November Fireworks 2017

Yes by 6 days. Ds1 was a day late at 8lb 2oz.
I would like to think this one wont be as big!
Well, ladies, I've been diagnosed with Cholestasis of Pregnancy as of today.
Pretty scary stuff, but I am going to be taking it a day at a time.
I've been prescribed something for the itchiness. So, that'll hopefully help my sleep, as nothing else can really be fixed until he's born - which will be right at 37 weeks, I guess, which also brings me into October - probably around the 14th.
@Emma, I hope I don't go over this time because it was the most uncomfortable time. I also hope my daughter won't be as big as my son, it was a hard labor for me.

@Ebauerhaus, sorry to hear about your cholestasis diagnosis! Maybe you could try soaking in a tub with Aveeno soothing bath treatments or their skin relief body wash. I used it when I had an allergic reaction to my sunblock and he itching was unbearable. I also found huge relief with aloe vera gel, but I'm pretty sure the actual plant itself can provide a natural and organic form of relief. Hope it helps.

Sadly, my house does not have a bathtub. :( So, no soaking to be done, really. The good news is, I don't think I'm on the severe end of things when it comes to itching and I've started my meds as of last night - so hoping that the itching doesn't get more severe and that the meds help everything.

On Saturday, there will only be 7 weeks left of this pregnancy, so that's amazing, really. And frightening.
Oh ebauerhaus that sucks :( must be so frustrating to be constantly itchy!

I kept meaning to update here but getting distracted. Last week I had lower back cramps. They started in the middle and started radiating out towards my hips. Then they gradually got worse-- to the point where I was laying on the couch and actually called my husband on the phone because he was in the backyard and was worried I might not be able to get up because they hurt so much. He got me a heat pack and it helped a little, and then I had a hot bath and that helped too, but I ended up going to the pregnancy assessment unit just in case.
I'm glad I did! They gave me a ctg and found it was contractions. I had a scan and baby was fine and my cervix was good too, thank goodness!
They put me on a drip with something in it to stop the contractions and gave me lots of fluid because I was really dehydrated-- we had a couple of randomly hot days even though it's summer, 33 degrees Celsius (91 degrees F) and they think that contributed to it. I thought I was hydrated enough but I guess not! They also gave me a steroid injection incase baby does arrive prematurely (especially since due to my low PAPP A levels I am high risk for premature birth). I stayed overnight and then got to come home.

Everything is fine now, thankfully! I've had a couple of half days of monitoring on the ctg though just to be sure and everything seems fine :) but I was super anxious about it all! Thank goodness baby decided not to come out haha.

Wow, pretty frightening! Thank goodness you're ok, the longer baby stays in the womb the better. Hope all continues on well for the remainder of your pregnancy!
LittleLala, it does! There are good days and bad days - yesterday and this morning were a little on the bad side.

All in all, I'm happy to be diagnosed and on medications, even though I don't know it's going to resolve the itching, I know that the medicine is going to keep my baby safe. I imagine a few breakdowns in the future, but what pregnant person hasn't had those? :)
How is everyone going?
I had one of my regular growth scans yesterday and all is going well :) thought I would share this little pic of baby waving hello haha.


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Hello everyone, I've been doing well. I am suppose to have my glucose test and prenatal visit this Friday but I'm not sure if that's going to happen anymore. Houston is in really bad shape after hurricane Harvey and although me and my family are fine, there is still much flooding around the city. Hope everyone is well.
Oh wow Brenda! Prayers your way! So very devastating to see what's going on. Glad you're safe!
Oh Brenda that sucks :( glad to hear that you are safe and your family is too.
Thank you ladies, God willing, everything goes back to normal sooner rather than later. There's devastation everywhere, it's incredibly sad to say the least. I hope I can get my glucose test and prenatal visit this Friday, but I'll keep you guys updated on that.

Littlelala, beautiful scan of your little one <3
We are dealing with the flooding also! So sad, many of our neighbors are flooded. We are dry thankfully!! Everything around us is flooded and closed. So not even sure when my next appointment will be :(. At least I still have several weeks before even having to worry about labor or I'd be so scared right now!
Oh pink passion I'm glad you are safe and dry too. and yes, thank goodness labour is still a while away and you don't need to get anywhere quickly.
We had terrible flooding here a few years ago and it was truly devastating, so I can relate to how you must be feeling. It is times like this though when you see how amazing your community can be, how everyone is there to help one another.
Brenda and pino, sending you both love for what you're dealing with! :0

Last night was horrid, i ended up feeling really poorly in the middle of the night (tmi!) with a sore bum similar to haemarrhoids feeling and a really 'urgh about to poo everywhere' feeling.
Went to the loo and then felt better enough to get back into bed and try to sleep.
Tbh it was really paranoia inducing, I felt so rough I was trying to remember the signs of early labour &#128533;
Still all seems ok this morning though I still feel rough.
It's scary when things like that happen Justme. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. How is your husband doing?
He's getting there! Still healing from the plastic surgery but hobbling around now &#128578; Thank you for asking!!
Justme, I am a little concerned with preterm labor too. While trying to sleep last night I felt 2 sharp contractions on my lower back about 5 minutes apart. However, those were the only 2. I've experienced Braxton Hicks, but these were very strong. The only way to describe them were that of a lightning bolt that ran from my lower back to my buttocks. That day I had a tightening feeling in the sides of my abdomen on and off, and then at night I experienced the strong ones. It has been confirmed with me that my obgyn will be seeing me today at 11am and will also have my glucose test done, so when I see her I'll inform her of what I have experienced. I'm a little worried but I am already nesting. I've been Cleaning everything and anything all over my house, so I'm hoping that's what stressed my back causing the discomfort and not anything serious.
Hope everybody with flooding is okay!

I woke up with contraction-like feelings a month or so ago but thankfully it petered out. It was a bit alarming! I think it was brought on by a bad stomach.

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