
Ah, some of them just *are*. I hope she is doing okay and that things get easier for her soon!
Can't believe it was asked by a kid today if I was pregnant!!!! The cheek of it. I'm so bloated but I do think I've put on weight as well. Still constipated but managed a little one today - don't think that's helping. Can't get over being asked if I was pregnant!!!!!
oh man, ive been asked that once or twice and i havent known where to look! not long until youll be able to tell everyone hun :hugs:
Sore throat and unable to take any proper medications!! :growlmad:
Oh no Amy, hope it gets better soon but don't hestitate to go to docs coz you can have antibiotics if you need them. Try honey & lemon drinks.

Thanks Immi, I was so shocked!!!! I proper laid into her! I'm not sure I'm gonna tell any pupils, maybe when I've got a huge bump I might concede & say "what do you think" every now and then! Most work colleagues know now as they've noticeed me flying past their classrooms on my way to the toilet!
Sorry ladies for not getting back on sooner have been so tired so had an early night last night and today df went back to work so am completely shattered will go on my lappy later before I go to bed and catch up with everyone. Its been a pain lately and will only charge when turned off so only get an hour or so on it before the battery dies and I have to turn it off grrr!!!

Anyways heres my scan piccy :D My friend reckons baby is facing the screen staring right out at us lol.

Wow Leigh thanks for sharing, your scan piccy is so gorgeous! We are so close in dates its really lovely to know ours would look like that now too! What a stroke of luck that he/she was looking at your guys! :happydance:, you must be on :cloud9: still!

Sorry to hear you're under the weather Amy, hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Hi Rosie, what a nightmare re being put on the spot like that and by a kid! Roll on 12 wks that's all I can say!

Ah Leigh, that picture is perfect, it is so cool to see your little baby!!! Really happy for you! I can't wait for my next scan to see what's going on! X
Ok catch up time have been so ill past few days I haven't had any energy to look at a screen never mind concentrate enough to type.

Rosie- Yay for buying nappies. I didn't know Asda were doing an offer damn ilnesses preventing me from going out. Any idea on when the offer ends. I have 2 packs of nappies from when I was pg with Jessica sat on my bookshelf waiting to be used. Was only earlier I made room for my twilight books that I moved them further up and picked up one of the free sample nappies you get in the pregnancy packs and realized just how small they are last time I had a baby wearing size 1 nappies was over 2 years ago. I just hope I get to use them this time. Sorry to hear a pupil asked you if you were pg maybe he/she has sussed with you running to the toilets.Won't be long til you can tell them.

Immi- Glad to hear you are feeling better and that you don't need the seasickness bands anymore :happydance: Hope your m/w appointment went well.

Kelly lovely to hear from you hope you are well.How did your m/w appointment go?

Charlie- Congratulations on becoming an auntie what a beautiful name!! I had Amelia picked out when pg with Hollie but dh didn't like it :( Its nice seeing scan pics at the same stage that you are I keep googling to look at scan pics to form a mental picture in my head of what babys size is.

Amy- Hope you feel better soon it sucks having a sore throat or any other illness when pg as you can't really take anything for it.

Well update on me I have been feeling so poop lately. Got a cold at the beginning of the week followed by a stomach bug the next day. Cold seemed to ease up then bam Jason goes back to work and I wake up to a lovely sore throat. Then Wed night I got unbroken sleep as my eldest was sick which resulted in a major migraine yesterday. When I get migraines I throw up and continue to be sick til theres nothing but bile left in my stomach yuck! Felt so sorry for myself last night. So embarrassing as well as I have to sit on the toilet whilst being sick as my bladder is so weak after being pg so many times. I managed to keep my sickness tablet down with sheer determination before going to sleep. Today I feel better and have managed to keep lucozade and a sausage sandwich down. Starting to feel really sick now though because I haven't eaten since 1pm and theres nothing I can think of to eat that will make me feel better :(. Been holed up in my bed all day as even the slightest movement makes me want to be sick.Df had to take time off to look after me and my eldest (youngest has gone to my mums for the night). Roll on 16 weeks when touch wood this sickness goes away. On a positive note I think I can feel baby moving. Like bubbles popping but can't be 100% sure its baby or wind lol. x
Hi Leigh great to hear from you just so sorry you've had such a terrible wk, poor you. Really hope you manage to eat something to get you through the night and you feel better in the morning. Sending you lots of :hugs:

Re looking at scans online I do that too and have been looking at 10 wk scans on youtube this eve as i'm 10 wks today! :happydance: So lovely to see. Wish I had my own personal scan machine!!! Oh and yay for feeling possible movement! :happydance:

aww leigh so sorry youve been feeling so rough!! :( you poor thing. i hope you feel loads better soon. roll on 16 weeks! hope it speeds by for you honey :hugs:

oh wouldnt it b great to have your own scan machine charlie!! lol i would never leave the house :D

sending hugs to everyone xxx must go to bed now, soooo tired.
I know it would be awesome! You never know in a few yrs maybe, lol! Think we're stopping at 2 though, gutted! Its like they never had scans a couple of generations back, so a lot has changed already! Maybe for the rich and famous first though!

Coming on for a moan! I have no appetite at all now no matter what I eat I want to be sick straightaway. Tried eggy bread earlier as I fancied it but it didnt agree with me and so sat trying not to be sick. Df went and got me a chow mein as it sounded appetising but again couldn't eat the duck without retching. Please jelly baby let your mummy have her appetite back soon I miss eating :(

Hope everyone is well. I agree having a scan machine would be fab. I know Tom Cruise bought Katie Holmes one whilst she was pg. To have the money to do that *sigh*!! x

I'm coming on for a moan too - I still feel sick :( I thought that once you got past 10 weeks it was meant to get better but mine's still here. My form kids noticed this morning & wanted to know why I was at school & didn't want to catch anything lol! Feel really crap & am getting observed next lesson, double crap. Feel like I want to go home but know I can't!!! When's it meant to get better - week 13? It's like the end is in sight but it won't let go!!!!!!
Hi everyone!!

Hope everyone is doing ok?! Sorry to babytots and sunshine you still feeling poo!! But it's always good news isn't it! Lol

my nausea comes and goes. Sat I was moaning to my friend itwas fading then yesterday at my oh family do I felt rubbish after lunch till I went to bed!!

Got my scan thru today! It's 4 wks today! However I wanted it earlier as we have oh kids down that week and we want to tell them straight away. We had a
lot of trouble at Xmas with eldest daughter. She found out bout baby and thru a right ol tantrum about how she didn't want dad having another family so not looking forward to that week really. So hoping scan unit will bring it forward for me!

Also have another dilema that my friend who is pregnant has picked the same boy nAme as us!! It's my grandad name so we really want it. So gona brave it and talk to her this wek. But my have to risk our kids having the same name!! Great!!! Thing is she is due the time my angel was so she gets it first!! arrgghhhh!!!

Anyway that's me!! Sorry I been quiet but get all para one minute and totally excited another!!

Oh yer the asda nappies offer is still on!! So go get em girls!! I picked up 3 packs on sat!! Not sure when it finsihes but 48 for a quid you just can't complain!!!

Am starvin!! Oh is cooking again!! Bless him xxxx
Hi ladies how are we all today?

Rosie sorry to hear you are still feeling like poop too. Usually it starts to ease at about 12 weeks when the placenta takes over though I have found in my case its not til 16 weeks til I start feeling better so another 5 weeks for me of course am hoping I will be feeling better sooner lol.

I hope your pupils don't guess that you are pg. Had to lol at them thinking they might catch it.

Kelly I hope you manage to get your scan brought forward. I am sorry that your daughter reacted that way about the baby I hope in time she gets used to the idea.

Don't worry about names tell your friend and am sure she will understand. One of my best friends has her daughter named Holly and I have a Hollie didn't bother me in the slightest her naming her daughter that as its a free world and if two friends have the same name for their children then so be it. Thats my take on it anyways lol.

Glad to hear the Asda offer is still on I hope its still on tomorrow as I shall go buy some :D at that price your not wasting any money. What brand of nappies are they just so I know what to look for.

I can't wait til I reach 20 weeks and can start buying proper things its so hard after what happened with Jessica I daren't buy anything extravagant til the last minute so will mainly buy clothes at first then order the crib and cot when I am about 30-35 weeks.

We have told our familys now. Mil isn't happy about it which we knew she wouldn't be poor woman being deprived of seeing her son because we want to be happy! feck her though lol. She was the one to move to France and I don't put my life on hold for no one so shes going to have to lump it!

Fil and his wife were over the the moon for us though which more then made up for it :D and we got some really fab news. My sil is pg too and due the same day as me :o can you beleive that!!! Of all the dates to be due shes due the 7th same as me going by my last scan :happydance: only downside is that she lives miles away from us (were up north whilst his family is down south) so we can't really share our pregnancies together :( Visiting in the summer though so can go baby shopping together.

Oh and I found jelly babys heartbeat yesterday on the doppler so happy!! was 10+4 and its the most wonderful sound. I also have a lovely neat bump too and will upload a piccy on here soon anyone else starting to show? x
ooh leigh thats so exciting about your SIL! :D and about starting to show, cant wait to see a bump pic! im definitely showing too, although admittedly it is mainly fat :lol: theres definitely a hard bump underneath it though! i look very pregnant, having to wear baggy clothes so no one guesses! i dont understand your mil hun, ugh some people are just ridiculous.

aww rosie im sorry your feeling rubbish :( really hope it eases off for you soon. not long until you can spill the beans at least!

how are you doing, charlie?

wanab (im sorry i cant remember your name) thats great about the nappy offer! we are using reusables this time so i wont be taking advantage of the offer but its great that they are so cheap! :)

well i cant quite believe how fast its all going girls! doesnt seem that long ago we were all nervously celebrating our bfp's together :cloud9:

I have a date for our 12 week scan!! its on the 1st april. ive asked my dad to look after Jack whilst we are there so DH will definitely be able to watch this scan! I'm so excited. we told my dad and DH's family at the weekend and they are all really chuffed for us! just a couple weeks now and ill be able to tell the whole world, i cant wait! getting fed up of keeping it secret now. i was talking to a lady at the breastfeeding group today and we were talking about our losses last year (shes had several miscarriages) and she was like "well i really hope it happens for you soon honey" :blush:
Hi girls

Great news about your SIL Leigh, what a lovely surprise! Sorry your MIL wasn't v. positive about your news, that's really sad, hope she comes round. Yay for hearing the HB!!! :happydance:

Sorry to hear your still feeling so rough Rosie, hope it eases soon. I defo feel like mine has started to ease now, its coming in waves rather than continuous nausea and sickness. I think i've also worked out what hits the spot now food wise to give me a break from it. Riveta and laughing cow cheese triangles seem to work for me!

How are you doing Kelly, did you manage to get your scan brought forward? Will have to swing by your journal for an update.

How are you feeling now Amy?

I'm fine thanks Immi, had my midwife booking in appointment today which went well. Took well over an hr forgot how many forms they had to fill out! Glad you got your scan date through, its the same date as mine!!! :happydance: I think i'm still feeling quite anxious about things though as it feels like I had my scan after my bleed ages ago now even though its only been just under 3 wks. I keep having nightmares and reoccuring dreams about the scan room and that as its April Fools Day on 1 April, i'll be told they made a mistake at the last scan or baby has since died. :cry: I was having these dreams before the last scan but then they stopped as felt better after we saw the HB. Must have been anxious about my booking in appointment as they started up again at the weekend. OH keeps being woken up with me screaming in the night, "not again, not again"! Poor guy! He is well used to this though as I often get these night terrors when i'm anxious or going through an emotional time. I used to have them as a kid and used to sleepwalk but then nothing until my dad died 5 yrs ago. Then they started again after mc in Nov for a while and now they're back. They're usually about something being in the room or in the bed, like a creature or something or something flying in the room or other times I jump up and tell OH there's someone in the room stood by the bed, not nice! I was having these last week but then they changed back to the scan room scenario at the weekend! I'll see what happens tonight. OH was doing the washing up last night before he came to bed and had to run upstairs as I started calling out, couldn't remember a thing this morning (sometimes I do sometimes I don't)! The MW said perhaps I should try not reading anything to do with pregnancy before going to bed, I didn't have the heart to tell her my nightly routine is to watch TV whilst checking in with BnB!!! :rofl:


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