
Good luck with your scan Laura - looking forward to your update.

I'm a little worried today, woke up at 2.30am and couldn't get back to sleep for ages. I had a weird combination of feeling really sick but hungry at the same time. Also had tummy ache, not cramping, but definitely a vague dull ache. So went and had a glass of milk which kinda settled the hunger and sickness, but the tummy ache continued. It wasn't continuos but came and went, which really worried me as when had the MC I had pain every 3 minutes (think it was actually contractions?). Managed to fall back asleep about 4 and woke this morning to no pain at all, but a tiny tiny spot of brown in my pants (SORRY TMI!). Nothing when I wipe and no more since this morning.

I'm blaming the stupid bitch receptionist as I kept thinking about the situation when I couldn't sleep. Am hoping it was just a stress-tummy, or it is my bowel-ache due to the lack of healthy food in my diet at the moment!!

I've had this pain a few times, but not like last night, I had it a couple of weeks ago and it went. I keep telling myself it is just Jellytot burrowing in and getting a good grip. Just really hoping it isn't the beginning of the end.

Just a little worried, any advice greatly appreciated.
oh hun, please don't worry. I wake every night mainly because I need the loo but often because of tummy ache (mine feels like cramps but sometimes it's over my hips & can be v painful). It can take me ages to get back to sleep when I have these pains - it's meant to be normal & my scan yest proved that it wasn't anything to worry about. Lots of people get a bit of brown or even pink stuff at around 8 weeks for whatever reason - it doesn't mean anything bad's gonna happen. hugs xx
Thank you Rosie, feel slightly better hearing you have it too. Feel wrong saying that - I feel better cos you have pain too - lol!! Don't mean it like that really! X
Amy hun so sorry to hear you're having cramps and you had a bit of spotting. I am sure all is well, after all look at what happened to me this week, I bled so much Mon thought it was all over, then yesterday had confirmation that our little beanie is alive and well! Its so hard to work out what all these signs mean half the time, I would say its probs due partly to your diet (I get cramps at the mo made a lot worse by trapped wind if i'm eating the wrong things) and stretching pains and maybe if it wasn't for you being awake and restless due to your anxiety about your scan and what the receptionist said you may have just slept through these pains and been none the wiser.

I hope we've reassured you, please try not to worry. I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.


Not so good ladies.

Nothing visible on the scan got an area of fluid but thats it.

Just waiting for HCG to come back and got to be recanned in 10 days.
oh laura sweetie :cry: i really hope all is well and that they just couldnt see very well. praying hard for you hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies shall catch up with your properly later been feeling so ill past couple of days just not had the energy to get on. ordered a chinese so once I have eaten that and feel a bit better will come back and catch up with all your news. Anyways came on to test this its something I quickly threw together let me know what you think of it. x

Kelly- Glad your scan went well. Try not to worry about the dates too much at this early stage its hard to accurately date the baby anyways. You say that going by ov you would have been 6+4 on the day of the scan but 6 weeks by lmp. That doesn't make sense to me lol since the most weeks you can be is by lmp i.e with me by lmp I would be a week further but I ovulate later in my cycle even if you ovulate earlier in your cycle the dates will never be more then your lmp. I would go with your dates by lmp til you have your dating scan.

Charlie- Glad your scan went well hunni. Baby is so cute and you can see a baby shape already! THen the yolk sac right near where its tail/feet are :D

Amy- Sorry you got a crappy receptionist when rearranging your nuchal scan I thought there was a timeframe in which it can be done anyways so it doesn't matter if you chage it for a couple of days before the original scan date. When have you rebooked it for?

I know what you mean about worrying over abdo pains. Last night I was getting sharp pains in my side right near where baby is and earlier in the day I had sharp twinges in my cervix completely convinced myself it was all over and fully expected to start bleeding but nothing. It doesn't help that I will be 8 weeks tomorrow. I was 8 weeks (or just over) when I lost my first baby started bleeding on a Saturday so I have become a nervous wreck and will be til I have my next scan. My second loss was at 9 weeks and so if I can make it past then and see baby ok in there at my scan at 9+3 then I can start to relax.

Rosie- So glad your scan went well. Bet it was lovely seeing your baby. Love them at that stage where they start to resemble a baby rather then a bean lol.

Laura I have everything crossed that things turn out ok for you. Please keep us updated I really wish there was better news for you sweetie :hugs:

immi- Hope you are doing ok? Hows the sickness?

Yay caught up with everyone now lol. Not been on past day or 2 as been having bad days sickness wise. Wouldn't mind so much as the nausea I can deal with but I am soooo fed up of having no appetite whatsoever and I hate that I am eating unhealthly as a result! Had a chinese tonight and ordered a chicken curry and it made me feel lots better as did a can of lilt so shall be drinking that from now on rather then lucozade probably has less sugar in it.

My eldest is at my mums tonight so its just me df and Charlotte til tomorrow afternoon. Am glad of the peace the girls fight constantly and drive me up the wall lol.

Has anyone got anything nice planned for the weekend? x

Not so good ladies.

Nothing visible on the scan got an area of fluid but thats it.

Just waiting for HCG to come back and got to be recanned in 10 days.

So sorry hun, I know what its like being in limbo and its not something i'd wish on anyone. Your ticker says 6w 4d, is that based on LMP or your ov date? Its still v. early so even if it could be out a few days out you're still in with a chance all could be well, but I appreciate you probably don't want to get your hopes up too much. There's nothing wrong with a bit of hope mind, i think that's v. important to get you through the next few days. Hope for the best, prepare yourselves for the worst. I will pray for a good outcome for you in 10 days time. Sending you lots of :hugs:

Hi girsl,

Laura - really sorry for you hun, have everything crossed for you. I know you must be feeling awful ,but look after yourself and like Charlie said don't lose hope, but be prepared. XXX :hugs2:

Charlie - thanks - your kind words have made me feel better. No more spotting and less pains yesterday, so as long as I have no cramps and big bleeding I'm gonna stay positive!!

Leigh - sorry your feeling so rubbish. I have found sugar free cloudy lemonade with loads of ice really helps!! Tastes a bit like lilt!! We also had a chinese the other night and I really enjoyed it - could quite happily eat it all the time - NOT GOOD!!!! Maybe I'll call my baby Wonton?? My original scan was booked for 12 weeks on the nose, so the new one will be at 11+3. This should be ok as the combined screening is done between 11 and 13+6. Anyways, if I had the scan on the original day the baby could still be too small or in an awkward position and I'd have to go back!! Stupid little jobs-worth!! Also LOVING the logo - ace job!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok??

Plans for the weekend.......
Well, unfortunately I turn 30 on sunday :dohh: so am off to see Dirty Dancing this afternoon at the theatre, then dinner, then staying overnight at the 1st hotel we ever stayed at together!! Looking forward to it, but am having a really pukey/tired day today so gonna try and perk myself up - would kill for a diet coke but have not given in to temptation yet, so will keep trying!! Will update you and let you know how good (or not) the show is and how it feels to be the BIG 30!!!! :nope:

Hope you all have good weekends, thinking of you Laura x

Amy x x x

Laura - big hugs :hugs: I hope everything's gonna be ok & maybe your dates are a little out? I hope so . . . :hugs:

I'm off to pick up my new family sized car today - we both had tiny ones so decided we had to get a family car with 5 doors! It's v exciting.

I hope the show goes well & you should be proud that you're 30!!! (sorry lost the thread's again & can't remember who's post is who's!!!!) I'm nrealy there myself - arg!

My mw app was good, she went through medical history & gave me a pregnancy book & lots of info on antenatal classes / fitness classes etc. I'm glad I've had it early. Now for my 12 week scan!

Have a lovely weekend everyone & Laura look after yourself - not too much worrying, nothing you can do about anything expect look after yourself.
Hello Ladies,

I think I am due about 25th October by my reckoning but didnt have AF between giving birth to my son and getting BFP so dates could be slightly out.

I made some great friends on BnB while pregnanct with Kasper and hope over the next 8 months we can make some good friendships.

Hope you are all well and enjoying your early days in your pregnancys. Like me probably wishing 12 weeks would come quicker!!!

Hi ladies! How are we all today?

Amy Enjoy yourself at the theatre and the hotel I could do with a night away somewhere lol. Haappy birthday for tomorrow too! Glad you like the logo I will add a border around it make it stand out a bit more and then share the link so those who want to use it can. Might have a go at making a few others too if I get bored later ;)

Rosie- Glad to hear you had a good m/w appointment! Enjoy your new car :)

Jox- Welcome to the thread sweetie so pleased to see you here. I am the same wishing the days away til I reach 12 weeks. I seem to be living my life in constant 2 week waits as I am being scanned every 2 weeks. Feels like 2 years not 2 weeks lol. I really hope come October we both get to hold our precious babies in our arms.

Well today I finally got my booking in appointment through and my maternity notes. Appointment is for the 17th March :) Also got a leaflet about the downs screening tests and turns out our hospital are now offering nuchal scans and bloods which in previous pregnancies was never offered :hissy: but at least I can mention it to the epu when it comes to my scan. Glad there is a time limit as my last scan before I see consultant is 13 weeks so I fit in the time scale to have it done.

I've made it to 8 weeks and so far no bleeding which I am happy about and I am just hoping at at my next scan we see a heartbeat as my 2nd loss was a mmc and baby had stopped growing at about 8 weeks though we didn't find out til I was 9 weeks. I hate not knowing whats going on. Wish I was able to use my doppler and find the heartbeat but I know its far to early.

Immi- Hope you are well sweetie! Hows the sickness? Was thinking would it be ok if you edit your first post and add our names due dates and things like that on it. Will make it easier for us to see where everyone is at and when their appointments are etc.

Laura- How are you feeling today?

Will speak to a mod today and get the thread moved. Keep meaning to just haven't had chance yet lol.x
Ok so sent a pm to a mod so if the thread disappears it will be in the bump buddies section instead. x
Hi ladies! How are we all today?

Jox- Welcome to the thread sweetie so pleased to see you here. I am the same wishing the days away til I reach 12 weeks. I seem to be living my life in constant 2 week waits as I am being scanned every 2 weeks. Feels like 2 years not 2 weeks lol. I really hope come October we both get to hold our precious babies in our arms.

October seems such a long long way away at the mo...i know it will be here in no time but its hard to see this early.

Am seeing MW on wednesday and hoping she agrees to giving me and early scan.

Hey ladies, just a quick not to say i've moved this over to the pregnancy buddies section, its slighty more appropriate to be in here now you have found others with similar situations :thumbup:

Ive left a redirect up for a couple of days so peole dont lose it and wonder where its gone :)
Thanks sweetie for moving the thread really appreciate it.

Jox- I know what you mean. Hayley reminded me today on my fb status that I have 32 weeks to go that feels like a lifetime away but am sure it will pass before we know it. How are you doing? Any symptoms kicked in for you yet? x
Hello Ladies,

I think I am due about 25th October by my reckoning but didnt have AF between giving birth to my son and getting BFP so dates could be slightly out.

I made some great friends on BnB while pregnanct with Kasper and hope over the next 8 months we can make some good friendships.

Hope you are all well and enjoying your early days in your pregnancys. Like me probably wishing 12 weeks would come quicker!!!


Welcome to the thread Jox and many congratulations on your pregnancy, you must be thrilled after everything you've been through. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss :flower:. I clocked your sig and I hope you don't mind I just couldn't resist taking a look at your beautiful boy, Kasper's memorial page and it brought me to tears :cry:. He is a v. special angel baby and obviously v. v. loved by all. You must miss him terribly and I can't imagine what you must have been through these past few weeks, but I am so pleased for you and your OH and that Kasper is to have a new baby bro or sis in October :happydance: I'm sure he's v. proud of his mummy and daddy for being so strong and for coming so far.

Good luck at your MW appointment this week and i'm sure you won't have any probs getting in for an early scan, I think that's the least they could do to reassure you.

Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for doing our new logo Leigh and for getting the thread moved over. Congrats also on getting to 8 wks, I know exactly what you mean about the milestones and comparing things to your mc. Mine was also confirmed at 9 wks, but with worrying scans at wk 7 and 8 so since they said I was 7w 6d on Thurs and everything looked well i've relaxed slightly but I think I need to get past that 9 wk hurdle too, then of course the 12 wk one! I do wish we could hibernate sometimes until the 12 wk scan! Its lovely you're being monitored so closely so you have another scan booked in soon. I wish I did, I was going to ask for one at the scan on Thurs but we were in so much shock when she said all was ok, after my bleed, that I completely forgot and she gave us our 12 wk date!

Glad your midwife appointment went well Rosie. Mine isn't til 10 wks unfortunately!

Been thinking of you loads Laura, I hope you're ok. :flower:

Happy birthday for tomorrow Amy. Glad you're feeling better about things and you've got a lovely weekend planned. Dirty Dancing is my fave film and one of my fave shows, have seen it twice, you'll love it!!! Hope you're not too tired at the end of it as know you're suffering with the sickness right now.

I was so naughty today have been off so much food and honestly the only thing I wanted was a Big Mac! We hardly ever go to Maccy D's, probs twice a yr! However I managed to polish off one and a half big macs and large fries, doh! So ashamed! I could have honestly eaten the other half of the second big mac but since it was my OH's he wouldn't let me! He had a cheeseburger too so not too bad but I still ate more than him! I am craving it again now but the nearest one is 30 mins drive away! It is honestly the first piece of food i've actually enjoyed for about 2 wks now! Would love a chinese girls but think i've had enough junk food for one day, perhaps tomorrow eve :rofl:!

Weekend wise we went shopping today to get some baby bits for my sis as her first baby is due on Tues and then tomorrow we're off to their house so my OH can help my bro-in-law finish off their DIY as they've still got loads to do, including the nursery!

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekends.

Hello ladies,
I did it - yesterday we were bad, not Maccy D's like you Charlie, but The King - I had a whopper meal and a LOVELY DIET COKE!!!!!!!!!!! Felt very naughty, but had a headache all day and the good stuff sorted it out!! Anyways, I don't drink tea or coffee so it is my little treat!

So I'm now 30 - :cry:

I don't think it is actually being old (!!) that is making my day rubbish, but the fact that today is the first day my morning, or should I say all day, nausea became vomit. Felt very sorry for myself sitting on the bathroom floor, head in loo, puking!! Had a little cry, then had cuddles from DH and now feel a bit better. I am absolutely shattered though, V.late night last night - midnight - thought of you Immi and how you have to stay up so late!! I actually feel hungover!

Welcome Jox, congrats on your pregnancy, and :hugs2: for your sad loss. Fingers crossed this journey will be a happier one for you x

How are you feeling today Laura? Still thinking of you x

How is everyone else feeling??

Leigh - what was the name of the tablets you've got for sickness? I'm back at work tomorrow after almost a week off and am really worried how I'm going to cope after feeling so rough! Will just have to 'suck it up' and get on with it, but may have a little help from a pharmaceutical!!

Dancing on Ice and a chinese for me tonight I think!!

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