• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

"O" around July 17, looking for buddies!

Good morning ladies! Huge temp spike this AM! Temping (vaginal) has been not as accurate this time because of heat wave we have here. No real drop in temp on FF chart but it was a cooler night here and woke up with a spike. BD on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday night so hope it was enough! Now off to work!
Hi Ice Princess...really did drop off last night, where in Ontario are you? we got quite the rain last night...our little puppy was shaking like a leaf!
sofaqueen- Ouch that does not sound fun at all :( I hope he gives in if you are feeling up to it! I haven't had much EWCM either, so I started taking mucinex today.. FX'd it works because I am not sure what else to do at this point!

He gave in!!! :sex:

I had loads a of EWCM last nite and this morning, so I struggled into the shower and then wandered around in the nude till he gave in!!!:thumbup::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I think I might O today, which pushes my two week wait into August?!? I might start testing on 31/7/13!

Now I'm back in bed! No painkillers yesterday or today, so I'm definitely on the mend, thank god!

How is everyone doing?
Ice princess, awesome! I love temp spikes :) sounds like you got in plenty of babymaking too...FX!! Have a great day at work

Sofaqueen, congrats on DH giving in, thats definitely one way to get him :D And I am so glad you are on the mend! Hope you're 100% soon. My tww goes into Aug as well...The earliest I could do a reliable test is aug 2 (16dpo)...or I'd have to do it at 7dpo which will likely be neg. (testing dates due to the travel with my kids and mom, normally I am a 9-11dpo tester lol)

I spent some time making some tickers and put them in my sig. I couldn't figure out how to do my ff chart (the picture link, not the words). Any tips?

Also, I am toying with the idea of using a natural progesterone cream, starting tomorrow. I don't really think I need it, but read it can't hurt. What do you ladies think?
I got a faint line on my OPK today, and we started trying AHI today! My fertile window was supposed to start tomorrow so I'm hoping the faint line (I never get anything but a complete negative or faint to semi positive lines on the OPKs) means its the beginning of my window. Praying for baby dust for us all! I even lit a candle at church last night for all of us TTC!
that's so sweet about the candle maybebaby :)

my friend was over today with her husband and their 2 and 4 year olds and we swam and had a bbq dinner...was so much fun just hanging out with them and playing and helping them with dinner....best part was watching DH playing with them in the pool...throwing them in and watching him help the 4 year old boy how to play nintendo..just amazing...can't wait till I can tell him he's going to be a daddy :)
iceprincess: YAY on the spike! I think your BD timing is great too. Fx'd that you caught that egg :)

Sofaqueen: omg, your post had me rolling..I LOVED IT! I must say that walking around naked usually does the trick! I am so happy he finally caved.:happydance: Now you can focus on feeling better :)

wish4baby: For my FF pic, it was a struggle.. I had to set up my "Page" and then when I was done, it gave me the HTML code to put in my sig.. It took a few trial and errors before I got it right. I wish I knew more about the progesterone stuff to help you... I don't think it could hurt, but for me, I feel like I am already using stuff to help, I don't wanna add any more to the mix just to be able to rule stuff out as working vs not.

maybebaby: aww you are so sweet for the candle, I love you for that! I sure hope your opk's get darker! I am still waiting for my positive opk, so I will pray that we both get a for sure positive in the next couple of days!

pdubs: thanks for the temping advice.. I for sure won't start until next cycle (if it comes to that.. fx'd That I can put my BBT away after this month!!) Your DH sounds super sweet.. it always warms my heart when I see a man who is great with kids. I bet he will be over the moon when you get your BFP!

cajunbabe: lol ok I feel better then... there is just something about sticking the BBT up there that weirds me out, but if that is how I can get a reliable temp in order to conceive a miracle, I will do it!

as for me... I am all set up to see a FS starting CD1, but I won't get to that right? :winkwink: They also want to test DH sperm count, test my blood, do a HSG, and then on top of ALL of that, they are telling me that due to DH's issues and the fact that I only have one tube, they I will need to have uterine insemination.. but like I told my Gyno.. Pray that this is the month and I won't have to go through that.. I had a really rough c-section with my DD, so I really hope the pain I was feeling during my c-section was not a precursor to fertility issues.. like scar tissue or something. All I want right now is a positive OPK...DH and I are Bd'ing every other day at this point...something has got to give!
mommyloves...my first few appts with FS were similar with the bloodwork for both me and DH, DHs sperm analysis, cd3 and cd21 bloodwork and HSG for me...IF we have to continue after this month we are doing two months of femara and then we will talk about trying IUI...if after all that/come christmas we will be done trying...if a year and a half and all that doesn't get me pregnant it's not meant to happen that way...we will start the adoption process with children's aid in January....
Today is (my) cycle day 1!!
Last cycle was a roller coaster for me, I was actually glad to have a definite answer when I woke up this morning! I knew right when I saw my temp that today was AF...oh well, I think this cycle is going to be it!!! Who's with me? :thumbup:

So, when are you ovulating?
Are you taking any supplements, herbs, medicines, ect.
Are you doing anything different this cycle?
When do you expect to start testing?

Looking forward & feeling very positive about conceiving in July! Hope to get to know some other ladies on this journey :kiss:

i ov july 17 & pos also july 18, so pls add me too. anyone is welcomed to add me. thanks
mommyloves...my first few appts with FS were similar with the bloodwork for both me and DH, DHs sperm analysis, cd3 and cd21 bloodwork and HSG for me...IF we have to continue after this month we are doing two months of femara and then we will talk about trying IUI...if after all that/come christmas we will be done trying...if a year and a half and all that doesn't get me pregnant it's not meant to happen that way...we will start the adoption process with children's aid in January....

Pdubs-you and I have a VERY similar outlook on all of this. For the longest time (and I am talking 4+ years) I was told that I Would never conceive naturally..so I stopped trying and accepted the fact that I would need to do IVF or adopt to have a baby.. then one day as I was exercising, my boobs were hurting really bad.. I thought I was just running too much or something lol. To my surprise, I was pregnant with my DS! Now it seems I am back in that slump. I will pray that we both do not have to go through any more testing. xx
Happy Monday Ladies.......turns out my cycle must be longer than I thought b/c OPK everyday since Tues and BFN until last night. Of course I forgot to check it before going to bed and we were both too tired to try. Woke up early with mild cramping today mostly on left side. Looked at test and saw a fairly dark line. So we BD this morning just in case and will again tonight too. Hoping we didn't miss any windows. We have only taken one night off since Tues which was last night so I think we are ok.
good luck mrscmom :)

AFM I am 5dpo and already starting to get anxious...not feeling anything out of the ordinary and just waiting it out...been looking for a new job for months and getting really annoyed that I can't find anything better than what I have and everyday I have to come into this office I want to stab myself in the leg so I can go home....
I finally got my Positive OPK today at 11:30am! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I tried to get my DH to DTD this morning, but he was NOT down lol.. oh well, that means tonight it is!!
good luck Mommyloves! so exciting to see that gorgeous double line :) work your sexy magic all day and DH won't be able to help himself tonight :)
Good luck with your + OPK!

<------in the TWW over here. Blah. :coffee:
cajunbabe...I'm in my TWW too...6dpo...and I feel....well, nothing..absolutely nothing...you?
Nothing here. But it's too early. 5dpo here. With Lillian, I think my implantation was around 7dpo or 10dpo. My first symptom was backache around 10dpo.

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