ALH- The bump buddies section is just further down the pregnancy after loss section. This thread should be there rather then in here. If you subscribe to this thread it should show up on your profile page when you go to user cp.
Beanie-baby good luck with your scan tomorrow and sure all will go well and fingers crossed you are able to get a piccy.Glad you have no more spotting and that your symptoms are back.
im_mi I have seen those cots you mention and think I will invest in one for when baby gets bigger. We co-sleeped with Charlotte alot and shes a right pain in the bum at bedtimes now so hopefully we will still have that closeness to the baby without him/her getting attached to sleeping in our bed.
I too am usless with graphics but a friend taught me how to do things like that and I'm getting much better at it. Is lots of fun especially when manipulating photos

Will have a go at making one later tonight. Feeling too bleurgh to do one right now.
Glad you are feeling ok today. Sicknesswise I'm not too bad just trying to find things to eat to keep the nausea at bay which is doing my head in since there is nothing I can think of I want to eat apart from pizza which really isn't good lol. THe first 16 weeks my money just gets spent on junk food and takeaways
starsunshine- Not all prams are expensive its usually the ones that come in packages with everything you could possibly need. The pram I have from dd I got off ebay for 100 pounds and it was good as new and I love it! Can't wait to use it again with this baby. Going to be buying another though as need a smaller more versatile pram for getting on buses etc.
Sorry to hear you are having a sick day glad you are at home now and can put your feet up. I'm suprised that although I have been feeling awful for the past 2 weeks I have yet to be sick. I think the tablets are helping with that though lol.
Good luck for your scan tomorrow. I didn't have to pay for my scan pic as she gave it to me when she really isn't meant to lol. We have to pay for our 20 week scan pic though.
Lawa good luck with your scan tomorrow I am sure all will be fine though know how you are feeling as I felt the same before my scan yesterday.
I like the idea of baby slings too but my back is knackered after having the girls and I had a carrier when I had Charlotte and it put too much pressure on my poor spine to use it all the time.
I will definately be bf this time round though. When I had Hollie the m/w weren't helpful at all and I gave up trying to bf by day 2. Was more determined with Charlotte and manage dit for 4 months but then my milk dried up and I had no choice to switch to formula. This time round I want to try and bf for as long as possible. x