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NTNP Chat Thread

Morning all :)

Well i have a stinking headache this morning :( But onwards and upwards as i have loads to do...

What are everyones plans today? x
Oooh i forgot to say.. we have picked the definate names now!!! Crazy i know but we love them and are 100% set... And the names are


Darcy Mae


Toby John

:yipee: I love them both so much x
Stupid laptop just deleted my post. :growlmad:

The basics were I hate my job. :growlmad::growlmad:

Ah :hugs: 24/7

And those names are lovely :) Me and OH don't agree on names at all really lol although we've just said that if we have a girl I will name her and if we have a boy OH can name her :p

My girls choices are:

Scarlett Laila
Laila Scarlett (see what I did? :haha:)
Erin << but I don't have a middle name for that lol

OH's boys choices are (and it's basically just one lol)

Joshua Tyler

Tyler Joshua

I love the name Zachary but OH hates it :(
I'm not NTNP for 8 weeks but was wondering if I could join you ladies? :blush:

I can't believe I finally have a date!
I'm not NTNP for 8 weeks but was wondering if I could join you ladies? :blush:

I can't believe I finally have a date!

Welcome in & congrats on setting a date :happydance:

I can add you to the front page if you want hun? Do you want me to just put your username or i can put your real name?

Morning! :wave:

Welcome ProudMary - sorry I missed you last night :) And good luck!!

Elhaym - yaaaay!! :happydance: :hugs: So glad you're here!! I saw your post on the other thread and replied to you there. Sooo excited for you!

Plans for the day - yep you guessed it, WORK! What about everyone else?

Thanks all!

baby.love, please feel free. My name is Natalie. :D

I am so fed up of work - got 2 weeks off in a couple of weeks, can't wait!

I have also set my stop smoking date for the end of August, when we get back from our little holiday. Wish me luck :wacko:
Natalie you are now added :)

Well i just took my 1st folic acid :D Plus i brought some healthy bits yesterday, I have pomegranete juice and some oat bars + some other yummy things :) A healthy body = a healthy baby right?!

definately - I've decided that I'm gonna have a good food day today as well :) lots of fruit!
Oh, folic acid - I've been taking a standard multivitamin but I'm going to go buy some FA today!


I'm trying to eat well too - fruit and also trying to drink plenty of water rather than just living on tea!
Coffee is my downfall + pepsi max :blush:

But when pregnant i will switch to decaff like i did with Sienna :)

Natalie- good luck with the whole smoking thing, i'm sure there is a thread on the forum somewhere thats a little support group :)

Morning all!!!

OK, word of caution for all those that are about to come of BCP.... Be prepared for irratic (sorry can't spell this morning) AF. A few days ago, I had a short visit, she's now back with avengance. I'd completely forgotten how much real ones ache!!!!

Oh well, at least I'm completely normal now! :)
haha don't get me started on Folic Acid!! When I went to have my IUD removed and told the Dr that I want to get PG she asked me if I was taking FA yet and I blushingly said No but I'm taking a multivitamin with iron as it had totally slipped my mind that I needed to take FA for at least 3 months before getting PG! She was fine with it and just said 'start taking it today' so I trotted off like a good girl and bought some and started taking it (one week today!) only to get home and check my multivitamin bottle to find that that contains 100% RDA of FA too! The FA tablets contain 200% RDA so now I am taking 300% RDA PLUS whatever I get in my food (and as I have a Vegemite obsession atm that's quite a bit!) - can I take too much???

Leah - LOVE the name Darcy, I picked that one out too but OH doesn't like it! Men are rubbish!

Work is at least slightly interesting today as my colleague has decided that OBVIOUSLY her OH is going to dump her just because he isn't too keen to buy a house with her (only been together around 6 months, don't live together currently), is a bit distant (but stressed at work) and asked her to go to some festival with him & his mates but she can't go cos of family stuff and he is still going to go anyway (how dare he! :roll:) and hasn't een made her feel bad for not going so she knows he'll miss her. WTF? *sigh* Ah well, something to keep me entertained!!

I'm not certain, but I believe I read somewhere that if you have more FA than you actually require, your body will just get rid of the unnecessary.

However I shouldn't be too concerned, my father has Alzheimers and is currently taking FA to try to help with that, and he's taking 400% the RDA.
I'm pretty sure you'll be fine carreg, I know that if women have had children with neural tube defects they take huge amounts of FA in pregnancy - the usual is 0.4mg - so I can't see an extra 0.2mg being a problem. In fact I'll be doing the same - taking an FA tablet with my multivitamin. :)

Oh - just found this - up to 1mg a day is fine!

Thanks ladies - and thanks for that link Natalie, that's great.


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