there... might just be camera shy :winkwink:

shaerichelle: is it a proper BBT? with 2 decimal places?
Shazza-You're still above the cover line, don't lose hope yet! When do you think AF might be due?

Well thats the thing I'm not entirely sure as everything has changed sine my mc. Last months cycle was 30 days FF has me down as AF due on Saturday so am in the final countdown now :wacko:

Feeling a bit better this afternoon. Decided there was no point getting all forlorn as I don't know I'm out yet. I MUST remain positive until I see that broomstick flying in! (or not hopefully).

I hope your scan goes well on Tuesday - thats rubbish that they won't tell you anything there and then! Make sure you let us know how you get on.

To all those who are nearing the end of the 2ww good luck - keep thinking positively. I hope that AF stays clear for you all :thumbup:
Yeah Mystic i hope alls well at the scan. Cant believe they wont tell you anything but i hope your not waiting to find out for too long. Im sure all will be fine.

Berlina. i hope your Op goes ok as well.

Hey up shazza, keep up the PMA hun and send some this way. :haha: like you say your not out until the :witch: rears her ugly head.

Thank you all for the well wishes!!

Mystic, I hope that scan goes well and that you get to see for yourself the little bean snuggled in there nice and tight. I can't believe they can't share the results, that is so very frustrating. Glad to hear the infection is clearing up.

Shannon, glad you got a new thermo, that can make all the difference in seeing those thermal shifts on your chart.

Smiley, glad to hear you're feeling more positive :)
Just very quickly before I pick up OH from work ladies.

Thank you to you all for your support :) means a lot and has kept me going all through the day. I think AF must be stuck in the rush hour traffic (it's really bad tonight) as she hasn't shown her face as yet! Very late in the day for her not to have shown, so with any luck........

Guarantee within a few minutes of me posting this she'll turn up haha

I will catch up properly with charts, posts etc later on tonight.

Bernina - best of luck for your surgery tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.

Mystic - I'm sending lots of PMA your way. Wishing that scan would hurry up for you :)
Is anyone on this thread on or around CD 9? I'd like to find some cycle buddies- what is the best way to go about that?

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