NTNP #2, any buddies?

I'm so sorry hun. I hope they can at least ease the pain. Keep us posted. Thinking of you.
Just being discharged now. Had a doctor come and see me and pleased the bleeding had once again stopped. I have to have my scan at 11am tomorrow, doctor Came and explained my options with regards to how I want to 'remove' the remainder of the pregnancy if there was anything left once they had done the ultrasound. I feel a little better now knowing my options and knowing that nothing was my fault. I guess I should be greatful that it has happened before 6 weeks and not later as there would have been more to remove. But I'll update you all tomorrow once I have had my scan in the morning.

Doctor has said there is still a small possibility that baby is still viable, but highly unlikely with the amount of blood loss.

Farewell peanut Perrin - I will meet you one day, it just wasn't your time yet!
(I'm a November birthday anyway, far too cold!)

Thank you all for your support today. Xxx
Steffy I am saying a prayer for you and your family. I am so sorry you have to go through this, it's an emotional journey.
Look after yourself. X x
Glad you are doing better. We are all rooting for you!

Approaching ovulation over here. Not sure if I've ovulated yet. I don't think so. I'm not charting anymore. I was dizzy today though. Had some blood when I brushed my teeth yesterday which only happens before ovulation (I floss daily!)
Will be thinking of you today steffy!

Oohh good luck reid! I should ovulate around wed/thurs! Little man has been full of cold this weekend and woke up not long after going to bed last night so had no us time with OH, he seems better today so fingers crossed he sleeps well enough this week so me and OH can dtd lol.
We conceived Alex after Manchester United won a game and OH is going to watch them tomorrow lol. Hoping this is the month.

How is everyone else doing?
Well today's the day... I'll let you know what happens later.

Got home at 11pm and ended up ordering a pizza and just collapsed on the bed and watched a film. Shed a few tears for little peanut and then got talking about what we wanted to do.

I think we are going to give it a couple of months before we start TTC (didn't want to NTNP) because we want to start taking vitamins and supplements to help our next baby make a good start. Because hubby is so scared now because this is his 4th M/C. So we're going to spend between 6-8 weeks getting ourselves sorted. On the posistive side of things I guess that means spring baby hopefully :)

Reid I hope this is your time :) good luck this cycle xxx
Just had the scan. There was no presence of a pregnancy left in my womb. Although there were a few blood vessels which would suggest there was a viable pregnancy there previously. X
So sorry hun. Just try to rest and relax. It sounds like you and hubbs have a pretty good handle on your next steps.
Sorry to hear...you have your beautiful little boy to focus on and keep smiling for. Xx
I certainly do :)

So anyway is anyone on the TWW at the moment? Who is next to test? I want to see some bfps :) xx
Oh steffy!! I was hoping so hard for you! Thinking of you today and just new home. You will just have to have lots of family cuddles theses next few weeks and spring is coming and everything looks better after dreary winter. We will all be thinking of you these next few days, are you still sore?
Ummmm, no. The scan showed that the majority of the pregnancy had passed through naturally which is a positive. I didn't want any surgical intervention anyway, so the fact there was only a few blood vessel left means that I don't need to worry to much as from now on I will only have a light bleed.

I am having period cramping but that's it now. Work have said I can take off as much time as I need to recover but I don't know whether to go back on Thursday or not. I'm scared of bleeding again, is that silly?

Thank you all again ladies for you lovely words and support. It's been a horrible experience I don't want to experience again. Xx
No that's not silly. You don't know what to expect and bleeding so much takes its toll physically and emotionally I'm sure. You be the judge of when you're ready hun.
I took 4 months off because of a knee injury from October to January this year and I guess I still feel guilty about that.

My emotions are all over the place at the moment, one minute I am up and then I am down again. I don't know how to process it all... 2 weeks ago I found out I was pregnant, today I am coming to terms with loosing our peanut.

I'm sorry ladies, I keep banging on about it and this is a NTNP thread and should be more positive. Sorry :-( xx
No, you should be exactly how you are. How you are feeling is expected, not to mention your body trying to adjust to these rapid shifts in hormones you're experiencing. Don't feel guilty, you had knew surgery Couldn't very have the extra weight of bump while trying to recover from that could you. You did what you had to do in those 4 months. Now you need to allow yourself this grieving process, whatever emotions may come.
Don't feel guilty. You didnt want this to happen. See how you feel Thursday but id say just take the whole week off and start fresh the next. I'm so sorry about everything.
So what if this is a ntnp board? You were ntnp and this is part of the process you went through. We're here to support each other through thick and thin here and if it helps to talk then we want to listen and console.
The hormone shifts are probably making things look and feel different by the minute. I'm sure it's only natural to go between feeling alright and very down.
It's good that you have a plan too. Tha will help you too look forward towards the future.
What a horrible night. Suffering with chronic stomach pains all night, to the point it woke me up a few times. Had to have a warm bath to stop the cramps. Started bleeding again but this time it's more like a period then a heavy bleed which I guess is better then before.

I kept having nightmares that I lost Harvey as well. I know it's all phycological but it's just so horrible.

I refused to watch OBEM last night but it's sitting on my playlist on sky. I just ended up watching 'Monsters University' with Harvey and let him stay up late. I know I'm a terrible mummy but at the moment I need his comfort. He's such a lovely cuddly boy when he knows I am upset.

Got all my Mother's Day presents yesterday when Harvey came home from nursery. I got a homemade photo frame (I'll post a picture) a 'best mum ever' certificate, a card, some chocolate and some 'super mum' pants and pjs. I think hubby performed well this year, good thing he has Harvey to live by haha.

Harvey gone to nursery again today. He's started nursery full time this week now and I feel bad because I'm not at work with him, but he seems to know that mummy 'isn't well' he tells everyone at work that I am poorly. Luckily not all the staff knew I was pregnant so many of then just assume I am off on holiday. Those that did know have now been told.

Back to hospital today to have a blood test done. It never seems to end :-(

How is everyone today? Xx

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