
omg im here!!! i have been trying to get on for days but i kept getting an error page :(

I had to spend another sodding £30 on bras today, the ones i bought from mothercare not even a month ago dont fit anymore!!! I may be feeling very uncomfortably fat but at least my boobs are impressive :haha: i'm an E cup now! holy moly!

Charlie, thats so exciting about movements!! i felt something last night too, and it was definitely baby. just little tiny flutters and a shifting sensation. i am sure what i felt at 9 weeks was just wind :laugh2:

amy, if it makes you feel any better your boobs probably wont get all that much bigger now. with my first pregnancy mine had done all of their growing by about month 4 :shrug: congrats on the downs result! :happydance:
Hi Immi

Am jealous re the boobs! Mine have got bigger but not enough for me to change bras yet, let alone twice! :haha:

Been feeling a few more flutters here and there so think its gotta be baby but still want something more conclusive before i'm 100% sure. Guess they'll just start to get stronger over the next week of two, f'xd!

Hi ladies just popping my head in I promise I will be around more soon just a bit of a hard month for me and I tend to go quiet.

Update on my complaint. Saw my consultant who took me straight to a scanning room and scanned me herself. she was ever so lovely and reassured me that she understood. Was only a quick scans o didn't get a proper look at baby but saw him/her jumping about in there. Been using my doppler everyday now as these next 4 weeks are going to be nervewracking for me :(

As for my complaint someone rang me up and basically was really bitchy towards me and said the hospital were doing all they can to give me the reassurance I needed and that the rules had changed and their hands were tied don't understand why they can't of sent me to the day unit and have me scanned by one of the midwifes but hey ho the nhs for you!

Given up on them tbh and not got to expect anything more from them with regards to my care. My next scan is the 26th and I see my consultant to discuss future scans but can't see them giving me any as I asked her when I saw her and she said I won't get anymore after my 20 week one so I got a bit teary and said not any at all so she said well maybe a couple so we shall see. If they scan me at 24 weeks and then again at 32 weeks I will be happy as I am booking a 4d scan at 28 weeks.

Oh and before I go I only have a week til my gender scan wahoo!!! I sooooo can't wait to start buying baby things!!!

Hope you ladies are well and I will catch up on your news tomorrow at some point. x
Thanks for your update Leigh. So glad your consultant was able to scan you to put your mind at rest. Shame the NHS are being so funny with you. Will keep my f'xd that you can get your scans for 24 and 32 wks. Can't believe you've only a week til you find out the gender! I have to wait til 27 May to find out! Can't wait to hear what team you're on!

Sending you some PMA and :hugs: to top you up for the next few weeks since I know they'll be tough for you. You have a little fighter in there this time though, so please try not to worry.

Thanks sweetie my 20 week scan isn't til 18th May but I'm to impatient to wait that long so going private instead :D Soooo excited!!! x
Just a quick update baby has started moving alot more now which is sooo reassuring up until last night baby would move every 2-3 days (or at least I would only notice it every 2-3 days lol). So last ngiht felt some movement and then agian at about 2pm today and he/she has just had a good wiggle in there and can still feel little vibrating movements and wiggles. Sooooooooooooooooo happy going to bed in a posiitve mood tonight. Its just the lift I needed this week. For the first time this pregnancy its finally sunk in for me there is a baby in there :happydance:

Come on Jellybaby you move as much as you want for me because I love feeling you wiggle in there!!

Hope everyone is doing well. x
aww thats so wonderful leigh!!! oh i cant wait until Flump starts moving more. its the most wonderful feeling. So happy for you honey :)

Just got back from another hellish shift at work. it wasnt even busy and yet i was still in so much pain by the end of it. Im really not coping very well with it. thank goodness i have the midwife tomorrow, i can talk to her about my rights regarding sick leave and whether they can force me to start my maternity leave early. And i may ask if she could refer me to physio, there must be something they can do to help me.

im sorry i havent replied to everyone, i have been reading though! i will come back in tomorrow and catch up/reply to everyone properly xxxx
I'm back! Probably won't get the cahnce to catch up 4 weeks!!!! So please excuse me if I don't quite seem with it for a while. I got stuck in Tenerife & just got back then am going crazy over GCSE's! Got my midwife app on thurs - v exciting. I'm hoping to hear the heartbeat. I've also felt baby move but just once or twice. The rest of the time I think it's just gas but don't really know. Exciting! Hope everyone is doing well. Rosie x
Goodness me rosie, so sorry you got stuck! although i can think of worse places in the world to be stranded in :laugh2: glad you got back safely. Take it easy, wont you!

How is everyone doing?
Glad you finally got back ok Rosie, what a nightmare! I hope you got to relax for the few days you were stuck and it didn't cost you too much. My cousin was supposed to go travelling last mon for 4 mths but won't leave now til tomorrow, she's been gutted bless her as she gave up her job to go so could have worked longer to get more spending money!

Hi Immi, I hope you're well.

I had my 16wk mw appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time (other than at the 12wk scan). :happydance: It was so amazing and feels much more real now! Have also been feeling a lot more movement over the past day or two and this was confirmed when she found the HB in the exact place i'd been feeling it last night! She said we have a little wriggler in there!

Sorry i've been so quiet on here but we're moving house on Thurs so things are a bit manic in our household! Just as a warning, I may be offline for a week or two until they sort our broadband out so apologies if I go quiet again from Thurs. Good luck to everyone with MW appointments and scans in the meantime.

Speak soon,

Charlie xxx
Hi ladies how are we all doing? Thread has been so quiet I know this month I have been awol alot but had so much going on I've just been posting in the late loss section (all to do with Jessica if you want to go have a read as I won't repost it here).

Rosie sorry to hear you were stranded in Spain but glad you got home ok. Bloody volcano eh?!! Hope school isn't stressing you out too much have you told the kids yet about baby?

Charlie thats great you got to hear the heartbeat its so reassuring isn't it! Hope the move goes smoothly for you.

Well i had my gender scan sunday and its a ........................................................

I am over the moon as I always wanted a son and I think its Jessicas way of trying to make her mummy smile again. Don't get me wrong girl or boy I would have been chuffed but this is our last baby and i really wanted to expereince having a son!

Hes doing really well the lady was kind enough to measure him for me and his head circumference measures bang on dates and his femur bone was a week behind but me and df aren't exactly tall nor are our girls so we aren't too worried about that.

Was so sweet as he was curled up in a ball and had his knee to his chest but his legs were wide open definately a boy not modest at all like his sisters who had their legs crossed lol.

Anyways introducing baby Lewis!!!




Congratulations Leigh, i'm so so happy for you!!! It feels so real now all the gender's are rolling in! I hope you're ok, sorry to post and run but moving tasks are calling me and its already 23.15! Take care. C x
Wow congratulations. Can't wait for my scan now! I've told the kids as they were proper hassling me & the other teachers! They're now trying to come up with names for me (not told them we've already chosen!)

I've got my 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow - really looking forward to hearing babies heartbeat. I've never heard one before - I'm sooo excited.

Oh and my tummy's grown!

Spain wasn't too bad, I only cried one day through lack of sleep & horrible people being inconsiderate but the hol was lovely & I'm recovered now so all well again. We're just a little out of pocket until we get refunds . . . if we get refunds. Lets hope so.
omg leigh!! im so happy for you honey. a little boy!!! :happydance: boys are so great, sooo much fun!! :D

sending hugs to all of you girls, sorry ive been quiet just havent had all that much to say really! just plodding along. i set up a baby sweepstake and id love it if you girls would have a go! its a free one, just for fun :)
Thanks ladies.

Hope your ok Charlie.

Rosie must be a relief now the kids know bless them picking out names how sweet!!! Hope your app goes well tomorrow and you get to hear bubs heartbeat. I missed my 16 week one pregnany brain strikes again and I completely forgot :blush: Midwife was ok with it though was more concerernd that i was ok lol. Saw my consultant a few days later so she didn't rebook it.

Glad you had a nice time and in Spain but ggrrr at incosiderate people. Hope you manage to get a refund.

immi- I think we are all the same atm just plodding along but come our 20 week scans and buying things am sure it will get busy on here again. x
so have you girls started thinking about names yet? i keep being asked what names we like and i honestly cant think of any that i *really* like. I like Niamh for a girl, but the poor thing would have to be spelling her name to EVERYONE for the rest of her life, i get that enough with my name (Imogen) and thats nowhere near as unusual :laugh2: I like biblical names for a boy, but at the same time i want something unusual. I like Malakai/Malachai (also could be shortened to Kai) but its a bit of a mouthful with our surname (O'Reilly)
Hi, I finally heard baby's heartbeat! Yeah. I'm so happy :happydance:

Heard baby moving too (felt baby moving lots this am) :happydance:

Wow, so that's why you girls bought dopplers!

Can't believe I have a little baby growing inide me - I love going to ante natal appointments coz I feel that they're somehow magical. I'm proper on :cloud9:

Oh and I've moved up one box on my ticker!!!!
Immi - we have our girl & boy names picked out already but we're not telling anyone. I like malachai though - good name!
aww thats great rosie, hearing the heartbeat is so magical! :cloud9: totally understand why youre not telling anyone the names, people will always find some way of spoiling them for you :laugh2: after a little help from the girls in the baby name section, i think i am decided on Niamh Rana for a girl. rana because its a variant of Veronica, which was my mums name (she passed away 6 years ago when i was 16). just got to persuade DH now lol
hi im_mi-i due in october too! this is my first pregnancy, so i haven't really gone through any losses, but i live in devon too if you happen to need another buddy :)

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