Sorry girlies, didn't read your posts about testing same time so I did one this morning..........................................................................................
Don't count yourself out until the comes! FX she stays away!! I did not get a BFP until 16DPO last month so I still have hope for you!!! My temps are still up, I am so nervous for this weekend!!! Hopefully the witch will stay away for the next 9 months for all of us ladies!!!!!
ntat. That's such a bummer. I don't want to give false hope, but you really aren't out until the arrives.
I'm not nervous about testing anymore. Well, I am a little, but I have "pregnant boobs"! They're huge! When I was getting into PJs last night, hubby took a look and said, "Whoa, those are big!" They're also sensitive and my aroelas are dark. I haven't been this confident about about a pregnancy test since I got my bfp with Lil Peanut. DH and I are already talking like I'm pregnant. I know I could still get a bfn but I'm not counting on it. We're buying the tests this evening.
Yes, do a test ASAP Starry, sounds like a BFP to me.... woo hoo!
Ennie, still got my fingers x'd for you too...
Lets hope I'm not the only one who doesn't get a BFP otherwise I'll be here all on my own.. sob, lol!
Got severe cramps now, so think I'm out for this month for sure. Got told first AF after ERPC may be quite bad so I'm preparing myself (big bar of chocolate and lots of painkillers.... )
I am probably not ovulating for a few days yet, so you def won't be alone NTAT! I have been super tired and like I am fighting off an illness so this cycle might be a miss anyway.
I'm testing tomorrow morning. Not sure what time that will be for you, UK'ers. Noonish? ha ha! I'm kicking myself for not testing today! I'm still feeling somewhat confident but it's still early and my symptoms aren't always super strong or consistent so am having a moment of doubt. The torture! LOL But right now I'm so bloated I can barely do up my jeans and bending over to tie my shoes kills. Blah. Why didn't I test???
I'm in Canada. It's still early enough that I need first morning urine for accuracy otherwise I'd be testing as we speak. It'll be another 9 hours. My symptoms have come back but now I'm feeling very heavy. I know pregnancy can mimic AF but I'm still nervous. I'm even more nervous that I am pregnant but am headed towards a chemical. I really shouldn't do this to myself. I just want this one so bad. If I am pregnant this baby would be due the day I lost the other one. That would be so special!
Good luck everyone testing this weekend and next week i will try to check in on my hols!!
AFM i dunno where i stand still no AF and not got any symptoms either way today i do feel out this month and hope AF wont come on my hols she is due sun/mon by my O day but who knows maybe messed up from my loss still ?? Hope to see some BFP when i do check in anyhow ladies thanks for your support on here x x
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