TTC, that is so fantastic how well your breastfeeding is going! Your supply sounds amazing! I am so jealous haha.
I really, reallllly struggled with breastfeeding my son. It wasn't something I was expecting at all, I just stupidly assumed that it would work fine. They had to put him on formula at the hospital because I wasn't producing milk, midwives were constantly attaching me to big pumps and also syringing my breasts for any drops. It was really sad. I was taking motilium and also fenugreek, but in the end I only breastfed for 6 weeks and each of those feeds were "topped up" with formula anyway.
Earlier on in this pregnancy, the specialist mentioned he would order a scan of my breasts closer to baby arriving, I wonder if that has to do with seeing if there are any internal issues? I haven't heard about it since. I see a specialist on Monday so I should ask again then.
This time round, I am going in with an open mind to feeding-- I cried so so so so much every day for months last time because I felt like such a failure. I won't let it destroy me this time, because I know that so long as baby is fed, then that is all that matters. Hopefully though, I will be less stressed this time as a STM, and that might help my body do what it needs to do.
My morning sickness has returned terribly. It is worse than first trimester. So much vomit.
I also have a huge Uni assignment due tonight which is no where near finished. It is going to be soooo late haha. I don't know why I thought I could handle Uni this close to my due date.
I have a scan again today, I have really enjoyed my frequent scans this time round, it has been the only nice part of this high risk pregnancy. Also, being a high risk patient, Ive found that the hospital staff have been so much nicer too. Last time I found a lot of them quite rude. This time, everyone has been really nice.
I hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see pics of all the babies soon!! And seeing final names and genders and everything. Such exciting times!