~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

oh really? It's such a huge deal how tiny Eva is! i'm constantly getting shit for it. I think i have not much milk because she eat alot of solids all day long and just isn't putting on weight. Does Pixie come under much scrutiny for being a little diddums?
Not at all. She's practically walking, eats anything and everything and she is happy and healthy :) she was 16lb 3 @ 7m an only gained 5oz in a month... Hv is happy with her progress :)
hmmmm my nurse was fantastic and didn't worry that she was so far under the normal and supported me when i said no formula and then she rang me one day and said "he weigh in last week was a little low want to come back in" and then has been really intense about it since, so it's like they decided to do a crack down on all the small babies, next week a diff nurse is checking Eva so we will see how we go.
As long as she is gaining at an even pace and isn't a rediculous weight which im sure she isn't, I wouldn't worry. Like I said, pixie here is 16lb 5, still in 3/6m clothed and she's a happy content baby :)
George is another little dot and was not much over 16lb at last weigh in. He is on the second percentile line (is that the 9th?) and I have not had anything untoward said about his weight. I have noticed that he has all of a sudden got a bit chunkier just over the last 2 weeks so I might get him weighed on Monday.
i think it's 9th... pixie is just below 25th where as she was the 50th 'centile when she was born.
hanks Manda, I thought it was the 9th. George was born on the 9th percentile so he is just following his line still. He did drop right off the chart when he was a few weeks old but luckily he soon got back on track.
Tori was 16lbs, 1oz at 7 months and is ahead of all her milestones but nothing said to me about weight by her doctor. Hmm. :-k
at her last appt which was 6 mo she was 12 pound 12 ounces. So for her 8 month check up which is 12 weeks past her 6 month one (6 month was a lil early 8 month was a lil late) i'm really praying for 100gms per week which would be 15 pounds 6 ounces @ 8.5 months. FINGERS CROSSED!!

I've tried to not really let her smallness upset me and it honestly doesn't usually, i'm quite fine with having a small baby but with the appt next weds it's really starting to bug me. The other babies i know her age are also just growing so much! they are all so tall and have little fat legs and are developing and look like older babies. Eva hasn't changed at all, she still looks the same as she did 3 months ago. You can't see any difference which is why i'm dreading this appt. The other mums agree she doesn't really look like she's grown. I used to think it was awesome have a baby that still fits her 0-3mo stuff and 3-6mo stuff, but now?... it's just depressing. I want to watch my baby get bigger and just develop into a toddler and she just seems stuck and i'm sick of looking at all these other healthy babys who are so much stronger and just are starting to look so much bigger. Eva is good with milestones i mean she understands certain words like booby, milky, num nums or kisses and she sits unaided really well, can't crawl or anything but i'm not upset about that kind of developing i just mean her body growing and it just isn't! i have this skinny, short, underfed looking baby :-( and who elses fault is it but mine? I'm so terrible with her meals, she really could care less if i skip one and when i'm busy i do because she really doesn't mind and is quite happy regardless but now that my appt has been moved to next week i'm just getting really anxious that i don't have those couple of weeks to fatten her up that i planned on having. I could of probably been giving her extra breastfeeds but she doesn't really ask for them and i just don't find any time in the day to give her more than 4 and 3 solids. I'm contemplating telling the nurse that she refused solids for about 6 weeks and that would be why she didn't gain any this time. Just so i don't get shit for her being so small.

I think today is just a bad day, i had my mothers group and all the other babies have just grown so much and i think Eva being underweight has finally cracked me. I think it was the other mums confirming she doesn't look any different that did it. I figured maybe she doesn't look different because i see her everyday obviously that isn't the case.

Anyway sorry for the long whinge i should of put this in my journal but once i got started on Evas weight i couldn't stop :-(
I think I am going to get the opposite...and be moaned at that Amber weighs too much!!

She was born on the 50th percentile...and about 9 weeks ago when she was weighed she was 19lbs 12ozs and has jumped to the 75th...we have her developmental check next week so she will be weighed again....

I think I will let rip at the HV's if they do moan at me...with Reagan I was monaed at she was underweight (due to preemie)...so there really is no winning, it is only a chart and guidelines at the end of the day, each baby is different :thumbup:

Hope everyone is okay, and these Sparklers are doing well?

We have been cruising here for the last few weeks, I can't leave the room without making sure she is either with me or safe in her walker so she can't get up to mischief :haha: we get a few words...mum mum, dada, ta, botbot...she happily shakes her head 'no' at you aswell...they are growing so so quickly!!
Tori was 16lbs, 1oz at 7 months and is ahead of all her milestones but nothing said to me about weight by her doctor. Hmm. :-k

i think that's all they are worried about here - milestones and like Tori we're ahead of schedule so they're happy :thumbup:
We've had the same as you+me, Erin 'shouldn't gain too much more weight' as she's now 21lb 6oz and has jumped up the centiles. :wacko:
The HV keeps going on about her having 3 meals a day with pudding after lunch and dinner but she just doesn't want it. We're limited to the puddings she can have as she's on a restricted lacctose diet and sometimes she gets fed up of fruit after every meal!
Dropping a bottle isn't going too well as she just screams for more milk then is too worked up to sleep (she usually has milk before her naps during the day)
Whatever we do seems to be the wrong thing!
That's part of the reasons I don't take Amber to get weighed much...my child is healthy and happy, so I don't need some HV who has never had kids dictating to me from a textbook, I just get pissed off with them :haha:
I have no idea how much Jaxon weighs. when I brought him in at 7 mths b/c he was sick he was at 18 lbs. He's not over weight or heavy. In fact he's super tiny next to Grayson (our friends son, and Grayson goes to same daycare), who is one month older. Grayson weighs about 25lbs already. He's a CHUNKER!

Jaxon can now 'high five' hehe, walk along furniture, give kisses and eskimo kisses, he loves to shake his head no, and he is constantly 'chatting' away. Right now he's eating my toes...goof ball.

and my GOD the kid stinks! He's got the rippest poops on earth. He's had everyone throw up from the smell. YUCK!
Eva gives kisses and it's just the cutest thing ever! she only gives them if she feels like it though, not everytime you ask only sometimes. lol. Then she might just give you one out of the blue because she feels like being cute.
Pixie waves at you or claps when she gets excited. We are working on her throwing because she doesn't really do it lol that and stacking cups
haha she's a wee monkey. the other day she was standing at the stairgate we have on the kitchen/livingroom door trying to get into a millies cookies bag i had sitting at the door. she crouches down to get her hands in the bag...

me: "Pixie, no"
Pixie: *big cheesy grin* proceeds to then try and get the bag with her OTHER hand thinking it might be ok...
me: "Pixie, NO"
Pixie: "dadadadadadadadaaaaaaa!!" *sits on the ground and giggles while clapping* lol she then crawls away a little bit watching me and giving me a cheesy grin.

i bought her some new books today and apparently a dog that does ballet is quite funny to her :haha:
lololololololololol thats just too funny!!! What a little mischeif!!! She sounds like so much fun.

Eva is just too like her father, in every way possible! she just has his whole persona inside and out.

She's a very calm and quiet and passive baby, she doesn't really get excited any happy over things or really upset for that matter, she isn't boisterous or loud or anything, she just likes to sit and be this calm little blob. lol. Not even in the bath does she want to have fun she just sits and waits for it to be over. It's very lovely to have a baby which isn't very full on and likes to just be there, but sometimes i wish i saw some excitement out of her. She only laughs if i tickle her really. She also only shows excitement if food is involved and even then its nothing compared to the excitement i've seen out of other babies, she'll give a little kick but i've seen babies go nuts throwing themselves and squeeling and banging things with their hands. But she is my husband 100%. He is the most calm, quiet, shy and passive person you will ever meet. lol

Pixie doesn't giggle lots and sometimes i wish she did.
I get your little one is taking everything then all of a sudden she will be speaking fluently and running a out hehe

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