NTNP Chat Thread

I love home done stuff.... It's just a case of having the time\patience to do it that gets me. Although I'm definitely a convert to home baked bread. I recently manage to get a breadmaker for £15 at work and it's fantastic.

I was worried that we'd end up eating too much bread, but two loaves is all we use and the smell is the best in the morning (I put it on the night before, on timer) it's better than an alarm clock.

Hmm.... Weekend breakfast - warm fresh bread, fresh orange juice and lemon curd.

Wow, 15GBP is cheap! (Sorry, SA keyboards don't have the pound sign - work keyboard = SA, home pc's = UK). I also love homemade bread. I'm usually too lazy to knead it enough though so it usually comes out very heavy, but when i actually do take hte time and effort to knead it properly it is so worth it. Must definitely look into buying a bread-maker - although i think they are really expensive here - but i like the idea of waking up to that fresh bread smell :D
OK, well no sewing was done last night, went round to friends' for supper and Twilight. Managed to see the whole of Twilight, but fell asleep a quarter of the way in to New Moon.

The sewing and house work will resume tonight. Hubbie leaves Singapore tomorrow night, but because of the length of flight, doesn't get in to Heathrow until early saturday morning, so other than having an early night so that I can pick him up, I've still got 2 night remaining of 'me' time. I may dye my hair tonight, just so that I can do that without him complaining of the smell. ;)
Wow, 15GBP is cheap! (Sorry, SA keyboards don't have the pound sign - work keyboard = SA, home pc's = UK). I also love homemade bread. I'm usually too lazy to knead it enough though so it usually comes out very heavy, but when i actually do take hte time and effort to knead it properly it is so worth it. Must definitely look into buying a bread-maker - although i think they are really expensive here - but i like the idea of waking up to that fresh bread smell :D

I purchased it second hand from someone at work, the one that we have (now) is the Panasonic one, which apparently is one of the best. However looking my friend's last night when I was washing up, it's looks the same and that was a Morphy Richards. Usually they are about £120 upwards for the decent ones.

I also can't be hassled with kneading it and letting it rest etc, hence why hubbie really wanted to get a maker. :happydance:
LoL, just told DH i want a bread maker. He asked why so i told him about Dragonhawk's post and said that i would love to wake up on a Sat/Sun morning to fresh bread with real butter and maybe nice cheese, and fresh orange juice. So he was like "oooh, that does sound nice" and told me to investigate prices etc of bread makers. But then he said if i get a bread maker he wants a proper cappucino machine (he's wanted one for a while - even though we hardly ever drink coffee). So i was like, ok, but then i want a juicer as well so we can squeeze our own orange juice, oh, and a farmhouse kitchen in a house on a small-holding with a lovely wooden table in the kitchen and a fireplace in the lounge...
I love home cooked dinner, but only really do them on days off, or it just gets abit much, over my five days off I just had we had tuna pasta bake, homemade pizza with potato wedges and salad, roast beef, sausages and the tuna steaks with cheese and potato bake, yummy!! :D

Work was ok last night, nothing resolved yet, but something didn't feel right, so still not really sure whats going on. :( Didn't get to bed 'til after one and already up and hubby about to leave for work, so very tired now, zzz!!

I'm 22, but only four weeks and it's my birthday, so not for much longer!! xxxxx
Huggles, that made me smile.

Honestly, I wouldn't bother with a juicer. Just buy Tropicana (or own brand) freshly squeezed. it's not worth the washing up.

Suggestion - look in to the bread makers etc, get one and then say that you'll only get a Capaccino maker when you can afford it, after the bread maker. After all, all of this equipment is not cheap. Then if when the money is available he still wants one, get one. But I suspect that by that time, he'll have forgotten that he wanted one. ;)
I'd like a bread maker, but GF bread is abit iffy anyway, and I worry it would come out rubbish. :( xxx
All this talk of fresh bread making my mouth water lol, love fresh bread. Sorry work was not good for you 24/7, it will get better though, these things usually work themselves out in the end. Well i had am awful start to the day, my ds2 decided he was going to wake up in a foul mood and take it out on everyone, he pushed the table into my youngest son, crossed my youngest on the stairs, then all i had off him was a huge mouth telling me what he was and wasnt going to do, all that as soon as i woke up this morning lol. Hes calmed down now though thankfully, wish i knew what it was thats getting at him though, we are having too many days like this. Roll on the return to school is all i can say, as much as i love having them home with me i cant wait for them to go back,sounds awful doesnt it. Hope everyone has a god day today. Im still awaiting af too. So frustrating.
mmmmmm what an awesome start to the day - lots of talk of food!! Yay! I agree re home made bread, we have a breadmaker too and I love waking up to the fresh cooked smell. We also have an espresso machine (one that you put freshly ground beans in and has a steam nozzle for frothing the milk on the side) and I love the smell of fresh coffee just as much! Our weekend breakfast = fresh bread and fresh coffee. Mmmm.

Huggles said:
ok, but then i want a juicer as well so we can squeeze our own orange juice, oh, and a farmhouse kitchen in a house on a small-holding with a lovely wooden table in the kitchen and a fireplace in the lounge...
This this this! I want this sooo bad too :D

As for home cooking, we cook fresh 99% of the time (take away or eating out is the exception and we hardly ever do that) because we both love cooking. It helps that I get hom 45 mins before OH most nights at the moment so I can have dinner almost done by the time he gets home but even on days that we car share and aren't home til 630pm we still cook. I have colleagues who only live on jars of sauce and ready cooked stuff and that's fine for them but I don't think I could ever do that. Even if we have burgers or pizza then it is burgers that we have made ourselves from organic mince and pizza that I have made the dough for (by hand, not breadmakes, I hate breadmaker pizza dough) and we have topped ourselves. We are not rich but we do buy local and organic as much as possible and we have a small local organic veg box delivered once a month. We also grow our own herbs and vegetables, this year potatoes, tomatoes, peas, butternut squash, beetroot, peppers, radishes and lettuce. Last year we did tomatoes, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, courgettes, aubergines, peppers and chillis. Last year we had only a courtyard garden and grew it all in pots, this year we have a very small amount of beds (90% of whicht he butternut squash has taken over, it is HUGE!) and are growing a lot in pots again.
I am always proud that Felix never had a pot, jar or packet of baby food in his life. When he was weaning it was always fresh organic home cooked purees and foods and he still eats like that now even though he lives with his Dad because itr is something we have always agreed on. Cooking and eating good food is something I am very passionate about!

24/7 - I may have missed it somewhere in the thread but how did it go for you at work?

Last day in the office til Tuesday - yay! Getting Felix tomorrow - double yay!! Just hope today goes by quickly!

Hey Carreg!! When can we all move in? :D
Haven't resolved any work issues yet, not seen or spoken to those I need to, maybe today, but thank you for asking. xx
LOL well, so long as you don't all mind squeezing in Felix's bedroom (though he does have a cabin bed with a slide on it so it's quite fun!) and sharing with him when he's here.... :lol:

Hope you get it sorted out at work. Keep us updated.

Oh, and on the age thing I'm 26, my birthday is May :)

I always wanted one of those beds when I was younger!! :D I had bunkbeds instead though as my brother didn't like being in his own room, so he shared with me!! :p

What plans have you and Felix got this weekend? xxx
No plans yet, will see how the weather is and what he fancies at the time. He usually has a pretty good idea of what he wants to do and I think that at least one visit to Kidzone will be in order on a wet day then maybe some swimming, flying his kite, messing around at the playpark, baking (red velvet cakes with Barbie glitter sprinkles, his favourite), walking and climbing trees and getting muddy at Ashridge woods, making his own pizza, feeding the ducks on the canal by my house...those are the things he usually wants to do but who knows!

What are your plans for the long weekend?

mmmmmm what an awesome start to the day - lots of talk of food!! Yay! I agree re home made bread, we have a breadmaker too and I love waking up to the fresh cooked smell. We also have an espresso machine (one that you put freshly ground beans in and has a steam nozzle for frothing the milk on the side) and I love the smell of fresh coffee just as much! Our weekend breakfast = fresh bread and fresh coffee. Mmmm.

Huggles said:
ok, but then i want a juicer as well so we can squeeze our own orange juice, oh, and a farmhouse kitchen in a house on a small-holding with a lovely wooden table in the kitchen and a fireplace in the lounge...
This this this! I want this sooo bad too :D

As for home cooking, we cook fresh 99% of the time (take away or eating out is the exception and we hardly ever do that) because we both love cooking. It helps that I get hom 45 mins before OH most nights at the moment so I can have dinner almost done by the time he gets home but even on days that we car share and aren't home til 630pm we still cook. I have colleagues who only live on jars of sauce and ready cooked stuff and that's fine for them but I don't think I could ever do that. Even if we have burgers or pizza then it is burgers that we have made ourselves from organic mince and pizza that I have made the dough for (by hand, not breadmakes, I hate breadmaker pizza dough) and we have topped ourselves. We are not rich but we do buy local and organic as much as possible and we have a small local organic veg box delivered once a month. We also grow our own herbs and vegetables, this year potatoes, tomatoes, peas, butternut squash, beetroot, peppers, radishes and lettuce. Last year we did tomatoes, carrots, peas, sweetcorn, courgettes, aubergines, peppers and chillis. Last year we had only a courtyard garden and grew it all in pots, this year we have a very small amount of beds (90% of whicht he butternut squash has taken over, it is HUGE!) and are growing a lot in pots again.
I am always proud that Felix never had a pot, jar or packet of baby food in his life. When he was weaning it was always fresh organic home cooked purees and foods and he still eats like that now even though he lives with his Dad because itr is something we have always agreed on. Cooking and eating good food is something I am very passionate about!


We've just started growing herbs and stuff too! Having great fun with it all. We live in a flat at the moment (ground floor) so everything is also in pots. Can't wait for hte day we move into our own house and i can have a real garden! At the moment we have 1 strawberry plant (just started getting flowers so i'm hoping for strawberries soon), 1 lavendar, 1 oreganum, 1 thyme, 6 spring onions, 6 cos lettuce (at the first of it last night - was really yummy!), chives, potatoes, mini tomatoes (grown from the seed of a shop-bought tomato!), and 6 red onions :D Thinking of maybe starting some baby marrows (mini corgettes) as well.

All this talk of fresh bread making my mouth water lol, love fresh bread. Sorry work was not good for you 24/7, it will get better though, these things usually work themselves out in the end. Well i had am awful start to the day, my ds2 decided he was going to wake up in a foul mood and take it out on everyone, he pushed the table into my youngest son, crossed my youngest on the stairs, then all i had off him was a huge mouth telling me what he was and wasnt going to do, all that as soon as i woke up this morning lol. Hes calmed down now though thankfully, wish i knew what it was thats getting at him though, we are having too many days like this. Roll on the return to school is all i can say, as much as i love having them home with me i cant wait for them to go back,sounds awful doesnt it. Hope everyone has a god day today. Im still awaiting af too. So frustrating.

Shady I'm not sure what your home situation is or what's going on in your lives at all, but it sounds to me like perhaps you one son is attention seeking? Maybe it would help if you allocated half an hour to just him every day or even every second day. Make it your special time together or something. Have him on his own away from his other siblings and just talk about school or his day or whatever, or play cars (or whatever he likes) with him or anything, but basically just "mummy and me" time. Maybe he's acting out for the attention or maybe there is something bothering him and having time alone with you will help him talk about it. Not really sure - just suggestions - use them, don't use them... :flower:
No plans yet, will see how the weather is and what he fancies at the time. He usually has a pretty good idea of what he wants to do and I think that at least one visit to Kidzone will be in order on a wet day then maybe some swimming, flying his kite, messing around at the playpark, baking (red velvet cakes with Barbie glitter sprinkles, his favourite), walking and climbing trees and getting muddy at Ashridge woods, making his own pizza, feeding the ducks on the canal by my house...those are the things he usually wants to do but who knows!

What are your plans for the long weekend?


Sounds like such fun - i think i also want to spend a long weekend with you! You sound like a really awesome mum!
No plans yet, will see how the weather is and what he fancies at the time. He usually has a pretty good idea of what he wants to do and I think that at least one visit to Kidzone will be in order on a wet day then maybe some swimming, flying his kite, messing around at the playpark, baking (red velvet cakes with Barbie glitter sprinkles, his favourite), walking and climbing trees and getting muddy at Ashridge woods, making his own pizza, feeding the ducks on the canal by my house...those are the things he usually wants to do but who knows!

What are your plans for the long weekend?

Sounds like Felix will have lots planned for his lovely mummy this weekend. :cloud9: I really love the indoor kids play areas, I want one big enough for me!! :blush::haha:

I have work on saturday, then off sunday monday but probably won't do much as OH is at work, so probably some housework and food shopping, how exciting!! :dohh: XXXX
We've just started growing herbs and stuff too! Having great fun with it all. We live in a flat at the moment (ground floor) so everything is also in pots. Can't wait for hte day we move into our own house and i can have a real garden! At the moment we have 1 strawberry plant (just started getting flowers so i'm hoping for strawberries soon), 1 lavendar, 1 oreganum, 1 thyme, 6 spring onions, 6 cos lettuce (at the first of it last night - was really yummy!), chives, potatoes, mini tomatoes (grown from the seed of a shop-bought tomato!), and 6 red onions :D Thinking of maybe starting some baby marrows (mini corgettes) as well.

How could I forget my strawberries!! I have strawberries this year too, and grew onions & spring onions last year. Also forgot that I grew garlic this year too! 6 bulbs! I have thyme, chives, oregano, sage, lavendar and mint in the herb section. It is great fun isn't it/ I love being out in my garden, even if it's raining!

Sounds like such fun - i think i also want to spend a long weekend with you! You sound like a really awesome mum!

LOL visitors always welcome! I love having people to stay :) :lol:

Sounds like Felix will have lots planned for his lovely mummy this weekend. :cloud9: I really love the indoor kids play areas, I want one big enough for me!! :blush::haha:

I have work on saturday, then off sunday monday but probably won't do much as OH is at work, so probably some housework and food shopping, how exciting!! :dohh: XXXX

Oh gosh, I totally think the indoor play places should open up for adults in the evenings! I would love to have a go round one! There is one down in Portsmouth which does have grown up nights once a month and I have always wanted to go down there for it!

Shame you have to work on Saturday and then your OH is working for the rest :( I hope you manage to gets ome time together to enjoy yourselves though.

I soooo want to go there!! :D
Just seen I only have seven days left before AF is due, usually I have some stomach pains by now, but not so far, so am keeping everything crossed!! xxxx
Oooooh, FX'd for you!!! When are you going to test?


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