~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

Coco I have started giving Leo Formula once a day. Going to start and reduce me and more bottle. He took a 4oz bottle and then fed from me for another 10 mins!! Going to feed him myself when at home and especially night and morning but bottle when go out. Bought some breast like teats today just need to get some bottles to fit then will try them as he isn't keen on the teats.
Gemma...Libby looks way too cute in cloth :cloud9:

i agree! what cloth is it?

its an itti, we are moving over through the day and using sposies at night till we build up a good stash and get used to them.

Bought some gaviscon :D and she has had it in 1 bottle, hard to tell if its helped yet hopefully it does the trick!

coco - dont beat urself up too much its not for want of trying and most people would have given up a long time ago! you have done a fab job and dont feel bad with formula you still have a bond when feeding and formula doesnt make a child any less healthy :hugs: hope u figure it out soon xx
Ooh its lovely. My first go at cloth was a disaster...raphi's legs are too skinny. Going to wait I lil bit longer for her to fatten up a bit.
Your baby seems to be acting very similar to mine will be interested to hear if the gaviscon works. Can you still use it if you're bfing?
Miss mamma can use gaviscon if Bfding. I use it for leo's reflux. you just have to mix with a small amount of sterile water or formula or expressed milk. Leo takes it off a spoon/cup but you can put in a bottle if needed.

Good luck hope it works for you
Im having the same issues with BF. I've been giving Jaxon bottles every time he's hungry, but first we try breast for a half hour before doing bottle. I'm getting next to nothing when I pump, and have been taking fenugreek for a week with no results. The next thing I'll be taking is an anti-nausa medecine, thats supposed to help with milk supply.

Had a good day out and about. Went and visted my cousin (who will be doing daycare for Jaxon), had a MW appoitment, and went shopping at walmart. Left the house at 1130 didnt get back till 430. Day went by so fast!
Grrrrr!!! I gave evan 5oz at 10 then he fed from me and screamed for an hour and has finally conked out!!

6 week growth spurt??

Jeez were having a time of it ladies big :hugs: and massive yays to us all for being such brill mums x x x
PPD... What are the signs of having it?? I feel like crying and get very depressed out of nowhere. Happens about twice an hour. I just don't wanna do anything but cry when it hits me. I don't sleep much either. :cry:
hmm im not sure, do u have a health visitor you can speak too?

am I have the opposite problem, libby is due a feed so im waiting up for her to wake, no such luck :grr: this girl is trouble haha xx
If only I had a baby I had to wake for feeds!!

I might sleep downstairs and watch the cricket a least evan will sleep even if it is on me! I needto get off my lazy arse and start a bedtime routine of bath food bed! Bit as evan feeds whenever I wouldn't know what time to do it!
i dont really think routines work at this stage anyway, probs better to just be baby led we have no routine, feeds change every day x
No that's why I haven't bothered. I'm going home soon so will ne just me and evan. Guess I'd have liked some routine by then just to help me. Saying that o won't have my mum poking her ore in, today she suggested he's teething :dohh:

she's been fab I happily admit, in fact perfectly supportive. Bit they sometimes get on my nerves. Stepdad picks evan up the second he makes a sound or jigs him up and down. How many times I have to tell him it doesn't help the reflux lol!! Mum is good at taking evan from me when I'm at the end of my teather bit often sits on her arse while he cries an just says his name to him!!

I happy to leave him to cry for a few mins if I am doing something cos he needs to get used to that when it's just the two of is!

If anyone ever fancies a weekend at the seaside then I'd love visitors got plenty of room :)
The last couple days have been trying for me. I think I may be suffering from PPD a bit. I am just NOT happy. My OH is not the worst person on the planet, but the SECOND he does something I don't like I feel that he is. I know he deserves me attitude sometimes, but I also know he doesnt deserve it this much. I feel horrible and I know I am not appreciating him enough. And he says sorry, and I feel like its all me and he doesn't have much reason to be apologizing. :cry: don't know what to do with myself!

I have swaddled Madelyn and she seems rather content. Of course I am still holding her as of right now. :haha:
Well I have been wanting a Moby wrap for a while now and i finally decided on making one myself. I went to Wal-Mart and got 5 yards of fabric for $1 a yard and made 2 out of the fabric! So now I have 2 "moby" wraps for $5, an amazing deal compared to the $40 they are selling for :) Madelyn LOVES it too. So its official, im a breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing Mama XD!
I finally get to join you all over here!

Chloe Jessica born 5/12/10 @ 7:32pm, 8lb 2oz

hmm im not sure, do u have a health visitor you can speak too?

am I have the opposite problem, libby is due a feed so im waiting up for her to wake, no such luck :grr: this girl is trouble haha xx
i find this - when you would like them to sleep they don't and when you want them awake to feed they are dead to the world :dohh: :dohh:

this little monkey for example was due a feed at 6/7am and didn't waken till 9am!
yeh welcome another gorge baby!

how quickly does the gaviscon work? she seems more settled top end but them painful pumps... think im gonna change her milk tomorrow i dont think she is lactose intollrent as she was fine breasfed x
Evan still gets painful "pumps" although he only does them when he cries, sounds silly but if I put him on booby to calm him down he stops crying and the farts stop too!! I think the gaviscon works pretty much straight away :) Evan is still really sick quite badly, but I think he might just be a sicky baby. He is very calm otherwise generally :)

I had a good night in the end. Well good for us and a bf baby!

I gave Evan the bottle and he finally settled around midnight in his pram, so I stayed downstairs till he woke, which was 2.15am. I fed him from boob for 5 mins and he went to sleep again and woke up at 4am, I fed him from boob again for 3 mins, tried to wake him no joy, put him down he slept for 15 mins then I fed him till half 4, then he slept till 6am. Then didn't go back to sleep :dohh:

Things I did a bit different were I fed him just as he was stirring so his feeds were like dream feeds really, very calm. I also turned the Tv off and had the lights dimmed. I also didn't change him as didn't want to wake him (what to expect book says ok as long as not soaking or done big poo which he wasn't)

Lets see about tonight :)
thats what we've tried to do AM. during the day let her hear the tv, hoover etc.. etc.. and we don't tip-toe around her. at night on the other hand we have one little light on in the bedroom (the angelcare light) and when she wakes up for a feed at night we don't talk lots to her or anything, just give her the bottle, check the bum then attempt to get her back down again.

last night was a bit crap - had to resort to putting her in the swing to make her nod off... it was VERY cold last night though so she ended up snuggled up on her dads chest :haha:

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