||November Mummies!|| Another Year :)

Kezzy was 5lb 11oz at birth, she is approx 6lb 2oz now :( Not good :nope: but she is putting on weigh which is a blessing. Oh and she hasn't STTN since her first week until last night. 9hrs sleep :dance: it was great, she woke up, had a huge breastfeed (I'd expressed 60mLs for her but couldn't find the bottle lid, so I just put her on the full breast). I cannot remember the last time I slep so well. I woke up a bit congested but it has cleared up now; I thought I had asthma again :nope: but I didn't :happydance:.
Oh and I'm in an emoticon mood :lol:.

We are at Brisbane now, 7hr train ride yesterday, it was long and tiring considering the trin was running late :trouble: but we eventually got through it, even though Michael and I (DF) had a few sharp words on the trip, it was lack of nicotine (yes I know I'm a terrible mum smoking and all that, but I'd be worse if I quit; long story, ask if you want) and having to basically sit aeround for ages. I nearly got DVT (deep vein thrombosis) but I realised when it was starting and did a few easy exercises. Also I only have approx. an inch to lose off my waist to fit my wedding dress! I'm pretty happy about that, tried it on the other day to see, and the zip just won't reach that last inch, but great considering I just had a child! Screw the 9 months on 10 months off rule, I'm pre-pregnancy weight :happydance:! Got my shoes for the wedding the other day too, $6 from a charity store, nice sized heel even though I don't need it, being 6'2" and all but it goes with my dress perfectly.

We've decided on just a small wedding with whoever wants to turn up basically. It's only going to cost us $500 all up :D

Nimbus i hope everything works out darl! It won't be easy but we're your sisters and we'll look out for you :thumbup:

Myturnyet Hope your recovery goes well. They reckon 2yrs before another child don't they? (having said that, my friend fell pregnant again after like 7 months, she has had two previous ceasaerians, this was her third)

Amanda Sounds like he is quite the chubba bubba :D

Poppy That is brilliant!
Aww at least she's putting a little weight on :hugs: i was worried seren wouldnt put much on having Reflux but she doing well. Just need this reflu to go like the colic did cos its hard work with her being unsettled all the time. BTWim a smoker too, not proud but stops me killing my OH :haha:
Aye I know what you mean Poppy. The reason ours isn't putting much on is urinary reflux.
Oh Leopard, yo poor thing. It mst be hell for you. I hope they give yo some good news and its not as bad as the predict. BTW i am a smoker too. But nowhere near as much as i used to. My stpid sister offered me a ciggy a few weeks after having DS and now im back on them! D'oh!
MrsTurner - yeah, I smoke way less then I used to. I thought by mentioning smoking I'd get attacked and then you gals pipe up and say you do too :haha: Just don't mention smoking in baby club! :nope: They eat your for a snack.
im a smoker too. and i understand were u r coming from with people going off on u. when i first found out i was pregnant with ella i posted in my other nov thread and was trying to find someone in the same postion as me about smoking and having trouble quiting and to find someone to try n quit with and i got told off big time!!
You'll always get somebody giving you shit about something you cant win, so stuff them thats what i say :haha:
Emt- did you do anything else to calm trey? Bradley had his shots today and has been screaming. I feel so bad for him. :( he's nursing right now but will try Tylenol if it happens again. He was 24 inches an 14 lb 3.5 oz. He's growing out instead of up lol.

Leopard you're so sweet to check on my recovery with everything you have going on. I'm feeling all the way better but it still hurts sometimes if I exercise or touch around my incision. Asked the dr and he said one year is recommended but my sister got pregnant with her fourth six months after her csection. I guess I shouldn't try to rush except I'm already 34 so feel like clock is ticking.
I think once you feel ready to ttc go for it... i concieved Wade when Gage was 6wks :dohh: wasnt planned but nice surprise
i was wondering i kno i came into this thread late but can i b added to front page my name is Amanda n i had my daughter Aaryella Rose Kemp on November 19th
Added Amanda :) We should have new November babies soon!
thank u leopard n i kno its crazy to think that other woman will b pregnant come next month with november babies
Hey girls sorry it's been a few days since I've been on. We've had a rough week. Trey has had diarreah and a low grade fever since he had shots but he is finally feeling better but fighting sleep so bad which involves tensing his body up, scratching, crying, kicking and then smiling and refusing to keep a pacifier in his mouth (because he knows it makes him sleepy) so I am a bit tired and worn out at the moment. Not to mention we are supposed to go to a concert tomorrow night and I DO NOT want to leave my kids with the inlaws but hubby automatically told HIS parents they would be keeping the kids without asking me if I was okay with that or if I wanted my mom to keep them. I honestly don't even want to go to the concert but I told my sister I would be her designated driver for the night so she doesn't drink and drive. This is the first time we're leaving either kid with the inlaws much less BOTH.....ugh I wanna puke just thinking about it!!!!!!!
Oh my! Lorelei just managed to sleep through the night... Simon didn't manage it once until he was 16 months... I now have to express on one side, but i do feel quite good currently! You never know it may happen again soon!
I've been in a bit of a daze in the last few days - hence not posting much. Been feeling quite glum and run down. Completely spent, and really not enjoying much. AF made a suprise appearance, so that may explain some of my mood. I'm really hoping so as i've been thinking that i should take a trip up tot he doctors.

I'm completely living for the weekend. I hardly see DH during the week and miss him. I'm so tired every day by just being a mum, i have no energy or anything to do much else. Sadly i have a few friends currently are having quite a few issues who are almost pointing towards wanting to live with us... i seriously can't handle that and although i've not said no, i've been trying to make it very clear that i have my own issues going on without burdening them with my worries which probably seem very insignificant to them. Anyway, i am again very thankful for my weekends where i do have my husband even for a small amount of time (inbetween preparation for his next weeks lessons), that he spends with us. The extra set of eyes on our toddler is such a blessing.

How are you all?

EMTAmanda how was the concert? You ok? How'd the whole thing go?
Leopard how you doing hun? How's your little lady doing?
Hey Nimbus :hugs: I hope things start to look up. Good work on the STTN! Things are a bit rocky at the moment. Been in hospital with her since Wednesday. Stress is starting to get to me, wish the frikkin doctors would hurry up with her results; which we were supposed to get on Friday!

Amanda, how is Trey doing now?
Hey girls! The concert was GREAT we had a blast but I definitely don't miss the bar scene! Trey is doing better and DH let me sleep last night but I took a sleeping pill so I actually would sleep and now I'm all groggy today :-/ I start my Zumba work out classes Tuesday night! Hubby is going to watch the babies while I go to the classes on Tues/Thurs/and Sat nights! So it should be nice to get some me time while trying to get into shape! I'm 149lbs now.....I was 179lbs when I gave birth and 104lbs when I conceived.......so I put on a huge amount of weight! But I've lost 30lbs but still 40 to go! :-/ I hope everyone had a decent weekend Mr.Trey does NOT want me to put him down lately haha!
Up 3 times last night between 11 and 6... at least i had one night of sleep hey!

Leopard - so glad to hear that things are looking up, continuing to think of you guys
EMTAmanda - Glad to hear that you were able to enjoy the concert and that you're able to get some well deserved time off.

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