~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

My life:
Work is well, still in orientation till the 14th of June. Tbh a bit turned off at the thought of people biting me, spitting on me, kicking me etc. But hopefully things won't be as terrible as their letting on. I am sure they are just preparing for the unexpected.

As for Joseph and Madelyn? I miss them tons! Before I was working 6 hrs a day if that, but now I am gone for 8 1/2 hrs not counting travel time! It's different and rough. :/

I am getting CPR certified tomorrow though! :D That should be fun.
I think they probs just have to prepare u silas!

:hi: xamour! nice to hear from you, aww wow! that sounds like a cute one I want lib to say wow haha xx
I can't wait till she starts speaking proper... Wonder if she will be like me?

Hope all those cute babies are good :)
Just typed up a huge catch up post and knocked a buton by mistake and lost it and now George is crying.

But I just want to give Gemma and Kelly a huge hug each :hugs:
ell done for taking that first very important step

I forgot to say I had a wicked nights sleep last night.... My monitor battery went dead :rofl:

Hi Jo :wave:
Hi ladies :D

Wow I can't believe some of the sparkler babies are saying words already! crazy.

Gemma I am LOVING your paedriatic nurse ticker! I know you are going through a lot of hard work (in which it will all pay of im sure!) but I am actually very jealous! I really wish I could go for the career which i really want in my life.
Talking about careers - I am going into work for a visit on Tuesday and I feel really overwhelmed and almost like I REALLY don't want to! Things have changed sooo much there - there are 3 new people in our admin team so i'll be going back to a team of 7 including me rather than 4! I don't know 2 of the new girls. Even the room has been moved round. I don't like it lol. Plus feeling a little bitter that I invited everyone from work to my engagement party and ONLY 3 people turned up! So they obviously don't care about me too much :(

So yesterday on facebook I found out that PETER ANDRE was in our area yesterday and today filming an episode for his new television series! So I decided to go to the road where he was today and unfortunatly he had gone out with the family he was filming with :( boohoo. However, there are loads of pics on facebook of him with people who spotted him lol.
Something that has never happened in our area before lol. Cant wait to see it on telly.

Megan is 6 months old today too! :o and she sat up by herself hehe. Time is going waaayyy too fast!

Sorry about the me me me post - hope all you lovely ladies and babies are well xx
I'm all on my own here :cry:
Hope everyone has had a lovely day in the sunshine, if you had some?
I need some reassurance from you lovely ladies please, I've been invited to go over to a friend's for dinner tomorrow night but OH won't be home from work in time to look after Erin.
My mum has offered to look after her and to pick her up at lunchtime so I can have some time to myself in the afternoon. This was all fine until my mum rang to confirm everything and now I feel like an awful mother and I just want to cry at the thought of being at home without her!
Help! Am I being a bad mummy to let her go when all I'll be doing is sitting around at home?
Lizzy, I send Evan to the Childminder every wednesday even though I'm at home... I LOVE the me time :D Go have fun :) xxxx
Aw don't worry. Its not like you are getting rid of her on a daily bases or anything :) its just a one off. I've still not left pixie overnight with anyone yet purely for the fact that I don't feel ready :blush: I have dropped her off for a few hours a few times with MIL or my parents. Dint fret. She will be fine x

Soph - I think its good you have a wed to yourself because you are returning to work sent you?
Sorry. My spelling is crap because I'm on my phone haha
Yeah back to work in 4 weeks :(

I haven't left Evan over night cos it's hard not being near the parents :( but I so would if I could :D
I feel horrible! My mum picked her up at 12 and I cried! Seriously, she's only 5 mins up the road, what is wrong with me!
I really should do something with this free time though.
oooh a nap sounds wonderful....to bad Im at work. BOO!

Went to Duluth for a few days, exhausted frome the long drive, but had a good time. Jaxon managed to get car sick ALL OVER HIMSELF and his new carseat. I felt so bad for the little guy.
oooh I think my last post must've been invisible lol.

We took the girls swimming today. I hope everybody else has had a nice day and Liz you really should make the most of any free time you can get! Big :hugs:
I thanked you! but unfortunately didn't have time to reply, I keep up with you on fb tho :) xx

Iv only left libby overnight once in feb for a wedding and It was fab I got drunk haha! didnt get much sleep tho for more reasons than one ;) x
i think once we get in the house she'll have a sleep over at grannies or nanas and me and daddy can have some time in the house ... alone ;) heheh
aww gemma, you certainly are not a faliure so dont think that!:hugs:
you've done the best thing possible which is getting started, same to kelly too!

you guys arent alone, ive thought ive had it for a long time for various reasons, but unlike you guys i dont have the balls to go to my gp

ohh soph your not the only one, i feel huge now, my stomach is disgusting:sick:

you&me sounds like your the only other 1 with a bigger baby, although now shes eating i am finding shes not taking as much milk so hopefully she'l stay how she is for a while rather than keeping on gaining lol!

Lol, Addison was 21lbs about 6 weeks ago!

Had my fatty weighed last tuesday and she was 19lbs 12ozs!! We are starting to go into 9-12 month clothes :cry:

snap dani!

well iv come back on as I have no one else to talk to...and Im so sorry about the me me me post but I have no one else to ask :shrug: been to Dr's today as dan has been telling me I need to talk to GP about PND and I went to make an appointment and they had one spare there and then so I couldnt put it off any longer...

The GP was lovely! she was by far the best gp iv ever seen, I cried :haha: as I always do as Im so tearly atm and she did this sscore thing on me and agreed that she thinks I am suffering with PND too and started me on Anti-depressants... im not sure about these, I dont know if I like the though of it :wacko: anyone any experiences they feel ok to share? Im a bit scared of them if that makes sense, you hear such negative things... she advised me to speak to uni and try and get extensions ect and I see her again in 2 weeks.. I'v also got my name down for counselling... I feel weird about it all, like a bit of a failure if that makes sense??

Sorry you feeling down but awesome on you for sorting it out and doing something about it. I am actually going to doc tomorrow to ask for happy pills. this whole move is bringing me down something chronic, plus everything else that has happened to us this year. I sometimes feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown, like everything goes blurry etc.. I dont think I have PND, I am just so stressed out and so incredibly sad to be leaving my friends and family. like we moved across the world with a 12 day old and 6 months later are doing it all over again. I am tired. Body. Mind. Soul. I took anti D's after the break in to help with the post traumatic stress and it was awesome Gemma hahaha... I only took them for 3 weeks and functioned fine when i came off.. it was a mild type, esparide or something. it was the 1st time ever taking anything other than rescue and i felt like a failure too. anyway, feel free if ever u want to chat.. xxxxxx xx
Very sorry to hear that Gemma :hugs:
Wasn't going to mention it bbecause didn't want to drag the thread down or admit to anyone but i have an appointment booked for next week to see a Gp. Scared stiff about it but i need to do something as I'm just not myself at the moment...and haven't been for a while. I think one of the hardest things is admitting it...so well done and its great you've seen someone about it and got help :flower:

Big hugs to you too hunni xxxxxxxxxx hang in there xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tried to catch up but i am so tired, will try again some other time.. hope all the sparklers are well.... :flower:
hey all

hope everyone had a great weekend!! we went on a lunch river cruise down the thames on saturday (xmas present) so had to leave chloe with dad and step mum, first time shes ben without either me or oh for more than an hr lol! we were only gone about 6hrs but it was sooo hard! although judging by the pcs my stepmum took chloe didnt miss us at all lol!!

my dad bought her a smart trike yesterday as we wanted to get 1 but couldnt afford a decent 1, but typically its pissing down here today so we cant go out in it :(
Charli what is a smart trike? I dont think I've heard of them...could be me being blonde though.

Im soo exhausted. I had a busy weekend, as I was out of town. Was tired yesterday all day, just dragging. I even fell asleep at work. So before I left for work I asked OH to do a few loads of laundry. But nope he didnt.

So I went to work at 630 got home at 430, did 6 loads of laundry, cooked dinner, and took care of Jaxon. All by myself. b/c OH was playing video games. I crashed litterly crashed at 930. And Im still tired today! And since we close on our house in 11 days (YAY!!! WOOOHOO!!!) I got more cleaning to do and more packing do yet!

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