~~~November Sparklers 2010 mummies and daddies thread ~~~~

GG, I will do you a swap? Libby for my five year old (going on 15) with some serious attitude issues today...:dohh: she is driving me insane and then some!! Roll on next tuesday when they are back to school.
Hey ladies, sorry long time not type lol. My computer decided to crash on me. :( i was pissed. I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice holiday! :D

AFM, I am suffering from ppd so i am now on antidepressants along with my milk supply has gone to nothing so I am now on a medicine that is originally used as gastrointestinal stimulant to try and boost my supply. I had my IUD inserted as well. As for Maddy she still isnt gaining weight like she should so im giving her 2 oz of formula until my milk starts coming back in. On another note we have my stepson with us for the holidays!!! :D I love it, and taking care of two kids is interesting at times but we are doing ok, especially since we have help. Also my husband got laid off of work. Its horrible especially since we have no income, thankfully my parents have said until my hubby gets a job we can just clean the house and help out that way. i was thinking of getting a job, but my mom doesnt want me to, she wants me to focus on breastfeeding. Well again, hope all is well with you ladies!


I am on antidepressants as well as of the 21st. They make me so tired though. :(
I had Jaxon's pictures taken today, my avatar is my clinet preview (photo was taken by my cousin Stevie, as my baby gift). I'll get print rights and all pics on a disk with in two weeks! I cant wait to see the rest!
Evening all and welcome to the new mummy's and babies who have find us recently :wave:

Dani, so pleased all went well at Amber's appointment, what a brave girl she was! Fab profile piccie too xx

Gemma, George is like Libby in so many ways as I have very little hands free time to myself as he likes to be with me day and night. Luckily, he is a happy little chap although I suspect that would change if I insisted he stayed in his own crib. I am using my sling more and more so that does help me regain a little bit of time to do stuff.

Teal, I am on that medication, it took at least 2 weeks for me to see any results so keep at it!

Sophie, I love love LOVE your new piccies of Evan. I want some like that. I was a lucky girl and got a posh new camera for Christmas so once I have more of an idea on how to use it, I will have a go at taking some of Georgie. I just need to figure out how to light it or find something dark to get the nice black backgrounds.

Bartness, I am pleased your cousins baby arrived safe an well. It must be a very emotional time for her. Love the new profile pic too :)

Pichi, I added you on FB earlier x

DF, not seen you on here lately, hope all is well with you.

Sorry going to have to cut this short as George is starting to whinge but I hope everyone else is doing well too :)

AFM: all well, feeding getting better as the meds have deffinitly increased my supply but we are still adding 8oz of formula a day (2 feeds) to make sure he is getting enough. Hopefully will start cutting this down soon although I don't mind if we keep one bottle though as it gives me a few free minutes in the evening.

Whinging has progressed to crying to catch up soon ...........
Hey jo, bil who took photos has a proper background but as they were done at my house we just used a dark brown furry blanket I use one the sofa. Worked a treat.

Will catch up tomorrow. Having problems with Evans tummy tonight poor thing :(
Hey ladies, sorry long time not type lol. My computer decided to crash on me. :( i was pissed. I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice holiday! :D

AFM, I am suffering from ppd so i am now on antidepressants along with my milk supply has gone to nothing so I am now on a medicine that is originally used as gastrointestinal stimulant to try and boost my supply. I had my IUD inserted as well. As for Maddy she still isnt gaining weight like she should so im giving her 2 oz of formula until my milk starts coming back in. On another note we have my stepson with us for the holidays!!! :D I love it, and taking care of two kids is interesting at times but we are doing ok, especially since we have help. Also my husband got laid off of work. Its horrible especially since we have no income, thankfully my parents have said until my hubby gets a job we can just clean the house and help out that way. i was thinking of getting a job, but my mom doesnt want me to, she wants me to focus on breastfeeding. Well again, hope all is well with you ladies!


I am on antidepressants as well as of the 21st. They make me so tired though. :(

Im really tired from them. it was harder today than yesterday.
Hey jo, bil who took photos has a proper background but as they were done at my house we just used a dark brown furry blanket I use one the sofa. Worked a treat.

Will catch up tomorrow. Having problems with Evans tummy tonight poor thing :(

Thanks Soph, I have a brown fury throw on my sofa will have a go with that! This should be fun :haha:

Oh, did you just hang it up somewhere?

Your piccies are so gorgeous, you must be over the moon with then x
We covered the sofa with it and hung it over a door for the ones with
me. I'm happy and they are free :haha: but it was a bit rushed and I look a bit crap in them. But I think evan looks great so that's all that matters :)
morning girls..

i have a grump on my hands this morning. another growth spurt perhaps?

hope everyone is well xx
i thought she was having a little bit of a growth spurt 2 weeks ago. Think its possible to have 2 in a short space of time?
BHB - I know what you mean! I haven't taken mine for 2 days because I keep forgetting! :dohh: But I need to stop that! I am horrible about these things. I think I noticed a difference because yesterday was a really bad day and I kept snapping at my OH and everything.

Madelyn was doing so good with tummy aches, and then yesterday it all started back up again. It was a horrible day, and I was overly frustrated. :(
Hi all :wave:

Have been lurking and stalking you all ;)

April - I'm so glad Bryelle is on the mend, I was watching for updates when she was first taken in, you must have had a nightmare - get well vibes being sent to your house :D

Soph - those pics are great, is he a professional? Hope Evan's tummy is feeling better soon.

BLB Big hugs, I hope the meds do the trick.

pichi Hope the grumps dont last long.

Jo Glad your supply has increased - you have done so well to persevere so long :D

Hugs to all those I have missed (as there are bound to be some)

AFM - again, nothing much going on - Leo just being Leo but I'm waiting in anticipation for the dreaded 6 week growth spurt. And its my birthday tomorrow :D

Have attached some new pics:



Aww Jo Leo is just lovely :) Well he always took photos as an amatuer and then strated working for the company who did his wedding photos (just on the side) and he now does weddings for them, plus himself and does family portraits too!

Here is his website you can have a butchers :)


Pichi, I never noticed Evan have a growth spurt at 6 weeks, 6 weeks seemed to come and go really! I did however have the biggest grump on my hands on Tuesday was awful my poor love! He was fine and then decided to throw a mental in Homebase while I was sorting the sofas. So I tried and tested the sofas by bf him in the middle of Homebase :haha: He was just so so grotty :( I thought he was teething and gave him teething granuals! Yesterday he was totally fine we visited my dads which was lovely. I took the crappy playmat back he bought and he helped put it together and its not so bad. It is a bit tacky, but has some good things on it like if Evan kicks the bottom it sets off a lullaby and flashing lights. Dad has said he will buy him something else in the New Year and I have decided to keep it as Evan enjoyed laying on it :)

He started waking every 2 hours last night for food, which he's never really done. He hasn't eaten since 11am so hopefully that was just a blip :D

He is smiling all the time now and when he see's me and in reaction to me. It is wonderful :) He's also started to try to grab at things as he has found his hands :) He is sitting in his swing now and I have noticed he has grabbed the little book and is just sitting there holding it, well with his hands round it anyways :haha:

I've also found a few new things he likes. Holding him in Superman position seems to help his wind and he like sitting on my legs and I can just hols onto his hands so he is sitting up and I pull him forward and give him a big kiss and he smiles a laughs. Makes my heart melt!

Still haven't found a miracle cure for the farty wind. I dunno what to do, he is bringing up his wind better and sometimes by himself. But last night he went down at 12am (a record) then around half 12-1am the painful farts start so he ends up in bed with me feeding and farting until he drops of, usually around 2am-3a, :(

Silas and BHB sorry that you are feeling down and needing tablets, you really must make sure you take them. I am shit with taking my own meds so know how hard it is to remember. I hope you both feel much better soon :hugs:

Coco So great to hear your milk has got better, that is fab and you have worked so hard you should be proud :) I am still bf with maybe a bottle a day to top up (not always) To be honest I am getting a bit tired of it, I never had any issues and it came naturally to us so I haven't had to work hard and now I am just getting bored being stuck feeding for ages sometimes. Sounds terrible as my boobs are a wonder cure for everything almost. I am not sure how long I'll continue. I think when I go back to my flat I might over a few introduce a few more bottles to try and get a better routine. 3 months is time for Evan to have a routine and go to bed properly etc!!

I just overheated him :( He was asleep on me on the sofa and I had a fleece blanket over me which went over him. He woke me up with a pericing shreak and sweaty wet hair, I thought is was his belly as he fatred so offered boob which he refused so unbuttoned his babygro and got him some fresh air and he was fine. Scary :(

April, very pleased Bryelle is doing much better :)

Love and Hugs to everyone especially our new Sparklers :)

hello all :) sorry for absence, been away and dan is off work and well :dunno: I just want a bit of a break from the computer for a little while. Libs is so much more alert now and not sleeping much through the day so Im just playing with her all day. Last night was ok I think she has been overtired after being at my parents house as its very noisy and maybe the hardness of water for her bottles affected her little tum??

I bath and bottled and settled her at 7ish but she wouldnt be put down and woke up straight away and I had a headache so went to bed at 9.30 and oh had her asleep on him until 11 and he put her in her basket, she then woke up at 2.30! and fed and went back to sleep in her basket until 7.30! She has been fighting her sleep loads the little bugger lol, she has such a little personality coming through she is so smily and wont be long till she laughs I think. She is cooing and agooing and so alert and loves to stand up, her head control is amazing.. we are getting her a jumperoo next month for when she is ready I think she will love it.

Hello to the new ladies :hi
Jo - Well done you have done fab! I still feel guilty and feel as though I have failed her when I read success stories such as urs as you have been through so much and I gave up and should of perseviered with those shields till she could latch. I honestly have so much admiration for you and im so glad its paying off and your seeing results :hugs:

other Jo - I love the piccys of leo, saw them on the book of face they are gorgeous
Soph - Sound like Evan is thriving also, its a shame you dont live closer :( would of liked to have met for a play date and arranged the wedding haha
The girls with PPD sorry ur having a tough time and hope the pills work :hugs: I thought I would suffer too being away from friends and family ect but I think I might have avoided it.

Have I missed anyone?
What did everyone get from Santa? Libby was so spoiled and so were both me and oh I have to admit. It was our first xmas buying each other presents and we usually dont bother, we gave each other a £50 limit - well that got smashed. I got oh a video camera, a ipod docking station and some other bits and bobs from me and libby and he got me a necklace and a couple of willow tree figures for new baby, perfume and other bits and bobs. We have been recording libby loads (it was kind of a present for him but would benifit us both hehe).

Has anyone got any tips to help get libby out of the basket and into her own room? Right now she has a bath and a bottle and falls asleep in my arms and I put her into her basket but she is getting to big for it... Should I try and put her in awake or start by trying to put her in for naps through the day? Just waiting for payday to get bears/lighty things that have been suggested for helping her sleep.

Sorry if iv missed anyone xx
Gemma, maybe we shall have to arrange to meet up. I know you are miles away but hey Bolton isn't that far :haha:

I have no advice on the bedtime stuff as I have pretty much done everything I said I wouldn't (co-sleep, no set bedtime etc!) When I get to my flat I am going to bath and feed him at a set time. As my bedroom is next to the lounge I don't mind putting him down. Still have to get him used to the crib, he's done a few blocks on the odd nights but his midnight tummyaches ruin any chance of him remotely sleeping through :(

Evan was very spoilt, he got a swing from mum and playmat from dad and loads of toys and clothes and rattle type things from me and my sister got him a racing car garage thing which he can play with when he's sitting. Alot of the stuff is 6 months + but thats fine as he'll be using it around March/April time!

My mum royally spoilt me :) I got a lovely big mirror for my lounge, Gucci Rush perfume, Plain Lazy hoodie that says "SOFA SO GOOD" (I've been called Sofa loafa in the past for my laziness!!!) I also got a canvas of the WW2 poster Keep Calm and Carry on :haha: My sister got me an awesome clock for my kitchen which is made out of Cutlery :rofl: It is similar to this https://www.therandomshop.co.uk/ind...id=838&zenid=1e5f7933647704becdb14574f1fd7993 and hoodie is like this https://www.therandomshop.co.uk/ind...id=838&zenid=1e5f7933647704becdb14574f1fd7993 and this is my canvas for the wall, I have a mug and fridge magnet of it already https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?img...a=X&ei=1KYcTcngIc25hAfOkIG3Dg&ved=0CDkQ9QEwAw
Jaxon got mostly clothes, and some toys (mostly 6mths +). OH and I got a sony handycam from my parents, and lots of money from his. YAY!

Jaxon slept through the night last night. OH put him to bed at 1030, and he didnt get up till 6! so wonderful!
sounds like we all got spoilt :)

Soph I would def be up for meeting half way or something, I have a car now :D I was going to arrange to meet jo in Leeds too in the New year its a shame ur the other direction!

My little chunk is getting huge, dying to get her weighed, she also hasnt got a letter about jabs so need to speak to hv about it I spoke to GP surgery and they said I needed to speak to a HV? We also have our 6 week check next week... oops haha she is 9 weeks on saturday x

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