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Girls, your scan pics are lovely!!! It is all getting so real now! I'm so happy for us all. Can't wait for my scan on Sunday!
Off to Ireland, enjoy your week and I'll catch up with you later in the week.
Amy xxx
Ps. Welcome Kerry - congrats!
Ireland!! So jealous accent makes me go weak at the knees!!! Lol

have a fab time x x
Hey :) Went for my scan on friday and I've been put bk a couple of weeks so my EDD is now 9th Oct! Looking to join Octo-bumps so I can share in all my adventures with the rest of u lucky ladies x
p.s. here's my scan pic! got his daddy's nose we think haha! x

Gorgeous scan pic, congratulations and welcome to Octo-Bumps!!!

Ok am having a catch up as I haven't had chance to get on to catch up with you all so sorry!

Amy what a gorgeous scan piccy thats fab you managed to get a sneaky one done at work I would love to be able to do that!

Kelly glad that your friend was ok with the name you have chosen its a very sweet name!! So pleased your scan went well and what a beautiful piccy of your baby!!!

Charlie I can't beleive your m/w said that to you try not to worry about it although it can happen I am sure that wasn't the case for you its so common to have bleeding in early pregnancy and I wonder if they say that to all the mums-to-be they see with bleeding. Grrrr!!!

Immi hope you got some bargains at the nct nearly new sale!

Rosie so pleased your scan went well what a gorgeous piccy lol at baby being upside down must be a comfy position to be in!

Welcome to the new ladies. Barbara I am in Hull too such a small world how are you finding living here?

So had my scan yesterday was meant to have my nt scan Thursday but the epu decided to do it there and then to save me having to come in Thursday was a bit bummed about that as I was looking forward to seeing my baby twice this week but never mind. Scan went well jelly baby is measuring a day ahead so now due 6th Oct though my offical due date is the 7th as they are going by my scan last week which was classed as my dating scan.

Nuchal fold measured 1mm which is good and I think with my age the results of the combined screening will come back low risk.

My next scan is in 2 weeks. Finally starting to get excited now that I have made it to 12 weeks just can't wait to get to 20 weeks as then can start buying things :D

Oh and my nausea as all but gone feel a bit yucky when I am hungry and first thing in the morning but apart from that I feel like me again. Still on tablets though daren't come off them til the nausea goes completely.

Heres the most recent scan pic of jelly baby and a bump pic taken at 10 weeks.


Thanks Leigh, i've forgotten all about it already. I know that was my thought too if they say it to everyone with bleeding!

Thanks for sharing your scan pic and bump pic with us, so pleased for you they're lovely!

Glad you're feeling much better too. I've also noticed a marked improvement on how i'm feeling nausea wise this last week. It just comes in waves now occasionally.

Wow, love the scan & bump pic. Glad it's not just me getting a bump - thought it's quite early to be getting a bump now? Anyway, I have one!!!! I'm also feeling better, with less nausea but the tiredness is still going strong! I'm thinking of telling people soon as I'm sure I can't hide it much longer. How are you all going to tell people & when?
wow! its so lovely to come back here to such positive news from everyone :D so many lovely scan pictures, trips to ireland, and morning sickness going away! :happydance:

Sorry i went awol again lol, im so rubbish at keeping up with all of the forums i go on, i inevitably neglect one every once in a while.

Had some sad news today, a girl i know who was due on the same day as me has just found out today that she had a MMC :cry: i feel really bad for her and she says shes fine but i think she just doesnt want me to feel bad about still being pregnant, iykwim. I hope our friendship will be okay.

My scan is a week today!! i'm so excited! i cant believe that in 9 days time i will be in 2nd tri, its flying by isnt it!

leigh thats a lovely bump pic! i would say mine is about the same size at the moment, i must take some pics soon.

i had to tell someone at work about being pregnant, lol. she kept badgering me as to where i got my new shirt from because she really likes it and its from mothercare maternity, lol. i wouldnt tell her in front of everyone and she looked all hurt, so i pulled her to one side later and told her. she's not the gossiping type though so its okay, and besides i will be announcing as soon as we have had the scan.
Just bumping us up hope everyone is doing well! I've now got a big craving for apples I can't get enough of them at the moment lol.

Used my doppler again today and picked up jelly babys heartbeat straightaway so reassuring to hear :D

Has anyone started feeling movements yet I get the odd sensation now and again but can't be sure if its baby or not. x
aww leigh thats lovely! i wish i had a doppler. I keep thinking i can feel something but im not sure.... its still so early to tell isnt it!
Its strange because when pg with Jessica I felt movements quite early on and this time not as much I can't wait to start feeling proper movements I've missed that part of pregnancy so much!

Hope you are well hunni! x
Hello ladies!
just a quickie, I'll fill you in on Ireland and MIL later, but just wanted to share my 12 week scan with you - think it is definitely of Irish descent as it is drinking a pint on Guinness!! X
Here it is!!


  • Baby Scott.jpg
    Baby Scott.jpg
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Hi hunni what a gorgeous scan piccy and lol at him/her looking like he/she drinking a pint of guiness!!! Hope you had a lovely time in Ireland and it went well telling MIL x
Congratulations Amy, your scan pic is so cute!!! Hope you had a lovely time away.

That's lovely you've found your little one's HB on the doppler Leigh, so jealous! Re the movement have been feeling the odd sensation but think its too early to tell, could just be wind, lol!!! Will keep an eye on it though as you never know, we could be onto something!

Wow that scan pic is amazing! love it! They're so funny aren't they.
Anyone else not fitting into clothes anymore? My trousers really don't fit - they almost don't fit with the hairband trick but I'm not big enough for maternity wear yet . . . Any ideas?
Afternoon everyone!!!

Congrats on your scan Amy! Babe defo looks like its drinking something!! :rofl:

I have been weighing myself since my midwife appointment to see if i am puttin on any weight and today my scales have risen!!! :wacko:

nought i can do about it i spose, but think i will start to swim again? its ok to do a couple of sessions isnt it? i dont swim fast or anything and will probably be in my lunch break so will only be about 1/2 hour.

Finally found baby heartbeat this morning!!! i bought the doppler at 8weeks and oh kept telling me off cos it was too early!! so i tried at the weekend and no joy. i woke up early this morning and thought i would try instead of gettin up.:sleep: nearly gave up and i found it!! i nearly cried!!! cant wait to get home and have another go so OH can hear it too!!!! :happydance: its such a relief to hear, really is.

anyone know how to record them things? i tried to hook it up to my iphone, but no joy.

Good luck to everyone who has scans this week, and happy 2nd trimester to those that are passing over!! :thumbup:
Hey girls!!

So, where shall I start with my Irish MIL??!!

As soon as we got there she was asking "so, any news then??" We'd already agreed we'd wait til FIL was home too to tell them together. So I said there was no news, to which she replied "oh well, it will happen soon enough". This pissed me off lots as if I were not pregnant I think it is a horrible thing to say to someone who had a miscarriage 3 months ago - for all she knew we were still not over it or really upset by it. She is so insensitive sometimes.

Anyways, OH and I had a secret look and decided we'd tell her. She was very excited, and asked how far along I was. Why I didn't lie I do not know, when I told her I was 12 weeks she went off on one. "I can't believe you're 12 weeks, that is 3 months. You've known all this time and you haven't said anything. I can't believe it". My pissed off level was ever increasing as we told her we had not known for 3 months, only about 5 or 6 weeks actually. And also we didn't want to say anything because of what happened last time, we didn't want to have to upset them if we had another bad outcome.

Then she wanted to tell OH's dad straight away, we said no we wanted to tell him in person, but she was already calling him on the phone!! Luckily he didn't pick up. So, we told him when he got home, and he was delighted (and normal!).

The next day we went to the local shopping centre, and she kept looking at all the baby stuff, going on and on about what we should buy. I tried to tell her I wasn't even thinking about buying stuff til after our scan on the Sunday. Did she listen?

Then she decided she wanted to tell OH's brother and GF who are traveling in Africa, we again said we wanted to tell them ourselves. I'd had an idea to send them an email with the scan picture in as a surprise. But, there she was calling him up, but again luckily he didn't pick up!

The next thing that pissed me off was when we checked our blood pressures. She has raised blood pressure and has a machine to check at home. When we go over we always play with it. So we all did our blood pressures and mine was the lowest out of all of us at 90/60. Well this did not go down well, she usually has the lowest as she is on medication - we try to tell her that doesn't make her the healthiest as the tablets are making it low, but she insists she is the best! I was trying to tell her that the majority of pregnant women's blood pressure drops during pregnancy and this is perfectly normal. But she wouldn't have it, when she had her middle child her blood pressure was very high and they were going to keep her in hospital. She has suddenly become and expert in pregnancy!!!

She then suggested coming over for a week at a time once the baby is born to 'help out'. I am having panic attacks just thinking about it already!!!! If she books a flight without asking us I will go spare!! I am going to lie about my due date, 2 weeks later than the real one so she won't keep calling me asking if there is any news - I hate that! Do people not think we will tell them when there is any news!!

She also kept going on and on about how difficult having a baby is and how life changing and it will be so much harder than I think. Talk about setting me up for a fall. I am determined to show her that it is a breeze, even if I'm dying on the inside!!

And finally, we were briefly talking about names - she started the conversation - I said I liked Poppy. She said she didn't!! It is too short, our surname is Scott she said we need a long first name as the surname is quite short. I find this rather hilarious seeing as my OH's name is Neil!!!!! Not exactly a long first name is it??!!

Oh my god - I'm so sorry girls, that has been brewing all week. Knew it was gonna be a massive rant which is why I've put off telling you!! We have never really got on from the start and I don't think I will ever really like her, but who knows!

Kelly- I'm gonna start swimming again now I'm past 12 weeks. Regular gentle exercise is good!

How is everyone else doing?? Immi - is your scan today or tomorrow? And is yours this week too Rosie? I remember that 2 of you have them on the same day. Can't wait for pictures!!

None of my trousers fit anymore, I'm living in leggins!! Am thinking of buying some maternity ones with the big elastic waist thingy!! Just for work, but I feel silly trying them on when I don't really have a bump!!!

Love to you all X

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