November Fireworks 2017

Brenda, sorry to hear. That sounds horrible. I hope you are starting to feel better. How did your 3 hr go. Did you feel horrible that first hour? Any results from your 3 hr.
Thanks all, I am feeling so much better this morning. I am in the maternity Antepartum section of my hospital. My nurses are amazing and have taken great care of me. I am no longer in severe pain and will have to stay the night again :(. But at least things are looking up!

@Futurebaby, I did my 3 hr test but have not heard about my results, I will update as soon as I do. Also, the 3 hr test made me feel awful. At the end of it, I went to the bathroom and I was so dizzy I stumbled in the stall. I should mentioned that I had not had food since noon the day before since I threw up so much due to naseau caused by phlegm. By the time I was actually hungry it was too late to eat. So it was at least 24 hrs since I last ate by the time the test was finished!! As you can imagine, I felt awful and felt sick.
Update: I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. I am so glad to be home! Still on antibiotics but that's no biggy. I missed my little guy, even though technically I was only away from him for a day. While there, they monitored my baby girl and she was doing great, too!

I also received an email for my glucose results this morning, I am happy to announce I PASSED!!! Everything was normal!


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I am feeling particularly tetchy today. I have had a look at my hospital vbac policy and essentially it refers to vbac as a 'trial' (with time likit I think) and says all women have to have a mandatory cannula on arrival. I can't emphasise enough how much I hate cannulas, and it all just makes me feel like I am being absolutely set up for another csec.

Has anyone else dealt with this??
It's just for emergency purposes, but I will tell you every hospital I've looked into has guidelines regarding vbac. Most are super strict but some are more lenient! I just transferred care to a midwife and birth center!

Brenda so glad you are out and that you passed!!
I think I am going to say that I don't mind telemetry but in return no canula. If I have telemetry, they should be able to see a problem coming and honestly canulas make me feel sick -whenever I have had one they've had to be wrapped up and even then I can't look at my hand (or in the case of after my ectopic, my hand, wrist Or arm *shudder*)
I absolutely despise canulas it takes them about ten attempts to get one in but unfortunately I've no choice in the matter. After bleeding very heavily after my fourth it's no longer an option for me in case it happens again. Plus I'll be on a insulin/glucose drip once labour starts.
I am feeling particularly tetchy today. I have had a look at my hospital vbac policy and essentially it refers to vbac as a 'trial' (with time likit I think) and says all women have to have a mandatory cannula on arrival. I can't emphasise enough how much I hate cannulas, and it all just makes me feel like I am being absolutely set up for another csec.

Has anyone else dealt with this??

Justme, you're gonna want that cannula. Almost all VBAC's are medically referred to as a TOL ( trial of labor), and that doesn't mean they won't support you while it's happening. But, there are times when emergencies arise during VBAC's, and baby needs to come out quickly, and it's better to get the cannula in the event that it is actually needed.
Justme, you're gonna want that cannula. Almost all VBAC's are medically referred to as a TOL ( trial of labor), and that doesn't mean they won't support you while it's happening. But, there are times when emergencies arise during VBAC's, and baby needs to come out quickly, and it's better to get the cannula in the event that it is actually needed.[/QUOTE]

Surely that could be said for any labour though?
Whenever I've been in the hospital for anything (not just labour, but any time in the ER, or on a ward in recovery) they have always out a cannula in straight away, just in case of emergencies. I have terrible veins that take a lot of time (and they usually end up getting the portable ultrasound machine to find a good vein) but I am glad they do it in the beginning instead of wasting all that time if suddenly something does go wrong.

But yeh, I understand why you don't like them. Maybe it's something you can bring up at your next appointment? Also in saying this, I don't know what a telemetry is haha
Justme- Not necessarily. If the need for a repeat c-section arises, you will be given the spinal block, which is pretty heavy-duty's unique to this birth scenario, and sometimes other medications are necessary alongside that in the cannula. It is always easier to place the cannula just as a precautionary thing BEFORE anything actually happens, rather than wait for an emergency, trying to fumble around with it when your medical team have maybe minutes to work with... I'd always err on the side of risk, honestly. No one hates IV's/cannulas more than me, but there is no way I wouldn't get one from the get-go, either, if I were having a VBAC. Safety first, ALWAYS.
Even though I'll be at the birth center I'll still have an IV, on the off chance I'll transfer I want one just in case and I'll also be getting the IV antibiotics if GBS + again because I don't want any additional testing or monitoring if there were a trasnfer!
Hi everyone!
It's been over a month since I checked in, so I'm not going to comment on everyone's experiences, though I'm glad to read that everyone is still going strong, even if there have been/are challenges.
I blame my absence on the fact that I was having real problems with pop-up ads, which I couldn't get to go away, then I kind of gave up on using the site and then got out of the habi.

Re the cannula - I'm pretty sure I had a cannula with my natural delivery of my son. I remember being in active labour and my husband was en route; they wanted to do whatever it was - that I think was the cannula - and asked if I wanted to wait for hubby, which I said I did, and after what must only have been a short while, they said they wanted to get it done, so I said ok and it was done. Is it the hurty thing in the back of your hand? Any way, I don't really know why it was done; reading your comments, I'm now thinking they thought there might need to be intervention of some sort. I know they were worried that he wasn't coming fast enough and was beginning to show signs of struggling, then I did have an episiotomy, so I guess it was linked to that and wanting baby out NOW.

So what's been happening in my world?
Son is now potty trained. Woo hoo! It must have happened soon after I posted that we were still hit and miss as he's been dry by day for ages now and we've only had 2 or maybe 3 accidents in the last month or so. Good to have that all sewn up.

I had my consultant appointment and scan to check placenta position about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately the placenta hasn't budged at all, so I'm booked for a consultant appointment on 18th October and she told me to 'bring a bag'. When I queried whether this was 'just in case' or whatever, she said that no, I WOULD be admitted. I'll be 35+4 and they'll do a section within a couple of weeks of that date, from what I gather. I'll get the scheduled date when I go in. Although it was sort of on the cards, I hadn't expected to find out at that appointment (thought I'd have another scan around 32/34 weeks- currently 32 weeks and it might go from there) and I'd thought that if and when I was admitted, it might be a week later than that. Since then we've been sorting the logistics of it all - most notably, who will look after our little boy so my husband can go to work (self employed and just can't have the time off). So long as nothing untoward happens between now and then, we have 2-3 weeks covered, to allow for someone having him AFTER the baby arrives, whilst I'm still in hospital. I've been busy washing baby clothes and bedding and writing lists upon lists of things to do, things to take, things to pack for myself and baby for a 'proper' hospital bag (rather than the 'inmate' bag I'll take in a few weeks time!) I've been batch cooking for the freezer, so that husband and 'guests'/babysitters' don't have to put too much effort in, then documenting it all so people know what's what! It's an experience!
Meanwhile little lady is seemingly oblivious to the chaos she's causing and jumps around madly, which is actually quite nice. It's about the only thing about this pregnancy that I will miss - especially since this will be my last.

I'm seriously not looking forward to potentially being in hospital seemingly completely well (still no bleeds here, thank goodness) for maybe 2 weeks before I even get to have my baby. With my son, I had next to no anxieties about the birth or having a new baby or the recovery. This time around I'm anxious about it all! I'm worried I'm going to get PND as a result of being low from being in hospital away from my family for so long. I worry that I won't bond properly with LO, because of the section and especially if I end up needing a general (a real possibility because of anterior placenta previa, as I understand it). Also worrying about the recovery period post partum; with my son I was uncomfortable with the stitches, for about 10 days, but was able to move freely during this time, and quickly bounced back after it. I was back in pre-preg jeans on day 10 and this time around I just know the weight will be harder to shift because of a) the section and the process involved, b) being idle in hospital for 2 weeks before the birth and c)not being able to be so active for 6 weeks after the birth.
As you can tell, I'm being a right worry wart this time! Oh, and there's also a fear of dying, which I didn't have last time! Somebody slap me! :wacko:

I've lost track of when everyone's expecting their babies, based on c-sections and inductions now: there was talk of 7 weeks time etc. but I'm not sure when that is. Sooooo, we're expecting our baby to probably be delivered the week that spans October/November, but as I say, I should know more on 18th.
Wow Sizzles. That’s a lot to take in! I’m sure it’s all very very nerve wracking. It sounds like you’re getting very prepared and they’re taking very good care of you. I hope all goes smoothly. With my c section, it did take longer to shift all the weight but I was about back to normal within a month. I truly hope it’s a better experience than you expect. Hugs to you!

So I have an urgent MFM consult Monday. This week at my appt I had a biophysical profile and the ultrasound tech noticed my placenta is aging prematurely. So it looks like I will not be going to my scheduled c section at 39 weeks. But I’ll know more Monday.
Canulas are indeed the hurty things in the back of your hand, although I seem to have at least negotiated it in my arm instead using numbing cream, a competent staff member and a bandage afterwards so I can't see it. Still loathe the idea but it seems to be a compromise between not wanting one and my fear of dying! 😕

Does your hospital have wifi? If so sign up as it's what kept my hb sane during a four week hospital stay. And if your hospital has a mental health support team maybe get in touch now? I activated mine at the booking appt as I am so keen to avoid freaking out either during or after the baby's arrival process.

Big hugs!!
Ttc, how are you doing?? I imagine anxiously waiting for Monday?

I can't believe our baby is due in less than 8 weeks and we Still haven't exchanged on the damn house and consequently still can't find a New house! When we agreed to the sale, we were very clear we wanted it all sorted by the beginning of September...this is just ridiculous 😕

Also am trying to fight an urge to buy a pink moses basket. I know they're a complete waste of money but they're So cute and I think I am getting last baby syndrome 😉
Ttc, how are you doing?? I imagine anxiously waiting for Monday?

I can't believe our baby is due in less than 8 weeks and we Still haven't exchanged on the damn house and consequently still can't find a New house! When we agreed to the sale, we were very clear we wanted it all sorted by the beginning of September...this is just ridiculous 😕

Also am trying to fight an urge to buy a pink moses basket. I know they're a complete waste of money but they're So cute and I think I am getting last baby syndrome 😉

Oh I hope you get the house situation sorted soon. I definitely have last baby syndrome lol that and some over excitement to be having a second girl I've spent a fortune on all things pretty and pink lol
We are so nearly in October now - woo hoo!

I have the consultant on Thursday where I'm going to say i've made my decision to have a section this time.. please send me all the tips and heads up on this!

Basically I've had two assisted births so far, ds1's was ok and recovered ok. Ds2 not so much and I still have panic moments about it. The consultant said that we would scan and see size and if big c section and if not then induced at 38/39 weeks but I'm just not feeling it.
1) inducing increases the risk of assisted delivery
2) baby is currently back to back which again isn't playing on my side
3) i was told after all the problems I had after ds2 that its not advisable to have another episotomy as theres too much scar tissue as it is.
4) if I gave naturally a go I think i will panic and if it goes wrong Again I think I would be very low after birth.

Do you think these reasons are strong enough for my case?

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