~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

aww bartness thats cool you got to spend more time with jaxon, glad to hear he is doing well, hes tiny compared to chloe last time i had her weighed was at 14wks and she was 16lb 8oz, id hate to imagine what she is now:haha:
I've no idea what Kai weighs! I'm refusing to take him to clinic as the HV talked a load of rubbish and made me feel like shit, last time.

I last weighed him on the Wii (not exact :lol:) and he was 14lb 1oz...that was over a month ago!
Must weigh him again tomorrow!
Had my fatty weighed last tuesday and she was 19lbs 12ozs!! We are starting to go into 9-12 month clothes :cry:
i should really get Pixie weighed :S last time i got her weighted at just over 5 months and she was 14lb 14oz
Had my fatty weighed last tuesday and she was 19lbs 12ozs!! We are starting to go into 9-12 month clothes :cry:

snap dani!

well iv come back on as I have no one else to talk to...and Im so sorry about the me me me post but I have no one else to ask :shrug: been to Dr's today as dan has been telling me I need to talk to GP about PND and I went to make an appointment and they had one spare there and then so I couldnt put it off any longer...

The GP was lovely! she was by far the best gp iv ever seen, I cried :haha: as I always do as Im so tearly atm and she did this sscore thing on me and agreed that she thinks I am suffering with PND too and started me on Anti-depressants... im not sure about these, I dont know if I like the though of it :wacko: anyone any experiences they feel ok to share? Im a bit scared of them if that makes sense, you hear such negative things... she advised me to speak to uni and try and get extensions ect and I see her again in 2 weeks.. I'v also got my name down for counselling... I feel weird about it all, like a bit of a failure if that makes sense??
well first off :hugs: you took the first step and that's the hardest!

there is nothing wrong with asking for help. PND is not an uncommon thing so you should not feel like a failure. Anti-depressants you might find will make you very tired. Counciling and just talking to someone face to face may give you a hell of a lot or relief. when i used to get bouts of depression i used to write down EVERYTHING that was getting me down. once you have written it all down you get such a sense of relief! you could read it back and see solutions you'd never thought of previously. If you can't get the time to write it down that's where the councilling will come in handy. you know there are lots of people on here that are willing to listen to any problems you have, me included :hugs:

being depressed isn't nice. i remember my brain feeling like it was on overdrive constantly. having 1 million things floating around in there and it seems impossible to shift it all.
the waiting list is pretty long so im going to speak to uni as they have mental health in student services. She said these ones shouldnt make me feel sleepy, as if i need to feel even more sleepy lol.

Must get some revision done now, dan is crap at passwords

Well, if you need someone to speak to you know where to find me Hun :)

Happy revising
Very sorry to hear that Gemma :hugs:
Wasn't going to mention it bbecause didn't want to drag the thread down or admit to anyone but i have an appointment booked for next week to see a Gp. Scared stiff about it but i need to do something as I'm just not myself at the moment...and haven't been for a while. I think one of the hardest things is admitting it...so well done and its great you've seen someone about it and got help :flower:
:hugs: to both of you.
GG I think there are a few different anti-depressants so if these don't suit you, go back to the GP and ask if you could change? It's a good idea to ask at your uni too, Pichi is right, you've done the hardest bit in asking for help and we're all here for you if you need to chat. :hugs: xxx
Pixelle-hope your appt goes ok next week, I think the best thing to do is to go with an open mind about any suggestions and be as open as you can with the GP so they can help you in the best way possible. Lots of :hugs: for you too xxx
:hugs: GG and Kelly x x x

You have both done the best thing by going/planning to see your GP and I hope you both feel better soon :)

The only thing bothering me is I am currently a fat cow and can't seem to do anything about it :(
aww gemma, you certainly are not a faliure so dont think that!:hugs:
you've done the best thing possible which is getting started, same to kelly too!

you guys arent alone, ive thought ive had it for a long time for various reasons, but unlike you guys i dont have the balls to go to my gp

ohh soph your not the only one, i feel huge now, my stomach is disgusting:sick:

you&me sounds like your the only other 1 with a bigger baby, although now shes eating i am finding shes not taking as much milk so hopefully she'l stay how she is for a while rather than keeping on gaining lol!
Erin was 18lb 11oz when she was weighed three weeks ago!
People are always commenting on how 'huge' she is which really depresses me but she looks in proportion as she's quite a long baby.
My friends little boy was born on October 19th, and at his 6 mths Greyson weighed, wait for it....22 lbs!!! He's like a solid brick though, and his cheeks are SOOO adorable! Jaxon looks super small next to him.

About the deperession thing, Im sorry you girls are going through that. (Im more likly than most to get it, as it runs in both sides of family, my Maternal Grandma was a resident of a mental hospital through out my mothers child hoood) However I've been lucky, only had one bad bought back when I first graduated from high school. Talking really does help, and my grandma swears by her meds, and yes I can see a change in her if she's off them for any reason at all. Remember you are all amazing women and wonderful moms. MASSIVE HUGS!!!

I'm tired...dont want to work. Just have to get through today and tomorrow. THEN DULUTH! WOOOHOOO!! Going to Duluth after work on Thursday for the weekend!!
well - i have to go for a scan on my kidneys :( been getting UTI's every month since having Pixie :(
haha gemma nice to see sone-one with a big bubba, although she really doesnt look it:)

ahh pichi that doesnt sound good, when have you got to have it?
Well, I've been told I'll get a letter through the door. I've had 8 in 6 months! Most people get 2 a year! If my kidneys are fine then I'm being put on perminant antibiotics
oh no pichi :(

Yeh PL it does my head in too, ppl say oooh look at them thighs there huge or god she is a tonne weight, she is just well built and heavy boned and is gonna be tall!

right i really must go again now! I miss everyone too much x

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