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Hey Charlie yay for being 9 weeks thats fab!!! I turn 9 weeks tomorow yay! Only 3 weeks to go til we reach that 12 week mark. Can't beleive how hast its gone! I have known about this pregnancy for just over 5 weeks and its flown by even though the days seem to have dragged.

Sorry to hear your still feeling sicky I do hope it passes soon for you.

I was the same as you pre-pregnancy I would be up til midnight-1am and now I am going to bed at about 10pm sometimes earlier if I am feeling really bad.
Hi hun. Thanks you too, congrats for tomorrow in case I don't get on! I am the same didn't realise til you mentioned it but looked at the calendar and its exactly 5 wks today since I got my BFP! It feels like its flown by in some ways your right, in other ways though its dragging but f'xd the next 3 wks will fly too! My scan isn't til 1 April so almost 4 wks away for me unfortunately. I will be 12+6! Have you got yours booked yet?

Gonna try and get an extra early night this eve I think, i'm really flagging already!

Hey all,

I'm a little worried today - my MS has significantly reduced. Yesterday I had it a little in the morning and then in the evening, but no-where near as bad as previously. And today, nothing really, felt a little queasy after breakfast. Just been really really hungry today.

Has anyone else had this yet??

I know I should be pleased, but you know how it is!

Thanks for your advice X
Thanks Charlie. As I am having fortnightly scans I won't get it booked til I have my next one. Hope you are doing well. Fingers crossed the next 4 weeks fly by for you!

Amy try not to worry sweetie I posted on my fb about how my sicknes has eased this past week and people replied saying it got better around the 9 week mark for them and for some it came back soon after it eased. Not sure if its something to do with the placenta I know at 12 weeks it takes over from the hormones and that when it eases but I think the placenta starts forming around now so who knows.

I bet tomorrow you will wake feeling rotten again.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Anyone heard anything from Laura?

I'm not doing too bad had a go with my doppler earlier couldnt hear anything though but knew it was to early so not worried. Will try again in a week or 2.

Anyways I am off to get comfy in my bed and read the rest of twlight (for the 2nd time) before I go to sleep I am shattered. x
Thanks Leigh - so today my MS was back, not as bad as some days, but definitely there :happydance:

Although it may have something to do with the fact I was up til 4am with OH - we went for dinner at friends - they all ate scallops (not me!) and he spent the whole night :sick: and added in the squits today!!! I feel so sorry for him. Am a little worried it might be the D&V that's been going round, just hope if it is I don't get it!! Am sooooooo glad I didn't eat the scallops!

I haven't heard from Laura, but saw on another post that she thought she was MC, HCG hadn't doubled and I think she was spotting :nope: poor love.

Lots of :hugs2:
Hiya all,
What a lovely weekend - we went for a walk round a reserviour - was soooo lovely to get out.
My ms has eased off a bit this past week, it's still there but not as bad. I'm hoping it goes soon! I'm not worried about it so I'm sure it's all fine.
We bought our 1st pack of nappies this weekend at asda as they were £1 for 48! CAn't believe I have nappies in the house. Totally freaking out!!!!!
Hello girls! Sorry ive been absent again... had a very busy (but lovely) weekend!

isnt it nice that the sun is shining :cloud9: makes everything better doesnt it!

Ok, just wanted to drop in to say hello, i have to go make dinner and get ready for stupid work now so will have to catch up with you all another time. after a brief scan i see that you guys are starting to feel a little better now! i am too, still tired and go off food every now and then but i dont need my seabands any more :happydance: Been trying to get into contact with the midwife for days to arrange my booking in appt, have finally tracked her down and have been told to call back tomorrow. so fingers crossed it wont be long until i can actually get my appointment!
Hello everyone!!

Sorry I not been around much eitther lol.

Felt like I was obsessing with how far gone I was or wasn't! like I had gone from counting cycle days and dpo to how many days/weeks preggo I was!! But now I am past 8 weeks I feel like I should at least try to enjoy this!

Am feeling very nauseous! Have been now since 5wk 5 days really!
Yesterday got all panicy cos I felt fine for like the whole afternoon, but today back at work starts around 10.30 and it's stil here. A lunch also makes it worse and givese trapped wind!! Very embarssing wen in meetings with my boss. Luckly she just
laughs :blush:

they have started recuiting to cover me already!! but we have only has one cv in! lol. Very suprised really.

We went to asda at weekend for them nappies! And they blooming sold out!! Do you know how long the offer is on for?

I have my midwife booking in appointment on weds. Quite excited but nervous too. Am a bit on the large side so hoping she doesn't have a go. What should I expect? Will they do any hcg tests. Just getting a bit paranoid. Really just want to kno beanie is doing ok.

Anyway hope everyone is doing ok. ESP laura , hopes she has some good news :hugs:

Kelly xxxx
Hi girls. Just a quickie as for some reason after thinking my sickness had gone this morning its picked up with avengance the rest of today and i'm feeling really nauseous so think i'm gonna put the laptop down for a while and have an early night!

Had a good weekend and was topped of by becoming an Auntie this morning as my sis has had a baby girl called Amelia Lauren! Am going to visit her in hospital tomorrow, can't wait! She's my big sis and its her first! We both had girls, both born in the 5th hr (Amelia 5.18am and Bella 5.06am) and weighing 7lb 3.5oz (Amelia) and 7lb 3lb (Bella!). We both had similar labours by the sounds of things too!

Will catch up with you all properly later. Welcome back Kelly we missed you! Good luck with your booking in appointment this week and Immi I hope you manage to get yours booked in tomorrow.

Congratulaions!!!! :happydance:

lots of baby cuddles coming your way. Love that name amelia. It's on my list too :thumbup:
Thanks hun. I know me too was on my list too! We'd discussed it though and I was really happy they went for it. xxx
Hi Kelly! How you doing?? I know what you mean about obsessing - although I'm a little more relaxed about it all now!! Your booking appointment will consist of the mw asking you loads of questions, checking your blood pressure and urine, taking some bloods, advising you about diet (she may mention healthy eating but shouldn't go on about your bmi), and she should ask you about screening for downs and if you want it. They don't usually check HCG or listen to baby as baby is too small at the moment. Hope that helps! Enjoy it, it suddenly will feel very real!!

Congrats Charlie!! Very happy for you all. Enjoy your cuddles today, will be you soon enough!!

Hope you got through to the mw Immi.

Off to work now, hope the day is kind!!

Laters X
Hi ladies just a quick one will catch up properly later. Thought would let you all know had scan today baby is doing well. Measuring 2 days ahead now. Saw him/her have a good wiggle too. on :cloud9: at the minute as now past the weeks I was when pg with my 1st two losses and we still have a heartbeat so feeling really positive.

Be back on soon to catch up with your news and shall post a piccy too :D x
YAY LEIGH thats such good news!! so now you are due on the 6th? damnit woman you are beating me again :p cant wait to see your piccie!! :cloud9:

wanab, i wouldnt worry too much about your midwife giving you a hard time about your weight. i am worried about that too, as i am a big girl (i think my bmi is about 34 but could be higher, i am avoiding the scales because i have had issues with disordered eating for years and i dont want to be triggered) but i dont think it will be too much of problem. the only thing is that having a higher bmi puts you in the high risk group for gestational diabetes so they may routinely test you for it later on. dont worry, im sure it will be fine! :hugs:

Charlie, congratulations on becoming an auntie!!! :cloud9: thats amazing! my brother has 4 kids and another one on the way so i have been treated to that joy a few times now. its so wonderful!

Hope you have a great day amy and that you dont feel too rough!!

I finally got through to my midwife today :happydance: i am getting booked in on thursday at 10am. and today i popped into the MW unit on my way to town to pick up a set of maternity notes to start filling in (they like you to do the bulk of it on your own, things like names and addresses etc).

Went to the breastfeeding group today, we had the antenatal mums come for a talk. the part of their course is to come to one of our sessions and we have a group discussion/questions and answers etc. Ive been volunteering as a peer counsellor there for 2 years and i love it when the preggie mums come, its so wonderful to be able to give them all of that information and to think that they might end up choosing to breastfeed or breastfeeding longer than they might have done if they hadnt come. I wish there had been a group like that when Jack was little. I was in the first round of training for the peer counsellors so our little group were part of its making, which was awesome :)

Feeling really good today. Loving being pregnant. I am off my food a bit but i dont care. i have a baby in my belly so everything will be okay :cloud9:
Wow that's great news, so happy for you! My ms hasn't disappeared. Am feeling very jealous of those who it has!!!!! I'm well bloated though & am now in size 14 trousers & feeling fat as they fit snuggly. I'm hoping it's all bloat but I don't think it is! I also have constipation (sorry if tmi) anyone else? I'm trying to eat raisins & fibre bars but they;re not helping & I feel too tired to exercise when I get in from work. I guess I'll just have to push past the tiredness.
I'm getting well behind on my work - anyone else struggling to cope? I get home & want to sleep not mark books!!!!
Anyway after that rant I'm happy coz I'm 10 weeks today - yeah!!!!
yeah im getting constipated too hun, it sucks doesnt it! Im sorry you are struggling at work :hugs: its not easy. I hope you are able to find some time to rest and recharge! and YAY CONGRATS ON 10 WEEKS :happydance:
Yeahy Leigh - that's great news!! Really happy for you, looking forward to seeing your pic!

Good news about your booking app Immi - I really need to sort mine out, but don't want to. I'm worried if I do it will jinx it, at the moment I can pretend that it is not really real, but once you book it is suddenly really really real and official. Stupid I know as my mc was real and recorded on my GP notes. Will do it soon!!

Had a good day today, felt pretty sick first thing, but I forced down some cereal and yogurt which helped ease it. Then finished on time at 4 which was nice!! 2 days off now, gonna make the most of it as when I go back on Fri my next day off is the following Sat!

I know what you mean Rosie - I am sooooo fat already!!! Have put on 5lbs! (I am currently polishing off a ham & pineapple pizza - I've eaten all of it myself!!) Gonna be huge by the end of this! Kinda hoping once the ms eases off I'll go back to eating normally and not for 2...or 3 or 4!!

I am also too tired for exercise, but keep thinking I must make myself as I know I will feel better for it. But, also a little nervous as the last time I swam I was 6 weeks pregnant and started bleeding the next day, which eventually became my mc. Stupid I know, and probably just a coincidence, but think I may wait until I'm 12 weeks before I get back in the pool!

God, I sound like a right weirdo today - sorry!!

Hope you're all good girlies XXX

PS. Is anyone else spotty?? I'm having such a break out at the moment, feel like a teenager!!
Thanks girls, had loads of lovely cuddles with my new neice, Amelia today and it was sol nice! She is gorgeous and my sis is doing really well. She's struggling with the BF so really feel for her as baby only wants to sleep so is v. lazy feeding so the midwives are getting her to syringe express to top her up. She's really beating herself up about it bless her. My little one was the opposite and was a marathan feeder and didn't sleep so the other extreme. Any advice appreciated Immi, in your capacity!! Glad you're feeling better by the way and you're really starting to enjoy your pregnancy. Good luck for Thurs.

Congrats on being 10 wks Rosie! :happydance: Sorry to hear work's getting on top of you. I hope the tiredness and sickness eases soon.

Huge congrats on your scan Leigh, that's fab news! Can't wait to see a pic!

Hi Amy, so glad you had a good day. Hope you enjoy your days off. Re your booking in appointment I know it is scary but as you'll be 10 wks soon it might be advisable to get it booked in as I know our midwifes want to see you in your 10th week to take the bloods that are used in conjunction with the downs testing at your 12 wk scan. Mine isn't until 10w 4d as they were v. booked up. Good luck.

Charlie, aww bless your sister, i had the same problem with Jack when he was little. He was very sleepy and was a right pain to feed for quite some time. Expressing a little and syringe feeding is one way of getting a little into them, which should hopefully give amelia some energy to wake up and latch on. she should persevere with that, and some ways of getting her interested in feeding are as follows:

*express a little milk onto the nipple first to entice her to latch on
*tickling her feet/hands/cheeks during a feed to encourage her to stay awake (we had to do this ALL THE TIME with jack when he was a tiny one)
*skin to skin contact - tell her to strip baby off and strip herself off (whilst baby is awake and alert), and just cuddle her. Babies are pre-programmed to find the breast. You can look at videos on youtube of babies being delivered onto mums tummy and immediately crawling up the body and latching on without any help!! its amazing to see!

did she have any medication during her labour? some medications, like pethidine, if given less than 2 hours before delivery can make baby very sleepy for a while. thats why Jack was so sleepy when he was a newborn baby but it does get better. Take it from me, soon that baby will wake right up and be feeding all around the clock! :D Its hard not to feel like this kind of thing is the end of the world, but it will get better and its certainly not her fault! loads of women have a difficult start with breastfeeding. soon it will be so easy, and she will wonder what she was worried about :)

Amy, i totally feel you on the weight worries. I am completely avoiding the scales at the moment, i have a history of disordered eating and i just dont think i could psychologically cope with seeing my weight right now. i am going to have to ask the midwife to not tell me my weight when she weighs me tomorrow! You should def. get booked in asap hon, if you leave it too long they wont be able to get you booked for your 12 week scan in time! i totally understand why you are apprehensive though :hugs:
Thanks so much for your advice Immi I will pass it all onto her and i'm sure it will be of help. She didn't have drugs other than gas and air so not sure why she's so sleepy!

Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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