~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Leo is the same wind all the time but he still manages to hold on to some then scream while feeding!!!!!Sure he does it on purpose lol.
Ugh I am frustrated right now! My OH is putting someone elses car in his name. So if they are a dumbass and do anything stupid he is liable. He wont hear any of my reasoning on this and its just fucking stupid! He is stupid. He thinks it wont matter since he wont be the one doing it. Yeah right. IDIOT.
Hey GG - Maybe try winding her every half ounce. I do that sometimes when she seems to have a tummy ache.
Kai's started smiling - and it's not wind! :lol: Excuse the mess in the room! :lol:

He's smiled 3 times today...the first time was when I went into his room to check on him, he was awake so I talked to him and he gave me the nicest smile!
Makes me feel so happy...such a special feeling :)

Thanks for the info on the grobag, might think about getting one.

We've finally got the forecast snow here. It's been snowing since 10pm here and is now at 4"....looks beautiful! Not sure I'd want to travel in it though! OH might have to stay home, depending on trains and pathways!


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I truly don't want to use this as my personal venting thread - but honestly I have no one else to talk to these days! My OH is doing my head in. I am so sick of it all. Sometimes I just want to say screw it and leave. I love him, but I am just not sure its worth it all the time. Sounds terrible, I know. But seriously, that is how I am starting to feel.
SilasLove: I really can sympathise. I hate it when people say that to me :lol: but even so, I kinda know how you feel.
When we argue or every time he does something totally idiotic, or doesn't listen to me or any number of things!, a little bit of me gets sadder each time. I really want things to be better but it's just not happening. I love him but right now, if it wasn't for Kai, I'd be gone.
Big :hugs: to you and I hope things get better and/or you feel happier soon.
Still waiting for evan to smile :(

silas sorry u are having a tough time with oh :hugs:

well evan woke at 1.50 after going to sleep around half 10-11. I gave him 4oz of formula and a bit of boob to get him back to sleep, which he did with zero fuss at 3am. Wonder how long he'll go??? I'm wide awake now :(
Argh my baby just doesn't sleep! Or burp. It's doing my head in. I need sleep! She has been so clingy all day and has just been a total screamer all night :(
libby is a velcro baby and i only get sleep as she sleeps with me... she woke at 11 for last bottle then 5 then 8 i would love to sleep on my tummy, its pregnancy all over again, sorry u girls are havin a tough time with oh, me n my oh had an arguemet last nite too cos i said i hate having a baby as u never knoe whats wrong cant wait till she is older - meaning she could tell me whats wrong n he shouted at me saying that was horrible and mean.. he hasnt got her crying n stuck to him all day and night x
I have come to the conclusion that if Georgie and I stayed snuggled up in bed ALL DAY, he would sleep 3-4 hours in between feeds as that is the only time my boobs and I get a break. We usually go to bed between 10 and 10.30pm and he wakes for a feed around 3am and then around 6am. I get up after that feed. My dilemma now is that as we make most of our milk at night, it would really help to increase my supply if we squeezed in another overnight feed but unless I set my alarm, there is no chance of me waking up and Georgie is quite happy as he is. So, would an extra feed really help much? Is it worth disrupting our sleep to do it?

I also had a little expressing achievement yesterday where I managed over the course of the day to pump out 2oz. Hubby gave it to him around 8.30pm while I had my first uninterrupted soak in the bath since he was born!Georgie was so much more content after he had scoffed it which does make me wonder just how much he has actually been getting in the evenings? It was hard work getting it out though and my boobs felt knackered by the time had squeezed the last bit out :haha: I definitely think I am going to hire a hospital grade pump for a month, that should get the booby juice flowing!

Kala and Pixelle, I am sorry to hear that you are both having a tough time with your OH right now. Its tough enough in the early days of having a baby without having to deal with nonsense from them! :hugs:

Sophie and MissMammaToBe, sorry you both didn't get as much sleep as you would have liked. Its horrid, its cold and there is no reason to go out so have a PJ day and do lots of snoozing if you can!

Gemma I would love to sleep on my tummy again too, sleeping in one spot all night long with my arm at a funny angle gives me a neck ache but its worth it just to get a decent nights sleep. Velcro babies are hard work x

Right, I have a sleeping George and I really want to get dressed but he wont go down, going to try my luck for the 3rd time this morning. Wish me luck!
when will my vag and ass stop hurting? :(

I may go and buy some cards for Alexander and pretend people sent some and came to visit as Williams special box is full of stuff like that and Alex only got one card and present off my mum. My dads peed off over that as everyone passes my house to get in and out of town yet will ask my dad how we are and never stop in.
DF-that's really sad! If you PM me your address I'd send Alexander a card! 'Specially as we were 'due date buddies'! :haha:
*sniffle* my little pixie has the cold :( I spent all night with her on my chest so she could breathe right :( so needless to say I'm shattered
DF-that's really sad! If you PM me your address I'd send Alexander a card! 'Specially as we were 'due date buddies'! :haha:

make me feel like a total loner lol but I appreciate the gesture. I think i remember saying to you all would be interested to see who comes. out of it all just my parents.Maybe they will still come? at least a text or call would be nice. I dont want Alex feeling when he grows up as i have him same stuff as William, same baby book with guests who visited to see him only my parents fileld in, with william we ran out of page.

I have two sleeping babies on me happy after boob / :flower:
Aww DF, didn't mean to make you feel like a loner! :blush: I'm sorry.
SilasLove: I really can sympathise. I hate it when people say that to me :lol: but even so, I kinda know how you feel.
When we argue or every time he does something totally idiotic, or doesn't listen to me or any number of things!, a little bit of me gets sadder each time. I really want things to be better but it's just not happening. I love him but right now, if it wasn't for Kai, I'd be gone.
Big :hugs: to you and I hope things get better and/or you feel happier soon.

This is exactly how it is with me as well. Because when it is good, it really is good. But when its bad, its really bad. I wish we could just be happy. I know I love him and he loves me, but why does it have to be like this? If we love each other, why can't we be happy? :|:(

Still waiting for evan to smile :(

silas sorry u are having a tough time with oh :hugs:

well evan woke at 1.50 after going to sleep around half 10-11. I gave him 4oz of formula and a bit of boob to get him back to sleep, which he did with zero fuss at 3am. Wonder how long he'll go??? I'm wide awake now :(

Kala and Pixelle, I am sorry to hear that you are both having a tough time with your OH right now. Its tough enough in the early days of having a baby without having to deal with nonsense from them! :hugs:

Thanks ladies.

DF-that's really sad! If you PM me your address I'd send Alexander a card! 'Specially as we were 'due date buddies'! :haha:

make me feel like a total loner lol but I appreciate the gesture. I think i remember saying to you all would be interested to see who comes. out of it all just my parents.Maybe they will still come? at least a text or call would be nice. I dont want Alex feeling when he grows up as i have him same stuff as William, same baby book with guests who visited to see him only my parents fileld in, with william we ran out of page.

I have two sleeping babies on me happy after boob / :flower:

DF, perhaps people are just giving you all a bit of time to adjust to having two little ones. After all Alex is just 4 days old. Perhaps they just don't want to intrude so soon. :shrug:

But I know how you are feeling in some ways. It was definitely different having Madelyn. When Joseph was born nearly all my family came to the hospital to visit, but with Madelyn it was just my mom, grandma, sisters and a couple cousins. And only 1 person has actually come to my house to visit, everyone else thinks I should come to them. I am thinking wth? I have two babies now, that is a lot of work to be trying to come visit all of you! So some people still haven't seen her.
some of darrens ones where here, gave cheeky remarks and his gran looked at him once and went out again no cards or anything? so unlike willam where we where bombarded with clothes and i was counting on clothes to. My aunt and granddad will be here on sun after mu dad shouts at them again as last time they kept asking how was William and never seen him so he wast pleased at them and they all landed here one day. I am the tear away by the way the unholy black sheep lol

got birth cert today for Alex :) and his hearty checked and is fine.
Df, people dropped in over about 3 weeks to see evan, most people came after a week :) as for cards my dad didn't even get me one til last week and has seen evan 3 times since we came home, for 20 odd mind each time just when he's passing. He didn't buy evan s pressie either except a vest with a funny slogan on he saw "Ipood" I know he gave me £250 towards the pram. He told me he was gonna get evan a play island thing for Xmas, well he already has a play gym plus they are cheap so I told him to get a swing. Seen some expensive ones :haha:

had another pj day today :)

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