
wanabamummy- Glad you rang doctors but how annoying that the epu isn't open mine only opens in a morning and never the afternoon. I'm sorry you are getting pains too hopefulyl its nothing to worry about and its something like wind. I know I get terrible cramps sometimes and wonder if its baby then realise its my digestive system lol. Let us know how you get on tomorrow. x

p.s Will contact one of the admins to see if they can move this thread across to the bump buddies section :D Oh and if you like I will have a go at making us a lil siggy for our group will give me something to do in my spare time :D
what is the bump buddies section? Don't wanna loose you all!! :-)
Hi girls

So sorry once again to hear about your 2nd lot of spotting wannabamummy, really hope its just a delayed bleed from :sex: at the weekend. Good luck with getting a scan booked in tomorrow, let us know how you get on. Sending you lots of :hugs:

Happy 8 weeks starsunshine :happydance:

Im-mi sorry to hear you're still feeling so sick. After saying my symptoms had tailed off this morning they were back with avengence at lunchtime and have felt almost the worst yet for the rest of today! Am so confused. Thanks for all your comments girls, having a better day today as no bleeding since yesterday lunch still, no pain or cramps. Thanks Amy, unfortunately af was due 31 Jan so can't be that. Just not sure anymore. Have got my hopes up again though as still feel so pregnant but only time will tell...2 more sleeps til the scan.

Congrats on your scan Leigh, such a cute pic! I really hope all is well for me Thurs as i'll be 7w 3d then too so would love a pic like yours or even just to see bubs but be refused a pic!

Congrats on getting your pram sorted Lawa, great saving! Our pram is in city scape too from M&P, its the one we had for Bella. Think its the pliko pramette though. Good luck on Thurs for your BI appointment, they only do them at 10 wks here!

Morning ladies only 48 hours till my Scan!!

Got to clean today ready for the MW lmao
Hehe yes lawa, baby carriers are awesome! We used a wrap sling when jack was little and a mei tai baby carrier when he got bigger. I am so passionate about babywearing, its fantastic! im a bit of a sling nut :D We're not going to bother with a pushchair at all this time round, just cant see the point. Hehe of course ill be your bf champion!

wanabeamummy, the stabbing pains are concerning especially when they are coupled with bleeding. however i have had random stabbing pains at times too, im sure that its nothing to worry about but because of the ectopic risk im really pleased that you're going to have a scan to have things checked out. Sending love and strength your way i hope everything is ok sweetie.

Aww leigh, cribs are so cute! This time round we are going to get one of those co-sleeper cots that attach to the side of the bed, so we can co sleep but mummy still gets her space!! hehe. aww yeah a siggy for our lil group would be lovely! I love your sig, you're very talented! i wouldnt have a clue where to start when it comes to making graphics!

Beanie, how are you doing today hon? Any more bleeding? I hope its well and truly stopped now :hugs:

Im feeling pretty good today as it stands! just a wee bit tired and queasy which is okay :) will come back here to update properly later!

Haha amy you wont be a slummy mummy! Honestly, by the time you get to your second baby you just kinda chill out about buying stuff. i mean, dont get me wrong, i am excited to buy new things for the baby but with Jack i was just BUY BUY BUY the whole way through and now im like "nah lets give it a little while longer" lol.
Hiya girlies,

prams cost £900???? this is my first so got no idea. Are they really that much?
I bought a car last week as neither of ours are suitable - we both had tiny cars! Now we got a family car with isofix seats in the back so we're all ready when we get the car seat.

sorry I was away for a while it was 1/2 term & being a teacher that meant lots of getting up late & then car shopping!

As for feeling sick, well I had today off after being sick in the loo's during assembly this morning! Thought it best to be sick in my own toilet!! hahaha! But to be really random, I can't stop eating either. Is that normal? I'm ravenous most of the time! Not feeling too bad now. I'm sure it's just a bad day today :( but I'm happy that I have some symptoms.

Going for my scan tomorrow morning, am soooooo excited I know I won't be able to sleep tonight thinking about it. Your scan looked bril btw! I hope mine comes out good. Do you normally have to pay for them? How much are they?

I want to get one of those baby slings as they look really good - the african's do it all the time! I like the idea of my baby next to me rather than all the way down in a pram (although I will be getting a pram too). I also want to give bf a go - in fact I'm kind of stubborn about it at the mo - I will do it, I will do it etc! maybe we can all help each other out when the time comes!

Well that's me for now, bit ranbdom & I'm def not thinking as clearly as I used to . . . pregnancy brain in full flow!
Ladies so scared that I am going to this scan on Friday and their will be nothing at all their :/

Syill not having many symptoms i hope history isnt repeating itself :(
starsunshine, thats awesome that you are feeling stubborn about breastfeeding! its really amazing, im still breastfeeding Jack and he is 2, its not always been easy but its the most worthwhile thing ive ever done. Also, on babywearing: when i stopped using a pushchair and started carrying jack in a wrap sling (much like the tribal ones), he started sleeping better, eating better, feeding better, he was so much more confident and content. Right next to mummy is exactly where little babies expect to be :) And also, when you carry a baby in a proper baby sling (not one of those awful babybjorn style carriers that are terrible for their hip and spine development), like a wrap, it actually counts as tummy time! which was awesome for us as jack hated going on his tummy haha.

Aww lawa, im sure everything will be okay! honestly, my symptoms hardly kicked in until almost 7 weeks (by my dates, not my new ones)! hopefully youll be feeling horrendously sick and reassured really soon :hugs:
ALH- The bump buddies section is just further down the pregnancy after loss section. This thread should be there rather then in here. If you subscribe to this thread it should show up on your profile page when you go to user cp.

Beanie-baby good luck with your scan tomorrow and sure all will go well and fingers crossed you are able to get a piccy.Glad you have no more spotting and that your symptoms are back.

im_mi I have seen those cots you mention and think I will invest in one for when baby gets bigger. We co-sleeped with Charlotte alot and shes a right pain in the bum at bedtimes now so hopefully we will still have that closeness to the baby without him/her getting attached to sleeping in our bed.

I too am usless with graphics but a friend taught me how to do things like that and I'm getting much better at it. Is lots of fun especially when manipulating photos :D Will have a go at making one later tonight. Feeling too bleurgh to do one right now.

Glad you are feeling ok today. Sicknesswise I'm not too bad just trying to find things to eat to keep the nausea at bay which is doing my head in since there is nothing I can think of I want to eat apart from pizza which really isn't good lol. THe first 16 weeks my money just gets spent on junk food and takeaways :blush:

starsunshine- Not all prams are expensive its usually the ones that come in packages with everything you could possibly need. The pram I have from dd I got off ebay for 100 pounds and it was good as new and I love it! Can't wait to use it again with this baby. Going to be buying another though as need a smaller more versatile pram for getting on buses etc.

Sorry to hear you are having a sick day glad you are at home now and can put your feet up. I'm suprised that although I have been feeling awful for the past 2 weeks I have yet to be sick. I think the tablets are helping with that though lol.

Good luck for your scan tomorrow. I didn't have to pay for my scan pic as she gave it to me when she really isn't meant to lol. We have to pay for our 20 week scan pic though.

Lawa good luck with your scan tomorrow I am sure all will be fine though know how you are feeling as I felt the same before my scan yesterday.

I like the idea of baby slings too but my back is knackered after having the girls and I had a carrier when I had Charlotte and it put too much pressure on my poor spine to use it all the time.

I will definately be bf this time round though. When I had Hollie the m/w weren't helpful at all and I gave up trying to bf by day 2. Was more determined with Charlotte and manage dit for 4 months but then my milk dried up and I had no choice to switch to formula. This time round I want to try and bf for as long as possible. x
what kind of carrier did you use? the more mainstream baby carriers are terrible for your back. thats why i always use wraps, i have a lot of back problems but the wraps distribute the weight so well it barely feels like you are carrying a baby at all! :D

im sure youll manage to feed for longer this time hun, anything is possible with the right support and information :) its well worth seeking out a la leche league group now and meeting some other bfing mums so you have a good support network :)
ok, just been looking for a baby wrap - found a sling but no wrap. Where do I start to look? I found a sling at kiddicare that looks good but after what you said im_mi I'm not so sure now!
`im Im I looked at mobys but being a large chested lady at the moment giving room for growth I am worried a wrap will be a nightmare.

I like the idea of a ring sling so I could give it all a bit more room ?
Hi girls. Am feeling much better about things as still no more bleeding since Mon, no pain, clots or even spotting and am feeling so sick, even worse than last week. Just don't know what to think, really hope it was just a random bleed but there was a lot so who knows. Scan at 11am tomorrow, will keep you updated.

Good luck with your scan too Starsunshine and your MW appointment Lawa.

I will defo be bf too if I get that far. BF Bella until 5 months and 1 w, had to stop as i'd started weaning her off a couple of weeks before and had replaced two feeds with formula as wanted to give up by 7 months as had a hen weekend to go to. Once she was on that bottle she decided she liked it and after a couple of weeks she wouldn't latch on at all! I just wasn't ready yet, tried everything to get her to latch back on but she'd just scream the place down! Went into mourning almost and kept crying that my baby was all grown up and didn't need me anymore and OH kept telling me not to be so silly! I felt better in about a week and was a relief to get my body back but will defo be more careful next time to make sure i'm 100% ready before I introduce formula bottles. She had been having one expressed milk bottle since around 8 wks and was fine with that, I think she just got a taste for the formula! I couldn't express enough to substitute more feeds with expressed BM so hence the formula. Not that anything's wrong with formula at all I just missed the closeness that BF brought. Whoever tries it the first 3 wks are hell. They said 2 to me but I was still in agony in week 3 but after that it was fine and worth fighting through it, but can understand why some people stop, have had friends who've had mastitus and all sorts and its harder to feed through the pain then. Good luck to everyone! Can't believe we're all talking prams, slings and BF already, these next few months are gonna really drag, everyone sounds so ready already! Just hope i get to that stage, so won't tempt fate talking too much about stuff until after tomorrow!

Evening all!

Had a scan today and all seems well... Thank god!!

They measured me at 5 wks 5 days which is odd. By my ov I am 6 wks 4 dyas or even by lmp I am 6 wks today.

Anyway we are reliveved that there was a heartbeat , I had to wince but nurse assured me it was there. Not sure how i should date myself though. Mybe go by lmp.

I love the idea of a baby sling. I mentioned this to oh but he was worried about falling over. Also with this being my first I haven't a clue what I am doing and not sure i would be brave enough to ditch a pram!!

Like how do you get baby from car seat into sling easily. And what if you are out and need a wee? And do they also like to be with dad in sling? Can you get lessons on how to use them?
Tbh I have used my sling on my 5 month old cousin and it is so easy! Me and OH will use it to put baby in sling just put sling on take out of car seat and put them in!

Some places I belive have sling meets ?

But as for the wee what you going to do if baby is in a pram exactly the same hun.
wannabeamummy, you can go to the loo when your baby is in a sling! Thats whats so fab about them, you can just get on with your life as normal! I used a Kari-me, its a lot like a moby. I am quite a curvy girl too Lawa and i never had any problems with it at all. They're lovely and stretchy so have plenty of give :) the Kari-me's are a little more stretchy than the moby's, i think, although im not sure as i never had a moby. They are a little tricky to learn to tie but once you get the hang of it they are brilliant, so easy. I would put mine on before we left the house and you can take baby in and out of it without taking it off. Honestly wanabeamummy, after using a pram and a sling regularly i would take the sling over a pram any time for ease of use. Ask your other half what he thinks the tribal ladies in africa do, lol! i dont think theres any safety issue unless you like, fall over a hell of a lot lol.

I could ramble on about babywearing all day long! i have to go to bed now but tomorrow i'll find you girls some links and info to peruse. all this talk of slings is so exciting, i have missed babywearing so much! my little man went in the mei tai every day up until a few months ago and now he has decided he is too grown-up for slings/carriers or pushchairs, lol. I miss wearing him so much itll be great to have a little bean attached to me all day again :D what's better than getting to cuddle with your favourite person all day long? :cloud9:

anyway night night girls speak tomorrow x
just quickly - https://www.kari-me.com/ thats the link to the site about my kari me sling :)
Thanks im_mi

I am very intriged by this , I guess cos I don't know anyone who has done it!! Am very interested in everyones views on this! I guess I should go in a shop and play with one! Lol.

Keep the info coming! :thumbup:
Have a look on the natural parenting forum on here you will find lots of advice and reveiws in the carrier thread and search baby wearing
wanabe, you dont tend to find wraps etc in shops, usually you can get them by mail order or online. I got mine from a pair of local girls who were running a babywearing consultancy for a while :) Yeah the natural parenting forum is a great place to go for info on stuff like this!

Good luck with the midwife today lawa! Whats your real name, by the way? and you, beanie, starsunshine & wanabe? in case any of you were wondering, i'm Immi (imogen) :) x

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