
Wow, wot a weekend Amy. At least she is excited for you - it could be a lot worse!!!! We all have to put up with someone crazy in the family!!!!! (I hope that doesn't sound too unsupportive). Definately lie to her about your due date - give her 3 weeks late then even if your baby comes late you'll be ok! & make sure you choose the name you want - it's none of her business. We've not told anyone our names. As I'm a teacher it's hard enough for us to agree on a name I don't teach without any extra stress for family or friends. Try to ignore those silly little comments that are bizarre to say the least - it's not worth upsetting yourself.

I've had my scan a week & a half ago & they put me forward. Today I'm at 13weeks, 6 days. Can't believe it. Tomorrow in 2nd tri - are they kidding me????? Where did all the time go?

I too am in maternity leggings as nothing fits anymore. I can kind of wear skirts over the top if they're elasticated but I can't even get my zips done up, let alone buttons! I felt a little funny going into the shop to try them on so I ordered them on line from asda & went in to pick them up. I tried them on in the shop though & one was far too big - I think it was the pair of work trousers under the bump. I reckon they'd put a size 14 & labelled it 12 as they were massive. Kind of made me feel bit better bout my weight though!

I'm also mega mega hungry all the time. I eat constantly. I'm a right muncher!!!!

I have been asked by several kids now if I'm pregnant. I keep going on about how rude it is to ask the q but they keep coming back to me. I'm not sure I can ignore it after the easter break!!!! oh well, 2 weeks hols yeah!
Wow, wot a weekend Amy. At least she is excited for you - it could be a lot worse!!!! We all have to put up with someone crazy in the family!!!!! (I hope that doesn't sound too unsupportive). Definately lie to her about your due date - give her 3 weeks late then even if your baby comes late you'll be ok! & make sure you choose the name you want - it's none of her business. We've not told anyone our names. As I'm a teacher it's hard enough for us to agree on a name I don't teach without any extra stress for family or friends. Try to ignore those silly little comments that are bizarre to say the least - it's not worth upsetting yourself.

I've had my scan a week & a half ago & they put me forward. Today I'm at 13weeks, 6 days. Can't believe it. Tomorrow in 2nd tri - are they kidding me????? Where did all the time go?

I too am in maternity leggings as nothing fits anymore. I can kind of wear skirts over the top if they're elasticated but I can't even get my zips done up, let alone buttons! I felt a little funny going into the shop to try them on so I ordered them on line from asda & went in to pick them up. I tried them on in the shop though & one was far too big - I think it was the pair of work trousers under the bump. I reckon they'd put a size 14 & labelled it 12 as they were massive. Kind of made me feel bit better bout my weight though!

I'm also mega mega hungry all the time. I eat constantly. I'm a right muncher!!!!

I have been asked by several kids now if I'm pregnant. I keep going on about how rude it is to ask the q but they keep coming back to me. I'm not sure I can ignore it after the easter break!!!! oh well, 2 weeks hols yeah!
Ah amy! Your post made me chuckle! At least mil cares I guess! Just a bit ott. Lol

my mum has said she will stay over wen baby is born. Oh said oh no don't think so lol. But we will see!! It's me that's gotta cope!!

Rosie, you students sound sweet that they noticed!! Bless them.

Hoping everyone has got lovely weekend breaks ahead? Me and oh are spending 2 nights away sight seeing in Cambridge. Bit of us time before the kids get here next week.

But that's next week and need to enjoy this week!!!! Xx
Hi Kelly

Try not to worry about the scales for now, I’ve put on 5lbs already, I think its only natural as we a little further along now. Hope you have a lovely time in Cambridge. Great you found your little one’s HB! :happydance:

Ah bless Rosie, the kids do indeed sound quite sweet, they’re obviously happy for you. So when will you announce, are you still keen to keep it under wraps even though you’ve had your scan?

Amy your MIL sounds like a nightmare! However, I’m not sure I know many women that don’t get annoyed with their MILs but it sounds like she is rather hard work…..small doses that’s what you need, never mind her coming to stay every other wk after your little one arrives! :haha: Good luck in persuading her otherwise! I hope you still managed to have a lovely time away.

I hope your scan went well today Immi.

I had a complete stress attack yesterday before mine as the vet thinks our cat might have toxoplasmosis so the doc advised me yesterday to get a blood test after my scan today, so I spent yesterday stressing whether I’d caught it and the baby not developed well. Feeling less anxious now as all went well at the scan and the lady doing my bloods reassured me that as I’ve had cats all my life I’ll probs come up with the antibodies to it and then they’ll just need a further check to see when I got them, recently would not be good but if it was a while ago it would have been before I conceived. Did worry that my mc could have been related and the baby be affected but everyone’s since told me to stay off google and I’m now behaving myself til the results come back! No point worry just yet, I’m just gonna be extra careful with the litter tray from now on (am usually v. good anyway) and get my OH to do it as much as possible!

So onto the scan…..it was AMAZING!!! Forgot how clear they are at this stage. Our sonographer was lovely and went into so much detail with us. The downs test came back 1 in 16000 which she said was low so we’re happy with that. She said 1 in 800 for my age so combined with bloods and nuchal measurement it was even better! We had a little active bubs (in the end, he/she was slightly shy to start!) and we had waves, kicks, hiccups!!! He/she was crossing his/her legs and feet a lot, so cute!!!

Here’s some pics, they may come up slightly large, sorry!

https://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af27/charlieg8173/12%20wk/BabyScanPhoto0002.jpg This is my fave. Bubs kept crossing his/her legs/feet - so cute!



awww what gorgeous pics!!! so clear. mine arent quite so clear and sharp but i have a fat layer, lol. so i wasnt expecting it to be crystal, iykwim.

The scan went really well, we didnt have the NT scan or any downs syndrome bloods taken. I was totally happy with my decision until someone on here told me that the NT scan checks for other more serious conditions than downs and now i am really stressing out because nowhere on our leaflet did it say anything about that, it very clearly says that the test is for downs syndrome and that's it. So im not quite sure what to think about that one. Just going to try to relax and remind myself that the likelihood of something being wrong is slim.

But yeah, the scan was awesome and so detailed. baby was lying in a really weird position so the sonographer had to poke and prod him a bit to get him to move, lol. He was so cute when he finally woke up, he was waving his little hands in front of his face and crossing his little feet over each other. Even the sonographer replayed the little hands a couple of times and cooed over it :laugh2:

The sonographer was such a star, she even printed off 4 pictures for us and told me to hide them in my bag on the way out because she put on the slip of paper that i only had to pay for two! and then, we stopped in the cafe on the way out and got two cheese pasties for the price of one, lol.

No pic yet, i will get one on shortly though. in fact, ill do it now.

Sorry ive not been around girls. ive been avoiding BnB a little as i was finding myself getting quite anxious and over analysing how i feel about the pregnancy so i just needed a little break. Im all caught up with you girls now and its great to hear that you are all doing so well (apart from insane MIL's of course, LOL!!)
Ah that's lovely am so glad it all went well Immi, can't wait to see a pic! :happydance:

That's annoying about the scan but like you say the chances are v. slim. We did it for the other things really as I have a disabled cousin with a chromosone prob with learning difficulties which is similar to downs so could never abort if it had of been. However we are obviously v. pleased with the result as even though we couldn't terminate we have seen the impact its had on the family and its been v. heartbreaking as she's now deteriorating a lot. She has niemann picks. For us it was the more serious ones, I think Edwards syndrome and Patau. A lot more rare than downs I believe though so like you say you'd have to be v. unlucky. Could you explain you were misinformed and get another one in?



this next one is a view from the top, the head is on the right and on the left you can see the fingers!

And this one is a view of the head, you can see the tooth buds and the little arms waving around in front of the face :cloud9:

hmm, i could ask again, couldnt i? its just so much trouble to go to, it was such a mission to get a babysitter for Jack and organise the trip up to the hospital as its over 25 miles away and my DH had to get the day off work to take me.
Amazing picks ladies!!!! They look so big!!! Can't wait for mine the difference from 10wks will be amazing!!!
The pics are gorgeous Immi! I think they're v. clear, maybe not quite as sharp but you got a lot more varied shots than us, what a cutie, he or she looks v. cosy in there!!!

How old are you hun? Maybe ask your midwife what they recommend, i'm so surprised they didn't mention it to you when you opted not to go for it. A close friend of mine had an awful time last yr with her pregnancy as the nuchal scan came up as high risk for downs. They would have been fine with that but the risk for Edwards and Patau was also v. high so they opted for the CVS due to this. They went to a specialist for a 2nd opinion before they agreed to this though but thought they better and the specialist actually increased the risk factor from what she'd been told with the NHS. He said it was more like a 1 in 2 chance for downs and 1 in 37 chance for Edwards and Patau. The deformities in the latter two I think are so bad and often result in death (from one of them I think) after birth hence why they decided if the baby was positive for one of those they would terminate as the quality of life is no way near on the same level as for downs. It was an emotional rollercoaster for them but luckily the combined results from the CVS amazingly came back negative and they now have a beautiful baby girl. My friend was 40. I think if she hadn't had the CVS she would have spent the whole pregnancy worrying. However a friend of a friend who's my age (30) went through all the tests last yr also to find the baby did have Edwards so had to terminate. It doesn't bear thinking about! Now I feel bad for telling you these scenarios but wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't say it and God forbid you little one had a high chance of either of these. I know its not ideal but there were some couples with their little ones there at my scan yesterday if getting a babysitter is a real prob, or perhaps you could all go and your OH can look after your little one outside whilst you go in for them to do the measurement. Did you have the blood test done at 10 wks at your booking in which is combined with the nuchal measurement for clearer results? Just have a think about it. Such a shame your hospital is so far away. Could they get you a scan at a closer one?

Don't worry about the NT test - I couldn't have one as my baby was lying face down!!!! Wouldn't turn over no matter how much I star jumped & ran around the room! I think I've decided not to go for the blood test route as well as I couldn't cope with the stress if it came back high risk & there's no way I'd get amnio done.

I think the pics look gorgeous & I'm very jealous that you got lots as I only got one but I'm very glad of my one.

I'm not keen on telling the whole world just yet as I'm still so scared of something happening! I know it's crazy as I'm now in 2nd tri but I just can't help it! I bet once I go back after Easter I'll not really be able to put it off . . .
charlie, im only 22, i did tell my midwife originally that we werent going to have the NT scan and she said that was fine and that she's sure we'd have nothing to worry about as we are both so young still. I am worried about things like edwards and patau, i know someone who found out their baby had edwards at the 12 week scan but it was a really severe version, i mean this poor baby had limbs where there shouldnt have been limbs and all sorts :cry: In our area we have the blood tests at our 12 week scan appointment, and i declined the downs syndrome ones. I just wish someone had bloody told me that it wasnt just downs it screens for, i cant believe they wouldnt be clear about that on the leaflet but i read through it again last night and there is literally NO mention whatsoever of any other chromosomal defect other than downs.

To be honest, i think we are just going to have to relax and what will be will be. I will be calling my midwife at some point soon to make a 16 week appointment with her so i will ask her on the phone then if there is anything i can do, perhaps she can let me have the blood tests at our unit and send them away :hmm:

aww rosie i totally understand your worry. Just tell people when you are ready to, hun. its up to you! And you know, even if you did tell people now and the worst happened, it would be okay. You'd need support to get through something like that. :hugs:
That's so cute. I think sometimes these bubs have their own agenda! My sis wanted to find the sex out at her 2nd scan and the little babe sat on her bottom the whole time and there was no way she was gonna give them a sneaky look! They had been desperate to find out at first but came out feeling like it just wasn't meant to be, they weren't meant to find out, they were meant to have a surprise. I know its not the same at all but also v. cute!

Hope I haven't said the wrong things about the tests Immi am feeling bad now, just got the sense you were having 2nd thoughts otherwise wouldn't have said anything. I'm sure you'll be just fine, surely with the more serious ones something in the development on the scan would have looked wrong but your little bubs looks just perfect. I guess it is all quite fresh in my mind from last yr. I was adamant i'd know what i'd do until my friends went through it and that was no way to the tests but hearing about it all first hand just gave me a different view point that really there is no right or wrong its whatever feels right for you to do at the time. :flower:

no no dont worry charlie, your right i was/am having second thoughts about it and im glad to be able to discuss it with someone :hugs: please dont feel bad hon, im glad to speak to someone who isnt just "oh everything will be fine dont worry" because that just isnt always the case, as you and i well know from having it happen to people close to us. :hugs:
Sorry Immi think our posts crossed. I'm sure you'll be just fine your a spring chicken after all! I would defo mention to your midwife though as if it wasn't made clear to you they may be making the same mistake with other pregnant mums too. When I was pregnant with Bella I assumed it was just the downs too and due to that we were set on not worrying about results as would never dream of terminating so no point in further tests and hadn't even heard of Edwards and Patau until experiencing it through my friends, so to be fair I guess if it wasn't for that I may have taken the same stand point as you myself this time. I think on my sheet from the scan it refers to the chromosome nos they relate to but what do they mean to anyone?! It is a bit bad really but i'm sure if they were concerned, like you were a lot older i'm sure they would have made it more clear to you. I guess going into too much detail with everyone is just going to worry lots of mums unnecessarily in most cases, a little 'too much' information if you know what I mean. Sorry to hear about your friend that's awful.

no no dont worry charlie, your right i was/am having second thoughts about it and im glad to be able to discuss it with someone :hugs: please dont feel bad hon, im glad to speak to someone who isnt just "oh everything will be fine dont worry" because that just isnt always the case, as you and i well know from having it happen to people close to us. :hugs:

Ah bless you thanks hun. I am the same would prefer someone not to just say what they think I want to hear. Although then I worry i'm too honest for my own good sometimes and there are times when things are best left unsaid. Thanks for the reassurance. :flower:

I still don't think I'm going to have the blood tests. It won't make any difference to me so I don't see the point. My sis didn't have them - she wasn't offered although her son is 1yr 6months. It can't be that new is it? Just remember millions of people had pregnancies with no scan as even those are a relatively new invention. My head teacher didn't have any scans with her children coz they weren't invented then. We live in an incredible age.

I'm not too worried about adults knowing I'm pregnant anymore (can't really hide it much longer as bump is growing!) I think it's the kids rumours I can't stand. They are really sweet, most of them are lovely but I hate rumours & gossip at the best of times! I'll just let them get on with it & not help it along! I'm sure I'll feel differently when I go back in 2 weeks.

I have a "feeling" I won't be able to find out the sex because of something similar Charlie. I don't know where this is coming from but I get a really strong feeling baby will tell us when it wants to & not when we want to know!!!! It's stubborn already - just like me!!!! When people ask me what I'm having I say "a baby", they seem to like it!
Hey Immi - Don't worry about the Nuchal - it is for Downs syndrome predominantly. Edwards and Patau syndrome are usually picked up at the anomally scan later in the pregnancy and are not usually compatible with life. The midwife should have been able to tell you your risks for Downs and other chromosomal abnormalities from your age alone?? I can tell you now that at 22 your are low risk for all of them!

The reason why I had the Nuchal is if we had a baby diagnosed with downs I am not sure if I would continue with the pregnancy so wanted to know my risk factor (sorry if you think I am wrong, but it is just a personal thing). I think if you do not mind either way and would continue with the pregnancy whatever then there is no point having the Nuchal.

If you decide you do want the Nuchal I would contact your midwife ASAP as the scan can only be done between 11 and 13+6 weeks. The other option your hospital may offer is the Triple Test - this is a blood test only that also gives you the risk factor for Downs. With both tests you usually get a risk factor for Downs and a risk factor for other chromosomal problems. I know that some hospitals don't offer the Nuchal to women who are under 30 or 35 - my hospital has only offered it to all women in the last year or so.

Your pictures are great though!!!!! Bubba looks very comfortable in there!!
Is that you in your profile picture - the tallest one?? Because you certainly don't look like you have much of a layer of fat in that picture!!!

Charlie - please be careful around your cats!!!! Make sure you wear gloves and ideally a mask (!!) when you change the litter - I would make them poo outside!! Your pictures are also wonderful! They are so clear!

MIL finally got hold of us today to ask when the due date is - OH told her October, she asked when in Oct but he wouldn't say. She got well eggy!!! But then called back after she had thought about it and said that when she was pregnant OH was 10 days late and she was really pissed off with people keep asking if there was any news yet!! So she understands why we are not telling people the real due date. Be warned ladies - if I were you I would lie too!!! From the women I have looked after they all say how annoying it is when you reach your due date all people do is text or call asking if anything is happening!!!! I just have to remind myself that she lives in Ireland and not just down the road!!

Thanks Amy. Its annoying as we never had litter trays for them since they were kittens (they are 8 now!) but we sold our house last yr and have been renting a place with patio doors and no cat flap and so we have to have the litter tray. So annoying. Am being v. careful though and should know more once I get my bloods back. The vet rang yesterday and said the lab told me to calm down as its so rare and its likely that our cat has had the antibodies a while so I may do too. Can't wait to move. We exchanged contracts on our purchase on Weds and are moving into our new home on 29 April, which does have a catflap, thank goodness!!!

I was 12 days late with Bella and did start to get a bit annoyed with people so that's a good idea just saying Oct for your due date. I haven't got that will power though, feel I wanna announce it to the world for some reason!

Hi ladies sorry not been about much. Been busy with the girls and had a mad rush to the hospital with Charlotte the other night. Thankfully shes ok and wasn't anything serious.

Immi and Charlie I love your piccies your babies are sooooo cute!!! I'm sorry you was misinformed about the nuchal scan but at 22 I wouldn't worry too much I'm 23 and had mine done a couple of weeks ago. The nuchal fold was measuring fine and I was told if I was high risk they would ring but not heard back so guessing I'm low risk. With the girls they never offered the nuchal scans then and I didn't have the triple test either and they were fine.

Only reason why I had nuchal is because of my angels.

Amy sorry to hear your mil was the one to tell people about your pregnancy I hate when people do that its not their news to share it should be you and your partner. Glad you have ruffled her feathers a bit and not told her the due date serves her right lol.

Rosie bless your pupils gossiping over wether you are pg or not. Won't be long til you will have to tell them because your bump will give you away lol.

If I have missed anyone out I'm sorry have a migraine and trying to think of the top of my head what everyone wrote.

Not much news from me. Been feeling the odd movement here and there but nothing regular just every few days baby will do a somersault or something. Can find h/b straightaway on doppler now which is good :D

My next scan is on Tuesday and the rest of April is going to be a busy month. The 21st is Jessicas 1st anniversary and getting her ashes buried,the 23rd I see my m/w, the 25th I have booked a gender scan and then the 26th I see my consultant. Will be 17 weeks at the end of this month so exciting knowing as each week passes we get closer to meeting our babies.

Oh and have fallen in love with a pram for baby if its a boy! Df keeps moaning that we don't need one but tbh the pram we have although the carrycot is in pristine condition I can say the same for the seat or frame as its been used by my dd since she was big enough for the seat mode and I fancy a change. He can't complain really as it will be me paying for it not him lol.

Anyways I'm going to get off my head is pouding and going to try to eat something. x

P.s Has anyone elses morning sickness/nausea come back. It went at about 11 weeks and now its decided to come back I feel dreadful unless I keep eating which is a challenge in itself as I still have no appetite :(
Hi Leigh. Just wanted to say good luck for Tues with your scan v. exciting. Sounds like April's a big month for you, hope all goes well on all counts!

I have been the same with the sickness, it went away tail end of wk 10 and week 11 (well wouldn't say it went away but was coming in waves and was less intense) but yet this last wk its been back with avengence! Its always been retching and the constant nausea with me but I was actually violently sick one eve this wk after dinner so the hormones must still be raging! Also the intense thirst is back which I think makes my nausea even worse. I hope you feel better soon and also that your headache subsides.


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