Hi ladies how are we all today?
Rosie sorry to hear you are still feeling like poop too. Usually it starts to ease at about 12 weeks when the placenta takes over though I have found in my case its not til 16 weeks til I start feeling better so another 5 weeks for me of course am hoping I will be feeling better sooner lol.
I hope your pupils don't guess that you are pg. Had to lol at them thinking they might catch it.
Kelly I hope you manage to get your scan brought forward. I am sorry that your daughter reacted that way about the baby I hope in time she gets used to the idea.
Don't worry about names tell your friend and am sure she will understand. One of my best friends has her daughter named Holly and I have a Hollie didn't bother me in the slightest her naming her daughter that as its a free world and if two friends have the same name for their children then so be it. Thats my take on it anyways lol.
Glad to hear the Asda offer is still on I hope its still on tomorrow as I shall go buy some

at that price your not wasting any money. What brand of nappies are they just so I know what to look for.
I can't wait til I reach 20 weeks and can start buying proper things its so hard after what happened with Jessica I daren't buy anything extravagant til the last minute so will mainly buy clothes at first then order the crib and cot when I am about 30-35 weeks.
We have told our familys now. Mil isn't happy about it which we knew she wouldn't be poor woman being deprived of seeing her son because we want to be happy! feck her though lol. She was the one to move to France and I don't put my life on hold for no one so shes going to have to lump it!
Fil and his wife were over the the moon for us though which more then made up for it

and we got some really fab news. My sil is pg too and due the same day as me

can you beleive that!!! Of all the dates to be due shes due the 7th same as me going by my last scan

only downside is that she lives miles away from us (were up north whilst his family is down south) so we can't really share our pregnancies together

Visiting in the summer though so can go baby shopping together.
Oh and I found jelly babys heartbeat yesterday on the doppler so happy!! was 10+4 and its the most wonderful sound. I also have a lovely neat bump too and will upload a piccy on here soon anyone else starting to show? x