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NTNP Chat Thread

I take a 5mg tablet of FA from the doctor because of coeliac so whatever you don't need you just pee out. xxx
Oh that's cool. I did remember that article correctly then. :)

Mind you, at the moment, I just want to curl up in bed with the duvet wrapped round me. :witch: really stinks. :(
I'm dreading it myself dragonhawk - been on the pill for 11 years, my 'natural' periods before that were horrendous, really long cycles and AF lasted for ages and was very painful. Hence why I am staying on the pill until after my holiday and stop smoking date -don't want to be in bed curled up in pain all holiday!

Hope you feel better soon :)
I'm not taking FA at the moment because OH will be like "whats the point if we're not trying?" but now I know they're in multi vitamins I can probably be a bit more sneaky about it lol

would that be wrong?
I wouldn't say it's wrong - docs do recommend you take FA for at least 3 months before TTC, so you have a good reserve built up, and the longer before TTC the better.

IMO it's just getting your body healthy and in a good state for TTC, even if you're not trying yet. :)
Smile, no it's definitely not wrong. There is also some research out there that says that FA is good for supplimenting normal diet of everyone, regardless of whether or not they are actually TTC. :)

Hey, my hubbie believed me when I said it. I did also back it up with the fact that as we're NTNP if something does happen, it's better that I'm taking it now than wonder for 9 months after said 'accident'. Plus pulling out as a method has never crossed his mind. :)
I would say there's nothing wrong with taking it now Chloe, even if it is just in multivitamins. The more build up you have the better :)

So grateful for this thread today, my emotions are all over the place (just started having a little weep at my desk thinking about wanting a hug from my OH!) as AF is supposed to be here today or tomorrow so having you ladies to distract me is awesome!

big :hugs: for you then!

I always feel super crappy when the weather is like this - and it doesn't help when I have a really annoying person sat in the desk opposit me lol

I might go and buy some multi vitamins after work then! I just felt bad deceiving OH but then I thought, it's not really deceiving cause he knows how much I want a baby and he knows we don't use contraception and that almost always = babies so he's obvz prepared..So I'm gettin some! haha
Thanks Chloe :) Yeah, the weather gets me down too so it's all coming at once! Grrrr! Super windy here today though, more like October than July!!

Re multivits, there's nothing wrong with you taking them even if they didn't have FA in them...it doesn't HAVE to be a babymaking related decision! It could just be a healthy living decision!

Bigs hugs for everyone today!! :hugs:
I have to say I am really missing OH today too, yesterday was the first day of working opposite shifts for about a month, and I always find it really hard, as I rely on him so much, even though I know I probably shouldn't. Right now all I want is for him to be sitting here next to me while I watch The Bill for a cuddle. :blush: I really do love him so much. :cloud9::haha: xxxxx
Girls, I know it's early days but I've been thinking - would you be team yellow or would you find out the sex?

I really like the idea of team yellow, the surprise would be amazing - but I don't know if I could resist temptation! I do like the idea of my OH being the first to find out and telling me when LO is born.
I would like to stay team yellow, but OH really want's a boy, so would like to find out the sex so that he knows and can prepare. So we will probably have a private 3D sexing scan and find out, and you can have this 16 weeks, and then we will start telling people after that, instead of the 12 week scan. :D There is a higher chance of miscarriage because of my health problems so I want to be very sure everything is ok before we let other people get excited about it. xxx
I was Team Yellow when I was pregnant with Felix, it was by choice but I wouldn't have had any other choice anyway as the area I was in at the time had a policy of not revealing the sex of the baby. That said, I just KNEW all the way through pregnancy that he would be a boy and taa-daa he was!
This time I am not sure, I would like to be Team Yellow again but am tempted to find out...as my friend said it's still a surprise when you find out anyway! My main reason for finding out would be to see if Shettles had worked or not (I would be impatient to know!) and to know whether all of Felix's boys clothes that I have kept will be any use or whether I get to go shopping!!

What about everyone else?

I stayed team yellow with Ella & Ethan, but with Sienna i found out :) although that went a bit tits up as at 16 weeks we got told she was a boy!! Lets just say instinct told us they were wrong and another scan confirmed this...

Next time i think we will find out, but only at the 20 week scan. I certainly wouldnt pay privately again.
Sensibly, I'd say Team Yellow.... However, seeing as I want a girl quite a lot, I think I may get impatient and quietly ask for a scan when hubbie isn't around. ;)
I'd like to think I would stay on team yellow however I knowt that as soon as I'm up the duff I'd be dying for my 20 week scan to see what I was having lol!!

I'm too impatient and I like to be organised :)
it's a hard one isn't it - think I'll just play it by ear and see what we feel when the time comes. I do like the thought of a suprise though!

When I think of decorating the spare room (or the nursery as I call it in my head ;) I keep seeing neutral colours and clothes and things so maybe I will stay team yellow...

It will be family and friends that will persuade me to find out though I know it lol
The more I think about it the more I think I would feel guilty for not staying Team Yellow! But OH says he doesn't mind which we do and it'll be a surprise whenever we find out anyway so I guess we will wait and see. I don't know if I will feel disappointed in myself if I give in to the temptation of finding out! But I do like to be organised, and practically speaking it would be good to find out if it was going to be a girl. Hmmmm.....tricky tricky tricky!

Lol I'm just impatient so I'd want to know lol

I'd be team yellow for the first 20 weeks (not out of choice :p) and be team pink or blue for the other 20

So basically - I think I'd find out lol I obviously have no willpower :p

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