~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Maddy put herself to sleep last night in her cot!!!!! :D she normally has to fall asleep in my arms but i decided to just let her watch the mobile and she was out!
With the marriage thing, when Phill and I first got together after a few months we nearly split up because I told him how important marriage was to me and he really didn't see the point of it and didn't want it!
I think he only changed his mind for definate when we decided to have a baby together! However, we are getting married for the wrong reasons really! We want the day together - the one big day and it will be big (which is why we have given ourselfs 3 years to save up!)
I can't wait to have his surname but I also can't wait to have a beautiful dress and all my friends and family there etc. I don't think it will make too much difference to our actual relationship as we are still very loving together and our relationship is growing and becoming stronger every day! We have been together 4 years in May.

All three of mine have different surnames :wacko::wacko:


I will never forget when you joined our sparklers thread. you jumped in late at night one night, I was still up and you were like yeah my 3 kids have different dads, I don't care, I am a mental :haha:

Wish I could find it :D

Thanks mate - just remind everyone I am a whore :p

PMSL that is too funny

happy 4 months shaun! libby is having a nap again, im not expecting 2 hours like yesterday and I should be doing something but im too scared to wake her up, i would shower but its right next to her room... il just go in with her when she wakes up :haha: Il try and wash up quietly after my cuppa.

Im looking online for toys, i feel like she has got nothing :shrug: oh would disagree but she is going to need more age appropriate stuff soon as she will be able to interact with stuff more when she sits up properly... anyone any suggestions? those that have had children before anything u recommend? or am I being silly and i should just give her a crisp packet, my mobile and a remote control! x

Megan loves her vtech toys! Her 'my pal violet' and her cube. She also loves her twisty teether. The Nuby ones.

Hello everyone...

Jo, if I could bottle your sense of humour I would be rich!

Had a sad day yesterday hence me not coming back on.. friends had a very sick baby girl and at 13 days old had to trun the machines off so she could find peace in heaven.. so so so terrible :-(

Decided to leave Addison to cry last night. he sleeps ok once he is down but fights falling asleep on his own.. he only cried for 10 mins and fell asleep till 4.30am.. quick feed then back down.. and this morning he slept in my bed from 9-10 and then in his cot (5 min cry) from 1pm and he is still asleep (its nearly 3pm).. slowly getting the routine which suits me as ash sleeps from 2.30-2.30 so we get some us time at least..

I am super keen on weight loss thing!!

So sorry to hear about your friends baby :( so sad

Jaxon found my glasses this morning. So they were dangeling off my face, full of slober and covered in tiny hand prints. But he was giggeling up a storm when pulling them off my face...

Still waiting for Megan to find my glasses lol - she seems to like grabbing my necklace at the mo though

Not the best day here. Apart from the fact I am having period from hell and even walking without bleeding everywhere is a mission (sorry tmi) evan refused his dinner of butternut squash which he loved last time so he settle for a petit filous. He's not had his Amber necklace on all day and has been awful! If he settles now it's on I will be well and truley convinced of it's magic powers!!

Do your lo's laugh? Evan smiles, grins, squeals but doesn't actually laugh as in chuckle. He doesn't find anything I do funny bit maybe that is cos I'm not funny :(

Megan laughs quite a lot too! Her favourite work is 'Aboooo' lol I tickle her chest and her sides.

Megan LOVES to stand on her feet, shes VERY strong! She is a big girl though, had her weighed last Thursday and she was 15lb 5oz!! :o

So I have always considered being a surrogate mum as I think it is such a lovely gift to give to a couple! I looked into it yesterday and although I am not ready right now maybe in a few years or so I might look into it again. The only thing that is putting me off is the bond that you create whilst pregnant and whether I could hand the child over!

What are your opinions on surrogacy?
if ur strong enough to do it an amazing gift, dont think i would be though x

well i feel like shit libby was not sleeping so decided to try a bit of crying and went to asda and told oh to go in the room after 10 mins and settle her, an hour later i returned and she was a mess, he had been going in but everytime he left she started again, so I came in and I couldnt handle it and just scooped her up :( and now we have argued. I feel so guilty, she knows she has me wrapped around her finger as when I went up she smiled at me and then started screaming again! x
:hugs: Gemma. Thanks for the link :)

George weighs just 13lb 2oz but at least he has come off the bottom percentile line :happydance:

I am trying to type in the dark while George sleeps besides me, not easy lol
So I have always considered being a surrogate mum as I think it is such a lovely gift to give to a couple! I looked into it yesterday and although I am not ready right now maybe in a few years or so I might look into it again. The only thing that is putting me off is the bond that you create whilst pregnant and whether I could hand the child over!

What are your opinions on surrogacy?

Don't think I could do it. Maybe for a family member if they really wanted a baby but couldn't...sort of thing. But very unlikely as I had a pregnancy from hell and don't wish to repeat it.
Been thinking lots lately about having another baby, in a few years time. But still not sure I can go through all that again.

Maddy put herself to sleep last night in her cot!!!!! :D she normally has to fall asleep in my arms but i decided to just let her watch the mobile and she was out!

Kai has done the same thing tonight. I was so shocked I had to keep checking he was asleep! :lol:

well i feel like shit libby was not sleeping so decided to try a bit of crying and went to asda and told oh to go in the room after 10 mins and settle her, an hour later i returned and she was a mess, he had been going in but everytime he left she started again, so I came in and I couldnt handle it and just scooped her up :( and now we have argued. I feel so guilty, she knows she has me wrapped around her finger as when I went up she smiled at me and then started screaming again! x

Awww, poor you :hugs:
Kai does similar. I think he knows his Dad will just leave him (no matter how many times I tell him not to) so he kicks off thinking I'll come running. Which I usually do as I can't stand the mess he gets himself into.
I don't know what to suggest, as I do the same thing. I sometimes wonder if he's going to be a spoilt so-and-so when he's a little older!

Not the best day here. Apart from the fact I am having period from hell and even walking without bleeding everywhere is a mission (sorry tmi) evan refused his dinner of butternut squash which he loved last time so he settle for a petit filous. He's not had his Amber necklace on all day and has been awful! If he settles now it's on I will be well and truley convinced of it's magic powers!!

Do your lo's laugh? Evan smiles, grins, squeals but doesn't actually laugh as in chuckle. He doesn't find anything I do funny bit maybe that is cos I'm not funny :(

I'm not entirely convinced about the Amber necklace. When he doesn't have it on normally, he's pretty bad but today I forgot to put it on him this morning and he was fine all day! But then he might have just been happy to be away from me :lol: (He was at MIL's from 12 - 6pm)

Kai laughs but it sounds like he's about to cry :lol:
He's not been doing it that long though.
Trying to upload a video to FB but it's taking forever!

So Kai projectile vomited all over everything this evening. Took me ages to clear it up. Didn't seem to bother him, he thought it was funny! Little rascal.

Once I'd changed him andf sheets etc I left him in his cot with his wave sounds on and he was whimpering and then giggling and so on....then went to wash up, came back and he was asleep! He'd self soothed for a change! I'm not banking on it recurring though :lol:

No luck on eBay with a movement monitor. I keep getting outbid at the last moment....gits!
Just going to have to buy a new one as Kai is ready for his cot now and I just don't feel comfy putting him in it all night without a decent monitor. At the moment he sleeps in it until I go to bed, then I transfer him to moses, next to me. It's a pain! And he's also getting waaay too big for it!

Going round my mum's tomorrow afternoon so it'll be a good test to see if Kai's got out of his hating people phase!
Oh yeah, also, I got a letter from my local childrens centre saying a support worker needs to come round as Kai is now over 3 months old. It said about weaning and safety etc.

Is this normal? When I saw it I panicked as thought maybe because I haven't taken him to clinic etc I'm on some sort of list!

I don't know how much Kai weighs :blush: I'm a bad mummy!
But it was really stressing me out (he was on the lowest line thing and HV kept worrying me) so I just decided to weigh him myself and although it's not entirely accurate, at least I know the rough weight.
He's over 14lb now...well, he was 2 weeks ago, when I weighed him.
I know there's nothing wrong with him. Some days he's doesn't like his milk much but he makes up for it the next days. He never has over 27oz in 24 hours but he's putting on weight, he's just a small baby, in height and weight!
Ahh Kelly I wished you'd have said about the monitor I just sold mine to Pink Lizzys sister! I have a BT150 and am totally fine with it, I decided in the end the movement monitor wasn't for me :)

We have a 4 month visit from the HV here to discuss weaning etc, so nothing you are doing!

Fabulous weightgain Georgie! He's catching up with Evan who's only 15lbs5 everyone is taking over my not so chunky chunk :haha:

Surrogacy? Not for me no way, I couldn't do it. But major kudos for those that do, a very very selfless act!

Evan went to bed at half 7 no problemo but woke up at 10.45, I had to get him up as was on a very important call...

To British Gas who seem to think I owe them £770, I've now got it down to £440 :dohh: There is a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mix up and I dunno whats going on, I have to call them again tomorrow!!
About the marriage thing, Marriage is important to me. I dont as much about having the big day and wearing the dress (dont get me wrong I want it) but I would be willing to just do a justice of the peace with just us and a witness. He says no though.

I actually offered to be a surrogate for my BFF, however it was declined (they were thinking about it) b/c a month later she found out she was pregnant (Aaron is 4 mths older than Jaxon, so it worked out better for the BOTH of us!).
i would totally be a surrogate i LOVE being pregnant and mourn my belly!!! such easy work being pregnant, for me anyway as i had no issues at all. Unfortunately i have no friends in need of a surrogate and you can't get paid to do it in Australia so i wouldn't do it for free for a stranger.
I understand why people would be a surrogate, and I admire those that do it...but no way could I do it, I think I would be more comfortable donating eggs to help people have children than I would carrying a baby for them.

I got that letter asking if I wanted a visit at home from the HV's..I rung them and said 'no ta' :haha:

I have never used a movement monitor...I was going to buy one with Amber, but Mum talked me out of it...she was worried I would get a bit obsessive over it...the legacy of having a preemie whose first few months of life are lived through monitors and machines bleeping left, right and centre.
We have the angelcare and I'm glad I got it tbh. Soph: my af was quite heavy last time but this time its been not so bad :)

Ah so our first offer on the house fell through :( we have put another offer in but we can't go much higher unfortunatly :(
:( I used to work in an estate agents so im hoping that they are playing ur bluff and even if they refuse your final offer you will get a phonecall saying they will accept! in this market they would be a fool not too x
Its only 3k under what she's offering so hopefully she will take it... Let them stew for a while. No other offers have been made and its been on the market for a year so... Fingers crossed I guess
Probably why the house hasnt sold yet, b/c she wont accept anything other than asking price.

good luck on getting your house!
Its different in Scotland to England isn't it?? Doesn't everyone put an offer in in secret then at a certain time it closes and highest offer gets it? I'm sure I saw something like that on location location location!
haha thats a closed auction..?

ok so we had a scary weaning moment, we had chokage on some butternut squash and swede! Nurse head kicked in but mother head was ready to take over and panic!

we are ok now and sitting on daddys knee rocking back and fourth... this is her new thing? she wont sit still just rocks... I think it stems from row row row your boat!

spoke to hv about sleeping and they are ringing me tomorrow and arranging a house call to discuss. Libby now also weighs 17lb 1oz! chunky monkey! x
Its different in Scotland to England isn't it?? Doesn't everyone put an offer in in secret then at a certain time it closes and highest offer gets it? I'm sure I saw something like that on location location location!

yeah it's different in scotland. we can't get 'gazumpt' here :thumbup:

and once an offer is accepted and 14 days pass then your sale or buying of the house is final. no loosing of house because a better offer came up.

i hope she takes our offer... she has now lowered her '...'i will not accept anything less than ____' figure so- here's hoping she caves another £2000... we COULD up our offer £1000 but i'd rather that in our pocket than theirs ;)

let them stew for hmmm 2 weeks?
hmm how odd that someone who joined in jan with no posts is stalking :hi: rooroo
haha for a moment i thought that was the noise of you waving :dohh: 'rooroo' hehe

what do you think GG on the homefront then? wait it out? Glad Lib is ok now :)

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