~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

with bf babies its more often as milk digests faster. I think i done 4 pooh nappies today.
Can anyone let me know how you add a picture?

I think you need to use a picture hosting site and upload the photos there first, then click on the picture icon and copy and paste the IMG code in there.
I am getting Mirena, which is a IUT. The pill is how I got pregnant with Madelyn in the first place! :haha:

I am getting that too!! Mark and I have sex every single day! :haha: I can't have sex until 6 weeks after though! :cry: I tore and have stiches and I am still bleeding. How did you manage to have sex!? I don't want just sex! I wanna make love & then I really want a nice long ruff f**k! :haha:
Oh yes, Bryelle poops all day long!!! As soon as she is changed, she poops again!!! Wasting all of her diapers!! :haha: She even squirted poop out at Target in the bathroom when I was changing her!!! I was mortified because it hit the wall and a lady was watching!!! Weird of her watchng :growlmad: but it was so embarrassing!!! :lol:
Sorry been reading and running last couple of days as every time I have sat down too write something else crops up! Its mad how time flys with a newborn!!?! Ive not left the house since Sunday yet I have so much to do/catch up on!?!
Madelyn and Erin are both gorgeous Silas and Lizzy!
as for contraception Ive decided on the implant as we don't want another baby for a good few years!
Will have to do a proper catch up at some point tomorrow... hopefully! :haha:
Lol xx
I am getting Mirena, which is a IUT. The pill is how I got pregnant with Madelyn in the first place! :haha:

I am getting that too!! Mark and I have sex every single day! :haha: I can't have sex until 6 weeks after though! :cry: I tore and have stiches and I am still bleeding. How did you manage to have sex!? I don't want just sex! I wanna make love & then I really want a nice long ruff f**k! :haha:

Haha. Well, I didn't tear or anything so no stitches to worry about. I have gotten to where I am not bleeding 85% of the time. Just everyone once in a while I starting bleeding - its kind of dumb. My OH and I pretty much had sex every day for the first year in our relationship. :haha: And I am not exaggerating a bit.

Oh yes, Bryelle poops all day long!!! As soon as she is changed, she poops again!!! Wasting all of her diapers!! :haha: She even squirted poop out at Target in the bathroom when I was changing her!!! I was mortified because it hit the wall and a lady was watching!!! Weird of her watchng :growlmad: but it was so embarrassing!!! :lol:

Last night I thought Madelyn was done and she just started to poo again and some got on my finger. :| :haha:
Mark & I have been together over 9 years and we still have sex everyday unless he is deployed of course. Lol
I am sure my OH would love it if we still did. But I do the parenting pretty much on my own, so once bedtime rolls around I am usually done for and just ready to sleep. Of course if he is persistent he always wins. :haha:

Right now we don't really have sex too often for obvious reasons.

Oh man, Madelyn was driving me bonkers the last 2 hours. I think she has finally settled and is dosing off now. :) I was getting to my breaking point after today. Joseph went to bed at 6:30pm :wacko:
do any of you sometimes just feel like your OH takes the fucking piss??! excuse my language but i'm so so tired and annoyed right now.

he has been working 11am starts for the last week and cycles to work, cos of the snow he has had to walk there which takes about 2 hours in this weather so he has had to get up 7am everyday to get ready and leave...our usual night feed routine is me going to bed at 10/11pm and him staying up to do the 12/1am feed...then coming to bed himself and me getting up when he wakes for a feed at about 5am... but because he had to be up so early and was walking to work everyday so bound to be tired, i decided to kip on the settee for a couple of nights and stay downstairs and do all the feeds so he wouldn't be disturbed. tomorrow he is working a 6 hour shift 2pm-8pm and the snow is much better here so he is able to go on his bike meaning he only has to set off 45 mins early. he got in pretty late last night and by the time we had eaten, watched im a celebrity and bathed ryan it was 12:30...so later than i usually go to bed..but off i went, i think i probably dropped to sleep about 1am, richard brought ryan to bed at 2:30am... he woke up for feeding as usual at 5am...but i must have slept through the first 5 minutes of his crying as rich had got out of bed, picked him up and given him his dummy...put him back in his crib then woke me up... i said sorry i didnt even hear him, i spose only having 6 hours sleep in about 4 days meant i had slept a lot heavier than usual...so i got up and made his bottle while he was quiet in his crib, and then went back up to get him, brought him down, fed him and put him to sleep again...richard was still laid in bed wide awake and it made me so so angry! if he was already awake why couldn't he have just taken ryan downstairs, given him the bottle (which takes about half an hour btw!) then come back himself without waking me up?? after what i did for him for the last 4 days so he could be rested for work and he wakes me up after 4 hours sleep when ive had hardly any sleep for 4 days?! am i being unreasonable here thinking that he should have come down and fed him instead of waking me up? also for some reason ryan didnt settle when i took him back to bed this morning...i asked my already awake OH to hold him until he dropped to sleep as i was so tired i was worried i might fall asleep holding him and drop him...then he had the cheek to say, "its nothing to do with that u just cant be arsed getting out of bed"


ive brought ryan downstairs to sleep in his moses basket so OH can "get some sleep"...apparently he is the one that needs it.

god sorry for the me, me, me post there and its long so well done if u read this far!

will read thru all posts that ive missed and catch up when im a bit more awake... xxxxx
https://C:\Users\Louise\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\1JBK4H6R\21112010914[1].JPGhttps://C:\Users\Louise\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\1JBK4H6R\21112010914[1].JPG

sorry cant get the pictures to upload. ill try and put one as my avatar

That didnt work either!! sorry i am not very technical.
https://C:\Users\Louise\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\1JBK4H6R\21112010914[1].JPG
Weezy another way is to go to advanced reply under the reply box and press manage attachments then I can upload from your pictures :)

Happy weekend girls and babies :) hope everyone is well xx
morning girls.

i think Pixie's cold is going away! :happydance: i think that this little miss is totally switched on. she goes in a strop when she doesn't get her own way or gets her bottle quick enough. haha! going to have to knock that habit on the head!

i want to get her into some of her cute 0-3 clothes but they're still too big! bless hehe. i also want to buy a few winter hats as she only has one. any suggestions? i want some cute ones heh

we've noticed she's starting to chatter more - makes so many cute noises ^___^ hope everyone is well and Loulabump sorry your OH is pissing you off at the moment.

hope all those November sparklers are doing well. hope Libby is improving for you GG and letting you get some sleep. I'm very tempted to get one of those slings that you have ^^
I'm upset because my OH's stupid work. He has to work 7 days a week, 21 days straight before he gets a day off. Thankfully that is next Sunday. But my kids probably wont get to see Santa because he has to work, and I am stuck at home without a car. And unfortunately it seems every place close to me is having Santa there today and I doubt they will be doing it well in to 4pm. I understand my kids don't know the difference, but I do. And I hate it. :( Probably shouldn't get myself worked up over something so simple but I can't help but feel like NOTHING works out like I want it to.

Loulabump - Sounds like something my OH would do. I was shocked at 5am this morning when he made a bottle and fed her and I got to sleep.
awww she's lovely.

is it right that its normal for babies to poo once every few days?

I was worried ryan was constipated again as after his feeds he gets quite fussy and cries for no real reason that I can figure out, he settles down after about an hour or so of whinging...but anyhoo he last had a poo just over 2 days ago and then just did one today...its soft and the normal yellowy/green colour that is associated with comfort milk... i dunno he seems alright i guess i just always thought babies pooped round the clock lol!

libby only poos every 2 days with the comfort milk but its runny so not worried...

:hi: visiting family, we got up north as motorways we fine and going home tomorrow xx

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