O/T - Impartial opinions wanted. "Go f**k yourself I'm not interested in you anymore"

Erm, immature and disrespectful don't cover the half of it I'm afraid. The man is abusive and seems to like taking his anger out on more vulnerable people.

People who are verbally abusive in this way are usually like that because of some long-standing, deep-seated issues that may never go away.

It's psychological/emotional abuse designed to intimidate and undermine you and make you feel insecure. Whatever you decide to do, remember that this man has serious problems.

Thank you. I have thought he has issues. And I know I will not be the one to help fix them as all I do is annoy him supposedly.

He really does make me feel insecure. And bad about myself. Pfff. Writing this down just reminds me I don't have to be with someone who makes me feel this way.
It sounds like he needs to deal with his temper, you should not put up with him talking to you like that and I think you need to make that very clear to him.

He does need to yes, but won't. He can be completely unreasonable and won't think his anger is wrong, it's my fault for making him angry.

I want to walk away so badly but I'm so afraid of being pregnant and alone. I can cope being a single mum, been there done that. But not whilst pregnant :(

In terms of being pg and alone, you will actually cope better alone knowing that you have to rather than expecting some sort of support from him, if that makes sense? I had this with my last baby and once I made the decision to be alone it was actually easier. :hugs:
Wow thats mad.. i hate other ppl saying bad things about me but thats pretty nasty..
For no reason really he could have fell out and went in a sulk with u but not to that extreme.
He mabie feels hes got u wrapped round his lil finger and wants to push u.
Quite bad also if hes saying u can raise this baby on ur own as he should care about LO as much as u do weather annoyed with u or not.. Hmm i would prob play him at his own game and be a bitch to him also make out u dont care what he says xx
Oh my! how awful! I dont know how you cope, I cry when my OH says "I dont love you" when hes drunk and arguing, it makes me cry even when I know he doesnt mean it.

You deserve so much better than that, but hes your babys daddy and that means you cant walk away, right?
I dont know what to say but I really hope things get better for you
Dont put up with it, he needs to change or get lost.
Please dont live your life being upset and hurt by this man, this is supposed to be the happiest time of your life and Id hate to think you and your baby were unhappy because of your partners selfish behaviour.

hope things get better for you xxxxx
It sounds like he needs to deal with his temper, you should not put up with him talking to you like that and I think you need to make that very clear to him.

He does need to yes, but won't. He can be completely unreasonable and won't think his anger is wrong, it's my fault for making him angry.

I want to walk away so badly but I'm so afraid of being pregnant and alone. I can cope being a single mum, been there done that. But not whilst pregnant :(

In terms of being pg and alone, you will actually cope better alone knowing that you have to rather than expecting some sort of support from him, if that makes sense? I had this with my last baby and once I made the decision to be alone it was actually easier. :hugs:

It does make sense thank you. But I just can't be ok with going through it and giving birth without the baby's dad. I feel like a failure and like people will think I got pregnant just to have a baby and not be a family. Having a happy secure family is all I've ever wanted so anyone who would think that would be so wrong.

The baby wasn't even my idea. It was his.
It does make sense thank you. But I just can't be ok with going through it and giving birth without the baby's dad. I feel like a failure and like people will think I got pregnant just to have a baby and not be a family. Having a happy secure family is all I've ever wanted so anyone who would think that would be so wrong.

The baby wasn't even my idea. It was his.


You have to try and forget what other people think, what's important is you and your baby. People will think what they want no matter what you do or don't do. I know you have a dream of your ideal family but is your bf really going to provide you with that?

I think you really need to sit down and think it through, maybe write down the pros and cons of your relationship and what YOU want from life and for you and your children. Once you know that you will be in a position to move on and hopefully at some point in the future meet a man who you can share those dreams with (it does happen, I promise! I went through counselling through my last pregnancy and it completely changed me, my confidence and in the end my life. You can get counselling arranged through your GP).

Really think it through and PM me any time x
Wow thats mad.. i hate other ppl saying bad things about me but thats pretty nasty..
For no reason really he could have fell out and went in a sulk with u but not to that extreme.
He mabie feels hes got u wrapped round his lil finger and wants to push u.
Quite bad also if hes saying u can raise this baby on ur own as he should care about LO as much as u do weather annoyed with u or not.. Hmm i would prob play him at his own game and be a bitch to him also make out u dont care what he says xx

I think you are right about being wrapped around his finger. I know I'm stronger than that but pregnancy has made me weak. I have had it in my head that when baby is here if is he is still an arsehole he's out the door for sure.
I have done the not caring thing and it doesn't do any good. Nothing does really. He has softened when I have sat upstairs crying before. But even whilst crying he can be nasty. I was feeling ill and he said I was lying and didn't give a stuff. I hardly ever say I feel ill :(

Oh my! how awful! I dont know how you cope, I cry when my OH says "I dont love you" when hes drunk and arguing, it makes me cry even when I know he doesnt mean it.

You deserve so much better than that, but hes your babys daddy and that means you cant walk away, right?
I dont know what to say but I really hope things get better for you
Dont put up with it, he needs to change or get lost.
Please dont live your life being upset and hurt by this man, this is supposed to be the happiest time of your life and Id hate to think you and your baby were unhappy because of your partners selfish behaviour.

hope things get better for you xxxxx

Aw they can be so mean when they are drunk. Don't even get me started on his drunk behaviour!

Him being baby's dad definitely makes it hard. The poor boy hasn't even been born yet :(

Thank you :flower:
It does make sense thank you. But I just can't be ok with going through it and giving birth without the baby's dad. I feel like a failure and like people will think I got pregnant just to have a baby and not be a family. Having a happy secure family is all I've ever wanted so anyone who would think that would be so wrong.

The baby wasn't even my idea. It was his.


You have to try and forget what other people think, what's important is you and your baby. People will think what they want no matter what you do or don't do. I know you have a dream of your ideal family but is your bf really going to provide you with that?

I think you really need to sit down and think it through, maybe write down the pros and cons of your relationship and what YOU want from life and for you and your children. Once you know that you will be in a position to move on and hopefully at some point in the future meet a man who you can share those dreams with (it does happen, I promise! I went through counselling through my last pregnancy and it completely changed me, my confidence and in the end my life. You can get counselling arranged through your GP).

Really think it through and PM me any time x

Thank you. Your positive words really do genuinely help. Sometimes I feel "I can do this, I'm strong" Other times I'm weak and think too much about the family I thought I was going to have. It is like mourning the loss a happy life.
Thank you. Your positive words really do genuinely help. Sometimes I feel "I can do this, I'm strong" Other times I'm weak and think too much about the family I thought I was going to have. It is like mourning the loss a happy life.

It's the times that you are struggling you need to call a friend or come here for support. I believe you are strong and will only get stronger by standing on your own and being brave, if you want him to be at the birth you could still do that but maybe have a friend there too, you need to work out a balance where he's involved as a father but isn't being abusive towards you in any way.

Just look at your scan picture, you have the coolest baby ever - you can do it for all of you! :thumbup:
Those things he said to you are emotional abuse and under no circumstances should he speak to you that way. He certainly should NOT speak to you that way in front of your child either after he gets here. He will be setting a very bad example for that child if he doesn't do something about it to change it.

I'd try to see if I could get him to go to counseling. But you can't approach it as he is the problem or he'll probably get more defensive and shut down.

I mean, I do see in a way why he got upset. I think he was happy about having the changing rooms. And your saying "It seems pointless" really put a damper on things for him. So, I can see why he was upset. BUT that of course doesn't constitute talking to you in a demeaning and derogatory way.

Maybe you could tell him that you both need to work on your communication and you would like to see a counselor to help you. Good luck and I wish you the best no matter what! :hugs:
This has made me very mad. I wouldn't bother talking to him until he comes and apologizes. Absolutely ridiculous. What a sick thing to say to somebody carrying your baby! NOBODY should be allowed to talk to you that way. You and your baby deserve better!
Well that was a reaction and a half....but kinda typical squaddie.
I don't know how many times OH and I argued about "useless crap" before I actually moved to him to camp. The distance and their job seems to be a ticking timebomb for arguments.

Hope he apologizes hun. its not nice having crap like that thrown at you especially when are pregnant
im quite a hot head myself so i'd say if my fella spoke to me like that i'd punch him so hard in th mouth he'd never speak again let alone in such a poor tone. His behaviour is unacceptable, u dont need that. Saying that he doesnt want anymore to do with u and telling u to raise the baby by yourself is out of order unless he means it then i'd say u r well shot of him, if hes saying it to be spiteful then he needs telling to stop it because no one needs that kind of mental and emotional torture. Hope u r okay hun :hugs: FOB needs a definite kick up the rear end. Hope he tones it down xx
Like Scuffer said, don't worry about what other people think. I had only been married for 18 months when I left my 1st husband due to his infidelity and emotional abuse. I worried what people would think, but in the end, I didn't care. No-one has the right to treat you that way. I once saw a quote which said "No-one has the power to make you feel inferior without your consent" (I think it was Eleanor Rossevelt) and I kept that with me for months.

You do not deserve how he treats you. How can a slapped face be in jest? It's all about control. The baby was his idea because it's his control over you. He probably knows you want a happy family unit, and thinks you won't leave now because you're pregnant.

When I was contemplating leaving my ex my mum said to me "Is this how you want your life to be in 50 years?" Ask yourself that question, and if the answer is "no", and you know he won't change, then my advice would be run for the hills and don't look back.

How old is he that he thinks this is an acceptable way to talk to anyone let alone the mother of his child?

I have quite a temper but I wouldn't say anything so hateful to someone I loved, nor would I slap or throw things at them?

Honestly, like someone else said - think about your life, and is this really how you want to spend the rest of it? If he's not willing to get help for his temper then he's not going to change, and if he's not going to change- this is what you have to look forward to for the rest of your life.

And another concern would be if he's ok with talking to you like this, what happens when the baby is older and does something like throw a ball through his big screen TV, or something equally mortifying?
Sorry huni, but your OH has some serious control issues. I hate to pry but has he had an active posting lately ?. I'm from an army family and tbh he sounds just like my bro did when he came home from Iraq .. overcontrolling the things he could be in control of. However for the sake of your own self esteem, your mental & physical health as well as bubs .. i'd get the hell out now.

Hugs xx
The only reason i can think of that he has reacted in this way is that you have dented his 'masculinity' by sort of undermining his ability to sort out a situation. [ not that i believe that]. Men have BiG egos! He really does seem over thet top! Are you sure you want to be with a man like this? Walking on egg shells is not a good basis for a relationship esp since you are pregnant!
You know, I have thought the exact same thing about him not wanting to be with me. I told him to leave during an argument after he slapped my face. He wouldn't leave.
He told me once that he doesn't want to be with me but feels he should stay. I told him I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with me. After these arguments he just carries on as though nothing has happened.
I'm so confused.

So sorry you are going through that with your ex. I have experienced similar with my ex. My first son's dad.

I think this will be my last baby as I can never trust another man to not turn into an arsehole :(

I could give a long list of insults my baby's dad has thrown at me and some of his behaviour but don't want to bore you all!

Thank you all :flower:

Just want to say, if he's hit you once then for goodness sake get out now. Being pregnant and single isn't that hard, neither is being a single mum and it's much better than worrying that one day you'll say 'the wrong thing' and get a beating out of it. Think I'm exaggerating?
My ex started off being 'just' insulting...then progressed to strangling me anytime he got angry, the last time I got him arrested as he pinned me to the bed by my throat and throttled me to the point of where I was having hallucinations and almost passed out. This was while I was 6 months pregnant with the daughter he reckoned he wanted so badly. Then he blamed me, saying I 'made' him do it.

Also, my ex told me on the phone the other day that he only got back together with me after our brief split, because otherwise I wouldn't leave him alone. I would have done, lol, it's just he said he loved me etc and we were then together for a year, including conceiving our daughter (again, wanted according to him).
If your ex wants to leave, then let him or you do it for him - and don't look back.
Thank you. Your positive words really do genuinely help. Sometimes I feel "I can do this, I'm strong" Other times I'm weak and think too much about the family I thought I was going to have. It is like mourning the loss a happy life.

It's the times that you are struggling you need to call a friend or come here for support. I believe you are strong and will only get stronger by standing on your own and being brave, if you want him to be at the birth you could still do that but maybe have a friend there too, you need to work out a balance where he's involved as a father but isn't being abusive towards you in any way.

Just look at your scan picture, you have the coolest baby ever - you can do it for all of you! :thumbup:

Wow you really are good at giving PMA aren't you! Thank you so much for your kindness and making me smile. He is a cool baby :D

Those things he said to you are emotional abuse and under no circumstances should he speak to you that way. He certainly should NOT speak to you that way in front of your child either after he gets here. He will be setting a very bad example for that child if he doesn't do something about it to change it.

I'd try to see if I could get him to go to counseling. But you can't approach it as he is the problem or he'll probably get more defensive and shut down.

I mean, I do see in a way why he got upset. I think he was happy about having the changing rooms. And your saying "It seems pointless" really put a damper on things for him. So, I can see why he was upset. BUT that of course doesn't constitute talking to you in a demeaning and derogatory way.

Maybe you could tell him that you both need to work on your communication and you would like to see a counselor to help you. Good luck and I wish you the best no matter what! :hugs:

I can see why he got upset too. All he had to do was tell me but he is incapable of saying things in a normal manner. It has to be said in an aggressive way or he feels he is not getting his point across.
He would definitely not do counciling. He is not the sort sadly :(

Thank you so much for replying :flower:

This has made me very mad. I wouldn't bother talking to him until he comes and apologizes. Absolutely ridiculous. What a sick thing to say to somebody carrying your baby! NOBODY should be allowed to talk to you that way. You and your baby deserve better!

Thank you. He has now apologised and we are talking, via text! He come come over tonight but it depends how the 'talking' goes.

Well that was a reaction and a half....but kinda typical squaddie.
I don't know how many times OH and I argued about "useless crap" before I actually moved to him to camp. The distance and their job seems to be a ticking timebomb for arguments.

Hope he apologizes hun. its not nice having crap like that thrown at you especially when are pregnant

He did apologise, thank you. Yep, typical soldier behaviour sadly. He is a Para and they are trained to be monsters. It worked well on him. His dad's girlfriend said he wasn't like this before The Army.

Sounds like your relationship improved which is great :)

im quite a hot head myself so i'd say if my fella spoke to me like that i'd punch him so hard in th mouth he'd never speak again let alone in such a poor tone. His behaviour is unacceptable, u dont need that. Saying that he doesnt want anymore to do with u and telling u to raise the baby by yourself is out of order unless he means it then i'd say u r well shot of him, if hes saying it to be spiteful then he needs telling to stop it because no one needs that kind of mental and emotional torture. Hope u r okay hun :hugs: FOB needs a definite kick up the rear end. Hope he tones it down xx

Ha ha. If I punched him as hard as I could he would laugh at me. He likes fighting so it would not even hurt him (he does not go out fighting btw!).

I think he does say things to be spiteful. It is very hurtful and is destroying the relationship as it is wearing down my belief in it being genuine.

Thank you. I hope he tones it down too. Very much so.

Like Scuffer said, don't worry about what other people think. I had only been married for 18 months when I left my 1st husband due to his infidelity and emotional abuse. I worried what people would think, but in the end, I didn't care. No-one has the right to treat you that way. I once saw a quote which said "No-one has the power to make you feel inferior without your consent" (I think it was Eleanor Rossevelt) and I kept that with me for months.

You do not deserve how he treats you. How can a slapped face be in jest? It's all about control. The baby was his idea because it's his control over you. He probably knows you want a happy family unit, and thinks you won't leave now because you're pregnant.

When I was contemplating leaving my ex my mum said to me "Is this how you want your life to be in 50 years?" Ask yourself that question, and if the answer is "no", and you know he won't change, then my advice would be run for the hills and don't look back.


Well done for leaving him, I would too in a heartbeat in I found out he was unfaithful. Noone can be expected to stick around after that. Such a horrible thing to go through :hugs:
The 50 year thing is interesting. Right now I definitely do not want to be here in 50 years. Lots of thinking to do. And talking too.

How old is he that he thinks this is an acceptable way to talk to anyone let alone the mother of his child?

I have quite a temper but I wouldn't say anything so hateful to someone I loved, nor would I slap or throw things at them?

Honestly, like someone else said - think about your life, and is this really how you want to spend the rest of it? If he's not willing to get help for his temper then he's not going to change, and if he's not going to change- this is what you have to look forward to for the rest of your life.

And another concern would be if he's ok with talking to you like this, what happens when the baby is older and does something like throw a ball through his big screen TV, or something equally mortifying?

He is 35. Sounds younger ay.

Kids is my other major concern. Well, infact it is my first concern. He has zero patience with my son and yells at him too sometimes. Sometimes I back him up as Lou was in the wrong and I'd yell too. But there have been times it was well out of order and not necessary. So I have naturally come to Lou's defense and that sparks a major argument. If he scared my son or behaved as bad to him as he does me he would be out the door. That goes for my unborn son too.
Wow you really are good at giving PMA aren't you! Thank you so much for your kindness and making me smile. He is a cool baby :D

I've been married twice! :blush: The first time I was young and we just weren't suited to each other. The second time was to a man who I didn't realise was very controlling over me and my son until I left, I also discovered that his anger and short temper towards my son had caused my little boy a lot of heart ache and I still feel so very guilty.

I hope you don't feel I've been too pushy with my advice to you, but I hate to hear you being treated that way, especially while you are vulnerable. Take care of yourself and do what's best for you and your children, no matter what anyone else thinks (especially internet crazies like me!) :hugs:

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