Hi girls!
That is lovely Leigh, but a real bummer about MIL. We're going to Ireland next week to tell my In-laws and I'm nervous about how it will go. We didn't get off to a very good start, which was only finally resolved last October - 3 years after we'd been together!!
She also said quite insensitive stuff when I MC last year, just hope she keeps her bloody mouth shut!!!!!!!! Sorry, she just makes me so mad sometimes!
I've looked in Asda for these nappies, but can't find any for £1. Are they Pampers or Asda own brand??
That's great news about your dating scan Immi - are you gonna have a nuchal/combined screening?
Kelly - hope your OH's daughter comes round, hopefully she will start to get really excited - how old is she? I'm sure if she is involved with the baby she will love it and want to play at being mummy!! And as for names, I wouldn't worry, if you really really want that name have it. It is so stupid now days, people reserving names - you can't do that!!!!!
Charlie - you poor thing, am so sorry for you having these awful dreams. I am also having lots of weird dreams, but not terrors or nightmares. Although last night I did dream that my FIL committed suicide for an insurance claim - haven't told OH about that dream!!!! Also find I'm dreaming about work loads. Does it help if you try relaxing before bed?? Or read a trashy novel? I hope it soon stops once you reach 12 weeks and can relax slightly. Hope you sleep better tonight, sending you
vibes X
So, what's been going on with me?? Well, I've done a few naughty things recently!!
My MS is improving, mornings are getting much better, still feel awful in the evenings and am in bed by 8 or 9pm, but the nausea is better. This worried me a little, so I was very naughty, I used my doppler and found the HB!!!!! Felt bad - this poor little thing hiding deep inside my pelvis and there I am poking it with this noisy sonicaid! Have been good though, haven't listened since.
But then I was even more naughty........ whilst at work last week one of the sonographers had a gap in her morning list - so I asked her to scan me quickly. Very naughty I know, but there aren't many perks to working in the NHS! It was so lovely to see my baby getting big and it's heart beating away. Will try and upload a picture - baby was moving so much though it is not very clear! have now very tentatively allowed myself to get a little excited, not a lot, but just a little. Can't believe I'm almost 11 weeks - time is flying by!
Have also got my nuchal scan on the 28th which I'm nervous about, but also looking forward to seeing bubba even bigger!
I promise not to be so naughty from now on!! Gonna just relax and stay positive that all is ok.
Hope you're all feeling ok today? Roll on 12 weeks X
PS. I'm STILL really spotty!!
That is lovely Leigh, but a real bummer about MIL. We're going to Ireland next week to tell my In-laws and I'm nervous about how it will go. We didn't get off to a very good start, which was only finally resolved last October - 3 years after we'd been together!!
She also said quite insensitive stuff when I MC last year, just hope she keeps her bloody mouth shut!!!!!!!! Sorry, she just makes me so mad sometimes!
I've looked in Asda for these nappies, but can't find any for £1. Are they Pampers or Asda own brand??
That's great news about your dating scan Immi - are you gonna have a nuchal/combined screening?
Kelly - hope your OH's daughter comes round, hopefully she will start to get really excited - how old is she? I'm sure if she is involved with the baby she will love it and want to play at being mummy!! And as for names, I wouldn't worry, if you really really want that name have it. It is so stupid now days, people reserving names - you can't do that!!!!!
Charlie - you poor thing, am so sorry for you having these awful dreams. I am also having lots of weird dreams, but not terrors or nightmares. Although last night I did dream that my FIL committed suicide for an insurance claim - haven't told OH about that dream!!!! Also find I'm dreaming about work loads. Does it help if you try relaxing before bed?? Or read a trashy novel? I hope it soon stops once you reach 12 weeks and can relax slightly. Hope you sleep better tonight, sending you

So, what's been going on with me?? Well, I've done a few naughty things recently!!

But then I was even more naughty........ whilst at work last week one of the sonographers had a gap in her morning list - so I asked her to scan me quickly. Very naughty I know, but there aren't many perks to working in the NHS! It was so lovely to see my baby getting big and it's heart beating away. Will try and upload a picture - baby was moving so much though it is not very clear! have now very tentatively allowed myself to get a little excited, not a lot, but just a little. Can't believe I'm almost 11 weeks - time is flying by!

Have also got my nuchal scan on the 28th which I'm nervous about, but also looking forward to seeing bubba even bigger!
I promise not to be so naughty from now on!! Gonna just relax and stay positive that all is ok.
Hope you're all feeling ok today? Roll on 12 weeks X
PS. I'm STILL really spotty!!