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"O" around July 17, looking for buddies!

Hey ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Should o Thursday! Bd every other day until Saturday or so!
Pdubs, did they use any aromatherapy or essential oils in the reflexology massage? I have been looking into them for fertility, and there could be some benefit. I may have to buy some lol!!

Iceprincess, me too, according to ff, but I actually think it'll be wed. We are going to bd everyday until confirmed o (I use bbt), and hopefully 2 times tues & wed. :) at least the fun is starting...then back to waiting

Maybebaby, hope you get that good news to share with oh's grandma, she'll be so thrilled I'm sure!
Hi ladies !!
I am impatiently waiting for my "o" as well !!! I started my opk's 3 days ago, just to be sure not to miss it .. I am not expecting it until around the 17/18th, as my cycles have been around 31-32 days since i stopped my bc.
We bd'ed yesterday and hopefully will again tonight.. Wanting to cover all bases and be prepared for my o !!

What about you ladies, when are you expecting your o? Has anyone gotten theirs yet ? I'm actually looking forward to the tww because waiting for o is even worse !!! Haha

Good luck and lots and lots of baby dust :)
Hey guys! I was a part of a thread in the TWW forum last cycle with some other ladies now in this thread... let's hope this month is a good one! :)

I am expecting to ovulate around the 19th, so I'm a few days behind... but, I am using OPK strips again this cycle (and much more consistently) so I should know with fair certainty when it occurs this month.

Good luck, ladies!
waiting for O right now...did OPKs 3 times today as I have started to see a bit of a line...not sure if I'll O or not anyway but BD's last night and tonight already...we'll see how it goes...hoping the reflexology will help make O happen this month...

No essential oils...did a foot soak and then it was a dry massage...it was very relaxing..will be going next month as well to finish my gift card and then we'll see after that as it is $65 for an hour...not too bad but we are trying to save up,...maybe DH will get me another certificate for my birthday in September :)
Lunarspoon, so glad you joined this thread!

Pdubs, sounds great! Hope it helps you O...

Clary Sage is an essential oil that is supposed to be great for womens fertility. You can apply it topically, use in an air diffuser or even take it internally. I am thinking I am going to get it, then soak in it, in my tub :)
I feel stupid asking this, I know most of the TTC lingo but what does OH mean?
I use it as "other half" but not sure that's exactly what it means!! It seems to fit in the sentences I've read OH in!
Thank you! I wish I had an other half! But I've decided to co-parent with a gay man that has become such a good friend since we met on a co-parenting website. I'm not sure what to refer to him as on here so I just started using baby daddy lol. In person our families (except my mom) don't know his sexual preference and they won't know it was planned. They'll all be thrilled though. I'm already looking at baby shower themes and this is only going to be our first month TTC! Pinterest is evil. It just sucks you in.
Love pinterest for that...Feel free to follow me >>> Patricia Warriner...I'm a redhead in the pic :)

as far as I know OH is other half :)

Congrats on your baby plan MaybeBaby :)
Maybebaby, nice plan! Yep, baby daddy soundslike the best term lol! Although, other half could refer to other half of the baby maker, or other half of the co parenting team! ;)

I love love love looking at anything to do with baby (better yet, shopping for baby stuff)! I've already made a shopping list, and narrowed it down to the exact brands we'll be considering :D i will hold off buying anything until a least the BFP!!
this will be my 4th little one so I definitely do not expect a shower. My youngest is 6, but I've given away (to family & friends) most of our baby gear...so it works out, I get to buy new stuff - finally (lots of hand me downs, my kids are so close in age, 3 boys 1 girl, and there are so many kids in my very close, very large family!) And I know my mom and mil will go crazy, everyone wants a new baby in the family (probably just not expecting it from us!)

So, does everyone have a estimated testing date? Mine would be aug. 1 but we'll be out of town in the am, arriving home in the pm (with my mom and kids whom we will not tell until after 12 weeks) - so I will be testing FMU on Aug. 2 (if AF doesn't show by then). I'll be 16 DPO! I have never waited that long to test!!
I will be going in to be tested at the Fertility Clinic on July 29th most likely...fingers crossed....

my cousin's fiance just had an 11 lb baby boy this morning...that's so big!
Hey! Just checking in! :) I am kinda worried because I have been feeling O pains on my left side (the side where my tube was cut) so I am REALLY hoping that the soy iso makes me ovulate from both sides, so I at least have a chance? No word from my doc on the FS referral.. I really wish she would just get on that ASAP.

FF says I should O on the 20th, but we are bd'ing every day since this last sat just in case.

you know, I thought about co-parenting with a gay male before I reconnected with my DH... I think that situation would be awesome.. more love to go around!

I have been using preseed on the outside too... will that not work??

I swear I had a question to ask you ladies, but now that I am at my computer, I can't remember it! AUGH!

and now I am off to work on my siggy.. it is too long and annoying me lol
hey there, how is everyone doing ?
Pdubs, Congrats !!!!!That is awesome, let the bd'ing begin !!! Also, an 11 pound baby- that is huge !!! Wow, congrats to her :)

I am on cd 15/16 now, so I am just waiting for my "o" to come right on over !!! We bd'ed the last 2 nights just to be on the safe side.. No positive opk yet, but my cycles have been around 31/32 days so I am thinking sometime soon this week.

What about everyone else ?? Any positive opks ? This part is much more annoying than the tww.. Haha. But I do look forward to taking my opk daily ! I realize now our last 2 months of trying that our timing has been off.. So now I feel like we're basically starting over ! But it is all a learning process.

BABY DUST to all !!! Lots of hope and prayers for us :)
so we bd'd last night and the night before but when I got home from work today and I told DH the good news about the OPK he looks at me and frowns and says "too late" daaaaaaamn I hate when that happens haha..oh well, will go for it tomorrow which should be O day anyway...FX....how's everyone else getting along?
yay Pdubs! that is awesome! boo for DH not wanting to BD tonight.. but I totally understand how that goes. I am excited for you to catch that egg! :) Thank you for posting that positive OPK.. I was beginning to think those wondfo OPK that I got from amazon were not working lol.. but you for SURE got a positive.. so I still have some hope! & holy moly.. 11lbs?!?! and I thought my DS was big at 8.8 lol...

NewlyWeds-I think we are on a similar cycle.. I am on CD13 of a 30/33 day cycle.. so hopefully we both get some nice positive OPKs at the end of this week! FX!
Yea PDubs! :happydance: Hopefully everyone is on there way to ovulating! I finally got a pos opk today! Three days later than I normally get a pos so I hope this isn't a messed up cycle and everything goes well! :)

Good luck to everyone this week!

Lots and lots of :dust:
Yay! Exciting, positive OPKs!! I don't use them, but have a textbook bbt chart, and had EW fertile CM today (Sorry for TMI). I think I will get some opks if I go another cycle.
99.9% sure I should o tomorrow (stupid ff is saying thurs though).
then temp spike Thursday :) we DTD everyday since cd 10 (today, cd 13) & will tomorrow 2x...if all goes according to plan
Off to take my 1000 pills and hit the hay ;) night ladies

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