****November 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Ok, I've updated everyone who's asked. Happy to do more.

I feel sick off and on throughout the entire day. Ugh. And bloated on occasion. I really hope I get a scan appointment through soon.

Can you please put me down as the 15th :) Even though I measured a day ahead of this date at my scan yesterday the dr still went with this EDD - and sounds good to me :)
Awesome i am so so sorry :( It must be so hard to go through this again. I hope you find the strength when you are ready to try again and get a beautiful rainbow who will make all this heartache worth it.

Ginny and AgelS congratulations on the ultrasound! AngelS i understand your frustration at being put back! I got put back 4 days and i can tell the measurement wasnt very accurate. It feel like this pregnancy is taking forever to go anywhere but at the end of the day, the baby will come when its ready and not because its at a particular gestation. My sister got put back almost a week and she was sure it wasnt right. Her baby was born at 36+6 weighing 7lbs.
Oh also today is the 2 year anniversary of when i found out i was miscarrying. I started bleeding and went for a scan. I was so happy to see a heartbeat but then they said the sac had dropped from the top of the uterus and was on its way out. But i feel ok actually. I have been pregnant for the same amount of time as with the mc and, this due date is only a day off what the angel would have been, so the fact that everything is going well so far, feels like i have made it through another milestone :)
So sorry to hear that. I don't want to erase your info on the first page if you don't want me to. I'll happily put an angel smiley by it instead. You let me know. Big hugs. xxx
Steph...thanks for the words. Yes it's hard with dates and panic sets in as being behind for me is a bad sign. I showed another thread the scan and they agree it's clear it's not measured properly so I feel better human error is at play. With my DS I measured 10 days behind until 6 months gone!

Awesome sorry again, I posted some advice on the PARL thread xo

I'm avoiding my edd manda until I'm a bit further and more confident xo
Hugs regarding the anniversary Steph.

I now don't keep mine or try to remember as id be sad too many times throughout the year xo
So sorry awesome. It's so so hard.
Unfortunately no one can tell you how to continue but yourself :(
Talk to your dr and take care of yourself.
I didn't know how I would cope after my Second miscarriage but here I am pregnant again.
AngelS, being measured behind is a bad sign for me too. I was expecting to be measuring 2 days behind because there was a 2 day window period when i could have ovulated, but not 4! I just hope these other 2 days are human error. I have an OB appointment on the 9th of April and think he will do an ultrasound. Just hope bean is ok.
So sorry to hear that. I don't want to erase your info on the first page if you don't want me to. I'll happily put an angel smiley by it instead. You let me know. Big hugs. xxx

I don't know. Whatever you feel is best. Thanks
So sorry to hear of your loss Awesome. We'll be thinking of you.
So sorry to hear that. I don't want to erase your info on the first page if you don't want me to. I'll happily put an angel smiley by it instead. You let me know. Big hugs. xxx

I don't know. Whatever you feel is best. Thanks

I'll put an angel smiley for now, as it feels right to me to honour these little ones while they were with us. But if you ever want me to remove it completely, just say. You're in my thoughts. :hugs:
I'm so sorry awesome hugs!! Give yourself time to grieve and when you're ready then you try again, that's all you can do. In the end my desire for a child wins after 2 losses myself. Hang in there <3
Does anyone else feel like they're going to "jinx" their pregnancy by getting a pregnancy ticker? Maybe after seeing a heartbeat on a u/s.

Went cross country skiing twice in the past two days and now I've got some lower abdomen/pelvic discomfort. Doesn't feel like anything serious, just stuff growing I guess.
I started to bleed today. Ultrasound confirmed that I am miscarrying again.
I feel so broken. So defeated.

How did you keep trying over and over again? How did you continue to risk putting yourselves through the anguish? I am so dead inside. Was there ever any explaination? Was there ever anything different you could do for the next time? Yet another scar on my heart.

I am so, so sorry. My heart breaks for you. I don't have any advice, just virtual hugs. You are so strong, you will get through this.
Does anyone else feel like they're going to "jinx" their pregnancy by getting a pregnancy ticker? Maybe after seeing a heartbeat on a u/s.

Went cross country skiing twice in the past two days and now I've got some lower abdomen/pelvic discomfort. Doesn't feel like anything serious, just stuff growing I guess.

I did when we first got the BFP this time around. But I thought about it and I decided I was going to treat this like my first pregnancy. Because I deserve to do those little exciting things for this baby, and if everything works out ok then I won't have any regrets of not doing these things out of fear and living every day for what it's worth. And this baby deserves that too. I am still scared. And I did things a little differently this time around. I haven't announced on fb but I did tell family and close friends and co workers that I was pregnant right away (last time I waited till almost 8 weeks) I needed that support if I miscarry again. I did pictures before weekly after I found out. Now I did one right after the BFP but am waiting for the heart beat to do the rest weekly. I like the ticker. It just makes me feel better about its growth each week. I have had just the one loss... So sometimes I'd just like to pretend to have a sliver of the "innocent bliss" that I had with my first pregnancy before experiencing loss.

Everyone is different though.

I've had some cramping still happening. It lasted most of the day yesterday I had to go to the restroom and check to make sure I hadn't started bleeding a couple of times but it was just the increased cm (sorry tmi). I had to undo my pants on the way home from work last night from the bloating. Lol just under 4 weeks until the dr appointment. Still seems like a million years away.

I hope everyone else is doing well and will enjoy a nice weekend!
Apart from the increased cm and the crampy twinges, I have this heavy feeling in my uterus, not overall in my abdomen. I remember this when quite pregnant with my son but not in all my 13+ weeks with my angel. Seems a bit odd to have this "full of baby" feeling at 8+3!
I know what you mean about going to the restroom to "check" Julie---I kept doing that yesterday, but just increased CM like MandaAnda said. I had to undo my pants yesterday too, and I'm only just over 5 weeks. Funny how I can't remember these symptoms from my previous successful pregnancy and then miscarriage.

We won't be telling anyone until around 12 weeks I think. Very few people knew about my last pregnancy, subsequent miscarriage, and prolonged recovery. We don't live near family and it just seemed weird to tell them on the phone or skype.

I like your attitude about the ticker Julie. I think I'll wait until my u/s. I think because my doctor kept saying she was ordering tests and an u/s to check on the "viability of this pregnancy" she's got me a little freaked out. I keep worrying the embryo will try to implant where I have scarring and I'll lose the pregnancy.
I don't blame you for waiting mowat. If my dr said the same thing the way I've don't things so far would be completely different. When do you get your u/s?

The bloating is outrageous this time. I never had any with my last pregnancy through 12 weeks. So it's just so crazy. I walk passed my mirror in my bedroom and just be like "whoa! Where did that belly come from?!" Then I remember it's alllllll bloat and it's gone by morning. Such a tease haha.
Not sure when I'm getting another ultrasound. I had one at 4 weeks---obviously, nothing to see! Supposed to be getting another one soon. I'm hoping before 7 weeks.

When is your first?
Hi ladies, just wondering if I could join the group. I lost my little girl Jessie at 22+4wks as I went into premature labour on 2nd Nov 2012. I'm still recovering from the loss & we did not plan it but I became pregnant very quickly after, only 3 months later. I am due 5th of November & scaried everyday of the pregnancy. I've had my 12 weeks scan last week which was lovely to see the baby. I am having a cervicalstitch put in on 18th April, has anyone has one of these before?Andrée x

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