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moochacha - yey for the crosshairs :) woo hoo. I was thinking of trying moon cups next cyle (if needed). Yes, small temp rise today. Previous cycles AF has arrived on high temps, so still not got my hopes up. Hoping that CD19 was definitely ov day - don't want it to be CD21 like last month and that be the reason AF hasn't shown yet!

Arrrgghhhhh - I know that if I test in the morning, it'll be a BFN closely followed by AF. May hold out until Thursday!

Good luck Daniellerbee :)
Stay away :witch: there are people out there who are waiting for you - clue they don't hang aorund in thbis thread :haha:

Foxy looking good hun. I know what you mean about not wanting to test too though. I keep thinking when I might think about doing it if that line doesn't take a nosedive tomorrow
We are in the same boat Shazza. Hoping :witch: is heading north somewhere way passed Hampshire and Buckinghamshire! :)

Great news ablacketer - make the most of him this evening :happydance:

Off to bed for me.

Update you all in the morning :)
Good luck Danielle!! And good call waiting for FMU, it's a good idea when testing early.

Moochacha-Glad your package came just in time. I've never used a moon cup but I imagine they would take some practice getting used to. I don't think you could have done too much damage to the swimmers, I'm sure they're just fine in there! Congrats on the crosshairs!!

Foxyand Shazza-I am on pins and needles for you tonight, looking forward to tomorrow's temps! Think warm thoughts!!
Well, on the way home I bought 2 pregnancy tests because I couldn't wait until morning. I figured I would waste one tonight.....but it was a BFP! It is light, but it is there! I will retest in the morning and hopefully it will be darker. I am in shock. I never expected for it to happen so soon. I started taking Vitex this cycle and I ovulated for the first time in at least a year! It is a miracle! If you do not ovulate much on your own, try Vitex. You can get it at any health food store and it only cost 12.95 for 90 pills. Thank you so much for your encouragement and friendship. I am so excited! Baby dust for everyone!
Well, on the way home I bought 2 pregnancy tests because I couldn't wait until morning. I figured I would waste one tonight.....but it was a BFP! It is light, but it is there! I will retest in the morning and hopefully it will be darker. I am in shock. I never expected for it to happen so soon. I started taking Vitex this cycle and I ovulated for the first time in at least a year! It is a miracle! If you do not ovulate much on your own, try Vitex. You can get it at any health food store and it only cost 12.95 for 90 pills. Thank you so much for your encouragement and friendship. I am so excited! Baby dust for everyone!
Congrats. I will look into it.
I've been away because my internet has been down. So frustrating! I've been trying to check in on my phone but it's just not the same.

So much has happened since I last checked in.

Congrats Shambaby, Danielle & anyone else I missed who got a :bfp:!!

Moochacha- congrats on your crosshairs, hope I get some soon

Foxy- Your chart looks great, fx'd for a bfp for you!

Ablacketer - Seems like plenty of :sex: is in order

Shazza- I hope :witch: stays far far away, fx'd

Pichi- your temps look good, hope they stay on the rise

Fish&Chips, Minime & Mystic- I hope you ladies and your little beanies are doing well = )

As usual sorry if I missed anybody, :dust: to all.

As for me, my temps have been all over the place this month. Not worried about it to much since were taking a little break this month. Just trying to figure out when I ovulated. Without my opk's I'm lost. I think I may have ovulated yesterday but I'm not sure.
Congratulations Daniellerbee! FX crossed for more bfps in the coming days.
Congratulations Danielle thats great news :happydance:

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months hun :hugs:

Still keeping those fingers crossed for you Foxy :winkwink:

Slight temperature drop again for me today, still just above the coverline though. Not giving up just yet though!

It's cold and I'd love it if I could just curl up and go back to :sleep: grrrrr at having to go to work today :(
Congratulations Daniellerbee! Make sure that bean gets cozy :)
My temp dropped today to 36.79'c. Its still well above covrtline but still kinda makes me feel out :(

Where is Foxy? Looking forward to hearing an update from her :D
Congratulations Daniellerbee :)

I'm here, along with a BFN!! :( Waiting for AF now. Maybe I ovulated a day or two later than FF suggests! Who knows. Don't know why I tested, they are always BFNs!!

Your temp is fine pichi - don't worry about it :)

Welcome back nadira :)
Congratulations Daniellerbee!
Commiserations Foxy, you're right it might still be too early. Fx AF stays away!!!
Nadira how have you coped with no internet? We went away for a week up north in the summer and I swear I had internet withdrawals!!!
Ablacketer hope you enjoyed the flying visit from your DH!
Moochacha congrats on the crosshairs, looks like we're both in two week wait!

As for me I am still not feeling well, combo of usual abdo pain, another cyst and diarrhoea for the past week. The chances of us conceiving this month are slim I think. Need help not to test until 9th Feb which will be cd32 and 18dpo.
Oh foxy :hugs: I still have my fingers crossed for you xx

My stomach won't stop grumbling! I'm going to end up chubbier than I am now next month with all this eating.
Think I may also be coming down with a cold-great! >_<
Ladies, sorry to jump in with a question but for some daft reason its really getting to me...

I am CD24 but I dont know if/when I ovulated this month and Ive been off the pill for four months (Ive had a 28, 27, 24 and 35 day cycle, which added and divided by 4 gives me 28.5 days average!). I think I may have ovulated 12 days a go as that was the point where I didnt do my OPK's and stuff, the following week I did them and they showed a faint line which I have noticed I get after I have ovulated and not before. Anyway, getting to the point lol my OH checked my cervix last night (we've only been doing this for about 5 days so were not sure at all) and he said that my cervix was "softish" maybe low (depth we cant work out after 5 days) and open. OPEN???? Im so confused, does this mean I am ovulating now? Surely at CD23 an eggy would have no chance of survival even at my longest cycle length :( we couldnt even BD cos my little sis stayed over at ours! I dont know why but its really upset me as Im thinking the poor little eggy would have no chance so late on? Or does it being open mean Im about to start AF early? It has been closed for the few days before he said.

Any advice would be really appreciated, im not normally an emotional easily upset type but this has really got to me. Thank you ladies.
usually when you are ovulating it is SHOW = Soft, High, Open & Wet.

do you chart? because if you are, there should have been a rise in temp when you ovulated :)
Hi Pichi, thanks for your reply. No I have just bought a BBT thermometer and its my plan for next cycle so I dont even have that to go off.

"softish" open, wet and "maybe high not sure" is all I have to go off. But before this I would say I ovulated between 10 and 12 days earlier. So confused! He did say around that time that it was open then as well if that helps? I know when you have given birth vaginally in the past it can remain open but I didnt, I had a c section with my DS.
hmm, not too sure then ( im quite reliant on my chart now haha ) you may be due AF in a few days - then again, you may have another long cycle :S sorry that's no help to you
morning all.

Huge conatulation Danielle on your BFP

Foxy- sorry it was a bfn hunny. I know you prob here this all the time nd i hate it when people say it to me but its not over until AF shows and hopefully she doesnt. Fingers crossed that you OVd later than you thought.

Pichi, sorry about the temp drop but its still above the cover line so thats good.

Well after my fairly large dip i had a tmp rise this morning. Went from 36.5 to 36.7 so im keeping everything crossed that it may have been an implantation dip.

What do you think girls? 12 DPO today and 5 more days to go.


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