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Pichi, Tierney & Fairygirl :hugs: Sorry she got you.

Very much so the same here- I hope you are coping with it better than I have over my past several cycles. This message board and charting have truly been a god send this month though- it really helped me rally after my last visit from AF.

Had a temp rise this morning, but I was out late so I'm waiting to see if whether or not this was the post ov rise. So- the full moon last night was a wolf moon and closer to earth than it will be for some time. The wolf moon is a native american term that originated from the mid winter (usually january) full moon when the wolves were hungriest and baying at the edges of the camps. I'm hoping this was a good omen for those of us currently working the big O :happydance:

Sending lots of support your way Pichi, Tierney & Fairygirl :hugs:
I'm trying to get hold of a CBFM for a reasonable price off ebay. I need it to be delivered Tues though. A rather late impulse buy. If not I need to figure out opks. Best of luck to everyone waiting to O or in the 2ww. xxx
Ah man I have flat temps, checked its not the thermometer but I think its time to get a BBT thermometer... :(
I'm trying to get hold of a CBFM for a reasonable price off ebay. I need it to be delivered Tues though. A rather late impulse buy. If not I need to figure out opks. Best of luck to everyone waiting to O or in the 2ww. xxx

I should start looking into buying one this week in time for the next cycle but there is always that hesitation in the 2ww that maybe you're pregnant and you don't need one.

I'm actually thinking of buying a babycomp, it's really expensive but you get 10 years manufacturers warranty. Plus I figure I can use it as a natural way to prevent pregnancy.

I worked it out for price of using a CBFM and buying the pee sticks for a few years it would cost more than the babycomp which is something you can use while TTC and while preventing pregnancy.

These things are amazing they have everything, works like an OPK, has integrated pregnancy test, takes your temperature, charts your BBT. Basically does everything and all you have to do is use it like a thermometer. I've been looking into for a few months now.

Then there is OvaCue... Which I'm thinking is a better product because it detects you ovulation via measuring electrolyte levels which apparently is 98.3 accurate while clear blue is only 72% accurate, given this information was taking from their website I found other sites that suggest that measuring ovulation via electrolyte levels to be more accurate than urine. Interesting.... I'm still deciding though.
I just use OPKs. Just the cheap ones off amazon work fine for me. Got a real dark line last month :) 40 for £5 and they chucked in 10 HPTs too. I wouldn't use those to confirm pregnancy tho
i couldnt do my temp this morning cuz i forgot my thermometer at home..!! i hope that wont have a huge affect on my chart :dohh: im so annoyed at my self
Sorry to hear she got you pichi, Looks like we are on the same cycle days this cycle.

Thanks for the info on long cycles Foxy x
3dpo and still having crampy pain on my left side. any thoughts?
Thanks for the info girls. Moochacha I'm intrigued my the lady comp and having a look now.

Babyhopes, one temp shouldn't make a difference.
Sorry Ablacketer, I can't think want pain could be if you have definately O'd unless the Luteum cyst is slightly larger than normal or something to do with that?
Jamie the moon was beautiful last night.
Ah man I have flat temps, checked its not the thermometer but I think its time to get a BBT thermometer... :(

I have one and mine is giving me the same temp 3 days in a row. I am not sure why and it is new. Plus I think I am going to O soon.
I'm trying to get hold of a CBFM for a reasonable price off ebay. I need it to be delivered Tues though. A rather late impulse buy. If not I need to figure out opks. Best of luck to everyone waiting to O or in the 2ww. xxx

I should start looking into buying one this week in time for the next cycle but there is always that hesitation in the 2ww that maybe you're pregnant and you don't need one.

I'm actually thinking of buying a babycomp, it's really expensive but you get 10 years manufacturers warranty. Plus I figure I can use it as a natural way to prevent pregnancy.

I worked it out for price of using a CBFM and buying the pee sticks for a few years it would cost more than the babycomp which is something you can use while TTC and while preventing pregnancy.

These things are amazing they have everything, works like an OPK, has integrated pregnancy test, takes your temperature, charts your BBT. Basically does everything and all you have to do is use it like a thermometer. I've been looking into for a few months now.

Then there is OvaCue... Which I'm thinking is a better product because it detects you ovulation via measuring electrolyte levels which apparently is 98.3 accurate while clear blue is only 72% accurate, given this information was taking from their website I found other sites that suggest that measuring ovulation via electrolyte levels to be more accurate than urine. Interesting.... I'm still deciding though.

I have been looking at these as well. I am seriously thinking about it. I am getting frustrated.
Hi all! Sorry I wasn't on the last few days, I suddenly started feeling not so well. No clue if it was surgery/anesthesia related or just a coincidence. Friday I felt very short of breath and it just seemed like it took more effort to breath, like I really had to concentrate. Ended up going to urgent care that night who eventually referred me to the ER to rule out blood clots from the birth control pills I recently started. After 7 hours of waiting and tests, they ruled clots out with bloodwork, a chest x ray and CT scan with dye (oh the hot flashes that caused!). So they sent me home and said to just check in with my family doctor on Monday (oh so helpful!).

DH suggested that perhaps I was having acid reflux and got me a bunch of antacids to try (he has suffered from reflux in the past). The antacids helped greatly so I'm wondering if that was what was going on. I find that I have to sleep with my head really propped up on pillows otherwise my throat starts to burn (classic sign of reflux). I just took a nap and noticed the tightness in my chest returning, but as soon as I got up and moved around it went away, so now I'm totally confused.

Have any of you had symptoms like this (either with or without surgery)? Just curious to hear from anyone who has had something like this. I'll definitely be calling my DR in the morning to see if he can check out the reflux, at the very least will give me reassurance that's what it was. The tight chest is really what concerns me, but like I said, now that I'm up and about it's completely gone.

Sorry to all the girls that AF got, that darn full moon was just so strong that it pulled AF right out of you! Here's to some nice valentine's day ovulating for you guys!!! Do they celebrate Valentine's Day in the UK? Always thought it was a US holiday (damn Yankee taking ownership of everything!) but noticed lots of talk of it on here.

Baby dust and sticky glue to those about to O or in the 2ww!!!

Jamie, only 2 days until LOST!!! So so excited!!
Sorry you werent feeling well Bernina. I can tell you that the all the signs you have sound like acid reflux to me. Get some apple cider vinegar, with the mother.. Braggs brand is one take a capful around the time of your next few meals and it should go away:) It cured mine.
hi ladies,

im in my 2ww having ov'd 10 days late according to ff's estimation. however im 5dpo and had some creamy light pink cm...
could af be coming really early if i go by last month where i ovulated on cd15 i would be due in 4 days, however this month i apparently ov'd on cd25.
I feel a bit crampy...
I know you guys are the charting experts so please have a peek and let me know your thoughts.

I hope you all well :)
Kittygirl your thermal shift is really clear. I hope the pink resolves itself, maybe implantation? :dust:
Bernina, yes we have Valentines. The moon was beautiful but AF has been a bit mean. I'm guessing I have to wait 21-26 days for O so it'll be a little after Valentines for me. I have a CBFM on the way to help me pinpoint O. Hope you are feeling better xx
i hope so but l guess im gonna have to wait for tomorrows temp, good luck with your cbfm, i agreed if i get to 4 months ttc with no luck i might give one ago, i shouldnt moan because im only at the beginning really and there are some wonderful ladies here who have been trying alot longer and i admire there stregnth as its so hard all the waiting and wondering :)
Not been able to get on much over the weekend as have had a really busy one and have had guests so not been on the net hardly at all.

Berina - sounds like reflux to me, I hope you start feeling better soon. Hopefully the doctor will be able to put your mind at rest and give you something to help :hugs:

Sorry to all those that have had a visit from the :witch: shes been particularly horrible to me this time so we've had words and I've properly fallen out with her now - am hoping she has realised she isn't welcome next month!

Have to say I am intrigued by the CBFM and the Babycomp but this will only be our second cycle so a bit early to resort to them I think. I fell on our 4th cycle last time so fingers crossed it will happen soon for us.

AF has almost gone now so am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things ready for ov next week :happydance:
Thank you so much Shannon, that makes me feel a lot better. I actually have a jar of Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother from Trader Joe's. I had no idea that could help with reflux, but I'll definitely give it a go! Thanks!

Kitty, I agree that cd 25 looks like a definite ovulation day on your current chart. I'm really wondering if in your last cycle because of the missed temps if you ovulated a bit later than FF indicated. Its hard to tell with some of the missing temps and discarded temps. It's hard to go by your cm also because you really only had a day or two of fertile mucus. I'm sorry I'm not really giving you an answer :( The creamy pink cm could just be a fluke, could be delayed ovulation spotting (although I think that 5 days after it would be more brown than pink as it would be old), or could also mean you have a bit of irritation in your vagina. Just really need to wait and see what those temps do but right now they are nice and high.

For those with a CBFM on order or who are thinking about getting one, I totally recommend them. I'm not using mine this cycle due to being on the pill, but will be using it as soon as I get my next AF (can't wait for those nasty pills to be done but since they are helping my uterine lining to heal I guess I can't complain too much). If you guys have any question on them, just let me know!

Fairy, I hope that the reason your cycles are on the longer side and irregular is because your body is still adjusting to being off the pill. Do you remember if you had regular cycles prior to going on the pill? The CBFM will totally help you to get a better view of your cycle along with continuing to use FF.

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