~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Evans hips are fine :) He checked for clickyness and basically attempted to dislocate :shock: but his hips are fine as they didn't pop out the socket!! His extra crease seems to be one leg fatter than the other :rofl: But I must keep an eye on it.
OOh we got a new camera last night. A really nice one, 10.1 megapixel cannon rebel. I LOVE IT! Takes some really good pictures.

Got my period last night. Explains why I told OH "Thats it Im on strike. Im no longer doing the dishes!"

As I had asked him 3 days ago to do dishes, he didnt so I did, adn then I got up in morning yesterday and sink was full again. IM DONE! I need help around this house, I spent ALL DAY wednesday cleaning, and after I went to bed OH Trashed it!
:grr: i need a washing machine, typical as we where going to pay a bill off in full to save money when my money stops.. !

libby does not like advacado lol we are both covered in green snot now..

pichi test already! lol hope the poorly sparklers get better soon, lib has a cough too :(.

pichi your doing great with the weaning, im going at snail pace and being a bit lazy and she is only having some puree at lunch, im a bit unconfident with it all tbh. I have some fruity porridge in but dont know whether to start it for brekkie or fruits...
i'm going to alternate between the fruit and porridge / cereals for breaky :D you can even mix in some fruit with the porridge just for a bit of variety. we have the fruity porridge as well as banana and strawberry which seems to be a fav.

it helps that Pixie is actually enjoying her food though. she takes the spoon and practically just feeds herself. milk from a sippy cup now too with food :thumbup:

when Lib gets used to that weird object which is a spoon in her mouth she'll want more and more :) i'm having to start breakfast and lunch now because Pixie can't last till 11 from 7 now for her lunch haha. if i give her say a 5oz bottle AND breakfast that will tie her over to around 11.30/12 i think.. because she usually can go from 11am lunch till 4 before she wants her bottle...

phew, that was a longer post than i thought! hah
Gemma, this is how I did it :)

Started with baby rice at lunch for a few days and then made up the purees. Stared giving him a different puree each day! Then after nearly 2 weeks I introduced breakfast, started with porridge, have mixed in banana and pear, this morning he had just mango puree but he has had fruity porridge too. On Sunday he is 5 months so am consdiering introducing a dinner aswell, but am going to give him potato and veg, and then I shall start offering a pudding which at the moment is just petit filous as fruit and fruit or veg and fruit purees is a bit much I think!!

At 24 weeks (2.5 weeks time) I am going to start introducing dairy and eggs and bread and then 6 months I am going to bring in meat.

At 6 months (or 24 weeks) I am going to give him finger foods alongside his food, so he can have both TW (but mostly feed himself or I will if he wants) but also BLW to play with and get used to the finger food, although AK reccommends doing that anyway :)

I reckon Lib is more than ready to have 2 meals :)

I bought a few puree pouches for back up too, but my purees are fine. Evan also hates avacado :haha: I would never give him something I wouldn't eat myself (except egg!)
We just had lunch Al Fresco :) Was cool, just nipped over to the beach and Evan had his lunch sitting on my lap. As I am a twat I forgot to take baby wipes :dohh:

I am showing off as this is across the road from me :haha:


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Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I have just spent ages reading everything since Sunday and replying to everyone's posts and then I had to leave it for 20 minutes while I sorted George out and when I came back and clicked post, it gobbled everything up :dohh:

So in short, Christening was lovely and Georgie was really good during the service (well he was asleep, lol) but then was such a grump afterwards that we have hardly any piccies. I will post a few once I get them off my camera.

We have no weaning schedule here. The Sunday nearest to George turning 6 months we will sit down to our Sunday roast and he can have some steamed carrot, broccoli and a bit of roast chicken,he can feed/play with it himself. I can't wait to see his face :) Not looking forward to the mess :haha:

Welcome to the new recruits :wave:

Good luck with the new venture Kells :thumbup:

Hop your grandmothers op goes ok Danielle :hugs:

Test Manda, god dammit test :rofl:
They say things happen in threes so at least 2 more of us should be joining Danni, could be you and Gemma :haha:

I know I have missed loads and loads, stupid BnB post gobbler.

Hope all who is poorly soon feels better :hugs:

Ooooh, lovely piccies of Evan on the beach Sophie You are so lucky having it just across the road x
Hi ladies, I gave Shaun a spoon of baby banana cereal last night, he loved it! :D His teething seems to have stopped today? Does that happen? He's just been in a real lovely mood and managed to drink all his bottled without any fuss. Had a look in his mouth and it's still as red and strained gums as ever, but he seems fine today!

Anna, those pictures of Evan are lovely :)

Bartness, I was going to get that camera when I was looking to buy one! :)

Hope everyone is well :) :flower:
yeah lois i'd say it's normal. some days Pixie is bothered something rotten with her teeth - next minute she's fine!

glad your little one liked the banana cereal. i'd recommend the banana and strawberry cereal - or the fruity porridge. :thumbup:
Lois evan is very on/off with his teeth :) I think it's quite short bursts of pain where they move around before cutting through!

Glad he liked the nana :)
yeah lois i'd say it's normal. some days Pixie is bothered something rotten with her teeth - next minute she's fine!

glad your little one liked the banana cereal. i'd recommend the banana and strawberry cereal - or the fruity porridge. :thumbup:

Oh right, was just a bit confused because we haven't had a normal day since he started teething, I was just thinking it was the 'calm before the storm' and he was going to cut a tooth tonight or something!

I bought that today! And I have a little packet of fruity porridge i got sent in a baby club pack :)

Lois evan is very on/off with his teeth :) I think it's quite short bursts of pain where they move around before cutting through!

Glad he liked the nana :)

Yeah, sometimes he'll SCREAM, totally randomly, make us all jump, I think thats the moment where the tooth moves up a bit, so sad :(
thanks, dont get me wrong manda she loves her food too, and loves the spoon I give it her to feed herself, and she has her tt sippy cup too just to have a little drink with her food im just taking it slowly as she is still young and im being lazy haha, got some papaya for tomorrow morning to start brekkie though x
glad u had a good day coco!

argh dont talk about teeth, we have the top 2 coming in now, they havnt cut but can feel them and app they cut about a month after the first 2 :dohh: thing is only symptom before they cut that we had was chewing and drooling and a bit of a freaking out everynow and then trying to bite things, now they have cut they seem to drive her mad and she is a lot more whingey these days.. of thats possible .
yeah that's fine :) i mean there is no rule on weening REALLY. you'll know you're Libby better than anyone so you'll know when she really wants some of those nummy purées more.

OH is trying to do the pick up put down technique for putting Pixie to bed - not working. she's screaming her little heart out but when i suggest to give her dummy for a whole of 5 mins like what i do when she's getting herself in a state he moans we are trying to ween her off the dummy :dohh:
I think its not recommended to do put up put down at this age as it makes them more awake, i dont see why the dummy for 5 mins to help her sleep isnt worth a go, she might just need a little comfort suck :shrug: libby is great with hers now she can suck its great!
PUPD didnt work for us here. I'm ashamed to say CIO worked last night, but it was only 10 mins!!
sorry im going to be thick again - CIO?

EDIT: it's ok worked it out ;) lol
Kayley, evan has had a cough too which has produced fountain type sick when he's in bed :( seemed bit better yesterday!

Bartness, glad your grandma is doing ok :flower:

pichi, hope that's af cramps u got going on there :)

taking evan to the doctors at 10.20 to check his hips as he has an extra crease in one leg!

Am gonna take him to the beach this afternoon too :)

How is Evans cough now?

Megan is REALLY wheezy, she slept with me all night last night and the 2 times I DID try to put her in her crib she woke up and started crying which led to coughing almost instantly! :(

Decided to take her to the doctors today and when she was undressed (so doctor could use her stethoscope) we found quite a bad rash over her chest. :(

Doctor thinks its a virus and for now we have to keep a close eye on it, doctor did prescribe an inhaler though which Megan has to have every 4 hours until she is better! hoping she'll be better soon.

She is back in her crib for now as it was recommended we elevate the matress too.

Off to read other posts now :D
i got so fed up i tried it to but it didnt work she just got too upset that she was making herself sick :(
Ok so can somebody tell me how to multi quote please, I clicked on the "+ button thing and its not worked. :s

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