November Rainbows 2016

I'm hoping our insurance is similar, DH deals with these kind of things so not sure what our insurance covers. I can't even talk to him at the moment. He's been in such a bad mood since I told him what the police said. Just giving him some space. He's kind of blaming himself at the moment that he should of avoided the accident but when someone slams on the breaks in front of you when your doing 60+ there's no way you can avoid a crash. Even if he'd swerved to avoid we would have still crashed into traffic in the next lane. Just so annoying that we work so hard for nice things yet some stupid idiot breaking the law can destroy it. I'm sure we can work it all out though. It could have been so much worse and we are all fine so to me that's the main thing.
Hugs hon.
What a mess.
Stupid other driver xx
Hope it gets sorted quickly for ye xx
How r ye feeling now?
Hope not too sore xxx
In Ireland there is an uninsured driver fund
That u claim from in stuff like this
Its built into your insurance cost automatically
Hope ye hve something like that too
Id imagine ye would xxx

My new car came yest.
But he didn't fix stuff on it like he promised
Or nct it ( think your mot)
It like he promised
Ita pulling to the left and I think the shock on right side is a bit dodgy
I rang him and he started shouting at me.
Saying I was looking for too much
And what did I expect it was second hand car
And he was losing money on it
Was horrible on the phone.
So bad I started crying and I'm pretty sure my blood pressure was hugh all eve

I felt awful and my heart was beating really fast and headache
I'm not sure what's happening now
Might hve to send it back to him.
Cos I'm afraid of what else is wrong with it now!!
Oh no! That's not on at all! If your not happy definitely send it back. A car with no faults is not too much to ask for at all. At the end of the day you have to be safe driving and you said he promised those things would be done so he's totally in the wrong. Hope you get it sorted!
Thanks hon.
I hate arguing.
It really gets to me
So I hope its sorted out quickly now.
My bro in law worked with cars all his life
He is going to check it out for me tomorrow.
I bought it from a place a long distance away
And hve filled out and sent off applications to do with the car being adapted
So hope it works out alright.
Sorry trivia in comparison to your crash x
Hope ye r ok xxx
Not trivial at all! Don't be silly. I'd be just as upset as you were. Cars are expensive! xx
Best to give him space I know how he feels though, stupid thing is had you had swerved and hit other traffic you would have been liable for that laws of the road make little sense :wacko:

Lilesmom I would have been cross and upset if that happened after he promised to fix it, you pay a lot of money and expect to get what you are promised hope when your bro in law looks at it he dosent find much wrong, I'm not good at confrontation either and usually end up just giving in.

Alls ok here havent felt her move much the last 2 days and woke this morning feeling like I was going to vomit and had a weird large movement in my belly like she had back flipped or something but I'm really not sure if i dreamed it or not :wacko: Anyway I picked a heart beat for about 3 seconds but I could hear her moving around loads :flower:
Thanks ladies xxx

I haven't felt much either last two days
But I've been on the go a lot
Doppler says fine :)
I think I'm getting Braxton kicks alright
Don't think I ever had them with simon
Not even sure its them now
But if its not I'm goosed as to what it is :)
Its happened a few times during last week now
Mostly if I'm not after drinking enough
Or after walking lots.
Not sore but weird feeling that stops u up.
I'm glad he didn't swerve, the accident could have been so much worse. We were all lucky.

Henry still has periods where I don't feel him, but I get out the Doppler and I can hear swishing along with the heartbeat so I assume that's him wiggling away so it reassures me.

How's things with the car lilesmom?

Toe any better lucusmum?
Thanks hon xx
Glad henry is doing great xx
I presume we r just too early for consistency in moving.

I've to send it back.
I'm going to try buy new
It will stretch me a bit
But least I shouldn't get a car full of trouble then :)
Trying to sort out finance now for it
Cross your fingers for me :)
Sorry squishy hurried me up :)
Hope u can get your car sorted soon hon x
How r u managing with your arm?
Hugs x
I hope you get it sorted. At least you know your car will be safe for you and your little man then. Could you get a disability car? We used to do that for zack. Plus you can't all the adaptions you need done to it.

The arm is ok, just annoying. Even showering is a pain as I can't get the cast wet. Be glad when it's off. Makes looking after the children difficult, especially aurora as she's only 11 months. Looks like we are going to be getting a new car though, DH is picking up the courtesy car now so at least we will have that till everything is sorted.
So I'm sat in A&E was eating a lolly ice earlier and sucked the drips when a splinter got stuck in my throat I can't swallow without it hurting I can feel it but can't see it, only me!!
Oh no! Hope they sort it for you lucusmum. What a random injury though! I will have to be careful eating ice lollies in future! Will you have to wait long?
Yay to coutesey car coming when we had ours in Feb I didnt want to give it back :haha:

I hope you get your car troubles sorted soon lilesmom nothing worse than being messed about :flower:

So I'm home just short of 2 hours in total, not a pleasant experience though and I may have vomited on the doctor :blush: but in my defence I did have 3 wooden stick things and a pair of scissors down my throat, which is feeling a bit sore right now!

The top of the stick was broken (unbeknown to me) and when it started dripping on me I sucked as you do and felt this sharp pain I could feel it, I did try and work it out myself but it wasnt to be, it was a refreshers lolly from a multipack which has now gone in the bin, both Lucas and I had one thankfully I got the dodgy one, there is no way in this world they would have got that out from Lucas without sedating him :wacko:
Are you going to complain to the company? That's dreadful! It could have caused a really serious accident. Glad your ok though.
Jeepers we r all full of misfortune lately
That's three now so hope that's the end xx
That sounds sore and awful Lucas mom.
Ouchie xx
Hope it feels,better soon.
I hve never heard of that happening
Sometimes when ice lol is gone
Ds chews the stick,
Wont be happening again.
Hugs x

Maryanne I had a broken arm in school
It was a pure pain doing stuff.
Didn't hurt after first two days
But was soo irritating
I was wondering how u were managing aurora with it
But I suppose u just hve to
Hugs xx

Waiting to hear from finance company if they accept my application
Fingers crossed.
Other car going back on wed.
Be glad to hve my little micra back ��
My sis and parents said they would lend me money
So ill be buying new alright id say even if finance doesn't say yes :)
But id prefer not to hve to ask them.

Scan tomorrow.
Doesn't feel real for some strange reason.
Hoping alls well and find out gender :)
I'm thinking I will complain, I still have the stick mainly because I asked Lucas to bin it so it got left on the kitchen side you can clearly see its split, it was more uncomfortable than painful, but Lucas wouldnt have told me for ages it hurt probably till he couldnt eat and it was a raging infection, so I'm glad it was me, thats twice now I've ended up in A&E when it so easily could have been him instead :wacko:

Nope dont let Simon chew the sticks any more he may not like you for it but better safe than sorry fingers crossed for the finance :flower:

What time is the scan tomorrow? I'm in work all day with a client who goes mad if I even think about looking at the time on my phone never mind checking the site :haha:

Maryanne I actually conceived Lucas with a broken arm :blush: Last year my right hand was injured and was in a sling and swollen so much it was like a claw its amazing how much you cant do with a hand/arm missing probably TMI but I couldnt even wipe my bum properly and of course I had a visit from Aunt Flo that week OH drew the line at those 2 things but had to pull my knickers and trousers up my bra and everything even brush my hair :dohh:
Yey I'm so excited for you lilesmom. Anyone would think this was my scan :rofl: I hope all is ok with baby and he/she is happy to flash their bits for you.

I'm actually surprising myself how well I'm coping with the cast. Suppose it's cause I don't have much choice, DH is back in work today so I have to manage. Be glad when it's off though, it is very Uncomfortable. The sling isn't being worn though, I just can't manage with one hand picking up baby etc. Don't think it matters too much.

I'd Defo complain lucusmum. I can't believe it happened! So dangerous.
Thanks ladies.
Sorry I got a chance to read but not answer cos of squishy :)
Scan isn't until two.
Nearly leaving now.
First time letting ds with anyone other than his parents too
My sis who will be minding him for the birth is minding him
Good for them to get used to each other in small patches
I'll update after scan when I can.
Thanks xxx
Awww lilesmom I saw you had posted and got excited then, the suspense is killing me :rofl: good luck for your scan. I'm sure ds will be fine, it's good to get him used to it before hand. We had never left ds until I fell pregnant with dd but we did little trial runs with my nan before hand. When it came to me staying in then it wasn't too bad. Just a few years over missing mummy.

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