November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Aww Sparkle, so sorry!!! :hugs: It is statistically unlikely that so many of us on this thread would get it since only around 5% of pregnancies get it...kinda crazy but at least we have a good support group.

Now that you know, I bet the growth of LO will slow down with your controlled diet....and I don't think measuring 2 weeks ahead is actually that bad? At my scan on Monday I was measuring about a week ahead and they said that within 2 weeks is pretty normal either way. But I can see where 6 lbs sounds like a lot but it sounds like those growth scans be really off!

Like BumpHope I've been able to eat pretty much whatever. For me the biggest things have been eating right before bed, not having a really carb-y breakfast, and spacing my food out throughout the day. I actually went for an Indian buffet lunch today AND had dessert and took a walk afterwards and I was only at 124 at 2 hours after my meal, for example (and I'm meant to be below 110 per my dietician but my doc said 110 was really strict and 120 was fine).

Robyn, you sound like me, a lot of stuff still in boxes!! A typhoon?!

Desi and BumpHope, too funny about the clothes...but the chances of them being wrong about the scan are really slim so I would feel pretty confident!

I also put the clothes away unwashed but with tags off...will have to do laundry one of these days. And do the hospital bag!

How is everyone feeling?
I have to see the nurse next thursday, hopefully she'll give me some tips :shrug: I feel awful, and keep wishing i'd known to modify my eating b4.... i'm sooo uncomfortable and i'm massive (bump wise), i just want my LO to be safe.....

I felt the same! But just remember, you probably didn't develop it until around 28 weeks when insulin resistance gets worse.....and you still have plenty of time to monitor it and get on track. I felt really awful the first week and full of guilt so I can relate....but I think once you see the nurse you'll feel better and more confident your LO is doing great.
Sparkle - Yup, I felt the same...awful! But once I got on track with my diet, I felt so much better. Since you have about a week before seeing your nutritionist, just try to limit your sweets and carbs. For me, I'm allowed 15g carbs for breakfast and an AM snack, 60g for lunch, 30g for an afternoon snack, 45g for dinner, and 30g for my before-bed snack. It varies though...your nutritionist may allow you more or less. I have found I can eat a little more than the allowance if I just get up and walk for 10 minutes after meals. Also, make sure to eat protein with your carbs, it will allow the sugar to release more slowly in your system. Protein can be meat, eggs, nuts, cheese, natural peanut butter, etc. Hope that helps get you started! :hugs:

Allie - I have been feeling horrible! Seriously, I am ready for this baby to be out! :haha: Her movement has turned from fun to painful and at times so strong that it startles me! I feel like my lower bump hurts when she's active...I think she's bouncing around on my bladder?? And my back has been hurting for the past few days. I have just had zero comfort for a week and a half or so now. Ugh.
Thanks you guys :) I think because i haven't spoken to anyone yet it all seems so daunting. But i've taken all your advice in and at least i have something to follow until Thursday!
Sparkle-sorry to hear you have GD. Can't believe how many on this thread have it. Do you have to really cut back on sweets & goodies?

I'm struggling with pelvic girdle pain. I keep getting shooting pains in myleft buttock that is agony and immobilises me! I was in Tesco on Friday & I got the most incredible pain when I bent down & couldn't move. Every time I went to take a step I'd get this shooting pain. Had to call my husband to come and get me. Its improved since but if I twist or turn in bed it comes back.

Other than that things going ok- got more energy since been taking the iron shakes.

Inlaws have booked to fly over & stay with us- arrive end of the month for 6 weeks!!!

Hi guys :wave:!

Well I think i limited everything a little too much because yesterday i ended up in hospital for LOW blood sugar! Turns out i was being a bit too restrictive!

Sarah I'm so sorry to hear about the pelvic girdle pain :( It is so painful, I've got bad SPD and so much of my discomfort in these last few weeks is caused by it. Glad your OH could come and help you, no more shopping for you!!! WOw- 6 weeks with the in-laws :wacko: I hope you all get on!
Oh no Sparkle! What happened? Do you know what your blood sugar number was? I'm sure they told you this yesterday, but with GD it's important to eat really often...around every few hours to help keep sugars stable.

Sorry about the PGP and SPD pain ladies. :hugs: . I have some pelvic pain when I get up after sitting or laying down and also when I walk a lot and get out of the bath, etc, but I've kind of gotten used to it...when I don't want to suffer through it I take 2 tylenol/paracetomol and it seems to help a bit. I'm also going to book another massage soon as it seemed to help last time for a bit!

Sarah, glad the iron shakes are working! Do they have crazy amounts of iron in them? Maybe I should look into that. I have an iron pill but it's so big and disgusting that I sometimes don't take it as it makes me feel a bit sick.

Do you get along really well with the in-laws? That's fantastic you're going to have so much help.

BumpHope, I get the painful movement sometimes as well. It's mostly when he moves his whole body at once and I swear he's jumping on my bladder as well! Hows the GD going? When do you have your first NST? I go in for my next BPP and appt tomorrow.

AFM I'm feeling pretty HUGE these days! The past week my little guy has started getting hiccups a bunch during the day....he barely had them before. Do your LOs get this as well? I'm a bit worried to be honest but am going to mention it to my doc tomorrow.
Aw Sparkle, hope you are feeling better!

My MIL is coming around mid-November. TBH, we get along for the most part and I'm grateful for the extra help but a little nervous as well as I know she can definitely wear on my nerves at times when she is being pushy about things and I don't want to snap at her. My main concern is of course the GD diet and though she knows my blood sugar is high and I have to watch what I eat...even after the baby comes I still have to be careful in case the diabetes is still around, but she keeps bringing up making me certain foods. In Indian culture there are things that are supposed to be good to eat for breastfeeding, back pain, etc during pregnancy and postpartum...but all that stuff has sugar in it! So I keep having to hear, "so and so ate all that stuff and her kids are so healthy and happy" blah blah blah. Drives me nuts. Unfortunately, my mom is not able to make it until mid December because of work but between the two moms I will have about 8 weeks of help which is nice. Closer to christmas, my FIL, father, and brother will be flying in as well for a few weeks so we can all celebrate the holiday together. I know everyone will be helpful and do all the cooking/cleaning so I'm not worried. Is anyone else having a bunch of family visiting after baby comes??

Allie - I guess the GD is going okay. This weekend I had two high numbers (a fasting 93 and a low 140's something). Not sure how that happened because I didn't go over my carb exchanges and the same type of food the day before kept me well under my limits. :shrug: So who knows what was going on?! I have my first NST this afternoon. Can't wait to see baby! Then a dr's appt on Wed and another NST on Thurs.

My baby gets hiccups anywhere from 1-3 times a day. It's normal and good for them...something about developing their lungs / helping them practice breathing outside the womb.
Those numbers aren't that high so I wouldn't be too worried! I had a 160 something last week after eating out at Perkins and guessing my carbs. Then I went for an Indian buffet (and walked like crazy afterwards) and I was in the fasting has been hovering between 88-92 recently but my limit is under 95 so I'm trying not to worry about the low 90s (my highest ever fasting was 105, not sure what was going on there).

Ooh, enjoy seeing baby today! :happydance:

Sounds like a lot of helpful family coming! That's great. Doesn't the GD go away after delivery...well,maybe a few days as the hormones start to go down? I say eat what you feel comfortable with and don't let your MIL pressure you...but maybe just eat things in smaller portions as a compromise?

I don't have the blessing of that much family around to help, but I am grateful for who I do have. As DH is from the UK, all of my in-laws will be 6,000 miles away...but my parents do live right in town. We've already determined they'll be helping with the dog a lot and will help with the baby, but they aren't very picky about cleanliness like I am so I doubt they'll clean our house...but they'll be good about running errands for us, taking the dog out, etc.
Okay ladies, so I am officially freaking out. The NST test went fine, but during the ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid, I asked them to confirm the gender and the first nurse said BOY!! She then had a second nurse confirm since she knew that we thought it was a girl (and have everything ready for a girl!!). Second nurse also said boy. I mean, I can't blame them for saying boy as the testicles and penis seemed pretty clear. OMG. I am in utter shock right now. We were so excited for a girl and have been treating the baby as a girl so it's a bit weird to now think of it as a boy (even though when I first got preggo I was certain it was a boy). I can't believe I cut all the tags on all the clothes and baby shower stuff we got and washed all the clothes! :wacko: At least we can return the bedding still but the wall decals are so girly. UGH! And not to mention, we are totally at a loss for boy names that we like. The nurses said they'd check again for me at Thursday's appointment. Alright, going to sit here until the shock wears off ...
OH.MY.GOSH. :shock:

I can't believe it!!!! I can't believe you were told GIRL at 20 weeks!!! :dohh: Did the u/s tech seem pretty certain at that appointment?!?!?!?!?! I'm in shock too! Oh BumpHope, I really feel for you. I can't believe it!!!! :shock: I couldn't even imagine being told Alistair is a girl at this point. I guess at least you found out before the birth....
Yes, thank goodness we found out before the birth!! At my 20 week, DH and I both left feeling like the two u/s techs that checked the gender weren't too certain but they both said girl and gave us a pic of the three line gender shot which means girl. ?!?!?! So we went ahead and went by what they said and got ready for a girl...good thing I asked them to confirm today!!!

It is more likely for them to screw up by saying it's a girl when it's actually a boy and not the other way around so I don't think you have anything to worry about with little Alistair. :)
HOLY CRAP BUMP!!! WHAT!!!!! Omg. you got my heart POUNDING!!! Im freaking out for you and what if that same thing happened to me? Id freak. I have everything ready for a girl too. My doctor never said "OK ITS 100% a GIRL" .. he just looked two different times and said "we are calling it a girl".. oh no. oh wow. I feel like I need to get another look!
You get to take another look next week? I guess I wouldnt go out an buy boy stuff just yet, maybe just try and think of names just in case.. and then next week if they confirm boy or girl you can really start working on getting stuff ready. Im sorry..this has to be super stressful for you!
Bumphope I can't believe it!! People joke about these things happening but you never think they do! Oh blimey! Other than shocked how do you feel? Did you have your heart set on a girl or did you have no preference? Are they certain now it's a boy??
OMG Bump!!!! I can't believe it! You think you've reached a point where there can't be any more twists and BANG !!! News like this must be crazy to take in! I guess someone has to say to say the old adage "As long as it's healthy.." ! But it must be such a shock! Like Sarah said, was your heart set on a girl particularly? Xxx
I think I have gone through every possible emotion in the past day! :wacko: We did have our heart set on a girl, but only because we were told we were having one!! I've been treating the baby as a girl, calling HIM by HER name, all that stuff. So I think it's just mentally confusing! :dohh: In some ways, I feel like I lost another baby, if that makes any sense...? But of course I still love that little buggar kicking around in there, I just have to start bonding with him as a HE. In some ways, I'm excited for a boy too. So in the end, yes, as long the baby is healthy, then we are happy. I think the most frustrating part is that I put so much effort into the nursery planning and now having to redo it all and to have to try to return's just such a big hassle when I thought we were done with all that stuff! Part of me is feeling very lazy to give the nursery much thought at this point. We may just change up the bedding and take the decals down (ugh, I love those decals!!) and call it a day. A newborn is not exactly going to care if the nursery is up to par so maybe we'll just add accessories and decor down the road...?

My next appt is this Thursday so I'm not doing anything until they confirm. And I'm pretty sure I will ask them at every appt (twice a week from now until the baby comes), "is it still a boy?"
Bumphope. All of that is completely understandable. I can understand why you feel like youve lost a baby as the one you are having now -as gorgeous as he will be will be isnt the one you had envisioned for the past 14 weeks. A guy I know at work also had a boy but was told a girl- but they found out at birth.

I was chatting to a friend just the other day about how difficult it can be for Mums who bond with their baby but then have a baby completly different to how they imagined - be it a premature baby, sex being different, demanding baby etc. Its very difficult but at least you have some time to get your head round it. Give yourself time with the nursery also - you may in a week want to go all out again or instead keep it simple. As I dont know the sex we've gone simple and can add to it as the little one grows. I think the biggest headache would be going back to the drawing board on names! Big big hugs to you though. It must be an emotional time. Like we dont have enough to deal with!

A girl I know ( well sister of a friend) had a very prem baby - 28 weeks, and they told her she'd had a girl, the baby was on neonatal unit as was so tiny but 2 weeks later they said werent sure of the sex anymore and it was about 7 weeks after that the confirmed it was a boy. Theyd obviously already spread the news the first week that theyd had a girl and told everyone the name so had all these pink cards and gifts! Crazy hey! But the main thing is baby is healthy!

I think it's VERY understandable to feel that way. The amount of bonding you've already done with the idea of a girl is so much that this is a 'loss', albeit in a different way. But losses aren't just deaths in the traditional sense....they include the loss of an idea, a perceived reality, which in this case was the baby being a girl. I think feeling every emotion under the sun at this point is normal, from doubt to grief to excitement to dissapointment...and anger at the silly u/s techs from before! Definitely have a word at your upcoming appointments to help take away some of the doubt at least. Although at 33 weeks I think what they tell you is probably pretty certain. Can they go into 3D for you? At my biophysicals today and last week they went into 3D for a bit each time to let me have a good look at the baby.

Don't worry about the nursery!! As you said, he won't care either way. Returning stuff will be a real pain, for sure, though. :hugs: You can start building it up at your little guy gets older, like Sarah is doing. And I bet some of the clothes you got are gender far Alistair has lots of green and yellow outfits that I know a girl could wear as well, for example.
Bump, I completely agree with Sarah and Allie. They summed it all up :) Definitely don't worry about the nursery! A newborn really wont notice :hugs: xx
Bump, can't believe that they got it wrong - so much for being medically-trained, mummy-intuition was clearly right all along! I wouldn't worry about the nursery, he won't care, and you can add new 'boy' things when he's a bit bigger - we're not even having a 'proper' nursery for the first 3 months as that room is being taken over by relatives flying over to help me out - so our babies will be in with us and we'll turn the guest room into a nursery later.

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