New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Hey there,

Thanks for the sleeping on the left tip Lullaby2010 - I have been sleeping on both sides, I usually sleep on my tummy but thats no longer an option :sleep: lol. Anyway, have been getting lots of veins on my legs since pregnant so gonna try anything that helps the circulation!

I'm wearing half maternity and half normal clothes - I don't know why but I feel like a fraud in my maternity stuff :shrug: That sounds even sillier now that I have put it in writing!

Yes - I am so so excited for my next scan too. We're not going to find out the sex, are you???

I've been trying to hold off buying anything and getting too carried away on e-bay before the 20 week scan... but I am raring to go *credit card in hand*. Have you girls bought anything yet? I think the thing that scares me the most in the pram - they all seem so complicated EEeek.

Anyway, off to try the baby photo thing... Chat soon
I keep trying to sleep on my left but I often wake up on my right lol.

As for maternity wear, I'm not exactly a small lass, but yeah the belly is definitely growing. I've been wearing maternity wear for a while now which has suddenly got too small as I forgot to allow for the growth of boobage lol so now I am having to buy some more in a bigger size and I need new bras too!!

I can't wait for the next scan!! I'm so excited!!!! :D Just wanna see my little one again and make sure everything is okay....... and see if they're a girl or a boy!!!

The doppler has come out every day this week and has been picking up a steady heart beat of 146 :)

We have bought a few baby clothes, grows, vests, bibs etc. But won't be buying anything else till after the next scan. This is the cot we've chosen:

and here's the travel system we want:

I also want to get one of these:

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
your cot and pram look lovely lullaby. i remember being really excited buying all that stuff when i was having dd. DH won't let me buy a new pram because he says there is nothing wrong with the one we've got. he's right but it would be nice to have a new one.

i'm still feeling the odd flutter of little pud but not every day. when he/she gets bigger i'm sure i will be feeling it all the time.
Thanks Flowertot :)

I think I might have felt something a few times but I'm not so sure now. lol.

DSD has been rubbing and cuddling my tummy today and talking to her little brother/sister. She's been telling him/her that she can't wait to meet them and that she promises to be the bestest big sister in the world!! More bester than anyone else!!!! lol She's so sweet! She asked to listen to the heartbeat as well. Bubs was asleep so we got a reading of 139.

Her little face has been lighting up all day! :D

your dsd sounds like such a lovely little girl.

so what makes you think you are having a boy? the doppler reading is one sign but what other things make you think you're having a boy?

with me its the fact that i have my last pregnancy to compare to really. its so different. i've been so sick this time and i've gone really fussy with food and last time i ate everything in sight lol. i might be totally wrong of course so we will see!

i'm also a little bit sad today. one of my friend's from another grough i'm with (knocked up naughties) has lost her little bean at 6.5weeks. i feel so sad for her because i know what its like.
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about your friend xx

I think it might be a boy because I've had dozens of dreams that I'm having a boy, from being at the ultrasound and being shown his bits, to breast feeding him, from dressing him to bathing him, and taking him to the shops with me. I've not had a single girl dream at all.

Also I've done the ring trick, needle and thread test, and pendulum swing, and they all came out with boy.

When I was pregnant last year (unfortunately mc at 6w last august) I kept dreaming it was a girl and that she was too small.

Last time dsd told me there was a little girl inside my tummy just before I took the test (I wasn't even that sure I was preg and hadn't said anything to her about it). This time she's been saying that I'm going to give her a little brother just after christmas. She was saying this for weeks on end before we finally told her that we are indeed having a baby a few weeks after christmas!!

As there's so many signs saying boy, it'll probably turn out to be a girl now lol, but if it is, I bet she'll be a sure-fire tomboy at that!! lol
wow thats amazing. sounds like your dsd is gifted.

have you done the chinese gender thing? mine says i'm having a girl but i still think boy.

it was right last time when i had dd and it has also been right for three of my friends but its 50/50 afterall lol.

oh and i have no idea how to get the "new year rockers" pic. i've tried to click on the pic but doesn't work.
My chinese gender thing said girl as well lol

The pic is located at you need to use the bb image code which is on the page xx
hi, can i join in? im due on 2nd Jan. its my first baby and i have a stepson aged 9. have been with hubby for 8 years and married one year and 3 months! TTC for 12 months and had one miscarriage along the way but we are finally here! Would some buddies who are due around the same time x
hi, can i join in? im due on 2nd Jan. its my first baby and i have a stepson aged 9. have been with hubby for 8 years and married one year and 3 months! TTC for 12 months and had one miscarriage along the way but we are finally here! Would some buddies who are due around the same time x

Hello Sazzle, welcome to the circle! :flower:

Sorry to hear of your loss :hugs:

Congratulations on your impending new arrival, how are you finding your pregnancy so far?

I woke up this morning to find my 2 little stretchmarks have been joined overnight by at least a dozen more very large and obvious ones! lol At this rate I'll have a tummy that resembles the material on a deckchair by the time little one arrives! ha haha

Do you have any predictions as to whether you're expecting a girl or a boy? When is your next scan? Also lastly. please can you tell me your bfp date? Thanks xx

I'll update the 1st post with your details :D
hi lullaby, im finding the pregnancy physically easy - no sickness, very little tiredness etc.. but emotionally im very up and down.

i have some stretchmarks on my tummy which look like they have got bigger, im using the cocoa butter oil which seems to moisturise much better than the cream .

i have a feeling im carrying a boy - i dont know why , might be completely wrong! i have my 20 week scan on sunday but we are not going to find out.. i like surprises!

not sure what a bfp date is? my due date is 2nd jan.

what is the chinese gender thing? x
Hi girls.

welcome Sazzle. google "chinese gender predictor" and it asked you for your age and the date of conception (i think) and it predicts your baby's gender. its just a bit of fun but i've been doing all sorts of test and reading all the old wives tales and i'm convinced i'm having a boy even though all the tests etc say i'm having a girl lol.

lullaby - what are you using on your stretchmarks? a friend of mine is suffering with them too and is using bio oil. i didn't have any with my first pregnancy and none this time as of yet but there's still time lol so i'm using cocoa butter like sazzle, mainly because i love the smell!

well i'm not feeling too good today. feel so weak and tired and i keep getting a feeling like my heart is beating too fast and that i'm going to have a panic attack or something even though i wouldn't know what one feels like.
just did another test and it says

26% boy
73% girl !!

lol i'm sure there is 1% missing somewhere!
it is fun doing these tests - i tried a couple last night - the old wives tale test which came out 60% girl and the swinging wedding ring one which also seemed to say girl . hmmm.. but i had a feeling it was a boy..

i like the smell of the cocoa butter - especially the oil which is different to the cream.

whereabouts in cheshire are you from flowertot? im going to chester 2day wedding dress and pram shopping with my mum and sis. my sis lives in capenhurst. x
it is fun doing these tests - i tried a couple last night - the old wives tale test which came out 60% girl and the swinging wedding ring one which also seemed to say girl . hmmm.. but i had a feeling it was a boy..

i like the smell of the cocoa butter - especially the oil which is different to the cream.

whereabouts in cheshire are you from flowertot? im going to chester 2day wedding dress and pram shopping with my mum and sis. my sis lives in capenhurst. x

i also did another test today which said 82% boy!

i'm from Warrington.
Hi Sazzle, the bfp is your Big Fat Positive - the day you found out you were pregnant :D

Flowertot, I was using bio oil but it's well and truly failed cos now I've got them everywhere!!!! So I've stopped bothering lol

My bump has suddenly gotten HUGE too! So have my bbs! They were already like canteloupes, now I have a pair of watermelons stuck to my chest and the midwife says they might get bigger yet! At this rate I'm gonna have pumpkins under my chin!!!! No good for me, but H2B will have a big smile on his face! lol, not that he ent grinning already!!!! Ha ha ha

What are these percentage tests you're doing? Please post some links and I'll give them a go xx
i'm rubbish with technology :blush: and i don't know how to post links and other things that most people find easy! all i do is put "gender prediction tests" into google and see what comes up. there are loads that come up. sorry can't help more :blush:

as for bb's i'm so chuffed that mine are growing again. i was only a Bcup before i had dd and after B'feeding they shrunk to an Acup! they have gone back to B/C cup now. i loved having big boobs when i was b'feeding (they were D/E cup). if they shrink really small again after b'feeding i'm seriously considering having a boob job! it doesn't happen to everyone though. some women say they go back to normal and others say they stay slightly bigger than they were pre-pregnancy. I bet if mine were huge though like you're saying i'd want them to be smaller. bet you get terrible backache.
Hey Ladies,

YAY - new member: Hi sazzle123 :wave:

I have been using cocoa butter stretchmark cream and lotion... it soaks in straight away which I'm guessing is a good sign. Think I'll try Bio-oil next though - have heard really good things about it. Is your skin everywhere else really dry at the moment too, I'm going through body lotion like there is no tomorrow - my favourite is the bodyshop raspberry body butter that I got on special, it smells soooooo good.

As for bbs... I'm still waiting from mine to grow. I'm determined to develop some cleavage during this pregnancy!!! :rofl:

Taken the day off work today because I have sinusitus. Felt so silly ringing up work as normally would just have decongestants and get on with it, but not being able to take medication makes it a whole different story. I feel like my head is in a vice being squished and that it will pop like a grape any minute :cry: Burst into tears on the phone to my poor boss, the poor guy was trying to comfort me but I bet he couldn't wait to get off the phone :rofl:

Off to do some gender predictions :happydance:
Catch you later
xm This one gave me a 69% chance of having a boy! This one said 82% girl! According to this one there was zero chance of having a boy at all this year so it must be a girl! lol

I still sy it's a boy though! :D
oh on margie hope you get better soon.

Who else is still really tired? though energy was meant to come back in 2nd tri....still waiting lol

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