~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

wow! I really need to pull my finger and get a recepie book as I only got the meal planner AK book I really need a steamer but dan wont let me buy one as mum has one when we move :( Im not gonna give her meats/dairy/eggs till 6 month Im a bit of a worry wart with meats lol

charlie libby goes to bed around 7.30 -8ish depending on naps through the day. P.s will reply to your pm soon x
Amber goes to bed at 7pm...I have never dreamfed her though, she sleeps til anytime between 6.30-7.30am ish.
Evan has had some dairy, not loads though. The odd bit of unsalted butter on toast or that I've cooked with, a few petit filous and just recently teeny bit of cheese. Really not enough that I think is a concern. I gave him peanut butter too yesterday :)

He's had 2 dinners with chicken in and had just fruit/veg until he was 5 months :)

Gemma steamer £18 https://www.google.co.uk/products/c...TeH3OpK2hAfBj4XDCQ&ved=0CFQQ8wIwBA#ps-sellers

Cheaper in argos :)

wow they all go to bed so early lol, i dont think i want to risk that yet she'll be waking at bout 5 otherwise lol! She used to sleep around 12hrs but it seems to of dropped to around 9-10 although i guess i shouldnt comlain i bet theres loads of people who still have night feeds lol!

Thanks for that kelly will be making that tomorrow :)

im wanting to do blw so trying to hold off with food but gave chloe some fruit puree today as shes been playing around with her bottles, she really enjoyed it so will keep giving her a little bit every day. Gave her some steamed carrot tonight and she sucked on it for a little while and a small bit seemed to disappear from the end so i think she might of swallowed a little bit:)
thanks sophie but he wont let me get one as he says whats the point when im moving out and my mam has a mega one i can use :( 2 weeks to go! gonna try and steam them in the microwave tomorrow as I hate her having all jars not because there is anything wrong with them but because the texture is so smooth I worry she will stop wanting home stuff altogether! The fruity jars seem to be really sweet too! she had apple and blueberry and it was like Jam!

I dont dream feed libby anymore, it just knocks her to pot, she wakes anyway 11ish and then again at 3ish :/ gonna try upping her milks through the day, she drank near on 9oz at bedtime! We also had a random inconsolable crying before bed that I didnt know what that was about, she seemed to have a pain in her tummy but then also seemed to be chewing her fingers when she was crying, gave her some paracetamol but she spat most of it out so gave her ibrofen instead (as 2 are allowed together and she had very little paracetmol) she burped and sicked a little and then seemed to calm so I dunno if she had wind, heartburn or teeth or tummy pain :/ I will never know but I hate that sob that breaks your heart when u know they are hurting.

gonna go to bed! night x

The second I put him in the cot!! I pick him up he stops, I go to put him down he starts.

I just dunno what to do, he's shattered :( :( :(
you just have to stick at it with Evan. Pixie was like that for a good while but eventually she got used to her cot being sleep place :)

Gemma - woohoo lib seems to be doing fab! we still need to do a dreamfeed because Pixie doesn't take too much milk with her feeds :( she also wakes sometimes at 3pm...

*yawn* i think i might hit the sack too
Hi Jo!!! :)

Soph, we had exact same prob.. Takes 3 days to break the habit.. We broke it 2 weeks ago but then he got ear infection so had to start again. Tonight is night two.. We just let him cry, he screamed then stopped then screamed then stopped.. And then didnt know I was watching him but as soon as he saw me he screamed again.. So long as nappy dry, all fed up and a bit of bonjela on gums I reckon they just testing who is boss sometimes lol.. Even just after last night, today he went down for both naps (awake) in his cot and slept without a fuss. I am sure tomorrow will be even better.. Hang in there hun xx
ive just noticed... is my ticker wrong? :shrug: some sites say she's 4m 4w 1d old and this one i have says she's 4m 4w :dohh:

it is wrong, stupid thing >__<! stupid thebump working out my babies age wrong! lol
ive just noticed... is my ticker wrong? :shrug: some sites say she's 4m 4w 1d old and this one i have says she's 4m 4w :dohh:

it is wrong, stupid thing >__<! stupid thebump working out my babies age wrong! lol

:haha: i noticed ours are different even though our los were born the same day i just assumed mine was wrong lol!
nope mines is wrong your's is right. stupid thing lol i like 'thebump' tickers though
ahh makes a change then lol my pregnancy one was about 5 days out lol! I didnt really spend much time looking for one this time although once i get broadband may change it to freshen things up lol!
Well I had to get him up in the end, my tea was burning in the oven. So I sat him on the sofa and ignored him whilst I ate :haha: Then he went to sleep on me for an hour and ten, deep sleep and snoring, walked to his room, still snoring, put him down and he CRIED :dohh: Gave him a cuddle and he's down now but on his belly, I hate that so gonna turn him over in a bit.

I am so shit with the routine. I have no-one to cook my dinner while I spend hours trying to get him to sleep. Maybe I should start making a packed dinner of sandwiches and a yoghurt :rofl:
Awww Soph....If I was nearer I'd make you dinner. You probably wouldn't want to eat it though....I'm a crap cook :lol:

Kai did the same with his cot. He was so used to sleeping on me for naps, or on the sofa, that he just didn't want to be in his cot! It took about a week for him to settle for naps in his cot, during the day. I sometimes give in and let him sleep on me or in his bouncer as I just don't have the energy to fight him!
Now he's napping in the cot, I find he goes to bed easier....like I said though, it took a while to sort it out. FX Evan behaves for you :)

Thank you to those who told me about the Pasta chair....am looking into getting one! :)

Bloody crappy Virgin Media are complete arseholes. Had intermittent internet for ages now....everytime we phone them, on hold for at least 30 mins then get cut off. Pissed off! Had an engineer round (arranged through their forum) and it seemed to be fixed....for all of 3 hours. Grrr. Got another one coming on Saturday....so they'd better bloody sort it out!
I hate not being able to post on here! :lol:

Every thing is good with Kai. Apart from him waking at bloody 5am...sometimes earlier...I'm going to get a black-out blind. Just ordered the Gro anywhere one. See if that helps!
He has been going to bed between 7 and 8pm....which is a vast improvement!

Oh he rolled over today for the first time! Back to front....so proud! He's been trying so hard for a while now....then suddenly this morning he did it!

Had that support worker here today....was just going on about weaning and safety in the home. Got some free plug covers, corner covers and a door jam thing. Also trying to get me to go to baby clubs...I want to but I'm just so shy! I will though. I'm making it my mission to take Kai to at least one club next week.

I decorated Kai's room today :D Only with temporary wall stickers (as we're selling soon) but they look fab, I reckon. 99p for a pack of 12....bought 4 packs. Bargain!!!!

MIL is having Kai tomorrow...so I get a break...can't wait! But, I'll be spending all day cleaning and tidying the flat. Really needs doing properly.

Went into town the other day, Just me and Kai. Felt a bit lonely actually. Saw loads of other mums chatting together etc. Smiled at some of them but just got blank looks....why are people like that? Hmmm.
I literally have no friends where I live. The ones I did have I've given up on...they're not interested now I've got Kai!
Maybe I'll meet people at the baby clubs...nice people! :lol:

Sorry, another long one....hopefully I'll be able to post properly (every day ...lucky you! :lol:) again soon!
Aww hun :( Well not wanting to state the blooming obviousl but ya won't meet anyone without going out :D

Go on mumsnet too as they have a page where u can meet local mums :)

It is hard, I'd have been royally fucked with hinkybinky letting me be friends with her friends :)
Aww hun :( Well not wanting to state the blooming obviousl but ya won't meet anyone without going out :D

Go on mumsnet too as they have a page where u can meet local mums :)

It is hard, I'd have been royally fucked with hinkybinky letting me be friends with her friends :)

:lol: That made me laugh!

I've been on there....I posted too. Then had loads of replies and sort of panicked! I'm sooo stupid :lol: Might try the baby club things first, then progress onto other things :rofl:

Right, I'm going to bed now. No doubt little devil will be up in the night for his dummy, then up at 5am.

Night night :)
Jabs are Thursday haha! So he'll be fine for them :)

I have 4 badass bites on my lef frikkin mossies :( :(

off to a paella party today with hinkybinky! Our friend is Spanish, should be fun :)

I tend to attract mossies Soph, I currently have 8 bites on my right arm and they itch like crazy! Once OH and I went into the forest, when I got home I counted 19 bites. Was in agony with itching :-( (it was deep in the forest and we were up to no good lol - never went to that bit again!)

ahh that makes sense about evans jabs being late because of the move, i was worried there were extra ones i'd missed lol

oohh pichi how do you make your soup, just im looking for something nice and simple to make and freeze so we've got batches as money is stupidly tight at the moment:(

what time do everyones lo's sleep, just chloe goes down around 9 and has started waking up before 7 now and its killing me lol! for some reason i cant sleep at night its taking me ages to get off as we have so many things to worry about its doing my head in:dohh:

Megan goes to bed at 7 normally, sleeps to about 11 - 12am when she wakes for a feed. Then she wakes around 3am for another feed then again around 5.30 - 6am and i just cant seem to get her out this habit :-( but iv told myself to stop trying until she is on solids.

I have already tried her on solids but she is not interested at all at the mo.

I made a new lunch today, really simple :) I steamed some cauliflour and fried some tomatos in butter and added some grated cheese and blended it up. Evan loved it :)

I hve decided now he is 24 weeks he can have pretty much everything thy can have from 6 months :) not gonna give cows milk though till 6 months. Just need to get some fish for him to try :) gonna do a spaghetti bol too for him soon :) and lasagne :)

I am no good in the kitchen lol. Do you give Evan your meals but blended?

Awww Soph....If I was nearer I'd make you dinner. You probably wouldn't want to eat it though....I'm a crap cook :lol:

Kai did the same with his cot. He was so used to sleeping on me for naps, or on the sofa, that he just didn't want to be in his cot! It took about a week for him to settle for naps in his cot, during the day. I sometimes give in and let him sleep on me or in his bouncer as I just don't have the energy to fight him!
Now he's napping in the cot, I find he goes to bed easier....like I said though, it took a while to sort it out. FX Evan behaves for you :)

Thank you to those who told me about the Pasta chair....am looking into getting one! :)

Bloody crappy Virgin Media are complete arseholes. Had intermittent internet for ages now....everytime we phone them, on hold for at least 30 mins then get cut off. Pissed off! Had an engineer round (arranged through their forum) and it seemed to be fixed....for all of 3 hours. Grrr. Got another one coming on Saturday....so they'd better bloody sort it out!
I hate not being able to post on here! :lol:

Every thing is good with Kai. Apart from him waking at bloody 5am...sometimes earlier...I'm going to get a black-out blind. Just ordered the Gro anywhere one. See if that helps!
He has been going to bed between 7 and 8pm....which is a vast improvement!

Oh he rolled over today for the first time! Back to front....so proud! He's been trying so hard for a while now....then suddenly this morning he did it!

Had that support worker here today....was just going on about weaning and safety in the home. Got some free plug covers, corner covers and a door jam thing. Also trying to get me to go to baby clubs...I want to but I'm just so shy! I will though. I'm making it my mission to take Kai to at least one club next week.

I decorated Kai's room today :D Only with temporary wall stickers (as we're selling soon) but they look fab, I reckon. 99p for a pack of 12....bought 4 packs. Bargain!!!!

MIL is having Kai tomorrow...so I get a break...can't wait! But, I'll be spending all day cleaning and tidying the flat. Really needs doing properly.

Went into town the other day, Just me and Kai. Felt a bit lonely actually. Saw loads of other mums chatting together etc. Smiled at some of them but just got blank looks....why are people like that? Hmmm.
I literally have no friends where I live. The ones I did have I've given up on...they're not interested now I've got Kai!
Maybe I'll meet people at the baby clubs...nice people! :lol:

Sorry, another long one....hopefully I'll be able to post properly (every day ...lucky you! :lol:) again soon!

Kelly, we need to meet up! I am quite often at a loss for things to do! I will pm you my mobile number on facebook! We can arrange to meet one day next week!
I have sent you an event invitation to my party on Saturday aswell, you are more than welcome to come, I will meet you beforehand if you want - and you can bring a friend? Anyway as i said ill message you my mob no and we can arrange to meet at the common or in town or totton or Hythe or anywhere really lol. (I live in Totton by the way!)

Hugs to all - sorry not been on much this week been trying to get last min things for the partt on saturday arranged.

And back to sleep I go lol. X
soph - it takes about 4-5 days of strict pick up put down to crack it, the only thing I would say you really do need a routine as its kind of what makes it work as they love routine. Libby is hnestly a changed girl since I started a routine, can u make dinner earlier? I know I have dan and its difficult for you as I make it when he comes in from work we eat it and usually around 6.30 libby has her last bottle before bed and then its bath and downstairs on cushion to unwind and then when she is starting to look tired I take her up usually around 7.15 put her in and now she just turns on her side with her dummy and i hold her arm for a second and she has gone - sometimes it takes a shush pat. Really advise baby whisperer as its chnaged her through the day to as I said she is such a different baby. I know its so so tough though I tend to do it all myself as she doesnt settle as well for dan so rather than create all a fuss I just do it lol x

pixelle - I have met a couple of girls from netmums, one of them is now one of my best friends here. Really recommend it, I added on fb first to see if they where weirdos xx

Must dash, libby getting bored of activity station x

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