November Fireworks 2017 the UK whats peoples experiences for how long you stay in for?
I stayed in for 2 days last time :) (It was supposed to be 3 but I self discharged on the 2nd day with the promise to go back on the 3rd day as an out-patient). The first night was fine but in that particular hospital all c-section women had to stay on the main ward so they could have regular checks. The 2nd night was horrendous - I got no sleep at all due to all the comings and goings so was absolutely exhausted after that and simply wanted to go home. This time I will look at the possibility of a private room (it is a different hospital since we have moved house). I did have a problem after the catheter though and had to go home with one hence having to return again on the third day. Without that issue I may have been able to be discharged on day 2 anyway.
Urgh I had the catheter thing too, they took it and I just couldn't pee so they sent me home with one. It made me feel so so so much more horrible and not ok, so I would really like to avoid it this time.

I think I stayed two nights as well.
Average! Haha. My pregnancy rhititis is back.. its by no means as bad as some people get it but ive still got really sore cheeks and nose sinus like and a stuffy nose! Plus the morning sneezing!
I'm doing alright. Baby's growth percentile is starting to decline but it isn't too concerning unless he keeps (or very suddenly) declines.
I have a cold and have been sick for 5 days now... And my cough is so harsh that I am really struggling not to pee myself each time. It is horrible. I never had any bladder problems with my first pregnancy, but I didn't have a bad cough at 7 months then either. I feel so disgusting.
I am so, so so hormonal too. Since last night I have just felt so hormonal and miserable and blahhhh. Like really bad pms. I have been totally fine the whole time until right now. I guess it will also be a mix from being a bit sick. I just want to yell and cry and I feel like a toddler. I wish I could just to get it out of my system, honestly. I don't remember feeling like this last time. I know it's stupid and I'm whining about nothing, I just feel crap. I feel like I could sleep for a full day and happily lay in bed for another day and not do anything or talk to anyone.
Thought I would update you on my 3 hr glucose. Wow what an experience. I tried to do the carb loading and I was able to do it 2 out of the 3 days. The first day made me feel really gross and then the 2 and 3 just made me feel like I had ate out all week at fast food. Then I went in to have my ultrasound and 3 hr glucose test yesterday. Thank goodness the people that work in that office are nice they allowed me to get my first blood draw, drink the sugar drink and then go back for my ultrasound. When I scheduled the appointment, my doctors office said I couldn't start blood work until after ultrasound was done; which would have meant me being there an extra 45 minutes with my 1 yo. 30 minutes after I drank the sugary drink, I started to feel weird. My vision was blurry and making me nauseous, my arms felt heavy/rubber and shakey, and my overall feeling was sick. Thank goodness my dh was with me for the 1 hour blood draw and about 20 minutes after because I was afraid of getting sick or passing out. I wasn't sure which might happen, but either way I didn't know if I could keep my 1 yo in arms reach. I am also not sure if some of the symptoms were caused by the ultrasound the gal had me laying flat on my back and she pushed harder than anyone before just above my pelvis bone for a while. I did notice I can't sleep on my back anymore last night. Usually during the night at some point I roll to my back and wake up in that position (which has been comfy in the past). Maybe the sugar and the position has to do with my ill feeling but the phlebotomy lady told me it was all normal and the 1st hour is the worst. She was right! Right after my blood draw we went outside for fresh air and I started to feel more normal so my dh went to work and I stayed for 2 more 1 hour draws without any problems. Gosh I felt like they should warn women. Especially people with kids. Anyway, glucose came back all normal and nurse said all draws looked good. I think my placenta even moved so it's a go for another vaginal delivery as long as baby stays head down.
Ah gosh everyone, third trimester is no fun is it!

I'm working on the idea of not feeling self conscious or silly about the labour process. I'm not really good with doing particularly girly things and am really worried about feeling stupid because I am trying to deal with a physical process that is so potentially all encompassing.
Despite having a child I have never really had a 'normal' labour so I really have no clue. I just want to dial down my anxiety as I am sure that will not help at all.
Oh FutureBabyG I'm so glad it all went okay. I haven't had to do a 3 hr test but I haaaate my 2 hour tests. The first hour is so horrible. It was so nice that they let you leave, at mine we have to stay seated in this tiny room the entire time. And yessss thank goodness your DH was there, it is so hard to look after a baby while feeling so ill.

Justme- what was your last labour like? I am also really nervous. I was induced last time (that in itself is a long story) and never went into labour naturally. Also, they hooked up the epidural to make my cervix relax and dilate, so I never had to deal with any pain really. I know this makes me sound like such a sook, but I am so scared of having to labour it out at home for hours before being allowed to come and get an epidural at the hospital, and I am soooo nervous about going too far to be able to get an epidural in time too. With my PappA levels problems, there is also a higher chance of having to get a C section which I am reaaaalllly nervous about. I don't care so much about the actual procedure, but the recovery sounds awful. I have a 2 year old and I have no idea how I will be able to not pick him up or anything for the healing process.
Last time was atrocious after being told by an idiot midwife that my regular cramps weren't the start of labour, so by the time I actually got to the hospital I was in a complete state. The cramps were also really sharp and painful. I am sort of hoping that this is because our little girl was stuck in her cord and every contraction was starting to tear the placenta - but am quite scared it will all be the same as it was the type of pain I found really hard to ignore.

I had an emcs (as you can probably tell by my description) 😉 and it was v painful but I think that is because I had been completely stressed out and in labour (ish) for hours. I have a friend who has had two electives and has been completely and totally fine. I think there were some positive stories on the csec bit of this board too.
GM to all, I'm sitting here in my car waiting to pass my first hour of the 3 hr glucose test. I had blood drawn first, then I had to drink the awfully sugary drink, and now I wait. Blood will be drawn at 9:21, 10:21, and 11:21:cry:. Don't like it, but I'll get through this. Will update as soon as I get results, I also visit my OBGYN tomorrow for a check up. Every 2 weeks from now on until 36 weeks when it becomes weekly.

I might get induced at 39 weeks, but it's not for sure. My son was induced and my labour was so difficult, luckily I didn't end up having a c-sec thanks to the epidural. It helped me dilate once I had it (I wanted an epidural free birth, lol). This time, I'm not waiting to get the epidural if I get induced.

Best of luck to all ladies!! Eeeek!
I start my weekly visits next week!!! Mostly because I switched care providers and we want to get to know each other first!!

Anyone else's little one all over the place? This one keeps going transverse and then head down but to the side of my pelvis so not quite down. It's frustrating!!
Pink my little guy is the same. Sometimes he wedges his head in my hip but no further!

Already on weekly visits here. 6 visits to go before my scheduled c section but I do hope I go into labor before as I'm leaning toward wanting a vbac now.
My LO refuses to go head down at all! I have a unicornuate uterus so it's looking more and more likely it's going to be a c section because he will soon be unable to turn :(
My baby was head down today which was a shock as my last two kept me worried until 37 weeks. Also the fluid has went from being on high side at 25 to 15 today so all is looking good. Just over 5 weeks to induction I can't wait.
Well ladies, I got admitted into the hospital. I have such a terrible and painful UTI, wouldn't wish it on anyone. As I walked to get admitted, people thought I was in labor due to my pain, inability to walk, and cold sweat (due to pain). I gave a urine sample and almost all was blood, totally freaked me out. Verdict was, not in labor but dehydrated and a bad UTI. Currently on pain meds, IV, and antibiotics. Will be kept overnight at the very least. Not fun whatsoever!

Hope all is well with everyone else.
Sounds like me Brenda a couple of weeks ago - not as painful as yours but ended up staying in hospital for two nights.. i think its babies position as it seems to be stopping my flow when i go to the loo a bit!
Hope you feel better soon x
Awww, Brenda! That sounds terrible! :( Get well soon!

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