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Charlie its so hard to get past the milestones and tbh I know I won't relax til baby is in my arms. I keep telling myself once I pass 12 weeks I'll relax more but then it will come up to 19 weeks when I lost Jessica and that panic will be back. Then it will be getting past 24 weeks and viable and then those last 16 weeks. Its going to be such a tough pregnancy to get through. Just glad I am getting looked after in this pregnancy. Am looking forward to getting my doppler out and using that too. Might give it a go after my scan next week :D

Amy- I am jealous you got food from Burger King they closed our ones down and the only one we have is a drive thru on the other side of the city and we can't get there :hissy: their burgers are to die for.

I can't stop thinking about mcdonalds I just want to eat their food and have a nice cold cup of coke. Our nearest one is a bus ride away though and I really can't see my df being nice enough to go out and get me some. Am able to get some after my scans though so roll on the 9th for more then one reason lol. Glad you enjoyed it!

So sorry to hear you was sick today its probably because you went to bed late the night before. I find the less sleep I get the worse I feel. I hope you don't have anymore vomiting episodes. The anti-sickness tablets I am on are called promethazine though most doctors usually prescribe cyclzine (Which do bugger all to help me). Its definitely worth asking about if you are suffering really badly.

I just watched Dancing on Ice wish i had money for a chinese the one I had the other day was so yummy!

Ok can I have a little rant about my df. Hes really doing my head in. Hes been off work on holiday and as I am suffering with the sickness I find it hard to cook food or wash the dishes because it makes me gag. So hes been doing it all. Anyways I am getting so fed up of his constant moaning. He cooked a roast today and I managed to eat the roast potatoes but couldn't stomach the rest. As a result I got hungry/feeling nauseaous and so asked him if he could cook me a sausage sandwich. So he said you have a plate full of food in there why can't you eat that? So told him I would if my body would let me.

So he begrudgingly went and made me one. He just makes me feel so guilty! I can't help the way I feel and I can't help that I can barely eat and feel sick all the time and he just thinks I am putting it on to be lazy!

Argghhhh!!!! MEN!!! Why can they not go through this?! Oh and he bitches saying I'm the only one he knows that gets so ill. He doesn't even know anyone apart from me whos ill apart from a couple of people at work who he barely talks to oh and his frigging ex! Ugh hate being compared with her!

He seems to think that everyone has to be the same. Every pregnant woman will suffer the same symptoms every child will do the same thing etc etc.

Anyways rant over so sorry its long it just really gets me down. I am so happy to be pg again and even though I feel like crap I try not to let it get to me just that idiot with his moaning. He has the easy life and I would swap places in a heartbeat just so I could feel human again.

Hope everyone else is well. Not seen Immi post in a while hope you are ok hun!! x
Happy birthday Amy sweetheart! How was the show last night? So sorry you've been sick today, what a day to get sick on so sorry hun, hope its due to such a busy day and night yesterday and you'll feel better for work this week. Great minds think alike, we had a chinese this eve too! Went down a bit too well so feeling v. guilty after my maccy d's yesterday too! Felt quite sick again today but was at my sister's so my OH could help out with their DIY as their baby's due Tues and she leant me her sickness bands, they really seemed to help so made my day!

Hi Leigh. So sorry hun didn't realise you had another loss so late, so sorry. That will be hard for you but like you say I don't think any of us will relax until our baby's are in our arms. Sorry to hear your OH is being annoying. Mine has been ok but I still end up nagging him to do stuff all the time as although he'll help its never off his own back, I always need to tell him what needs doing and what I need, he's not great at being left to his own devices and getting on with things with does my head in! I think you're right they probs don't fully understand. My OH keeps going on about how well my sis has dealt with her first pregnancy, especially since we were with them today, but she didn't suffer too bad with sickness so its not really fair for him to compare us! Don't think he means it but I know he must be thinking i'm milking this deep down to be lazy and get out of chores!

talk about inappropriate oh's mine posted our scan pic on facebook yesterday! can you believe it. Fortunately only 3 people saw it but oh, my, word. I'm so not ready to tell the world yet!!!!! He's just so excited about it all but I'm kind of nervous. I wish I could keep it secret for the whole pregnancy (although I know i'll start showing!!!) Just not ready to tell the world yet . . .
Yeah mine is the same he won't ever do anything off his own back and I always have to nag at him. SAying that though he has been doing the dishes without me having to ask but I think hes realised that his job for the for the forseeable future lol.

Rosie sorry your dh put the scan pic up on fb glad not many people saw though. Bless him! Df is dying to tell his dad and stepmum but I don't want family knowing yet. We have told friends because I need the support if things were to go wrong but thats it.

Just looked at your ticker your 9 weeks today yay!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. I had a really good day sickness wise yesterday because the weather really picked me up. Went to bed late and regretting that now as I feel dreadful today.

Got seabands on in the hope they might help but they don't really seem to be lol. Think a chinese is in order tonight as I have no appetite at all today :( x
Yeah I'm 9 weeks today - thanks for noticing! I'm well happy!!!!! yeah! I feel really sick today, just had a naughty class - didn't help much & I have to stay for an after school meeting, just wonderful. I shall try to puke on them - that'll teach 'em!!!!! lol I won't really . . . just feel like it! Feeling shattered as well - anyone else tired? My constipation's really kicked in (sorry tmi) anyone else's? I'm eating fruit & extra fibre bars from kelloggs but not really working! I'm trying to exercise but between feeling sick & tired & marking & preparing for ofsted I don't really have the energy for it. Ah, maybe I'm just making excuses.

Been looking at car seats, got no idea which one's the best or safest - there aren't any useful descriptions of them, not even on which's best buys. I feel like I have no clue. Any one got any suggestions?
Hi girlies

I thought I had already made a post on here but I cant see it so it obviously didnt work- sorry if it comes up twice!!

I am newly pregnant (yay) 5 weeks and 4 days according to my LMP so I'll be due late Oct.... had an ectopic before so been a bit worried and would love some other Oct mums to chat to! Dont know any pregnant/mums in Brighton so any company is much appreciated :)

Hi and hope ur having a good day!! xxxx
Hi & welcome. Sorry to hear about your ectopic but finger's crossed this one's a sticky bean! Know how you feel when you say been a bit worried, I think we all have on here but keep cheerful! I decided I was going to enjoy my pregnancy & apart from all the symptoms I am doing - yeah!
Hi LittlePip, welcome!! Fingers crossed this one sticks in the right place x

Rosie - congrats on reaching 9 weeks!! I feel like every day is an achievement for us!! How old are the kids you teach? I'm guessing not that old if you have naughty class - can't quite see 16 year olds attending, although that would be funny!!

I konw what you mean ladies about your OH's thinking they deserve a medal for doing the jobs that we usually do!!!! Mine has man flu and is feeling sorry for himself, I am trying hard to be sympathetic, but I feel so crap most of the time I end up getting annoyed at him for being a wimp and not looking after me. Haha - what a bitch!!!!

Leigh - I too find that tiredness makes my sickness worse, after 2 late nights at the weekend I felt awful Sunday and Monday. Yesterday was a good day, managed to eat almost normally all day, although did go to be feeling sick. Have got a real thing for Jacket potatoes and cheese at the moment - usually I don't eat cheese, must be needing the calcium!!

Has anyone else been having headaches?? I get lots of headaches usually and am a bit of a pill popper. Have gone cold turkey since being pregnant, and not really had many. But this last week I seem to have a constant headache, haven't taken any paracetamol yet, as it seems manageable. But this morning it just won't shift, I've eaten and drank loads. Maybe some fresh air will help!!

Charlie- the show was fab!! Recommend it, a little cheesey but good. Was a little disappointed that a lot of the music is recordings and not the company singing - which I thought was the whole point of musicals??!! The crowds reaction to certain parts (ie - no-body puts baby in the corner) was the most entertaining!!! They went wild!

Has anyone heard from Immi recently? She's been quiet on here - hope everything is ok hunni??

Also, Laura - hope you're ok?? Any news on your HCG?

Have a good day girls
Amy X
Rosie- Hope you managed to get through the school meeting without being sick on anyone. Yes I am constantly exhausted and can't even stay up late anymore been going to bed about 9pm as I just feel too tired and sick to stay up any longer. I am suffering from constipation too but can't do much about it since I can barely eat anything I wish i could get my appetite back its driving me crazy not being able to eat normally.

Carseats confuse me too but I don't drive so I don't really have to worry. We do have one my friend gave me that she got with her pushchair which was never used but I am thinking of buying a pushchair that has one attached so if I ever use taxis or my mum comes and picks us up I can transfer baby straight onto the pushchair rather then carrying a carseat with baby in around with me (which does hurt your arm after a while lol).

Hi Little pip and welcome. So sorry to hear about your ectopic but fingers crossed that this one is in the right place and a sticky one at that! Are you going to be scanned early to check everythings ok? My partners family live just outside Brighton your so lucky living down there I love visiting in the summer.

Amy- I had a jacket potato with cheese the other day. Df did it in the microwave and it didn't cook very well so didn't enjoy it as much as I would do normally. Next time will do them in the oven always comes out so much better! I could just eat some cheese on crackers right now though. Think I shall raid the fridge and sit with my youngest and have a nibble on a few lol.

So far touch wood in this pregnancy not had many headaches. I got them badly when pg with Jessica though think it was a combination of hormones coupled with the fact I couldn't keep water down so was constantly getting dehydrated :( Just try to make sure you get plenty of sleep drink plenty of fluids and avoid foods and drinks that can give you headaches.

Glad you enjoyed the show. Thats a shame they pre-recorded some of the singing I too think it spoils the whole point of it being a musical when they do that.

Nope not heard from Immi thought she was a bit quiet hopefully shes just feeling too rough to get online. I will send her a message though.

Hope your doing ok too Laura.

As for me feeling the same as I have done since the sickness kicked in though I am finding I am able to cope with it better then I have been which is good since df goes back to work next week and I will be left to do school runs and shopping etc. Not looking forward to getting up early with the girls though as df has been nice enough to let me lie in as he knows the more sleep I get the better I will feel. Not that he likes that fact as he resents that hes having to get up with the girls grrr!!!

Had a bit of a wobble last night as started cramping even though it was trapped wind in the end it really sends me into panic mode. I couldn't sleep properly because of it. I think its because I am dreading my next scan. I'm so scared of having another mmc and because with my 2nd angel I still had all the symptoms I was none the wiser. I am just praying jelly baby is still with us and has grown strong and healthy. I can't bear to hear bad news again. x
hello girls!

i am soooo sorry for disappearing on you all! i didnt have a chance to get on here for a day or two and then i just got so overwhelmed with the amount of catching up i would have to do i just..... hid :laugh2: BUT i am back now and i am really sorry for worrying you guys!

Leigh, thanks for arranging to have our thread moved! i will edit the first post like you suggested, thats a great idea :) once im all caught up in here and my other threads i will crack straight on with that. Sorry you are still feeling so awful hon, i really really hope it improves for you soon. Your df sounds like a right misery guts! Men just dont get it at all do they, not everyone is the same! i appreciate that it must be hard sometimes to deal with our hormones and moods or whatever but its only 9 short months and its not like they have to carry the baby and deal with it all like that. :hugs: I was having some cramps last night too which totally freaked me out as well, so i understand hon. im sorry you were worried. im sure its just wind though, like you said. it can be soooo painful! Im sure jelly baby is still hanging in there, roll on your scan so you can feel more reassured :)

Hi amy! sorry to hear about your headaches hon, that must be horrible! I havent suffered much from them but ive heard it is common in early pregnancy. i wonder if there is a baby-safe natural remedy you could try? hopefully the fresh air will help. are you sure you are drinking enough? i am CONSTANTLY thirsty at the moment and dehydration can cause lots of nasty headaches.

rosie, omg thats so naughty of your other half :laugh2: bless him he must be really excited. We are dying to tell people too but holding on for a bit longer. Someone i work with regularly is pregnant too and we are due on the same day, and she really wants us to break the news to work together at 12 weeks :haha: DH wants to tell his mum and dad but she is a total gossip and would never keep it to herself, lol. Ive told most of my friends though which is nice :)

Laura, how are you doing honey? Any more news on your HCG levels?

Welcome littlepip! nice to meet you :) have you got a surestart Childrens Centre where you live? most big towns have one, its a great way to meet other mums! congrats on your pregnancy xxx

Im really sorry if i have forgotten anyone! its so nice to be back with you girlies :hugs: as for me i am actually feeling a lot better these days. Im able to eat pretty much what i want (craving sweet things at the moment) and as long as i get my seabands on first thing i feel pretty normal most of the time :) i get really tired and still queasy from time to time but its really improving which is a huge relief. really starting to enjoy being pregnant now :D I have a little bump already which is crazy, as i am only 8+4 (well more likely 9+3 but will have to wait for 12 week scan to confirm). also, today i started feeling the baby move. I was totally convinced that it must be in my head but after a quick google i have found quite a lot of people saying they felt little flutters this early on with their second baby. its definitely not wind, it feels JUST like it did with Jack when i was about 16 weeks. Amazing!! :cloud9: it feels like little bubbles popping. Im so happy i feel like crying :cloud9:

I teach 11-16 yr olds Amy! believe it or not they can be really naughty & a right handful. This particular lot were 13-14 & really got on my nerves!!!! I hadn't had a good nights sleep the night before so that's probably what the problem was. Anyone else not sleeping well? I generally get up 2 times but go back to sleep - that night I hadn't gone back to sleep so was definatly sleep deprived! I shouldn't complain about little sleep should I as it's only gonna get worse . . .!!!! lol!

Leigh I think the stretching pains are meant to be normal. I'm getting a few pains over my hips at the mo but just am assuming they are normal as no-ones told me otherwise!

My OH tried to be really helpful last night & put on one born every minute! I told him to turn it over & quick - not quite ready to face that reality yet!!!!!

Immi, I'm sure my belly's bigger & my trousers are really tight already! My tummy feels really tight & I'm sure I can feel my womb starting to press out (am I dreaming it, getting fat or could this really be the case?). Oh, and I can't fit into my tops coz my boobs have grown so much! I bought two maternity bras but I've lost one so got to get another asap!!!!

Laura - how ru?
Hi girls

Hope your OH is out of the doghouse now Rosie, what a nightmare! Bet he was mortified when he realised you wanted to wait! Congrats on reaching 9 wks! I’m 9 wks on Fri, can’t wait! Re constipation, I have been suffering too but think its being made worse as I’m so scared of straining myself and bringing on another bleed like last week, as did wonder whether I did some damage as I had been constipated leading up to my bleed. Know it was probs unrelated, just another thing to make me paranoid! Re carseats we have a Mamas and Papas one which came with our Pliko Pramette but I wouldn’t recommend it. I would say the best ones are Maxi Cosi. We have the next size up for Bella and are thinking of investing in the smaller one for the new arrival, as we never actually used its feature of clipping it on the pram in the end as always liked to lay her flat in the carrycot from the car. Your job sounds v. intense, I think its bad enough being at home with one 2 yr old let alone a classroom full of teenagers!!!

Welcome Littlepip. Sorry to hear about your ectopic. Congratulations on your BFP and best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months.

Hi Leigh. I finally got some sickbands too as my sis leant me hers, but likewise, not sure how much good they’re doing but am still wearing them for peace of mind that I am doing all I can! Still feeling v. sick and off so much food. The only things so far I’ve enjoyed is a big mac, Chinese and a BLT baguette! All good stuff as you can see! Had my bro-in-law over last night and had to cook fish and veg for him as he’s on a special diet! Only just managed to get it cooked as the smell was making me so sick. He loved it and so did OH (who usually hates fish!), but me who usually loves fish and veg couldn’t eat any of it. Tried a bit of everything then had to give up! Can’t wait to get back to our usual routine of the last couple of wks tonight since he’s now gone, so OH can take over the kitchen and I can put my feet up on the sofa all eve and moan about how sick I feel!!! You could say I’m milking it but this is the only time I can get away with getting him to do some chores!

Sorry to hear your lie in’s will be coming to an end soon, I can sympathise as my OH is going to be working in Canary Wharf from mid-March so he won’t be able to get Bella up and do her breakfast before he leaves as will be leaving really early! I get up about 7.30am at the mo which is a lie in for me, then I get showered and ready whilst he finishes her breakfast and it works really well whilst I’m so useless feeling sick!

Not long til your scan now! Please try not to worry, I know its easier said than done but I have a really good feeling that you have a sticky little fighter in there that’s not going anywhere!!! I get a lot of trapped wind too at the mo and its so painful its only natural it keeps us on our toes and makes us worried its something else. Hope you’re feeling better now.

Amy glad you enjoyed the show, know what you mean about the music but the atmosphere is great. The first time I saw it it was one of the premier shows and the atmosphere was amazing everyone was singing! V. cheesy like one big hen night but had so much fun. The next time I saw it it was still buzzing but as it was Valentines there were more guys in the audience so I think the girls were being a bit more reserved!!! Sorry to hear you’re suffering from headaches, I was plagued with them around the time I got my BFP but seem fine now. I think looking at your diet is probs your best bet but won’t be easy when you’re feeling sick, especially if you’re into cheese at the mo as think that could cause headaches, but not sure!

Laura I hope you’re ok. Been thinking of you. :hugs:

So great to hear from your Immi. V. reassuring to hear you’re feeling better already and the end is in sight to all this sickness! Think I might have a bit longer as sure it was around 14 wks with Bella that I started feeling better again! Am gradually finding a couple of things I can eat and enjoy (lard based mainly!) so that gives me some break from it all!

Yay for your bump and feeling your little beanie moving :happydance:, so happy for you! I haven’t felt any movement yet but have a definite bump going on already!

How you feeling Kelly, haven't seen you in here for a while too, will have to pop over to your journal and give you a poke! :rofl: Hope you're feeling ok.

Charlie xxxxxxxxxxxx
Immi - great to hear from you, glad you're doing ok! :thumbup:Am sooo pleased for you that you're feeling movement :wohoo: (and a little jealous!!:mrgreen:), can't wait to feel that! Also glad that you are feeling a little better! I'm still wearing seabands - treated myself to a new beige pair that blend a little more than the grey ones I had!!

OMG Rosie - TEENAGERS!!!!!! You poor thing! :dohh: All hormonal and cocky!! My boob are enormous too!! I can no longer fir into certain tops. Luckily most of my bra's are ok as I lost loads of weight last year before our wedding and am now filling the old E cups!!!!

Have also got a little belly, but I think mine is more due to all the rubbish I'm eating!!!!!

I'm usually pretty good with my water intake - 2-3 litres a day! But since MS kicked in I've been drinking loads of diet lemonade, maybe that is the reason for my headaches? I'll try to cut back and see how it goes!!
Yay Immi so pleased to see you are back we missed you :cry: Glad you are doing ok and you feeling alot better.Thats fab you can feel baby move! I had a flutter the other night but think its far to early to feel anything. Looking forward to getting to 9 weeks going to try and test my doppler see if I can pick up a heartbeat. Probably won't do but no harm in trying.

My sickness is slowly getting better just wish my appetite would hurry and resurface because I am fed up of having to plan my meals day by day. I usually plan a whole weeks meal so only have to do one shop but df is having to go out everyday. I am glad that with this pregnancy I can keep water down think that helps me feel better too as previous pregnancies I would feel so weak due to dehydration.

Charlie I don't envy you having to cook fish. I can't stand the smell of it though am ok with tuna. Poor you having to cook it :( You sound like me and my df the only time he does chores is when I am suffering with morning sickness I don't really milk it but I do complain a heck of alot that hes so lucky etc etc.

Rosie I bet its easier on you to teach teenagers then younger children. You can just tell them what needs doing and they get on with it whereas younger children need alot more attention iykwim. Hope the kids aren't making it too hard on you.

I love watching one born every minute. Makes me so emotional and excited all at the same time I just hope things go ok with this baby as now I am so attached to him her iykwim and these type of programmes makes me become even more attached.

The pains I had last night was definately trapped wind but it drives me crazy thinking every little twinge or pain means somethings wrong.

I think I have a little bump going on now too. In the early weeks it was all bloatedness but thats gone now and my tummy certainly feels a lot harder low down. Can't wait to have a big massive bump!

Amy- I think its definately worth cutting out the lemonade and see if thats the cause of your headaches. Also before you were pg did you drink much caffeine and then cut it out that can cause headaches too. x
Bumping up hope everyone is well!!

I have got thrush :( THankfully have cream already from when my eldest got it a couple of weeks ago so fingers crossed it clears up soon. Never had thrush before and its horrible :( Feel so sorry for Hollie when she had it as hers was really really bad poor thing! and now can imagine just how much she was in pain.

Apart from that I am ok. Managed a walk to Tescos today first time I have been out in over a week. Have a party to go to on Sunday too as its my friends daughters 1st birthday so fingers crossed I can get through that without feeling too poop! x
aww no leigh! thrush is awful. one word of advice: the cream is good for the external symptoms but i know for me it has never cleared up the infection. I always use the canesten pill as well as the cream, you can get it free on prescription at the doctors. I used it twice when i was pregnant so its totally safe. Mine always clears up super-quickly with that combo :hugs:

Glad you managed to get out and about hun! being cooped up is the worst. Is it nice and sunny where you live? its bloody gorgeous here, hooray for spring!

Where is everyone?? its so quiet in here!
Now listen here Immi - you can't ignore us for ages then complain that we're quiet!! :winkwink: Hehe!! How are you doing now - sickness still improving??

I know I've been more quiet than usual, I've just been so tired. I've done a full week this week and by 4pm I'm deadbeat!! Having dinner at 5pm - on my own as OH not getting home til late. Then been in bed at 8pm. I know.......I'm so wild!! :rofl:

Leigh - Thrush is rubbish!! I've had it loads of times. You have to be careful which pill you take in pregnancy, the one they sell over the counter you can't take. So if it worsens see your GP. Pessary is quite good during pregnancy. Alternatives include tampon dipped in live yogurt or tea tree oil!!! Also a garlic clove inserted overnight into the vagina - this one I picked up from a hippie farm in Tennessee!! Don't really try this one at home!!

Cannot wait for a lie in tomorrow morning, although think OH has meeting in London, so he'll be hankering after a lift to the station!!!

Going over to friend tomorrow eve for dinner, am worried I'll want to go to bed again at 8 - maybe they won't mind if I go lie down for half an hour!!

Slept really badly last night and was woken at 5am, felt so rough all morning, but stangely, after about 10am the sickness has been better today, just very hungry, which is not good as I have already put on 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do worry a little though if the MS symptoms are not as strong as I worry something is wrong. Hopeful will feel well sick later!!!!

Well, it's 5pm so I'm off to eat my dinner - Fish Finger Sandwich - Mmmmmmm!! Omega 3 FF too - to help my baby's brain grow - lol!!

How are the rest of you girlies doing??

Have a sunny weekend
Hi girls,

Sorry i've been quiet too, maybe its because my last post was such an essay :blush: I thought i'd give you girls all a break!! Just kidding.

Sorry to hear you have thrush Leigh sounds nasty. Haven't had it as an adult but think I may have had it when I was a girl. Hope it clears up soon.

Can't believe i'm 9 wks today :happydance: Feeling it though am still feeling v. sick and I am the same as you at the mo Amy am just so tired all the time! Can't say i've managed to get to bed as early as 8pm but think I would sleep if I did manage it! I tend to have to have a snack whilst Bella's having her tea at around 5.30 to keep me going and then I wait for OH to get home and cook us some dinner, which I think gives me 2nd wind to get through the eve. Have been trying to get to bed by around 10-10.30pm which is early for me as i'm usually a night owl and usually don't end up in bed til around midnight-12.30am!

I hope you have a nice meal with friends and you manage to catch 40 winks at some point on the sly! My OH is off out on a birthday pub crawl for two friends so Bella and I are off to stay with the wife of one of the birthday boys to keep her company. They have twins and don't have a babysitter so she can't go. Am not sure i'll be much for company as am usually miserable and v. sicky in the eves so we'll see what happens. Have no idea what she's cooking which is making me v. nervous as not sure i'll be able to stomach it, lol!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekends.

Thanks immi well hoping just the cream will help as the symptoms seem to be on the outside and as it helped clear up my eldests thrush fingers crossed it will mine. If it doesn't then will definately see my doc about the pessaries.

Amy sorry to hear you have been so tired lately same here I am sat here yawming and rubbing my eyes lol. Going to be even worse when df goes back to work and I have to be up with the girls at 7am I bet I will be a zombie and end up going to bed the same time as they do lol.

Its not really been sunny here though has been warmer then normal.

My sickness is so much better now too still feel yucky but nowhere hear as bad as I was and feel more human during the day now. Makes me worry hormones are dropping or something but as long as I feel sick at least once a day then that keeps me reassured. Was very close to being sick after being in tescos and waiting for the bus home.

Tempted to use my doppler see if I can pick up the heartbeat but not sure if I will or not. Think with Jessica i found heres at 10 weeks. x

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