
Hi girls!

That is lovely Leigh, but a real bummer about MIL. We're going to Ireland next week to tell my In-laws and I'm nervous about how it will go. We didn't get off to a very good start, which was only finally resolved last October - 3 years after we'd been together!!
She also said quite insensitive stuff when I MC last year, just hope she keeps her bloody mouth shut!!!!!!!! Sorry, she just makes me so mad sometimes!

I've looked in Asda for these nappies, but can't find any for £1. Are they Pampers or Asda own brand??

That's great news about your dating scan Immi - are you gonna have a nuchal/combined screening?

Kelly - hope your OH's daughter comes round, hopefully she will start to get really excited - how old is she? I'm sure if she is involved with the baby she will love it and want to play at being mummy!! And as for names, I wouldn't worry, if you really really want that name have it. It is so stupid now days, people reserving names - you can't do that!!!!!

Charlie - you poor thing, am so sorry for you having these awful dreams. I am also having lots of weird dreams, but not terrors or nightmares. Although last night I did dream that my FIL committed suicide for an insurance claim - haven't told OH about that dream!!!! Also find I'm dreaming about work loads. Does it help if you try relaxing before bed?? Or read a trashy novel? I hope it soon stops once you reach 12 weeks and can relax slightly. Hope you sleep better tonight, sending you :sleep: vibes X

So, what's been going on with me?? Well, I've done a few naughty things recently!! :blush: My MS is improving, mornings are getting much better, still feel awful in the evenings and am in bed by 8 or 9pm, but the nausea is better. This worried me a little, so I was very naughty, I used my doppler and found the HB!!!!! Felt bad - this poor little thing hiding deep inside my pelvis and there I am poking it with this noisy sonicaid! Have been good though, haven't listened since.

But then I was even more naughty........ whilst at work last week one of the sonographers had a gap in her morning list - so I asked her to scan me quickly. Very naughty I know, but there aren't many perks to working in the NHS! It was so lovely to see my baby getting big and it's heart beating away. Will try and upload a picture - baby was moving so much though it is not very clear! have now very tentatively allowed myself to get a little excited, not a lot, but just a little. Can't believe I'm almost 11 weeks - time is flying by! :cloud9:

Have also got my nuchal scan on the 28th which I'm nervous about, but also looking forward to seeing bubba even bigger!

I promise not to be so naughty from now on!! Gonna just relax and stay positive that all is ok.

Hope you're all feeling ok today? Roll on 12 weeks X

PS. I'm STILL really spotty!! :growlmad:


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Aww amy what a great pic! haha if i worked in a hospital id be jumping on that scan table all of the time :laugh2: i havent yet decided whether to have the nuchal screening yet. I dont think we will. If it came back high risk, there's no way we would risk having an amnio to find out for sure and then we would just end up worrying for the entire pregnancy. so i think we will just leave it to nature and im sure everything will be fine :) there's nothing to be done if the baby did have Down's anyway, there's no way on earth we would terminate because of something like that so :shrug:

Oh charlie those dreams sound awful :( i really hope they ease off soon. Perhaps lay off of the bedtime BnB? :hugs:

Oh man i wish i had a doppler, although poor baby would be being poked all of the time :laugh2: Amy where did you get your doppler from?
Hi guys,

I feel really bad coz I've come on here to moan again! I've got ofsted in tom!!!!! arg!!!!!

I had a nightmare the other day but not had one since. If I don't manage to get on here again before mon I have my scan at 8.45 - yeah! I'll def be on mon eve to let you know how it goes & if I can I'll upload a piccy.
Afternoon ladies!!

Hope everyone is feeling well, on this lovely day!!

congrats on your Pic Amy, its lovely. i dont blame you for geting sneaky scans in i would too if i had the opportunity!! :haha: your very lucky!! the Nappies are ASDa own brand. they have had reviews to say they are just as good as pampers. not sure how long the offer is on. but i beleive they are trying to do a big promo to try to get people to buy them!!

charlie- the dreams could be related to bnb!! lol. its the last thing you think about before bed. When i was reading twilight i would dream about Edward Cullen!! lol and he was my secret boyfriend!!!

not not till your scan imogen, just over a week. glad the fam is all happy. i cant wait to tell everyone. feel like i have known for ages. Girls at work know, which seems weird cos the rest of my friends(apart from close) and bro and one sis dont know!!

Good luck for monday Rosie! how exciting!

I couldnt change my scan cos its a nuchal and the time frames they need me in. they are going by my lmp dates. Which is like 4 weeks away. so i spoke to oh and we agreed to have a private on monday. just so we can be reassured. as we will need to tell the kids on the Sat we pick them up, as DD will go abs mad if she is in the house for 2 days and we not told them. She is 15. so she is at that age where the world is against her. I will be 9wk5 by my lmp or 10wk 2d by ov date. so will see how baby is on monday. am really really nervous about it but excited at the same time.

I also spoke to my friend about baby names. and she thought it was funny. couldnt quite beleive out of all the names (vincent (vinnie)) as its not a common name that we both chose the same!! weird. we both agreed that we will just have 2 vinnies running around!! we are glad its out in the open so we cant accuse of stealing names. phew!!

not long till the weekend!!! whoop whoop!!!

Thanks girls. Still having restless nights but the nightmares have defo got better since my MW appointment on Tues. I think maybe I was extra anxious about it for some reason. Since I am quite restless i'm trying to get to bed as early as poss so I get as much deep sleep as I can. Thanks Kelly, I love Twilight and Edward Cullen so that is a good plan!

Forgot to say in my post, but said in my journal that the MWs upset me a bit as they both said they thought my bleed could have meant I lost a twin! I think they thought they were saying the right thing and that it would make me feel better but I thought that was a v. insensitive assumption to bring to my attention as even if we have one healthy beanie in there, i'd rather not think we lost another, which would mean we'd lost two beanies in 5 mths! Have taken it with a pinch of salt though as although there was loads of blood I never had any clots and no other sacs were picked up on my early scan so didn't let it upset me too much! They knew that though and still said they still wouldn't be surprised!!! I think sometimes things are best left unsaid but hey ho!

Amy lovely to read your post and your update. What a fabulous scan pic, huge congrats! Oh and don't apologise for being cheeky we'd all do it if we had half a chance, perks of the job and all that!!!

Good luck for your scan on Mon Rosie if we don't hear from you. Wow that's mega early! Ours on 1 April is at 9.20am which I thought was bad enough! Oh and I hope Ofsted were kind to you today.

I'd love a doppler too Immi but reckon i'd get obsessed with it. Had a friend that had one and occasionally she would not be able to find the HB and she was constantly rushing off to the hospital to get checked out!

I am feeling a bit better this week, sickness defo coming in waves rather than continuous and starting to enjoy food again here and there. Have a huge bump going on a friend of mine was constantly staring at it this morning at coffee so I ended up telling her and she said she thought I must be! Figure i'm 11 wks tomorrow and she knew about my mc so didn't mind telling her too much. Think i'm gonna have to start looking out some old maternity clothes soon as struggling with tops to hide it!


Now girls............HANDS OFF EDWARD CULLEN - HE IS MINE!!!!!!! :growlmad:


Glad you're starting to feel better Charlie. The midwives didn't need to say that to you! To be honest, I don't think it was what they said - when I mc at 6 weeks there was big clots and then I passed lots of tissue/baby/stuff (sorry, gross!) and think if you had lost a twin you would have seen that. You can have something called vanishing twin, but you don't usually bleed etc the twin is absorbed = disappears. Don't let them get you down! I hope you're usual midwife is nicer. :hugs:

I have a doppler for work and I know what you mean about people using them incorrectly. I usually do not advocate self listening as, exactly like you said, women don't know what they are listening for and may struggle to find it and panic, or be reassured that they can hear it when in actual fact they are hearing their own heartbeat! It is fine as long as you know what you're doing with it! I think it is much nicer for Daddy to listen through the tummy once baby is bigger!!

My Asda doesn't have these nappies on offer - bummer!! Think I may go for the Bambino Mio reusable ones anyways!

Kelly - I love the name Vinnie - so cool!! Also, good luck with your scan and DD. Can't wait to see a picture! :thumbup:

So Immi and Charlie have their scans on the same day which is cool - double pictures to look at!!! :happydance:

Not long til we're 12 weeks girls and can breath a little more!!

Am also very sad to admit defeat to my size 10's today :cry: I was getting ready for work and after living in leggins forever I thought maybe as I was feeling a little better I'd put on my usual trousers. Well, I had to think again!!!!! They were soooooo tight, I had a huge muffin top. Is it too early to be buying maternity clothes????

Gonna go to Rigby and Pellar next week and treat myself to some new (probably MASSIVE!) bras. I'm usually a 34E, but they are the size of blooming watermelons at the moment. Am kinda worried how big they are planning on getting!!!!!! I shall be known as AmyBigBoobs!!! Lol!

:hugs: to you all x
Hi all, so i have managed to get on-yeah reading wot ur all up to cheers me up a bit! Amy my asda were all sold out of those nappies but the one in the next town had loads. Its worth grabbing a pack as i've read that u need disposable ones for hosp. Is that right immi? And charlie, i can't believe wot that mw said to u-i hope ur alright and not thinking like that. Cor blimey! Well ofsted went really well-my head was v nice and told them i was pregnant and feeling sick so they didn't see me, but the school did well and we're out of special measures yippee! Can't wait till mon, bit nervous bout it but so excited too! Have a great wkend all xx
Hi, I`m Barbara and I`m 23 years old. I`m looking for a buddy that is due around the same time as me: 11th October 2010.
I`m from the Netherlands and live in Hull, UK for almost 2 years.
This will be my 2nd pregnancy, after a miscariage in March 2009.

I'm new to all this....congratulations to all of you. I'm due the end of October with my second baby...I already have a wonderful little girl who is 14 months.
starsunshine, i dunno how it works in big hospitals but at the maternity unit where i stayed after having jack they actually had cloth nappies there for us to use whilst we were staying there. Ive never heard anything about having to have disposables at hospitals :shrug: i havent even really looked into it because im having a home birth this time.

Welcome to the newcomers! :D

sorry this is a short one, just off to the NCT nearly new sale and my lift will be here in a minute. Its too bloody early, lol, but im excited about getting some lil baby bits & pieces! also need to get a booster seat for Jack as he is rapidly outgrowing his highchair...

catch up with you all later if i can xxx
Thanks Amy and Rosie, have forgotten about it already and taken it with a pinch of salt. I agree with you Amy there would have surely been more products of conception passed if it had of been a twin. It wasn't the midwife I will have that I had when I was pregnant with Bella as she was delayed so it was a new midwife and a trainee midwife, both of which I didn't know and had joined since I had my daughter, so fingers crossed I have my old midwife next time!

I am in the same boat as you Amy, was a 10-12 and am struggling to find things to fit me. I wanted to wait until after the scan to sort out all my old maternity bits but after struggling to find something to wear this morning I succumbed and sorted through all my old bits from during and after pregnancy this afternoon. Think I overdid it though as have been having stomach cramps since as was lugging big vaccuum packed things and re-suctioning them etc. with the hoover after i'd sorted through everything and put away lots of my current wardrobe that I am 'hoping' I won't be using for sometime. Took me a good couple of hrs and am now feeling like I tempted fate! Hopefully its just a bit of trapped wind or something and it passes soon. OH has banished me to the sofa though and it feet up for me this eve!

I'm so glad ofsted went well Rosie, that's so nice your bosses to steer them in the other direction for you. Hopefully your stress levels can come down a notch now that its over. Not long til your Easter hols, do you get 2 wks off? That will be nice for you, oh and good luck with your scan on Monday, you must be so excited! Can't wait to see a pic.

I hope you got some nice bargains at the sale Immi. I haven't been to one for ages as have always been busy on the day they're scheduled. I love a good nearly new sale!

A huge welcome to the newbies, congrats on your BFPs.


Hey all!

Immi - I went to an NCT sale yesterday too!! It was an experience, I'd been warned about what they were like and it was interesting! This might sound snobby but it was like a posh jumble sale!! They had loads and loads of clothes and toys, but not a lot of stuff that I need. Also didn't really want to buy anything yet, I've kinda got it into my head that I won't buy a thing until I've had my 12 week scan!!

Welcome to the new girls!!

Am very tired today, was up at 2am for work and got home about 10.30. managed a couple of hours sleep when I got home but feel like a zombie now. Gonna veg on the sofa and eat crisps this afternoon as OH is at work til 9pm!!

Immi - I think it is great you're having a homebirth, I love homebirths. My problem is that I live 20 miles away from the hospital I'm giving birth at. There is a more local one down the road, but I worry that if I need to transfer in for any reason they will take me to the local hospital and not my hospital. Other problem is OH is a doctor and they are generally not very pro-homebirth!! If I was adamant he would go with it, but my secret plan is to have a BBA - to labour quickly at home, call the midwife at the last minute and not need to go to the hospital!!

Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend?

I've only got to work Mon and Tues, then we're off to Ireland for a few days to tell the In-laws our news!!

Love to you all X
Morning all!!

not sure why i am up so early, as i have a day off today and there is noone else here apart from my 2 furbabies..... who didnt even come to see me this morning!!

hope everyone had fab weekends.

I only heard about those NCT things the over day! i googled the next one and doesnt seem to be one till october!!! are they really that rare? cos they sound fab!!!

bought i first proper purchase on sat! a lovely huge Ted baker handbag for a bargain of £38!! so i will use that as a changing bag! lol. the ones in mamas and papas were £50!!!

Good luck to Amy for today!!! i too have a private scan booked in today at 12.15!! eek!!!! very nervous but very excited too!!!!
hiya girls,
Can't believe it - I'm pregnant!!!!!! I know, I know, but seeing my baby on the scan it really struck me! Scan went really well, hopefully I've changed my profile pic so it should have a pic of the scan on. I've been moved forward to 12 weeks 3 days which kind of makes sense as that should have been my period if I hadn't been preggars before if you get me? Not sure that's really clear but anyway, I'm so happy that all went well.
My baby was lying face down though so couldn't get nt scan done - having to wait until 15 weeks for the blood test now! Oh well, Baby was being quite lazy really, looked v cosy in there. Kind of curled up into a little ball and then stretched out again but wouldn't move over! I have a feeling, it's not going to let us know it's sex at the next scan either - got my stubborness then!!!!!

Well I'm going to buy some maternity clothes now as I'm only just squeezing into my other clothes & I assume it won't be long befoer my bump pops out now - 4 days earlier than expected!!!!!

Can't get over it, can't wait to hear about your scans too.

If you want to add me to facebook I'm on as Rosie Fleetcroft but I might not go on for a couple of days as I'm not very well & don't want to get in trouble for playing on the internet when I'm taking time off work.
Hi ladies been a bit awol lately will catch up with everyones news later when I feel a bit more human.

Finally got over that sickness bug and touch wood my nausea has got so much better the last couple of days even managed to do some shopping and take the girls to the park which is a first for me at this stage (usually am so ill in pregnancy that I become a hermit lmao).

Got my next scan tomorrow I can't wait and then nuchal scan on Thursday when I will be exactly 12 weeks!! wahoo!!

I got some of those asda nappies bought 2 packs and think will buy another. Babies grow out of nappies so quickly that I don't want to get too many size 1's.

Anyways got to get off and get dressed and nip to the shops but when I get back I shall put my feet up and catch up with everything I have missed. x
meet my baby!!!!:cloud9: he was wriggling around! measuring 10wk 2 days. cant believe how happy i am today!! now gona go for a nap cos i feel sick.


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Meet my baby now I've finally managed to get him/her on here!

Lovely piccy Kelly, nice and clear, they're sooooo cute.
hello can I join in please :)

Im kerry 24 from cornwall I have 1 gorgeous son who is nearly 10 months old we were ttc for 3 years before having him with one m/c and am now pregnant with our 2nd which was a nice unplanned shock!! :) Our scan is 29th March :) xx
Huge congrats to Kelly and Rosie on your scans and what lovely bubs you both have, loving the pics! :happydance:

Good luck with your scan today Leigh, can't wait for another pic this eve!

I hope you have a lovely break in Ireland Amy and that the in-laws are v. excited by your great news! Hope the weather stays nice for you.

Welcome Kerry. Congrats on your pregnancy. How have you been feeling?


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