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November Fireworks 2017

Is Ford our first November Firework of the thread? Congrats on his arrival, ttc! I hope you're feeling and doing well yourself!
ttc126, I hope you are doing well and enjoying your baby boy!!

Today I had my baby shower and boy was it tiring. I am beyond exhausted but it was all worth it, I received so many baby items I couldn’t have imagined. Now, the countdown till baby arrives is on! Can’t wait to hear more about you ladies who are due much sooner than me!
I am Still waiting to exchange on the house and am starting to reach the point where I am becoming less and less tolerant of being messed around. I suspect my message back to the person in the chain who wanted to complete 10 days before my due date was less than polite.

I just want to get settled and get over the emotions of selling our house and at least start liking our rental before this baby turns up.
Oh no justmeinlive, how stressful and nerve wracking!!

Do any of you ladies know if I am able to take something for allergies? Benadryl or anything else?
Sinus/hayfever style?
Ive had those types of symptoms on and off from the start - a saline water spray is the only thing ive been told im allowed 😬
Sorry I left you all without many details! I had a c section on the 10th at 36+0 for cholestasis of pregnancy. It was planned but short notice. Everything went really well. I had received steroid shots for his lungs and he came out breathing and did well! He didn’t need any time in NICU. By the time we left his weight was down to 5lbs 4oz and we have his first pediatrician check up tomorrow morning. I’m nursing so I’m curious how well he’s gained. My milk supply is out of control and I’ve pumped 30oz today on top of all of his feeds. Not sure what to do about that! He engorgment hurts!
I’m healing well from surgery and I can’t wait to feel even better!
Thanks for all the congratulations! Excited to see who’s next!
Wow, that’s a lot of milk, how amazing! I hope I can successfully breastfeed when the time comes, I’d definitely would love the bonding experience, the health benefits, and the savings on formula!!

Just curious, what brand of pump are you using?
Brenda thank you! I’m glad it’s going well. With my last ds I had under supply and I went in with zero expectations this time. It’s a pleasant surprise it’s going well!
I’m using a medela pump in style. It’s not the “best” but it works!
Yay for the breastfeeding going well! Can I recommend the fb group breastfeeding younger babies and beyond for support if you want it, they’re all v nice.

If you’re going to pump i’d suggest just doing enough to take the edge off, otherwise you’ll just increase your supply more and more 🙂 Unless you want to of course, and you could do breast milk donation!
Yay for the breastfeeding going well! Can I recommend the fb group breastfeeding younger babies and beyond for support if you want it, they’re all v nice.

If you’re going to pump i’d suggest just doing enough to take the edge off, otherwise you’ll just increase your supply more and more 🙂 Unless you want to of course, and you could do breast milk donation!
I was just going to say this. Be careful with pumping before 6 weeks as your supply is regulating and you don't want to be battling an over supply. Congrats again. I'm delighted all well went.
Aw! How lovely to check in and find a baby has been born! Congratulations ttc!!! I'm glad to hear feeding is going well, as this has been a concern of mine for having a slightly earlier baby (c-section will be booked for between 36 and 38 weeks - should find out on Wednesday), that the baby is a bit slower to get the idea. With my son, it was a dream! Gave his first feed at about an hour old I think and had a couple of days when it all went swimmingly, then a couple of days when we had some issues. Once those were ironed out it was plain sailing and I really want the same this time round.

So I have my consultant appointment booked for Wednesday, when I'm fully expecting to be admitted to hang around and wait for this baby. There's the remote chance that they'll send me home, but from what they said last time, they're preparing me to be admitted, so I have bags in various stages of packedness and a whole heap of entertainment and snacks on standby!
@ttc, I also have the Medela pump on standby. My insurance covered the cost!! Also, I too only was able to breastfeed my son 3 months. I had a good supply, but I was so exhausted at night that I wouldn’t breastfeed then, only daytime. I became ill shortly after and my supply dwindled from there on :’(. This time, I am much more motivated and have learned from my mistakes, I am so ready and excited for a second go at it! Best of luck!

Definitely will be taking the advice shared with us about being careful not to over pump in the early days/weeks after birth! And will also look into the breastfeeding support group! I know it can get tiresome, but it is just such a beautiful thing, it’s totally worth it!

@Sizzles, it’s so surreal how we’re all talking about babies making their way into this world! So happy you’re meeting your precious baby soon! Sending you positive and relaxing vibes your way, hope all goes very smoothly for you :).
I'm excited to see these babies come on out!!

I'm getting so anxious to see if I have a boy or girl!!!!

Breastfeeding is hard, but so worth it! I bf my first just shy of 18m, second just shy of 14m (had a terrible go with her and was just done) this one I hope to do 18m again but will definitely do 12m minimum, even if it means exclusive pumping!! I can't afford to add formula costs to our ever growing budget :haha:

I've got a medela pump in style that I used with my girls, insurance just covered a spectra s2 and it should be in today!! I'm excited to try it, it's supposed to be really awesome!!
TTC, that is so fantastic how well your breastfeeding is going! Your supply sounds amazing! I am so jealous haha.
I really, reallllly struggled with breastfeeding my son. It wasn't something I was expecting at all, I just stupidly assumed that it would work fine. They had to put him on formula at the hospital because I wasn't producing milk, midwives were constantly attaching me to big pumps and also syringing my breasts for any drops. It was really sad. I was taking motilium and also fenugreek, but in the end I only breastfed for 6 weeks and each of those feeds were "topped up" with formula anyway.
Earlier on in this pregnancy, the specialist mentioned he would order a scan of my breasts closer to baby arriving, I wonder if that has to do with seeing if there are any internal issues? I haven't heard about it since. I see a specialist on Monday so I should ask again then.
This time round, I am going in with an open mind to feeding-- I cried so so so so much every day for months last time because I felt like such a failure. I won't let it destroy me this time, because I know that so long as baby is fed, then that is all that matters. Hopefully though, I will be less stressed this time as a STM, and that might help my body do what it needs to do.

My morning sickness has returned terribly. It is worse than first trimester. So much vomit.

I also have a huge Uni assignment due tonight which is no where near finished. It is going to be soooo late haha. I don't know why I thought I could handle Uni this close to my due date.
I have a scan again today, I have really enjoyed my frequent scans this time round, it has been the only nice part of this high risk pregnancy. Also, being a high risk patient, Ive found that the hospital staff have been so much nicer too. Last time I found a lot of them quite rude. This time, everyone has been really nice.

I hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see pics of all the babies soon!! And seeing final names and genders and everything. Such exciting times!
I have hypoplastic breasts/IGT, and am a chronic under-supplier of breastmilk. I will have to use an at-the-breast supplementation system, where baby latches to my breast, but is also simultaneously supplemented by a Lact-aid tube. It's pretty cool, and not a lot of people know about it.

Had a wonderful ultrasound! Baby is a dinker, but my other two were as well. Baby will arrive via c-section in 2 weeks, 3 days.
Lala - I don’t know the circumstances but maybe investigate local breastfeeding support because making you supplement and pump in the first few days sounds crazy! I had to be helped to hand express for the first few days - but didn’t need to supplement because the milk doesn’t actually come in in quantity until day 3 or 4 ish!
Blaaaah sorry everyone I just need to vent.
So I don't know if anyone remembers but early on my pregnancy came back high risk for Down syndrome (and other chromosomal abnormalities) because of my low PAPP-A levels.
I then had a NIPT done and it came back low risk for DS. After seeing a genetic councellor, I decided not to have an amniocentesis done because the risk of miscarriage or infection was higher than the risk of DS according to the NIPT results.

Anyway, I thought that was behind us now.

Well at my scan on Wednesday, they were concerned because baby's femur is measuring farrrr behind, and mentioned that it is a marker for Down syndrome and that in addition to my low PAPP-A is a concern. Then they sent me home and made an appointment with a specialist for Monday.
Well obviously I've just been so worried since.
I went and saw my GP yesterday about it and he had a look over all of my scans and reports and essentially said that all I can do is try to be patient and wait and see. That it is worrying, but that the NIPT is more accurate than the other markers and to try and hope that the NIPT results were correct.

I know I might just be stressing over nothing. But just not knowing for sure is really driving me crazy. Sorry for the vent. I just feel lost.
I'm sorry littlelala.. that's stressful! They are right the nipt results are much more accurate. You could just have a little shorty. AND those scan can be off. My dds both (and this baby too actually) always measure shorter in the femur and head on scans especially this late in the game, but then come out with good measurements of both! They always just tell me it's really hard to get an accurate result when the baby is this big in there and squished up!!!

I know it's stressful and you are worried but just try to keep a level head until you see the specialist!!!! :hugs:
I'm sorry littlelala.. that's stressful! They are right the nipt results are much more accurate. You could just have a little shorty. AND those scan can be off. My dds both (and this baby too actually) always measure shorter in the femur and head on scans especially this late in the game, but then come out with good measurements of both! They always just tell me it's really hard to get an accurate result when the baby is this big in there and squished up!!!

I know it's stressful and you are worried but just try to keep a level head until you see the specialist!!!! :hugs:

Thank you. I think just the fact that they have made an appointment with the specialist is freaking me out too.
To be fair, I have a long torso and short legs, so it might just be that too.
I wish I could relax about it though.
I’m so sorry littlelala! That’s extremely stressful! I hope it’s nothing! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that right now

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