~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

I'm also on one pill three times a day. I have a lactation appoitment today at 10, but Im not going as I feel like crap, I think I've gotten OH's cold. Pretty sure I would be throwing up right now if it wasnt for the anti-nasau pills I'm on. Oh and Im about to give up on trying to BF, I've done everything I possibly can and Im just not getting anything. I'm not going to feel bad about it, b/c I gave it my all.

I'll try again when Jaxon gets a sibling (hopefullly will start trying in a year).
Df hope the pain passes soon :hugs:

6 week growth spurt, meh piece of piss!! I didn't realise evan was having it until u guys said on here lol!! Very hard few days as u know from my posts on here. But evan slept 1-5.15 which is the most in a good while :) he is also not screaming the house down constantly today :)

had him weighed ......... 10lbs 9oz :rofl:
I am so jealous of all your babes getting/hitting double digits in weight. At Madelyn's last appt she had not even gained 1 lb from her birth weight and I kind of feel like a crap mom at times because of it. Coming from having my Joseph who was just a great eater, sleeper etc. I never had these problems with him (gas, etc) he just spit-up but it was nothing like what Madelyn does. I just feel like I am not dealing so great this time around and its wearing on EVERYTHING in my life ... bleh.
back from the hospital. pixies hips arnt 100% in place so she has to go for another scan in 4 weeks and she's to wear double nappies :( ive been told its nothing to worry about though
Hi everyone...been a fair while since I logged on here I don't even know where to begin catching up with everyone :(

Ryan has been keeping me very busy, I've found sitting down using the laptop/having time to myself just doesn't happen anymore, as soon as I sit down he cries so I just haven't been bothering... on a positive note though ryan has slept through the night 2 nights in a row midnight - 8am! just gotta work on his screaming during the day now.

He was weighed today and is now 8lb 11oz and spot on target accrding to HV. Hope all babies and mummies are well x x x
hi mmarinewife Leo also won't take the bottle. I am struggling with it tried my milk and formula and he does same takes two sucks n screams. Really want him to take bottle going out for meal with him on saturday and need to give him bottle while out.
back from the hospital. pixies hips arnt 100% in place so she has to go for another scan in 4 weeks and she's to wear double nappies :( ive been told its nothing to worry about though

Alex could have the same he has a referral waiting for hospital as they felt a click in his hip to :( I wont know till then either. I never heard of this till now.

I am insuring my bike tomorrow, not to go anywhere just to do it when I have the cash and to avoid the cbt test they have coming here in jan, they have it in England but not here . They will though. Now all I have to do is do it up a bit. I am to fat for my gear I bet I dare even bother trying it on. Probably way into next year before i get out on it with weather.
we got referred as she was breach *shakes head* she looks like she has a huge arse wearing double nappies :dohh:
Eva had her 4 week weigh in and is now 9lb5oz!!!!! After being only 6lb14oz at birth!!!!! I'm worried I'm over feeding her, she gained 7285gms in 2 weeks and it took less than 6 days to get her back to her birth weight. But I don't understand why she's gaining so much. She feeds 6 times a day (24 hr period) 3 hourly during the day and approx 5-6 hourly at night. I never force her to continue eating she feeds until she is done...... Should I be worried? I asked thee health nurse and she said "not yet" :-S maybe my millk is more fattening than most, maybe I have a foremilk hindmilk imbalance with too much hindmilk.
hi marinewife Leo also won't take the bottle. I am struggling with it tried my milk and formula and he does same takes two sucks n screams. Really want him to take bottle going out for meal with him on Saturday and need to give him bottle while out.

It is quite stressful because he doesn't scream while breastfeeding ugh.. ive tried every bottle on the market LOL and i want him to take bottles as chasing my 2 year old while having a newborn attached to my breast is quite tiring lol we are going to be driving to Connecticut on the 22nd and staying there til the 28th its about a 7 hour drive but with him wanting to eat every hour we will be driving all day and night im sure.. =(
I have now got bottles that the teat are nipple shaped but it hasn't made any difference!!! He even smiled at me when i put the bottle in his mouth today and just pushed it out then smiled again.!! not sure what else to do.
could the tingle not be your let down coco? x

That would be nice but the tingle is when they are not being used :haha: I would like to think they were tingle because they were filling up but I strongly susspect it is my poor over munched nipples as the tingling does ease when I apply pressure to them.

Oh I get my let down at completely random times when my boobies arent being used too...

I think raphi has a herniated belly button too :( poor thing. Do you know if it hurts them marinewife?

they say no but i think it does some
If a baby is hungry surely they will eventually take a bottle if notjin else is on offer? I was lucky evan doesn't mind but I introduced the odd bottle very early so he would take it.

Betheney, I asked the hv if 2lbs in 3 weeks was too much but she said no and he is plotting on his chart in an almost straight line :)

pichi sorry to hear pixies hips weren't 100% but as u day nothing to worry about. Why does she need 2 nappies? For extra support?

Df bet u can't wait to get out on the bike again :)

loula great to hear from you. I only really get on here on my phone, rarely have time to get on my laptop x
Unfortunatley Leo will scream and scream rather than take a bottle. I started giving him a bottle from 2 weeks and he just won't drink from it. getting him weighed on Thursday so will ask hv if anything else i can do.

Pichi hope pixies hips are ok when you go back
Hi all, just a quick one from me as George is sleeping on daddy so I want to wrap some Christmas pressies but I just wanted to pop on and say that Georgie was weighed today and now weighs 7lb 3oz, so a pound heavier than his birth weight :happydance: At almost 6 weeks old, he is still below the charts but he is now on the up, which is great.

I am so pleased he has gained, he is not so skinny now and his little bones don't stick out as much but I am sad that I can't claim all the credit for chubbing him up :( but I am going to try and not get too stressed over it and him having a few top up bottles a day does have its advantages ( like I get a nice soak in the bath in the evening while daddy feeds him) and as long as I can still do most feeds, especially the over night and first thing in the morning ones, I will be happy :)

Bartness, you have done a great job and I know exactly how hard you have tried to keep going but you need to do what keeps you happy as being stressed helps no one. I do try and tell myself that too!

Sorry I have not replied to any one else, will have a good read and reply later x
Unfortunatley Leo will scream and scream rather than take a bottle. I started giving him a bottle from 2 weeks and he just won't drink from it. getting him weighed on Thursday so will ask hv if anything else i can do.

Pichi hope pixies hips are ok when you go back

same here 2 weeks i introduced it.. now i give up lol he will scream and scream for hours and not take but 1/2 ounce if that..
Thank you for the congrats and sorry my last post was a bit moody lol. I've been feeling really down since coming home from hospital last Wed. Trying to be happy and putting on a front, my OH keeps telling me he feels useless but he really helps out.

I have started to express a few bottles so he can do a midnight feed and I can sleep but I'm still pretty tired.

My nipples have started getting sore too :(

Hope everyone else is feeling better than I do. lol
Congratulations Kayley! I think I know your OH....!

Going to be a long one, bear with me!

Haven't really caught up with everything that's gone on, you girlies can talk! :lol: My week long time out from here has come to an end. Realised I'm better off talking about things, even if I sound whingy!

Got my 6 week check on Friday so will be discussing possible PND with the GP. I'm scared to mention it as I've heard horror stories about Social Services becoming involved etc. Does anyone know if they still do that?

I still have days where I wonder what the hell I've done, by having a baby. Sounds awful and I hate to say it as I love Kai so much and wouldn't be without him. But some days I wonder what the point of everything is. I'll be bringing that up with the GP.
Still thinking about my dad alot. It doesn't help that I'm dreaming about him and his death nearly every night. I think it's the time of year. Christmas was always a good time with him around and very special, it wasn't the same last year and won't be this, either.

I'm looking after Kai well, considering! It's just myself I'm not really taking care of. Some days are better than others. Have had a tummy bug the last few days so Kai went to his Nanny's on Monday for the whole day while I slept. Felt really guilty about passing him to someone else but really needed the break to rest and recuperate.

Kai's a monster! Waking for feeds every 2 hours at the moment. Probably 6 week growth spurt. He has terrible wind and cries with the pain after feeds. He's on infacol at the moment and it was working well but last couple of days it seems to have no effect on him. Breastfeeding is almost non existant now. I think that's partly what's getting me down. He suckles for around 5 minutes then screams so I have to relent and give him a bottle. Maybe it's my fault for introducing bottles (EBM) too early. He's now on Aptamil formula.
I'm not expressing much either. Before I could get at least 5oz out each time. Now I'm lucky if I get 1oz. I've tried fenugreek with no success. I guess as long as Kai is getting some mummy milk, that's good.

Me and OH are talking more. He finally realises we now have a baby and life isn't the same! He loves Kai to bits but sometimes he just doesn't think about things. Hopefully our relationship can get back on track.

Generally I'm feeling better than I was...so that's got to be a good thing!

Sorry I haven't been able to catch up with everything, I'll do so tomorrow if I get time.
Glad to have you back :hugs:.
I think it's a really good idea to have a chat with your GP and keep talking to everyone on here.
Christmas is always really hard when you've lost such a special part of your family :hugs: This year you have Kai, maybe you could start some new traditions for your new family or carry on things your dad did? My grandpa always used to do a treasure hunt for us all on Boxing day-since we lost him my dad has taken over his little book of clues and does it for us instead. :kiss:
I'm so dreading this 6 week growth spurt! :wacko:

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