November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Do you think baby's lungs are still devleoping slower due to the GD even though your blood sugars are so good? I guess I'm kind of hoping as it's well controlled that we can avoid that complication? Maybe not, though. What have your blood sugars been like? I had a spike of 160 1 hr past eating which freaked me out...and I'm having a hard time staying under 110 at 2 hrs past eating (it's usually in the 114-120 range) but my OB says that's okay (even though dietician said 110). Also, my fasting numbers have been creeping up a bit into the 90s now and then.....can't help but wonder what's going on with baby and how he's taking all of this!
Allie - My understanding was that yes, baby's lungs are developing a little slower even if the GD is controlled. My sugars have been pretty good. I had one high spike of 161 a few weeks ago at dinner but otherwise, I'm pretty good about not getting spikes (with the exception of the first week when I was on vacation and had a few 137's and one 151). Dr did ask what I ate to get the 161, but she didn't seem too concerned as I know what caused the spike. She also said the fasting numbers are the most important because those predict if the baby will be growing larger than normal. Though the dietician said to stay under 100 for fasting, the dr. today and the dr. i saw last time said to stay under 90, which I have been doing so she was happy with that too. And she said that what I'm eating at the night time snack will affect those fasting numbers so to keep up whatever I'm doing. If your fasting numbers are creeping up, maybe try to keep track of what snack you are eating the night before and adjust it...? All that being said, honestly I feel like we are doing all that we can at this point. So try not to stress out about things like the lungs developing slower because most women with GD give birth to perfectly healthy babies. And stress is only going to make the numbers spike even more. :hugs:
Thanks! Do you test at one hour or two? What kinds of snacks do you eat at night? I'm worrying I'm fasting too long...I eat dinner between 8-9, go to bed at midnight and then don't eat again until 9 am when I wake up (I work from home). Maybe I should eat at midnight, or go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier so I limit my fasting time?
I test 1 hour after meals. My nutritionist said to not go more than 10 hours between your night time snack and breakfast, but there are plenty of days that I go longer than that without any issues. So you are not snacking at night before bed at all?? If not, I bet that's what's screwing with your fasting numbers. I won't go over two carb exchanges (and that's usually only if one of those exchanges is milk). I can do milk and cereal that has sliced almonds in it (measured out of course otherwise I would without a doubt eat too much), or I might do some crackers and cheese, or a skinny cow ice cream bar/fudgesicle with some almonds on the side, or fruit and cheese. Just make sure you are eating some protein with whatever it is you are eating.
Oh, and just to clarify my milk comment...the reason I try to include it at night is because I'm not allowed to drink it in the AM (and can only have 1 carb exchange for my breakfast and AM snack). :blush: Nutritionist said milk and fruit are hard for the body to manage in the AM. I didn't care too much for that guidance but boy was she right. I can walk it off though so if I drink some chai in the AM I have to be careful with the amount and make sure I'm walking around for a while afterwards. But just so I don't miss out on milk, I make sure to drink some at night.
Thank you so much for the tips! :hugs: I'm about to have a nighttime snack of milk (with a tiny bit of chocolate syrup to make it chocolate milk...I don't like plain milk). We'll see how that goes. My fasting numbers have been 95 the past few days so I hope it helps lower that. I kind of wish I was meant to test at 1 hour because I heard it's harder to stay within range at 1 2 hour numbers are always in the 115-120 range like I said but I'm worrying I'm peaking at 160 at 1 hour each meal (as I was at 160 the only time I never checked it at 1 hour). BUT, if I just start being more concientious it should be okay! I've been kind of relaxed about my card exchanges for lunch and dinner to be honest, and guessing (oh, this is 1 carb, this must be 2, etc)rather than actually working everything out on paper like I should be. It's easier with snacks and breakfast as the food is usually fruit, oatmeal, cheese sticks, protein bars and other food that you don't have to guess with!
Allie - Don't forget the protein. It will help your body release the sugar more slowly so your numbers don't spike. :hugs:
Omg you guys! @Allie and bumphope, I've been reading your posts and was thinking how hard it must be for you guys to monitor everything and NOW....i'm gutted i was doing fine with sugars and gluose, until today when they checked :( I now have to do another 3 hour glucose test next week AnD a growth scan caus i'm measuring quite big.... i thought i'd got away with it but noooooo!
Sparkle - keep your hopes up! There are plenty of people who fail the 1 hour test and pass the 3 hour one. :hugs: Honestly, at first I was pretty upset with the GD diagnosis but it is definitely manageable with diet and exercise for me and doesn't feel like such a chore anymore. I feel like I can still eat a little of everything and I feel so much healthier! I am, however, looking forward to indulging in a full-size candy bar and some carb-filled goodies after I give birth! :winkwink:
Thanks bump! Thing is we only have the 3 hr test in UK and I passed that a month ago! They're making me do it again!?? Caus they found sugar in my urine today :(
I've heard sugar in your urine can be common and for many reasons. For what it's worth I have GD and have never had sugar in my pee so far. It's all so random!! Good will most likely pass, and if you don't, like BumpHope said, it's really not too bad once you make some changes. I'm currently still learning how eat/what to eat, etc but I actually feel like I'm eating more when I take into account all of the snacking I'm doing. :dohh: Good luck with your test Sparkle. :hugs:

BumpHope, thanks for all of your advice. I'm going to try cereal that has fiber and protein in it tonight with my milk and see what that does. I've also eaten more carefully today than I have been this week (not as much guessing today, more playing it safe...that said I just had curly fries as I had a major craving...but I only ate half haha). I guess it's all trial and error!
BumpHope & Allie, You guys are making me feel guilty about not keeping track of what I eat. Even though I do not have GD, it is probably in my and the baby's best interest to eat healthy :D! I have been trying but it hard to do sometimes. So at my last appt, I had only gained 0.4 lbs in the last 4 weeks i.e. from 29-32. Dr. said it is ok since I am measuring correct but I wonder why the weight gain slowed down. I am also not eating as much as I ate in the second trimester. How is everyone doing with their weight gain? I gained about 20 lbs so far total since the beginning so overall I am in the normal range. I gained too much in the second tri I think.
HI girls.

Desi - im the same - piled on the pounds in the 2nd tri but past 4 weeks hardly put any on.

I had an annoying hospital appt last week. Arrived at the hospital at 1pm and at 3.30pm the receptiosist announced the doctor still hadnt turned up to clinic but was on their way! I was told id have naother 90min wait at least but managed to get a midwife to see me although still had to wait another 45 mins to see her! so over 3 hrs waiting to be seen!

I had had my bloods taken at 28 week and was told if any problems with them they will call. Well that clearly didnt happen and the midwife told me last Tues that I was seriously anaemic and was only 1 point of needing a blood transfusion! Which explains why ive been so tired and out of breath! So im now on 3 iron drinks a day which have made me massively constiapted!! Not been for 6days now! Horrid!

I just feel so fed up with the hospital. Waiting all that time and then finding out id been so anaemic for a month. Think its appauling!

Anyway, on a positive we have got out nursey furniture- white with a wooden oine trim. hubby is painting the nursery this weekend- going for a light lemon colour and have a cute border to put up!

Desi, I have gained 19 lbs so far which I'm happy with. I'm hoping not to gain over 25 though...but I think we're meant to gain 1/2 to 1 lb a week now? So with 7ish weeks left hopefully it will work out!

Sarah, that is appalling! That wait time is awful, ugh. I'm so glad you're on iron shakes now and hopefully you'll feel much better soon. I was boderline anemic at 28 weeks as well and no one told me either (I had to look at my own blood results). They said they didn't tell me because it was borderline....well, I still want to know! :dohh: I started taking iron pills but I was constipated enough without them haha!
My dr. suggested I start taking Iron at the very first appointment with her since I am primarily a vegetarian. I started taking Ferrous Sulphate everyday starting week 16 and my blood work at 28 weeks came back normal. Luckily I have not had a big constipation problem. I usually drink something warm/hot in the morning and that seems to do the trick w.r.t. constipation. Sorry for the TMI, just thought I would help out :)!
Sarah - That is horrible of them! How can they just not tell you something so important?! I am always weary of the nurses/dr's saying they'll let me know if blood/urine work comes back with anything that is not normal. Luckily we get most of our test results online so I try to read them and then email the dr's office if I have questions or if something looks out of the normal range. Isn't that their job though?!?! I'm am anemic too this normal levels are about 12.4 which is on the low but normal side so it doesn't take much to put me into the anemic category. I have been taking ferrous gluconate which is gentle on my stomach (and I tried all sorts of iron after my last miscarriage - at which point I was also on the verge of needing a blood transfusion). No constipation either. 6 days though...I feel for you! :wacko: I agree with Desi...warm drinks always seem to do the trick. :blush:

Desi - I am up 10lbs as of last Wednesday. All in my belly and chest. I think this GD diet has slowed down the weight gain but somehow my belly keeps growing. I am also sporting some unsightly stretch marks. :cry:
Don't get started on the stretch marks!!!!!! I didn't notice them until this weekend because they are UNDER my belly sort of and I never looked in that direction. On Saturday I was trying to find some clothes that fit me and noticed in the side mirror that I had ugly ugly stretch marks. I made a comment to DH and he is like "you are just now noticing them?" :p..poor guy he said I have had them for at least a month if not more..he didn't say anything :D!
Omg Desi, that is hilarious that DH didn't say anything! :D Unfortunately for me, they are right across the widest part of my belly which is around my belly AND white ones. UGH! I wish they were lower down where I couldn't see them. Consider yourself lucky. :winkwink:
Omg Desi, that is hilarious that DH didn't say anything! :D Unfortunately for me, they are right across the widest part of my belly which is around my belly AND white ones. UGH! I wish they were lower down where I couldn't see them. Consider yourself lucky. :winkwink:
I am sure when the baby comes out they will totally be where I can see them..:cry: Mine are red...all across the underside of my belly!!!!Right now I feel for the Dr. and DH who look at them haha :D!
I just noticed a few of them the other day....under my belly, kind of purple ones, ugh! LOl @ your DH, Desi...mine has probably been noticing too and not saying anything.

I had my first biophysical profile and also a growth ultrasound today (which they will repeat in 4 weeks). I'm measuring normally, thank goodness! Well, I am measuring a week ahead according to the scan but that is still considered 'normal.' Little Alistair weights 4 lbs 10 oz by their estimates! He also passed the biophysical, which I will now be having weekly (instead of NSTs...I was able to choose which I preferred and I wasn't sure but I went with the BPP). We also got a few 3D images....sooooo cute. He looks like a chubby baby, it's so surreal.

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