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"O" around July 17, looking for buddies!

I don't temp either, especially in the hot weather we are having here in Ohio. I am hoping the OPK works, never used one before..........
for the longest time, I had NO idea how all of you ladies were able to do one post and address everyone (I thought maybe you just had an incredible memory.. lol) and then today, I happened to scroll down as I was replying and Viola, I saw the "topic review".. I feel so stupid!!!! :dohh::dohh::haha:

mrsmom- I love OPK's... so far they have worked every month for me, so I hope they work just as well for you too! I have been testing with FMU, 2pm, and 4pm.. I wonder if I should be testing around 9pm too?? I am scared to miss my surge!

Newlyweds- I am having the same concern. My cycle has been all over the place since coming off of BCP in April. I am worried that I messed up my cycle with soy iso this month and that my O will never come. I think we will get some good news this weekend :) FX'd!

MommyMohr- I can relate.. I feel like we should have DTD last night, but we both were super exhausted.. so now I am hoping every other day will work. If you have the energy, do it! :thumbup:

Cajunbabe- I am using two types of OPKs, the cheap ones and then a CB digital to confirm what I see on the cheapies.. so far, all negatives.. so frustrating. from the pic that pdubs posted, I think a positive will show a line as dark as the control (not darker). I have yet to see this.. so I hope we both get a pos opk soon!

Wish4baby- I think you are right and that you probably O'd that night and your progesterone levels have not gotten high enough for the temp shift by morning temp time. Maybe tomorrow you will get the shift? Fx'd for you! I would probably DTD again tonight just to be safe? I am so jealous you guys have been able to DTD 6 days in a row... I wish I had your stamina lol

Pdubs: I would LOOOVE to have a pool to be in at this moment lol.. that would be sooo relaxing!
Good luck all :) I'm around the same time ~ I think!
just a note on the timing for using OPKs, I read, somewhere, that you should not use FMU and you should test between 10 am and 8 pm...anyway...I get up at 6 so it works out that I test, on the days I'm really close to O: 10am, 2pm, and 6pm..best to wait 4 hours between pee breaks and try not to "over" hydrate for best results :)
I did a little online research and found that it definitely could take longer than 10 hrs for progesterone to get high enough to increase bbt! But we'll be sure to DTD today to cover all the bases :)

Also, came across this interesting read: https://health.howstuffworks.com/pr.../how-long-after-sex-does-conception-occur.htm

Learned some new stuff...the fastest sperm could meet egg in as little as 30 min. Also, studies show a man who has new sperm everyday for a week before ovulation, may have a lower overall number, but healthier, faster swimmers. Could be good to know for those where SA shows high # but low mobility/motility!

I will definitely use OPKs if I have a next cycle!

Is anyone using or plan to use a natural progesterone cream in the tww? Is there anything wrong with using it if you don't necessarily need it? I don't know if I have low p, but I am thinking I'll use it just in case. Any thoughts?
Hi all,
So yesterday at work I sneezed!! And put my back out!
I'm on complete bed rest for the foreseeable!
I'm absolutely gutted!
I think I'm as good as out!!
FF said my fertile window was Monday-Thursday this week... Well we BD'd on Monday, tuesday and I'd say that'll be it for a week at least.... Now I'm prepared to give it a go, but OH is having none of it! :cry:

I've had no EWCM yet, and I usually have loads so maybe Mother Nature is giving me a break and holding off O until the weekend!

I'm lying here now in agony, but I'm actually more upset about our missed chance! :cry::cry:
Sofaqueen, that is so awful!! Back pain is the worst!!! So sorry :(
Are you doing any treatment, or seeing a Chiro?
Bed rest and pain killers for now, I can feel myself improving already...slowly.. Made it the loo all by myself this evening for the first time!

Now,.... I just need to convince OH to BD!!!! Hmmmmmm????
Sofaqueen, did you convince him lol? How's your back this morning?

I had my temp rise, yay! So I'm officially calling it 1 DPO!!
I cannot imagine HOW I am going to wait until 16 DPO to test :( hopefully our trip will be so fun I won't think about it, but I seriously doubt anything can take my mind off this
Good Luck wish :) 2dpo and looking forward to my mini vacation at my sister's house/pool...just relaxed last night but the sleep was HORRIBLE..me and DH had issues...there are 3 beds but they all have "issues" and her pillows are all those cheap ones with polyester pillowcases...I swear I'm not a diva haha I just couldn't get comfortable...and then there is hardwood everywhere and her dog has nails and I'm sucha light sleeper I bet I slept an hour combined all night..Tonight we are going home to pick up our duvet and pillows so hopefully that will help
pdubs- thank you for the OPK help.. I think I have been wasting too many tests on FMU (I was used to the CB advanced digital that says to use FMU). I am sorry you are having a tough time sleeping! I am the grumpiest person in the world when I do not get a good nights rest. I hope the duvet and better pillows help you!

sofaqueen- Ouch that does not sound fun at all :( I hope he gives in if you are feeling up to it! I haven't had much EWCM either, so I started taking mucinex today.. FX'd it works because I am not sure what else to do at this point!

Wish4baby- Congrats on the temp rise!! Let the TWW begin! :) :happydance:

I hope everyone has a great day today!
ok question... can someone look at my chart and tell me if you think I should disregard the dip on the CD11? When I took my temp on CD12 it was originally REALLY low and I thought that was so strange, so I immediately took another temp and it went higher, so I am thinking I was sleeping with my mouth wide open and therefore, it was inaccurate. I am thinking the same thing happened on CD11, but I didn't retest so I am not positive. If I take out CD 11, my temps will look more stable.. but I also don't want to throw off FF. Help please?
Well, we :sex: last night. Here's to hoping. I'm CD 19 today. I'm not sure if I O'd yesterday or today. I've had EWCM since Monday so that is no help. I thought I may have gotten a close to + OPK Wednesday night, but it never went any darker. Yesterday, they were all lighter. We are trying for a boy so want to get it as close to O as possible. But I just don't know. I should have BBT this month but didn't. :dohh:
ok question... can someone look at my chart and tell me if you think I should disregard the dip on the CD11? When I took my temp on CD12 it was originally REALLY low and I thought that was so strange, so I immediately took another temp and it went higher, so I am thinking I was sleeping with my mouth wide open and therefore, it was inaccurate. I am thinking the same thing happened on CD11, but I didn't retest so I am not positive. If I take out CD 11, my temps will look more stable.. but I also don't want to throw off FF. Help please?

Seems like it's an off temp. I started temping orally but I got those crazy temps, so I started taking them vaginally and they are extremely accurate.
unfortunately I don't know a lot about temping but I would be tempted to take it out unless it is normal for you to O that early and other signs confirm that it might be a true dip...but it looks pretty big to me, I'd be tempted to put a note on it so that it's still "there" but not included inn the pre O temp range
I feel like I am the problem child this month.. sorry :( These are all neg right?? I suck at reading these things. My cb digital has been neg so far.. but I have been testing with that one at 4pm every day.. so I am REALLY hoping I did not miss my surge..


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All negative looking to me...once they start getting darker you may want to start testing twice a day...like 10 and 4? but I would say you didn't miss it yet :)
They all look negative to me! And, I looked at your charts and think it matches up....I wouldn't expect o until sometime between cd 14-20, according to your chart history. With that in mind, I don't think it would be a big deal to disregard cd 11s temps and use the second temp for cd 12 - IMO!:)
Pdubs, Wish4baby, & cajunbabe: thank you so much! I don't know what I would do without you ladies... well, yes, I know what I would do.. go absolutely CRAZY trying to figure this all out on my own. :flower::flower::flower:

cajunbabe: is it weird that I am scared to take temps vaginally? one step at a time I guess :wacko:
I was weirded out to begin with but it takes such an accurate temp that I caved eventually and don't regret it.

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