~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

well done coco fab weight gain :) looks like things are improving for you, hope this is a turning point.

Pixelle - glad to have u bk, if you look bk to when u went we all said no dont go, whinge away, it best to talk and we are always hear for support, glad you and oh have talked and dont beat yourself up about the feedin, as long as Kai is thriving who cares? And I think everyone has the "what have I done b y having a baby moment" I certainly have, so dont feel too bad about that, its a big adjustment in your life and even if you wernt a selfish person, you have to learn that you just dont come first anymore and its scary to have someone fully dependant on you...

little moo had a bad time up until 2 and then was so contented after a good feed, slept till 6.. big improvement on the other night so hopefully a turning point, we then had a lie in till 9.30 and she has fell asleep in her swing again! we have visitors from nct group today and oh calls them the crazies :blush: but I think they are nice people and cant wait for cuddles off their little one.

moo is stirring now, must dash... hope everyone is well x
AM: the double nappies are to keep her hips supported :)

urgh, she didnt settle till 3.30! last night but woke up at 7am. shes being a bloody piggy though. she had 4oz at 8pm, 2oz at 10pm and at 2am she had another 5oz. growth spurt do you think?

pixelle dont feel bad about PND - you're not alone hun :hugs: i hope you feel better soon. i sometimes think what have i done but id never change it for the world
Morning ladies :)

yay pixelle so glad u decided to come back. I wouldn't have for thru the last 9 months without these ladies :). Again I think it is important to be open about the way you feel about things. Make sure u don't ever bottle up, rant on here if u can't talk to anyone else. Deffo talk to your gp too :) remember it is nothing to be ashamed of and u are a fab mum who loves her son tons :hugs: you have a huge change in your life without your dad but with kai, I agree with all gemma has said :)

kayley, don't worry about your little rant, it's a very hormonal time xx

gemma glad libster had a decent night I don't get them too often and cherish those 4 hour blocks of sleep. Last night I wasn't so lucky! Evan wants booby lots and sleeps loads with less crying. I've stopped the gavisvon and formula now :)

I am getting some rank nappies. Just really filling them!! Up his back. I've moved onto size 2 huggies maybe they are not great? We'll see!! He has done 3 poos this morning unlike him!!!

Was gonna go into town for last minute shopping but too cold!! Gonna do some Internet shopping instead and hopefully go tonorrow. I really need a coat as can't do anything up over my jelly belly :(
Pixelle it is good to have you back :hugs:

Great weight gain Jo!!

I hope the next scan goes okay on Pixie's hips Pichi.

Congratulations Kayley :flower:

Soph, I think we will have to move up to size 2's very soon, I keep putting it off thinking 'when she comes out of size 1 she is no longer a newborn' :haha:

AFM: had my 6 week post natal check this morning, everything is good, scar has finally healed, blood pressure tablets reduced again, got to have a full blood count done as I had anaemia in pregnancy, I asked the doctor for a realistic timescale after a section for starting to TTC that would be safe for mum and baby...and her answer was 6 months!!!

We are leaving it a bit longer, I want to lose a bit more weight and enjoy Amber...but I am coming off the pill next july :happydance:
Gald to see you back Pixelle. Dont feel bad about not BF. I am trying to get Leo to have a bottle and he wont!!! Do wahts best for you.
Hey Pixelle, sorry to hear you've been feeling shi**y - how do you know my OH?

You&me - Can't believe your thinking about TTC already - you're a brave lady lol. I don't think we will be having another one now, but it does make me feel a bit sad to think I'll never be pregnant again. I'm wanting to be preg again already lol. Still I will enjoy my 2 girls - our family is now complete.

I'm having to double up on clothes at the moment as the coldness makes my boobs and nipples really bloody sore!

We were discharged by the midwifes yesterday and the health visitor came round today and weighed Megan. She is now 9lb 11oz which is quite a loss I think. The health visitor said she wasn't worried though as Megan is weeing and pooing just fine and feeding well aswell.

Hope everyone is having a good day x
Hey Pixelle, sorry to hear you've been feeling shi**y - how do you know my OH?

You&me - Can't believe your thinking about TTC already - you're a brave lady lol. I don't think we will be having another one now, but it does make me feel a bit sad to think I'll never be pregnant again. I'm wanting to be preg again already lol. Still I will enjoy my 2 girls - our family is now complete.

I'm having to double up on clothes at the moment as the coldness makes my boobs and nipples really bloody sore!

We were discharged by the midwifes yesterday and the health visitor came round today and weighed Megan. She is now 9lb 11oz which is quite a loss I think. The health visitor said she wasn't worried though as Megan is weeing and pooing just fine and feeding well aswell.

Hope everyone is having a good day x

i'm having the same problem kayley, i asked a friend who's breastfeeding too and she just looked at me like i was a freak! glad to know i'm not alone..xx
I haven't caught up today yet. Madelyn only woke up once last night to eat!! It was good, I was surprised. She and Joseph are sleeping still, I got up early for no reason haha.

Good news! I may be getting a job! :happydance:
I will be starting ASAP if I get hired.
You ladies should wish me TONS of luck. :D
Good luck Silas!

So I emailed my HR rep at work. I go back to work on Jan. 4th. I might call and ask if I can come in an hour late though so I can bring Jaxon to my cousins house. I have a feeling I'll cry a ton that first day away from him. I'm already dreading it.

Well, so I failed at breastfeeding, so I think I'll try making my own baby food for him when he starts to eat food. I found an awsome website with recipes to use (heck some of them I want to try myself).

Oh and Jaxon always poos a ton, Im glad he's like that though and not like his cousin Blake (he's been constipated from day one, and is on meds to help him poo). In fact Jaxon poo'd all over OH the other night when I was sleeping. Apprently OH threw up from the rank smell...I just laugh...such a good boy.
Pixelle, I am so pleased to see you back. We have all been worried about you, don't you run off again young lady!

I have to echo what the others have said about having a chat with your GP, the sooner you do, the sooner they can help you. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with PND last year, she is an amazing, kind thoughtful friend, a devoted wife and fantastic mummy, everyone knows these days that having PND is no reflection on you as a person or a mother and there is no need to worry about social services. My friend said to me that her biggest regret was not asking for help sooner, and made me promise that if I even slightly suspected I might have PND, to seek help. Make sure you do the same honey xxx

Sophie, I don't use huggies as they always seemed to leak, I find Pampers better but then I do think different bums suit different nappies.

I also need a new coat as I can't fit anything over my belly. The problem is if I get a bigger size it is too big every where else!

Good luck on the new job Kala!

Bartness, don't ever say you failed at breast feeding because you haven't. You gave it more than your best shot but due to things beyond your control and for the sake of your sanity, you moved on. Happy mummy = happy baby xx

AFM: We must be heading towards the 6 week growth spurt too as Georgie fed from 2am to 5am last night! Luckily co-sleeping meant I still got to doze (I think Georgie did too) or I would have been knackered!

Saw my lactation lady today and we have decided to carry on topping up with 8oz over the course of the day to put some weight on him and then after Christmas we will start decreasing the formula bit by bit but if he needs to be mixed fed, I am perfectly happy with that as healthy, happy and well fed baby = happy me, which ever way that comes :)
Iv just wolfed down half a box of roses... I keep rebuying the chocolates for dans sisters xmas pressie from libby but keep eating them :( lol
New pic of my Madebug!
F**k You Mom!

Complete accident btw!

& I know Joseph isn't a 2010 Nov. Sparkler (although he IS a 2009 Nov. Sparkler :haha:) But I wanted to share with y'all.

some piccys for those not on fb



lovely vid silas x

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