Newbie!! TTC on clomid CD4 would love a buddie

SG - My PCOS was the same. No cystic ovaries, hormone levels were fine...but no periods. My cycles were 70-120+ SOMETHING was not right.

I don't have any IC OPK's...but I may buy a box of the good ones. Money is tight right now before DH's surgery so I don't want to "waste money"....and if I don't ovulate before his surgery, i'm out. Like I said, there will be no BDing while he I am putting all my eggs in one basket, so-to-speak and hoping I ovulate before next Thursday. That would be CD 15. So....Fx'd!!!! Although with my luck, i'll ovulate the day OF his surgery or something stupid. Boo. lol

Cdn - are you being monitored this cycle? If so it might be worth asking your doc for a hcg trigger next week if your follies look mature enough? And dont worry as even if you o the day of his surgery, your most fertile time are the 2 days prior to ov anyway so as long as you bd as much as you can before hand you should be good! FXd for you x
Nattymommy my cycles were very long too but the clomid has definately shortened them - so fx for you!!!

I don't drink Coffee so that isn't an issue but i really struggle to cut out sugars and chocolate - i am strict atm but if it doesnt work this month i'm going to eat/drink normally!

Cdn i will really keep everything crossed for you to o in time! just a quicki do you have horses? i noticed your name..I'm a dressage trainer!

Wow - you girls are more disciplined than me... I have cut down to one small coffee in the morning and trying to excercise more and have a healthy diet but not cutting anything out completely!

Im on 13dpo and af due today/tomo I had a very small amount of spotting this morning after bd (sorry tmi) so think af is on her way. grr!

We are off on holiday to Bali next Friday though (yay!) so not all bad...hopefully will o whilst away and the relaxing will help with the baby making!

Also just wanted to say its so great to have the support of you ladies :kiss: would be so hard doing this on my own as dh just doesnt understand bless him! He was actually completely unfazed by the bfn yesterday and said at least it means lots more bding!!
nimbec - I'm a dressage RIDER! ;) I also teach dressage lessons up to second level. :) Woohoo! Another horse person AND another dressage person. Excuse me while I look at you like you have 2 heads. ;) lol

They're minimally monitoring me this cycle. I just get bloods drawn on CD24 (weird, hey?) to check that I ovulated...but that's it. I can't do a trigger either because this is my first clomid cycle and they just want to see how it all my OBGYN lives an hour away and I doubt he'd give me a trigger just because DH is going for surgery and I want THIS cycle to be it. lol

I did CD2-6 instead of the CD3-7 that he suggested, hoping that i'd ovulate a little sooner. A girl can dream.

SG, my DH is kind of clueless about the whole thing, too. He's all "did you start your clomid yet?" and i'm like...."uhhh...I FINISHED it on Monday....when I TOLD YOU I was taking it. Now i'm just waiting to ovulate...." Like...did you listen to me AT ALL when I was explaining things???? Ugh. Men.
CdnEquestrian - Even my doc asked me to do progesterone test on CD23... I guess it is beacuse clomid sometimes increases cycle length.

And you shouldn't even get me started on hw clueless my DH is.... every time I mention PCOS... his reaction is what is that :wacko: .... and for him any mention of clomid has to come with the word fertility medicine... though he tries to be supportive. I guess it is because they dont spend as much time googling as we do.

btw I am on CD26 and experience cramping and pressure in my uterus like you hv b4 AF so just waiting for witch to show up.
Gosh girls so many of us with clueless oh's mine just keeps saying so are you pg then and calls me clomid girl grrr how annoyed does that make me! I think he is only just twigging that we only have a few fertile days per cycle after 10 cycles lol we are going to an Ivf open evening tomorrow as he has agreed if I'm not pg by November then we will start it - it took a lot of arm twisting I'm hoping thy will impress him and he may let us do it earlier, I can but hope!

Cnd I compete at psg I'm not sure how that conpares to your levels sequence changes 4,3,2 and canter pirouettes haha and yes another 2 headed friend ;)
Hi ladies!! :flower:

Oh my gosh, it's such a beautiful and sunny day here in England (sitting at my desk here in London - boo!), which is like a miracle in itself, so I'm excited! :happydance:

I don't drink coffee or tea (tea smell makes me gag! :coffee:) and I've never smoked and don't drink - I'm not AGAINST drinking, I just don't like the taste all that much - so I have very little to give up! :thumbup: I am a sucker for chocolate and coke zero (and the occassional 'fat' coke), so that's my downfall.

My temp did a massive spike thingy this morning, no idea what that means, but when you google temp spikes on 12DPO, all the entries are usually followed the following day by 'my temp fell drastically today', so I'll just continue to wait and see what happens with my temps tomorrow and Friday :winkwink:

SG, holy moly - BALI? What luxury! We went to Zanzibar for our honeymoon and MAN, that was the most relaxing holiday ever!

CDN, keeping fingers crossed for your O day being before hubby's surgery!

Niks, I've had that kind of thing for about 4 days now, but only very briefly, so sit tight, you never know! :thumbup:
Gosh girls so many of us with clueless oh's mine just keeps saying so are you pg then and calls me clomid girl grrr how annoyed does that make me!

Argh... kick him! HA HA! :happydance:

we are going to an Ivf open evening tomorrow as he has agreed if I'm not pg by November then we will start it - it took a lot of arm twisting I'm hoping thy will impress him and he may let us do it earlier, I can but hope!

Ooooh, good luck! :thumbup:

I must admit, my hubby is such a researcher (must be the scientist in him!), that whenever I've mentioned PCOS, or expressed frustration at the doctor's lack of a diagnosis, he's said to me 'I really don't think you have it, you don't have any symptoms'! HA HA! Bless him. When I tried to show him my chart last night, he said 'don't just show me the chart, because I don't have a clue what that means, you'll need to give me an explanation too'. So I explained that if my temp continues to go up for another few days, then it's a good sign and we should test, but if it starts declining, then I won't need to, because as soon as it dips quite a bit, AF will be here. I think he understands.... sort of!
Hey LKPone... You are really lucky that your hubby is so understanding... I am jealous now :D
Gosh girls so many of us with clueless oh's mine just keeps saying so are you pg then and calls me clomid girl grrr how annoyed does that make me! I think he is only just twigging that we only have a few fertile days per cycle after 10 cycles lol we are going to an Ivf open evening tomorrow as he has agreed if I'm not pg by November then we will start it - it took a lot of arm twisting I'm hoping thy will impress him and he may let us do it earlier, I can but hope!

Cnd I compete at psg I'm not sure how that conpares to your levels sequence changes 4,3,2 and canter pirouettes haha and yes another 2 headed friend ;)

Wow thats amazing good luck for the ivf night!
SG, holy moly - BALI? What luxury! We went to Zanzibar for our honeymoon and MAN, that was the most relaxing holiday ever!


LKPone we are very lucky as Bali is just a short hop on a plane as we live in Singapore currently - still v excited though :happydance:

Your hubby sounds amazing mine just glazes over whenever I start talking about my cycle/clomid etc!

Niks - dont be discouraged! Cramping is also an early pg symptom so could be a good sign!
No more spotting yet so I could still be in with a chance! :af:

WOOP WOOP! :happydance:

OFF TOPIC: Just as a matter of interest, did you move to Singapore for a job move? My hubby is in such high demand for a job in Norway - he's headhunted on a pretty much daily basis! :wacko: We were seriously considering it a year ago, before we moved to the country, but we love living the rural village life now, although a move to Norway or France might still be on the cards - even if just for a couple of years. You don't know if you don't try! :thumbup:
LKPone - yes we moved out here last year for hubby's job as his company asked him to set up their office over here. We love it! Although it is tough being away from friends and family, its not forever and we always wanted to experience living abroad. The weather's not bad either! Gosh Norway would be amazing..imagine seeing the Northern Lights and all that snow in winter..and reindeer! Gorgeous. I see you live in Hampshire though...that is also pretty stunning. However I would say you can always move back to the UK and we are really enjoying the experience for the moment :) are you still considering a move?
Thinking about it as a distant possibility still - mainly because it'll be really good for hubby's CV, our 'life' experience, as well as the fact that we'd very easily be able to save for a mortgage back in the UK for when we return. So I dunno :shrug: Still on the radar, but nothing serious at the moment! :winkwink: I always said that we should try and coincide it with my maternity leave one day, that way, I won't HAVE to find work.

Nimbec - We have PSG as well, I believe. Generally for us it's first level, second level, third level, fourth level, then I BELIEVE it goes PSG then Grand Prix....but since i'm only second level, I could be wrong. Don't quote me there. lol

I JUST started jumping, too. I was always a Dressage Queen but just took a clinic with an Olympic Showjumper...Robin Hahn. It was a blast! We jumped our first oxer, which was a lot of fun. I'm a big weenie I only jump 2'6"-2'9" currently. :) I unfortunately, can't afford to take a fall with my back problems. AS causes the spine to fuse together and become brittle and even a slip on the ice can shatter my I have to be VERY careful.

So my competition horse right now is my tried and true old girl that I raised and trained from a 3 month old orphan. Her name is Comida...which is the spanish word for food....because she was a "meat horse" and we have a sense of humor. lol I bought her at the auction when I was 15. :)

We've been together ever since...but she's not exactly the most athletic horse in the world. lol So we've been limited as to how far we can go. She's pretty much finished at second level...and it was tough for her to get there. Lateral work is difficult for her because she's super wide in the chest. She's a draft cross.

I bred her to a 17hh Cleveland Bay stallion and got a 16.2hh Black registered Cleveland Bay partbred gelding though who i've JUST started under i'm hoping he'll "replace" his mom as my competition horse. ;)
Hi ladies

I'm out :nope: Check out my chart this morning... urgh. Ah well, nothing to be done, but look onwards and upwards! :winkwink:

How is everyone today? I'm in all day training... and I mean ALL day... 9.30-5pm... :sleep:
Cnd Awww that's a fabulous story! You must have such a bond and great news that her foal is looking like he can fill her shoes. I used to have a yard of 11 but it was such hard work and owners were notoriously difficult - the horses were with me to compete! No pressure lol! So I have decided to just teach and have 1 of my own. My baby who I've had since a 2yr old and did my first psg on is now with a good frond of mine living a life of luxury he is now competing prelim - first level again! My top boy is still with me Selwin he is a real character very cheeky and bucks like mad - still at 13yrs old!! He's on holiday with his breeder while I try to get pg as gynae said I was putting to much stress on my body and he has not really ever had a propper holiday - he is in a field with a small herd he's been so funny as he's never lived out before - he was very nervous to start but now is king pin!!

So I'm just teaching at the minute and I'm actually enjoying a rest too. I'm also a nurse so I keep my self busy!

Hope everyone's ok? Any news?
Lkpone don't rule yourself out until witch shows plus you are still above your cover line - try to keep positive! Are your lp's normally 14days? Fx witch stays away for you!!!!

I'm 5dpo today an woke up feeling a bit nauseas I'm sure it's just my body playing cruel tricks!
LKPone! Youre not out yet! As Nimbec said it is not below your coverline - it could pick back up again. PMA! Everything is crossed for you :hugs:

Nimbec - 5dpo already not too long to go! Good luck for your ivf evening tonight

Cdn - what dpo are on on now hon? How are you feeling? Any clomid side effect?

Niks - any news? Did af show up after your cramping? FXd she stays away!

Nayymommy - any news hon?

Soo Im 14dpo and no sign of af at the mo...Im way too scared to test again though! I sort of know it is going to be a bfn so Im just going to wait for af...if she doesnt show by Monday maybe I'll test then. Now starting to get scared that I didnt actually o but I was on progesterone supplements from 3dpo until 12dpo so surely that should have also triggered af? confused :wacko:
Thank you sglady I'll let you all know how it goes! Did you decide to do the race sat? If you are poss preg it may not be a good idea my gynae has stopped me doing intensive exercise... Poss test sat beforehand if no witch? Hope you don't mind me saying :)

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