~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

I think it does as its the same with prem babies or a little early. Nightmare maybe you have a bug?
Thanks everyone, you all put me to ease about thinking Jaxon sleeps to much. Went out shopping with my mom for a few hours. Bought two pairs of jeans so I have some pants that fit (I'm kinda depressed though, before pregnancy I was a size 6, now Im a size 14). I probs wont loose all this weight until spring/summer, as I dont want to walk Jaxon in the snow, I'll wait till spring/summer when I can start walking every night.
I dont think I have a bug rest of me feels ok. Well I have headaches all the time and dizzy thought that was anemia unless thats part of a bug to. Be nice if I had some weight loose from it,.
I dont think I have a bug rest of me feels ok. Well I have headaches all the time and dizzy thought that was anemia unless thats part of a bug to. Be nice if I had some weight loose from it,.

If you have constant headaches you need to see your MW or GP.


he smiles . laughs and kicks his legs when he hears me speaking. :cloud9::cloud9:

Wow is Alexander smiling and laughing already? I don't know how young they can do that but it seems very advanced at only almost 3 weeks! Amazing :D

Megan seems really hungry this evening, we gave her a 100ml bottle of formula this evening as my boobs are getting sorer by the day! I'm still giving te 3 hour feed and she feeds for 20 minutes at a time, but she was just really hungry this evening. Mind you she had a MASSIVE poop earlier - really wet and runny NICE lol
Elleah had her first lot of vaccinations today. Prob one of the first November babies to do so, we decided to have them done at 6, not 8 weeks as recommended by our doctor as there has been a whooping cough outbreak here and a baby in this city died a few months back.

She had a 5 second scream and thats it. So far so good.

I hated it tho and Daddy wasnt happy seeing his little girl in pain at all :(
yeah, im really not looking forward to taking her for her injections :( and her daddy can't even be there so i'm going to have to go on my owns
awww S&B im not sure I can either but will have to as hub willl be working...i havnt even got a letter for hers yet... she is due next week!!

libby had a good night last night, prob a fluke.. she had a bottle about 8ish after her bath and was her usual self, falling asleep, waking in pain, pumping and I though i may as well just wait up till her next feed but come 11 i was flaggin and she was asleep on me. I put her in her basket and fell asleep and she didnt wake me till 4.30am!!! and then had a bottle and went in my bed with me till half 8 when we were rudely awaken by a delivery man, started aptimil 1 and colief at her 4am bottle and dr brown bottles but its first size nd taken her ages to suckle and she is getting annoyed as she is used to size 3 because of the thicker comfort milk, hopefully things will improve.

getting a second car tomorrow :happydance: put a deposit on a lovely littl peaugout 107 for hubby to travel to work in as has finally agreed that its essential living in bolton. As we moved here in july I dont know where anything is and we live in an estate set miles from anything and have to get a bus into town and a bus from town if i want to go anywhere else :(. It also means I can shoot up home to newcastle through the week when he is working away or just working in general as he doesnt miss home like me and feels like he wastes a weekend going back home. Its going to give both me and lib a better quality of life and we can go to all the toddle groups and visit the few friends iv made from nct :) me and libby get our lovely big family car the nissan note

sorry for the me me me post, nothing much has been said since I last posted :blush:
I think it does as its the same with prem babies or a little early.

Milestones in preemies, such as smiling, crawling etc are taken from their corrected age, not their adjusted age, for example, Reagan was born 11 weeks early, she didn't start smiling til she was about 16/17 weeks actual age (corrected age: 6 weeks, you start from what would have been 40 weeks gestation) Hope that makes sense...it did as I typed it :haha:

It is bloody snowing here and settling, I cancelled my smear test for this afternoon, going to sit in the warm and put our crimbo tree up instead :thumbup:

Is anyone else intending to breastfeed their baby through their immunisations? I asked my doctor if I could do this as I have read somewhere that it provides the bubba with comfort when they get the jabs, and she said I can do it. Gotta be worth a try?

Hope all of you ladies are okay?
I'm going to be feeding my LO through her jabs, I read some where that breastfeeding is like a painkiller and I totally believe it after I dropped a hot tomato on raphis head whilst trying to eat over the top of her, she pulled off screamed once latched back on and was fine. I was the one left crying!
:haha: I covered Amber in lots of crumbs on a few occassions now!!
pixie always gets covered in toast crumbs :dohh: not on purpose of course! lol
What is it with some people?...Jeeez, I replied to a post in baby club about the 'shocking behaviour of a three year old' (OP's title)...and because I posted my own opinion on the matter people soon start ripping you for it.

:dohh: whatever happened to free speech huh!!
I read that too about feeding during jabs and plan to do it too :) he has them Monday :(
its always like that you&me you have to lick people arses and have the same opinions.. I usually stay away from the other forums, only venture in when im extremely bored.
Gemma I booked apt foe jabs myself after no-one could give me an answer on whether o get sent an apt letter or not. He has his 8 week check straight after too.

It's snowing here too. I bought a coat and retrieved my cat boots from home which have good grip and are warm so am s little more prepared than last time :)

dani, some people are very self righteous especially when it cones to parenting. Ignore them :) do u mind if I go read what u say and let u know if you're right? :haha:
Go for it Soph...pinklizzy has commented on it too :haha:
I just saw that thread before coming in here....and replied :lol:

Long one, sorry! Not had any time at all to reply properly, but little monster is finally asleep (for now) so....

Glad to have you back :hugs:.
I think it's a really good idea to have a chat with your GP and keep talking to everyone on here.
Christmas is always really hard when you've lost such a special part of your family :hugs: This year you have Kai, maybe you could start some new traditions for your new family or carry on things your dad did? My grandpa always used to do a treasure hunt for us all on Boxing day-since we lost him my dad has taken over his little book of clues and does it for us instead. :kiss:
I'm so dreading this 6 week growth spurt! :wacko:

Thank you. That's a wonderful idea....not sure why I didn't think of it! :lol:
I'll have a think and come up with something :)

Pixelle - glad to have u bk, if you look bk to when u went we all said no dont go, whinge away, it best to talk and we are always hear for support, glad you and oh have talked and dont beat yourself up about the feedin, as long as Kai is thriving who cares? And I think everyone has the "what have I done b y having a baby moment" I certainly have, so dont feel too bad about that, its a big adjustment in your life and even if you wernt a selfish person, you have to learn that you just dont come first anymore and its scary to have someone fully dependant on you...

You're right. As long as Kai is gaining weight and happy in himself, it shouldn't matter how I feed him :) I've tried so hard with the BF and I'm not one to give up on things but even I know there comes a point when you have to stand back, look at things properly and maybe change the way things are done.
Having a baby is a huge adjustment. I never realised how much my life would change and how little sleep I'd get! I guess I've just found it a bit harder than some, to adjust :)

pixelle dont feel bad about PND - you're not alone hun :hugs: i hope you feel better soon. i sometimes think what have i done but id never change it for the world

Thank you. It's nice to know it's not just me who thinks "bad thoughts" sometimes....I suppose it's only natural for most mummy's to take time to adjust :)

yay pixelle so glad u decided to come back. I wouldn't have for thru the last 9 months without these ladies :). Again I think it is important to be open about the way you feel about things. Make sure u don't ever bottle up, rant on here if u can't talk to anyone else. Deffo talk to your gp too :) remember it is nothing to be ashamed of and u are a fab mum who loves her son tons :hugs: you have a huge change in your life without your dad but with kai, I agree with all gemma has said :)

Thank you. I'm glad I realised I need people to talk to! I don't have any friends where I live (did have a couple but long story...they've been crap for a while and I can't be bothered to keep chasing them) so this is really the only place where I can talk about things and know that maybe some ladies have been through some of the stuff before :)

Pixelle it is good to have you back :hugs:

Thank you! :)

Gald to see you back Pixelle. Dont feel bad about not BF. I am trying to get Leo to have a bottle and he wont!!! Do wahts best for you.

Thank you. Have finally realised that not BF does not make me a bad mummy :)

Hey Pixelle, sorry to hear you've been feeling shi**y - how do you know my OH?

If it's the right person, I went to school with him. I recognised the photo on your avatar to what's posted on FaceBook. And your location, of course! :)

Pixelle, I am so pleased to see you back. We have all been worried about you, don't you run off again young lady!

I have to echo what the others have said about having a chat with your GP, the sooner you do, the sooner they can help you. A good friend of mine was diagnosed with PND last year, she is an amazing, kind thoughtful friend, a devoted wife and fantastic mummy, everyone knows these days that having PND is no reflection on you as a person or a mother and there is no need to worry about social services. My friend said to me that her biggest regret was not asking for help sooner, and made me promise that if I even slightly suspected I might have PND, to seek help. Make sure you do the same honey xxx

:blush: Sorry :)

Thank you. That's really helped. I've made an appointment to see my GP next week so I can leave Kai with his Nanny while I go. Hopefully it's not PND, some of the signs are there but I have felt better the last few days.

Speaking about jabs. I got Kai's letter through this morning. 30th December...not looking forward to that!
Got our last visit from the HV on Tuesday too.

Kai had his 6 week check yesterday. All is fine, thank goodness. He's now weighing 9lb 1oz....so that's brilliant!
He is being a pain with his sleeping though. He's gone back to wanting to sleep on me or having music on constantly. He's feeding ok, sometimes will take 4oz in one go, other times only 2oz. He's going between 4 and 2 hours between feeds still. But trying to get him to go to sleep is a nightmare. He'll fall asleep but 10 mins later will wake and not settle for another 30 mins or more.
We bought him a swing thinking it might help him get to sleep.....Noooo! :lol:
Not yet, anyway.
I have to keep reminding myself, he's only 6 weeks old....it's all pretty normal!

My period has come back :( Had really heavy bleeding and horrible cramps the last two days...and finding it difficult to sleep! Back to the good old days :lol:
Periods are one thing I didn't miss during pregnancy! :lol:
Oh and I missed my 6 week check this morning! So annoyed as there were things I wanted to sort out, contraception etc. Had been up 4 times with Kai in the night, he finally settled at 7am....my alarm was due to go off at 8:30 for appointment at 9:15 but I slept through it!! Grrr. :haha: :blush:

Oh and here are some up to date photos of Kai, apart from the last one, which was taken when he was a week old! :lol: :lol:


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  • 2010-12-09 21.17.51.jpg
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  • 2010-11-06 05.32.36 (1).jpg
    2010-11-06 05.32.36 (1).jpg
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