ohhh did you chose to have the abnormalities bloods done?
I said I didn't want them! didn't want the worry! lol
don't worry about the heart rate! baby's actual heart rate isn't determined 'til after 20 week's, sometimes after 26, as things are still developing and baby will start to move around much much more! hehe
but yay! for scan pics!hehe
looks lovely hunny xxxx
hi girls, I know its gone abit quiet on this thread but wanted to ask all you lovely pregnant ladies how many dpo you got your first BFP and how dark the line was? I tested at 11dpo with a Clearblue and there was a dark horizontal line and a very very faint vertical line (so much so I wondered if I was imaginging it). I tested again this morning 12dpo with a cheapie brand and there is a faint line but for some reason I don't believe that it can be positive. Ive just done my first round of clomid and really hope this is the month! Any help would be great!