~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Hello everyone! Well, since my last post! OH's brother's GF is going to be ok after her surgery. She is actually home from the hospital as of Tuesday. OH has been charged with 6 Class A Felony, two of which are 1st Degree Assault. Which 1st Degree Assault is like being charged with murder, minus someone actually dying. :wacko: Basically he is facing 30 years to life in prison. I can't help but think that he doesn't deserve that, he really is a good guy. He made a mistake, and I hate that he may lose his life. :cry: He was just drunk and pissed off about it and I know what kind of person he is and that just WAS NOT him.

I am being treated as a witness, and I hate it. I just want to take back my statement. I can't help them put him away for years and years of his life. Its just not possible. :cry:

We have been trying to get a lawyer, and in the meantime we just have to wait it out. I am poor by all means, so have no idea if we will even be able to get him a lawyer. Then I have the local paper putting my ENTIRE FULL address on the front page of the newspaper, which apparently they have a right under law to do :growl:. How do they have the right to put my home and my children at risk? All I can think about is someone maybe wanting to seek revenge and come and hurt my home or my children. I already had someone break in to my house and steal my camera with all the pictures of the kids and their daddy on it. The only ones we really have cause we haven't developed them yet!!!!!! I am just so pissed off and hurt about so many things that half the time I don't think straight. I just take care of the kids and work my 40+ hrs a week a work. Feel like I don't have a life anymore .... blahh.
Ahhhh hun it is so desperately sad for you all :hugs:

I had Evan weighed and he was 21lbs 15oz and has jumped to 75th centile. 9 weeks ago he was 18lbs 4oz, I think that's not too bad a gain.. but who knows, I didn't have my red book so they couldn't tell!!

We have awful sleep issues still so tonight i did the first round of CC, he went to sleep after a 50 minute meltdown and me checking on him every 5 minutes. It was tough x
So sorry silas, i will keep you and your family in my prayers.

As for maddy she took a couple steps by herself today!!!!! Im like, kid slow down with growing up!!!! We got back from her 9 months well child check and she is finally close to the 55th percentile for weight, she is 19 lbs 1 oz now!!! She is finally chunking up. She says, mama, mom, dada, nana, papa, and love saying do and hey lol. She is so smart!!! I love it.

AFM, kinda got some bad news....i might be diabetic and i could have a cancerous cyst on my pancreas....im terrified and its been kinda hard to think about. it just plain sucks
Im sorry to hear about the diabetes and possible cancer BHB, I'll be thinking about you.

Im so tired. Exhausted really. Two weekends in a row I opted to drive out to the lake and hang with family. Two weekends in a row OH stays behind. Two weekends in a row I come home to DISASTER. Took me about 2 hours to clean the kitchen alone, had to scrub bottles, adn another 5 hours to do all the damn laundry (which I had asked please put the clothes in washer to dryer...4 days later still in washer and stinking to high heaven, had to wash that load 3 times to get stink out). There was 2 full garbage bags on kitchen floor (didnt bother to take out) and food that fell to floor stuck to floor. COuldnt put Jaxon on floor to play until I scrubbed the floors. Ugh. I guess I"ll never go on a vacation again, just not worth the mess.

On another note. Jaxon had a blast. Played in the sand and water constantly. He was soo exhausted every day from being outside all day he'd crash at like 7. Which isnt like him. Sad thing is he's always wake at 5. So I still am not getting any fracking sleep. And with the new work scheduals coming out..it looks ike I"ll be on Overnights, which means we wont be doign daycare...but means I WONT get any sleep at all. EVER. I wonder how long it will last....before I crash completly?
BHB i'm really sorry to hear about the possible cancer and diabetes, so much to stress about all at once you poor thing. Although that is very exciting news on the walking front!! sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it's exciting to watch. Eva just started lifting her belly off the ground which is like the most exciting part of my life at the moment and she even got on the knees today while her belly was off. I know it's not as far as you bubbas but it's still exciting for me regardless.

I had some bad news but didn't want to talk about it and i'm actually really ashamed of my bad news so was contemplating not telling anyone. But i got some more information today and now i'm fucking pissed!!!!

ANYWAY here's my turn at some terrible news! I got a phone call from Child protection!!! Yes the people who keep an eye on druggo parents and abused children. I didn't really pay attention to who they were at first i thought they were my HV so i chatted about the confusion on my next appointments as i had 3 booked really close when i should only have one and i didn't know what to do so she recommended i call my HV and check then she just asked how i'm going with Eva's feeding schedule and we'll wait till my next appointment with my HV before deciding if i need any additional support. I then obviously got very upset! Child protection now have Eva on record as a child of concern and i'm being looked at as an incompetant mother, i then proceeded to cry for a few days everytime i thought about it. Then today i rang my HV asking WHY ON EARTH!! i have child protection calling me!! When i was on fortnightly visits and because we improved so much i was allowed to go back to the every few month visits so WHY did they refer me when they think it's ok that i go back to normal visits and WHY refer me the week before a weigh in?!?!?!? well! they didn't refer me! she said it was anonymous obviously but it wasn't a HV nurse or a professional it was just a person calling on their own behalf!!!! NOW i live in a state that i have only lived in for a couple of years so i don't know ANYBODY, i know my 5 friends, my 5 mothers group ladies, my work and my husbands work. Now i see my work and my husbands work once every few months so it wasn't them who called and no one has ever expressed concern over Evas weight because she doesn't look sick or malnourished she is just small so people who don't know me just think she's younger than she is. NOW my 5 friends all love me and Eva and we are the closest as close can be and everyone of them are constantly telling me to not stress about Evas weight. Which leaves the women at mothers group. It's obvious it's them as there is no one else and they do ask odd questions here and there about Evas weight. They actually grilled me yesterday about getting enough iron or protein in my vegetarian diet.

I just can't explain how hurt, upset and sad i am. I am an amazing mother! i am so dedicated to my child. My whole day revolves around caring for her! Because some stupid bitches wanted to have a gossip and cause some drama they have totally fucked everything for me. I weighed my Eva tonight by holding her then weighing myself without her and according to that she's right on track. FUCKING DOGS!!! i just wish they would have said something to me, or tried to discuss something. Or have some kind of serious conversation. but no..... they decide to ring child fucking protection.

Think i better copy this to my journal
Betheney what a bunch of evil witches! I know its not nice but you are a good mummy and it wont take long for child protection to see that for themselves. George is teeny tiny and weighed in at 16lb7oz today but no one is concerned about his weight as he is following his own little line (that he was born on) quite happily. Huge :hugs: honey.

BHB, I hope your health issues are soon resolved. I have an ovarian cyst but luckily it appears to be benign. It was worrying finding it though so I can imagine how worried you are about yours :hugs:

Hi to everyone else, George is 9 months on Thursday. Where has the time gone?

One of my good friends and her husband just had there baby boy: Russell Federeick. He was born on August 1st. Cant wait to meet the cutie pie!

Now if only my SIL will have her baby.....
Well I posted this morning my friend, had her baby boy on August 1st, named Russell.

well now I get to post my SIL, had her baby boy, today August 2nd. Named Elias Walker!

Such an exciting couple of days!

Oh and I got a new shift at work. Im now working 4 ten hour shifts and have three days off! Really will be nice to have weekends off again, its been over 4 years.
Well rant alert, if any of you care.

So I told you all about the birth of Elias, my newest nephew. Well now due to my OH's messed up family, we will never meet or see pics of the sweet little boy. And why? well SIL disowned her mom. OH shared pics of Elias with his mom. SIL found out, asked us not to. OH got pissed sent a nasty email to SIL. SIL and her OH have now also disowned us. URGH. I just dont understand some families.

Makes me feel blessed to have the wonderful family I have. Sure we fight but in the end we work through our diffrences, and have learned to love eachother more.
well all my test for diabetes came back fine.....for now :S As for the cyst, it is a big enough cyst on my pancreas that its pressing on my spleen...bleh. So i go back in october for another CT scan and hopefully it stays the same size. More greeeeeaaatt(sarcasm) news....OH is being deployed to Afganistan next month on the 16th(some of you ladies who are friends with me on facebook know). Im gutted.....We barely get to see each other as it is due to money problems and not being able to afford rent, im leaving with my parents and he is with his and we are about 50 miles away from each other and have no car to come and go as we please. So pretty much I only get to see him on weekends as it is and will only get to see him every weekend until he leaves. I was going to go live with him and his family but my assholes(excuse the language) of in laws i have want to charge oh 300/month for rent and if me and maddy come stay until he leaves they want 600/month!!! that is most of their effing house payment in the first place!!!! AH!!!!! sorry for the rant but i seriously dislike them right now. so OH is going to move back with me and my family at the end of the month so we will at least have 2 weeks together before he leaves. I will be living with my family as he is deployed. It just sucks cause he will miss Maddy's first birthday...and we are trying to get her to walk before he goes so he can see it :(

As for Maddy, she took her first step and then fell lol. She is finally over 19 lbs! She is such a silly girl too....she does this thing where she scrunches her nose and breath in and out of it really fast and makes funny noises :D its funny.
Teal, Im sorry to here your husband is being deployed to Afganistan. I'll be sure to keep him in my thoughts while he is away, and pray for a safe return for him.
I have caught up since my last post! of course, this thread isnt as busy as it used to be.

Kids are good, not too thrilled about them spending 40 hrs a week in daycare, but i'm a single mom now. Maddy is pulling herself up on things and has the BIGGEST attitude. :)
Hugs Blkhairbeauty sounds like you having a rough time of it.

Silas glad to hear kids are ok
AFM: Been camping for 2 weeks Leo loved it. Had a really bad scare though he choked and went purple, had to ring an ambulance that took 15 mins to arrive, luckily I managed to get it dislodged after about 5 mins and the paramedic just checked him over and he was fine. It was a bit of paper he had picked up. I was holding him upside down and hitting his back but then the ambulance phone person told me not to hit his back. Then when the Paramedic came said should hold him upside down and hit his back!!!!!
Was really scarey really thought was going to lose him. Just so glad managed to get it out as ambulance took so long.
He's into everything standing alone but not walking yet, got his first pair of cruiser shoes!!!

Cant believe our little ones are so big!!!
hey weezyweu I was told last night off a friend who is trained in the medical profession NOT to hit them on the back, they say this is because you can just lodge the item further in, so like hitting them will make it move for the worse NOT move for the better

In my own head though if they are hanging upside down, hitting them will only dislodge it out as gravity is in your favor, maybe this is what the ambulance person was thinking when they said it was ok. But maybe the person on the phone was thinking about the rules and regulations which is "don't hit the back of someone choking"

Eva choked a few months ago on a cupcake, the cake kind of stuck like glue in her throat and she would try and breath and i can hear the tiniest bit of air getting through and i remember thinking "a tiny bit of oxygen is getting through that gives up more time" it was a horrible moment. I hung her upside down and little bits just dripped out bit by bit with drool.


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