~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

ah ok. Good luck! we're phoning the solicitors i think sometime next week to say that we're looking at other properties and to let the people know that (the people with the house we've put an offer in for) we might offer £500 more on top too
Gemma, I've been feeling a bit like that recently, very tearful and just generally a bit down. I had the Mirena recently and was just blaming that?
ive also been feeling really tearful and extremely low so your definitely not alone hun:hugs:
thanks, nah im not on any bc but have just had a period.. I think its being alone all day and away from home and having "friends" but not really "friends" if you get me, and having no purpose to get dressed in the day always gets you down. I suppose I have 2 weeks left and then it will be all systems go, wont have time to fart let alone be tearful/lonely/depressed :haha:

had a horrible day had a whingey baby all day :( these teeth have fucked everything up so im back to square one. Argh!!! Iv just ate 4 Asda cookies to make myself feel better and I just feel sick..

that turned into a bit of a depressive moan there sorry x
Well...were putting the offer in at about 4 pm this after noon. I gotta go to the realtors office after work. So I'll be late picking up the monkey from my cousins house.
Thanks Ladies, I want to say good luck also to pichi
aw thanks hun - our house process seems long and drawn out. ill still be at it by the time you're moving in! :haha:

just been on a 3 mile walk - now for a nice long shower then bed me thinks :)
Hey girls

GG hope you're feeling better soon! I have been feeling tired and stressy about anything and everything this week. I love my girls so much but I think my eldest is having delayed jealousy issues with regards to Megan. She is really good with her but she is in Megans face CONSTANTLY. If I pick Megan up she will be pulling at her. Its nothing major, I have to occasionally tell her not to go so close to Megans face all the time but I'm not too concerned at the mo. Just feel bad that maybe Alysha thinks I'm not spending enough time and attention on her? I have made a point of spending some time with Alysha when Megan is in bed, but I don't know if it is enough?

I finally got signed on to a baby massage course too, looking forward to that! :)

After the easter holidays my cousin and I are going to start taking our little ones to the swimming club aswell.

I miss being pregnant today :( lol
sad day, found out I didnt get the promotion at work. Getting punished for having a family.

Oh well my family is more important than money anyday!
Still arguing with my mates about meeting up getting so annoyed! I said don't forget about meeting up in 2 weeks :) she says oh it's muchellkes hen do that weekend! So I said well it a 4 day weeken no excuses, she says pick a date in may. I said we already picked a date in April and never saw u :dohh:
That weird word is michelle :rofl:

I must come across as moany bur thus is the same lot that organised a hen do on my birthday without even asking me and then did pole dancing class and I was 27 weeks pregnant and I was told I could sit and watch.

Seriously they have kids I live by the beach and a frikiing funfair, mini golf arcade thy could come for an afternoon.

I try not to take these things persoanlly but I can't help it.
aww hun im so sorry, they sound like their being crap friends tbh! Is it just because you dont live right near them that they arent seeing you? If so then thats terrible, especially when if you've got all those things right near to you, do they not like the fact you moved? Sorry i know you've most probably discussed the whole thing pages and pages ago lol!

Bartness so sorry to hear you didnt get the promotion:hugs:
:nope: I found the same too Sophie...you may remember my FB status a few weeks back about not being allowed a social life because I have kids and have become invisible it would seem....the night before my 'closest' friends had been out on a girly night...no invite, I also found out the same day that this coming weekend they are all heading out for a meal...no invite...fuck em :shrug: Have you tried NM's to meet up with some local mummies?...I have met a couple of people through there, and one of them is now a very good friend :thumbup:

Kayley...I think it could be an age thing? I think Reagan is a year younger than your oldest...and she is the exact same, always wanting to be in Amber's face etc...I have to keep reminding her she is only a baby still...if we have a day where she has stropped and been told off she comes out with 'I don't love Amber today'...:haha: which then leads on to the discussion that at 5 you are responsible for your own actions blah blah blah Amber never made you misbehave....we do lots of things with Reagan on her own and it doesn't make much difference...I think because they are that bit older they are just more aware?

:cry: I feel so sad for 2 of our preemie mum's...one's baby turned into an angel and she is being induced today (she already has an angel daughter)...the other one has found out that her bump has a more severe version of the chromosomal abnormalities that her son does. :cry: this world can be so so cruel.

My FIL flys back in next thursday :dohh: Not too sure how it is going to work out with him living here...probably in the divorce courts :rofl:
you&me that is so sad about the premie mums:cry: i really do not not how people are strong enough to get through something like that, amazing women!

As for you fil coming over, do you not have a good relationship with him? Usually its the mil people have problems with lol:rofl:
I have only met him a few times over the last few years as he has been living in spain for about 5 years now....we get on fine...but it is going to be completely different living with him :dohh: I like my own space...hubby is out at work in the day...6.45am til 6pm ish...I am a stay at home mum, which means it is me that is going to be with him all day!!
Dann i - just pimp out a cardboard box, stick it to the house and tell him you've had an extension :haha:

bartness: sorry about the promotion :( i hate when they discriminate when you have family

and good morning to everyone else *waves*

was thinking to stop be getting bored on an evening i was going to start making siggies. what you think?
I'll catch in a mo but this needed saying!! B

FEED 8pm SLEEP 10pm (dodgy start) AWAKE WHINGING/TALKING 2.30am (ignored self settled!!!!!!!) WOKE/FED 4.30am WOKE 7.45!!!

He is so nearly there!!!!
Kelly, we need to meet up! I am quite often at a loss for things to do! I will pm you my mobile number on facebook! We can arrange to meet one day next week!
I have sent you an event invitation to my party on Saturday aswell, you are more than welcome to come, I will meet you beforehand if you want - and you can bring a friend? Anyway as i said ill message you my mob no and we can arrange to meet at the common or in town or totton or Hythe or anywhere really lol. (I live in Totton by the way!)

Definitely! I am shy but I think cos I went to school with your OH it's kinda not as bad as meeting a complete stranger...iykwim?
I've just seen the invite...only just got internet back on (I don't see events stuff on my phone) and will respond :)
I lived in Totton until I moved to Bitterne with OH!
I don't mind where we meet tbh....just getting out will be good :D

pixelle - I have met a couple of girls from netmums, one of them is now one of my best friends here. Really recommend it, I added on fb first to see if they where weirdos xx

Didn't think to add people to FB :dohh: :lol: Think I will do that, just have a looksy and see if anyone catches my eye, kind of thing :lol:

Kelly do go to some baby clubs as I have met some lovely mums there. For me, the ones run by the Childrens Centres seem best if you don't know anyone as they are quite structured. Most run a group for under ones. It took quite a while for us all to become friendly outside of the group, but now we all meet for lunch and playdates throughout the week. We also try really hard to include new group members. Hope your local group is just as friendly :)

I have two SureStart centres near me. Have decided we're going to music club on Tuesday! Monday I'll be going to the drop-in to get Kai weighed so then hopefully Tuesday won't be so daunting! :)

Thanks for all the advice everyone! Feeling a bit better about everything today, I've been feeling really anxious about everything recently-doubting all my decisions and the thought of having to start weaning just sent me into total panic mode!

I'm panicking about the next stage of weaning....we're nowhere near ready but I just don't know what I'm doing! I hate that. I still wonder if I'm doing things right with the 1st stage...but Kai seems happy enough so I have to tell myself it's going okay.
Glad you're feeling a bit better about things. Just take it one step at a time and I'm sure once the time comes, you'll be prepared and wonder why you panicked :)

My friend just gave me the Gill Rapley book to have a read and I have to say I didn't really like it much at all to be honest. Yes I agree some of it does make perfect sense, but not much I didn't think. I think if traditional weaning is done properly (and a baby isn't still on purees at 8 months) then that is the best way to wean, imo. I started Evan on purees when he grabbed food from my plate. He mostly eats from a pre loaded spoon anyway because he wants to, he's had plenty of different tastes and textures from what he is eating. I give him finger food alongside his puree aswell, so he still gets the opportunity to suck/chew/bite roll things around his mouth, swallow and gag :haha:

I can't see how denying a baby the opportunity to use a spoon at all (which alot of people do as they don't want to give pre loaded spoons) is helping them to learn to eat? Not all foods are finger foods! Such as yoghurts! I think there is just as much chance of a blw child rejecting or being fussy with smoother foods and cutlery than there is of a tw baby being fussy with lumps.

Some kids are fussy eaters, some are lazy eaters how ever they are weaned. Just cos a baby eats steak like a pro at 9 months doesn;t mean they'll eat like a pro at 18 months iykwim?

I do not and will not eat my dinner at 5pm, it is WAY too early and always will be. I am fairly fussy so need to prepare seperate food for Evan so he learns to eat better than I do! I don't eat egg, I don't eat many veges with my food etc he already had a more varied diet than I do :haha:

I don't buy all the waiting til a baby is ready and they don't "eat" until about months either. I knew Evan was ready as he showed me the signs, the same signs I'd have taken if I was blw, although with blw I'd have forced him to wait as Evan was 4.5 months when he began showing signs.

When he is 6 months in 13 days time :shock: I am going to reduce the purees and mash more food and give him more meals of finger foods instead so his variety is bigger.

Just my 2 penneth worth :haha: I don't disagree with it, it just wasn't for me really, I am beginning to notice as soon as someone encounters a problem with TW some people on here jump in with BLW and finger foods etc etc as if people don't do their research!! Just seems to be yet another excuse to divide up parents into a them and us senario! Like BF and FF.

I've read it too....and I completely agree with you!

rgh im so randomly teary lately at the most stupidest of things - like things that arnt even sad I fill up :/ anyone else like this I feel like im pregnant but im most definatly 100% not lol anyone else like this?

I'm like that too. I haven't cried properly for ages, then this morning I balled my eyes out.
Have had my period though....and been bleeding for 7 days so far! tmi...sorry :lol:

Well I am getting so pissed off. My friend was coming down to stay this weekend. Then I get a text asking if I mind that he doesn't come down for a variety of reasons. I said yes I did mind, so he replies ok well I'll come but will have to come at this time and shoot off at this time blah blah.... So I said No don't come as you'd rather be doing something else. I have lived here for 15 months, not one of my friends has come to visit. I live an hour away, it's not the moon. I am tired of spending my time up at my mums having to go around and see people, I can't really be arsed anymore :( I need to stop trying to live my Croydon life from Hastings iykwim? And embrace my new friends down here, this is our life now and if my mates want to see me then they should make the effort to come down here every once in a while.

I so know how you feel. When I moved (it's only 40 minutes away...if that) no one bothered with me. Or they'd arrange something then cancel at last minute.
Really sorry this is happening to you :(

You&Me: I can't imagine living with my in-laws. Hope things work out in the end.

On to Kai:
He was soooo good yesterday! I had my sister over for a few hours as she's home from uni, then I took her back home to my mum's house. Usually he really plays up when round my mum's but he was as good as gold. He was showing off his new rolling and sitting up...loving all the attention!
I think now he can do more, he's a happier chap.
We still have whinging with teeth etc but he's like a different baby lately.

Still getting up at stupid o clock but my black out blind came this morning so going to put it up tonight!
Don't want it to be dark for his daytime naps so it'll only go up at night :)

Oh, Kai had some clementine in his fruit net thing yesterday....loved it! So that's another fruit he now likes. He's doing so well with fruit and veg...much better than I am! :lol:

I've added some pics of his room...bought some more stickers yesterday so got to decide where to put them :lol:.
It's not much and not amazing but it's something I've done for him, in the meantime, until we move:


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