November Nuggets ~ 2016

Jemmalouise, I posted before seeing ur reply �� Yes I'll get an early scan, have had them in every pregnancy after losing my first but even more so now after mc. It's crap, feels so different this time �� Don't feel like I can allow myself to get excited �� Hopefully in a few weeks I'll feel better. No symptoms at all here. Feel tired but then I always am lol ��
Today's digi with smu 😊


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Hi Jox nice yo see you :) sorry for your loss :hugs: hopefully there will be no issue with getting your early scan booked for 8 weeks xx

I am majorly tempted to go buy a digi but trying to resist!

Just finished work for the week hurrahhh!

I keep getting stabbing/pinching pains in my abdo low down and to the right. Anyone else?_

Hope everyone is well today :)
Smiley faces I had just that a few days ago!

Jox hi!! Congratulations, so sorry about your losses I hope you can start to enjoy this special time as soon as you feel ready. I would hazard a guess that you are due before the 3rd if you are already getting 2-3 on your digi! My Af isn't actually due until tomorrow but I know when I ovulated, making me due 1st November. I will be my bottom dollar your scan puts you ahead of the 3rd xx
Smiley faces, could be early stretching although it's also quite normal to get 'period pains ' around the time af would of been due. Getting scan should be easy, it's just trying to hold of 4 weeks when each day feels like a week lol any plans for ur long weekend? I'm at work fri & sat night then Sunday daytime zzz

Elmo, I was very surprised with the 2-3wks, af was 28th Jan meaning ov around 11-12th so 14dpo now unless I ovd a few days early. Suppose we'll see at a scan lol a lovely friend suggested twins lol x
Try using countdown to pregnancy app the one I used in my ticker, I put in my ovulation date rather than lmp and it gave me my dates. Otherwise technically I would have even missed my period and yet I found out on a pretty clear bfp last Saturday! X
Also wow imagine if it was twins!! There's a thread going called "mummy's having multiples" people talking about chances of having twins etc this one lady commented on it then came back after her scan to comment again again she's having triplets!!! Naturally no IVF x
Oh don't a friend has said twins coz my hcg seems high lol x
Eeek the thought of multiples knocks me sick! Fill with dread when I think of it!
My only concerns is I'm high risk anyway and it just adds so much that can go wrong!! With my mc my hcg was quite high so I'm not really suspecting anything other than owing a day or so earlier than I should of done xx
How far was you when you had your mc?

I have my gp appointment tomorrow where he will refer me to the midwives for my booking in.

My boobs are rock hard. Not sore really, just hard :lol:
I was 6.5 wks when I had a scan showing nothing inside the sac, didn't miscarry for about another 2 weeks tho. Hcg was rising but only by a little each time. Considering there was technically no fetus inside the sac my hcg was high, had a belly coming on (4th pregnancy joys lol) and boobs were ginormous lol x
:hugs: sorry to hear that xx

Yes I have a feeling I will be bigger this time (this is my 3rd!).
Jox - feel free to share the boys' names because I have NO ideas, but have tonnes of girls' names! :p

Smily - I definitely had some pinching/stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen, though infrequent. I have also been having general cramping on and off and sometimes some pain on the left side that I feel is maybe a muscle rather than an organ. And pretty bad lower back pain just above my coccyx when I'm sitting down. I Googled my arse off and found these are pretty normal in early pregnancy.

However, Google obviously couldn't just leave it there on a positive note - I am pretty sure I have an kidney infection (ongoing UTI/cystitis, enlarged kidney and more recently some kidney pain) and Google tells me it can lead to miscarriage if severe and possibly birth defects even if mild. Awesome. Tomorrow I'm going to the doc and they better give me antibiotics! I was so nervous when I first got my BFP about possible MC, esp because they're so common early on, and then I embraced it and got really excited, but now I am super worried again :(

As for testing, I first found out on Sunday with a really faint line on an IC (before Sunday they were all BFN) and then confirmed with FRER on Tuesday morning, which showed a definite line but not as strong as control. Did another IC the next day and the line did seem to get darker. I will do one every two days till I run out (I have two more left) then I hope to quit. I already stopped temping, because even minor temp drops would've stressed me out!
Hrs not to just keep testing isn't it. I did one Monday, not sure y as thought I was only about 9dpo lol anyway got a faint bfp then done about 7 tests since lol not gonna do anymore now till my second digi next Thursday to hopefully get the 3+

I could have trip,et boys in this pregnancy and name them all straight away, give me just one girl and she'll be nameless lol

How r u all today? I'm off for coffee with friends this morning then got work at 6pm. Told close friends when preg last time but we r going to try and not say anything this time till we've had a positive scan x
I have had a kidney infection in pregnancy, I was in hospital but nobody ever once mentioned miscarriage or birth defects to me so try not to worry. You can't diagnose yourself with Google Hun or we would all have a brain tumour!

I have told my 3 best friends who have been following every months cycle with me since the reversal and my mother but won't be telling anyone else now. Nice morning for us, OH has a rare morning off work so we dropped the kids at school and took the youngest for some breakfast now just at home bathing the dog lol then I'll be getting ready, it's my best friends birthday and she is down from Edinburgh where she lives now with her boyfriend, so we are going for posh afternoon tea at a stately home and then this evening a Thai meal followed by her surprise party at a gig in Leeds.

My lack of symptoms is a little bit scary but it's such early days I suppose what can I expect. I have never had swollen boobs or Anytning like that since I have my first and this is my 4th xx
I'm the same Jox I have a boy name but no girl name!

I have no real symptoms either Elmo!

I have just caved and bought a digi :blush: it said 2-3 which is about right (ish). I will wait till Monday to take my other one and hoping it will say 3+. Don't know why I bought them!!
Hello ladies :hugs: welcome blue moon and congratulations

How are we all today? No symptoms today really but I only had some nausea anyway :shrug: As for names we still have the ones we picked out last year but we are holding off telling anyone until our 20 week scan if we can, only told my best friend as she is getting married in a couple weeks and would be suspicious at my lack of drinking :haha:

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