NTNP Chat Thread

Ok, here's my goals/plans/explanations:

Jarrod was conceived on New Years, he was due this coming Sept, and he was born and died in June.
Next time i fall pregnant i will have to have a stitch put in at 13/14 weeks.
We have booked a 3 night cruise from Cape Town to Durban for January (23-26th). They will not accept anyone more than 26 weeks pregnant on the cruise. I'm not sure of the reason for that but I suspect it could be because here viability is considered 26 weeks gestation and so if a baby were to be born on the cruise after 26 weeks they obviously wouldn't have the necessary equipment to keep it alive etc. (that doesn't mean babies born earlier aren't given a chance - they definitely are, i saw that with Jarrod - it's just a legal date or something).
My current work contract runs out end April 2011. I am hoping to become permanent after that and it seems so far that the company are hoping to make me permanent as well, but it all depends on the advertising and HR etc etc. As a contract worker I don't qualify for maternity leave so I would have gotten only what the law allows which is 4 months unpaid (well, you can claim for UIF but you only get a fraction of your normal salary - less than half - and they normally only pay out after you are back at work anyway). As a permanent employee I will get 4 months fully paid maternity leave.

Ok, so that's the background, here's the goals. When I talk about falling pregnant in a certain month I mean falling pregnant after that month's period as we count the pregnancy weeks from teh first day of the last period.

Main Goal:
We decided to make 2010 Jarrod's year as we conceived him on new year and lost him half way through. So we decided to spend the last 6 months mourning his death. That definitely does not mean we will forget about him come 2011, he will always be part of our family and always remembered. Rather, 2011 will be when we move forward. So our main goal is to start trying for another baby from January 2011.

BUT, January is so far away so i have a couple of mini-goals to get me there.

Mini goal 1: Achieved :D
Have an August period because then any baby conceived after that will be less than 26 weeks by the cruise in January.

Mini goal 2:
Have September period. Any baby conceived after that will be less than 26 weeks by the cruise; the date when I have to get the stitch put in will be in December so that will be free - nothing planned; baby would be due in about June so hopefully i would be permanent staff by then.

Mini goal 3:
Have November period. October doesn't work because the stitch would be due at the same time as the cruise so I mustn't fall pregnant after October period. If i fall pregnant in November it would be a great 30th birthday present! The stitch would be due only after the cruise; and baby would be due in August (although we already have loads of birthdays in august so i'd prefer that not to be the case), and so hopefully i will definitely be permanent staff by then.

Mini goal 4:
Have January period so that we can officially NTNP!!!!!!!
We dont' want to fall pregnant after December period cos that's when we fell pregnant with Jarrod - so too much the same iykwim.
:hug: for Huggles....:hugs:

Sorry, I've been very quiet today, stupid work getting in the way. I then decided that I needed some fresh air, so got the minibus into town. Didn't do an awful lot, but I now know that the Disney Store has a sale on. ;)

Had an enjoyable time people watching, whilst I was eating lunch. The school holidays are always a source of entertainment at about this time in August. Parents are starting to run out of ideas and the children just want to sit in their rooms and mess around with their friends, but most certainly not go shopping with parents. :)

Oh well only another 2 ish hours left and I can start the weekend. :happydance:
People watching is definitely a great source of entertainment! Thanks for the hugs :)
I hope no-one minds me mentioning Jarrod or my previous pregnancy. I'm not looking for sympathy about that all the time - I go to the loss support forums for that - it's just that he's such a part of my life that he seems to crop up in all my conversation! I'll try not to mention him if it offends/upsets/irritates people.
I've tried Rescue Rememdy a couple of times and unfortunately it's never helped me. :( I wish it would though, I'd love to be able to have the tin of tablets in my bag for when I need them. Particularly around the times of my dance exams!!!!

Oh and in my Ballroom and Latin Gold Bar III exams I got Honours in both disciplines!!! Woohoo!!!!! Don't know the actual marks yet, don't get those until October sometime. I have been driving my dance coaches nuts because I was concerned that I had failed. (I did 2 heel leads in the wrong place in ballroom!)
I hope no-one minds me mentioning Jarrod or my previous pregnancy. I'm not looking for sympathy about that all the time - I go to the loss support forums for that - it's just that he's such a part of my life that he seems to crop up in all my conversation! I'll try not to mention him if it offends/upsets/irritates people.

hun you can talk about him whenever you like,i have no probs with it at all.:hugs:
I hope no-one minds me mentioning Jarrod or my previous pregnancy. I'm not looking for sympathy about that all the time - I go to the loss support forums for that - it's just that he's such a part of my life that he seems to crop up in all my conversation! I'll try not to mention him if it offends/upsets/irritates people.

Why would it offend/upset or irritate us? Talk about him all you like, he's part of your life :flower:
Huggles - your plan is great, very realistic and grounded but with plenty of little goals along the way to keep you going :) Good luck, I know you'll succeed :) And I certainly don't mind you mentioning Jarrod at all, he is still your baby and still part of your family so why shouldn't you talk about him the same way the rest of us who have LOs talk about them? And am always here to be sympathetic if you need to let it all out any time too. What happened to you is a horrible, horrible thing and I don't think anyone would want to diminish that by preventing you talking about it as much or as little as you want :hugs:

Your tea and cakes morning sound awesome. I wish we had something like that here but there are too many of us (only 5 in my department but we are in an open office so everyone else would want some too and there's probably 60 people on this floor!) - we'd have to bring in a banquet!!! Got me hungry for my supper now; toad in the hole, mash, broccoli, carrots and onion gravy tonight! Mmmmmm.

Congrats on your exams dragonhawk! That's awesome.

Thanks ladies :flower:

Congrats on your exams Dragonhawk - that's really well done!
Oooh, i love toad-in-the-hole! But i normally don't bother with all the healthy veggies on the side :blush:
hehe got to have the healthy veggies so I don't feel a total pig for making something so unhealthy!! I love it but try not to have it very often, it's gt to have been almost a year since I last made toad...anything with batter is good though, yorkshire puddings, toad in the hole, pancakes...mmmmm.

Any plans for the weekend?

oooh, i love yorkshire pud too! But i've never made it from scratch and they don't sell frozen ones here - used to buy them from iceland there. Must try make my own sometime!

The weekend, hmmm, let me think... tomorrow morning hubby is going for psychometric testing in the morning to see what jobline he should be in as he currently feels like he's not happy where he is but doesn't know what he should be doing. Then in the evening we are going with my mom to see the Welsh Male Voice Choir perform at the City Hall because one of my mom's pupils has been asked to sing a solo at their concert. Sunday DH is playing airsoft all day so i'll probably stay home alone and relax/read/potter in the garden (pot garden that is). Oh, and do the usual clothes washing etc.
Oh you really should make your own! It's sooooo easy and they taste so good. Am totally craving my dinner now!!

I hope your hubby's tests give him some good ideas, hopefully they'll give him some inspiration for what he really wants to do, maybe you'll be totally surprised by what comes out!! I hope you enjoy the concert too, being Welsh I have a natural bias towards Welsh male voice choirs! Is you Mum a singing teacher? Oooh, my friend plays Airsoft, he's always on at me to go with him but I've never got round to it. Would love to though, it does look like fun!

My plans for the weekend include housework and cleaning out my furbabies followed by going to the Flamstead Scarecrow Festival tomorrow with OH and his parents. Flamstead is a little village near where we used to live, it is totally beautiful, and every year they have a Scarecrow fesitval where all the houses in the village make these amazing scenes in their gardens or on their drives or even on the houses themselves involving scarecrows (and not just straw men either, some are papier mache and paint covered to look like people etc) in all sorts of strange scenarios. It's amazing, the whole village goes all out on it and you buy a voting form for £2 and vote for the best who gets a prize, it's really hard to chooce as there are LOADS and they're all great. The 2 pubs in the village put on entertainment and a beer and food festival and there are craft stall etc on the church green and it's just fab. Scarecrow examples can be seen here: 2009 winners
Sunday is just chilling out at home and doing some gardening I think, unless something crops up.

Afternoon Girlies. :flower: Huggles, of course we don't mind you talking about Jarrod. :hugs:

My Nan was in hospital last night, and although she is home now she is waiting to go back to the hospital to see what is wrong, she's very worried it could be cancer, and even the hospital yesterday said it is a possibility, so I am so upset, I really would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to her, and I can't even begin to imagine how my Mum would cope, so am keeping everything crossed everything will be ok. :cry: As everything is all abit sad in the family at the moment now, I am so hoping come next friday I have my BFP, so she has something really nice to focus on, her first great-grandchild. xxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear about your Nan, 24/7 :hugs: Fingers crossed it is nothing nasty and all is well again soon

The scarecrows are so cool! Sounds like great fun driving around doing that.
yes, my mom is a singing teacher - classical singing, like musicals and light opera and stuff. Her one pupil won a competition last year and the prize was to go and sing solo in caregie hall. There were a whole lot of sections and so the prize concert had each of the section winners singing solo. She was so proud of him - he's the one that's going to be singing with the welsh choir in their concert. Here's a link to an article about him that was in one of our magazines https://www.fairlady.com/afro-optimist/will-ing-and-able (sorry, i don't know how to make it say something other than the actual link name like you do :blush: )

24/7 I'm really sorry to hear about your nan. I really hope the tests come back normal and that she nothing bad is wrong. We'll also hold thumbs that you get your bfp so there's some happy news in your family to focus on :hugs:
Thanks ladies, must stay positive. :flower:

Doing some washing this afternoon, yawn!! Man came to look at the fan, walked iinto the bathroom, tried to turn the fan on, obviously it didn't work as it's broken, he them hmm'd, and said "yeah it's broken" and left.... :dohh: Fantastic. :haha: xxxx
LoL - oh my gosh! don't you hate it when they state the obvious like that! Like, well of course it's broken, that's why i called you! :dohh:
The village isn't very big so you walk round, it takes the day to do the lot with a stop for lunch and a nose round the pub and crafty bits but it's a relaxing day. They won't let people drive round (unless for disability or something) because it would clog up the streets (they are narrow country village streets) and generally make the whole thing really unpleasant if there was just one continuous traffic jam all the way round so they set up a special car park in the fields nearby. Last year we were living in the next village over so we walked across the fields to get there, it took about 30 mins, which was nice but this year we shall have to drive and park. Booo.

I read the article, her pupil was so lucky! I bet he couldn't believe that he got to go and do all that great stuff, what a fab opportunity for him and his singing career! I hope everything goes well for him with the choir tomorrow.

45 mins til home time! Yay!

PS: to make the link say and actual name: use the Insert Link button above the reply box, paste the URL into the box then when you press OK and it takes you back to the reply box there will be a section of the newly inserted text that is highlighted, just replace that with whatever text you want :)

Ok, just decided what to make for supper - pork sausages, fried eggs on toast, and mushrooms :) (i don't have much in my fridge/freezer at the moment LoL).

Just going to test your instructions quickly. Just testing

Cool, it worked! :happydance: Thanks Carreg!

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